The Scam called "Tech stocks"

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Heracleum Persicum
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The Scam called "Tech stocks"

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


What is the definition of a "Technology Company" ?

"Technology Company" is a company that it's product (what it markets) is "technology".

"Technology companies" deserve "high, very high multiples" .. they can have no revenue but worth billions.

Companies who use technology to conduct their business, are not "Technology company" .. and do not deserve "high multiples"

Is McDonals selling burgers but using all kinds of technologies a "tech company" ? or 7/11 store ?


Is uBer ride-sharing a tech company ? Is Amazon selling stuff a Tech Company ? .. is FB social media a tech company ?

NO .. but Wall Street calls them tech stocks and gives them high multiples (pushing up stock price)

This intentional, political

These companies are supported by elite, establishment ... on-france/

The companies targeted include
taxi-hailing platform DiDi, Alibaba affiliate Ant Financial, entertainment streaming service Tencent, food delivery platform Meituan and e-commerce company

:lol: Food delivery Meituan, taxi-hailing, entertainment streaming .. worthless stuff

The Chinese put a stop on this rubbish .. preventing rubbish sucking all investment which should go to real tech companies developing real technologies.
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Re: The Scam called "Tech stocks"

Post by Typhoon »

Google is useful as a search engine, although the quality of the returned results has been declining over time.

Google Scholar is very useful if one wants to quickly find a specific scientific paper and related papers.
In the old days, one had to go to a uni library and search through massive tomes and/or pay a small fortune for some printouts from a proprietary database such as Scopus.

The Google search algorithm, PageRank, was a significant innovation which is why Google eclipsed the other search engines when it showed up.

The other innovation with Google and Facebook is the ability scale - the ability to handle a massive number of user request concurrently.
Amazon has pioneered online purchases, while its largest challenges are poor product quality and bogus reviews.

Have to agree with you regarding the rest. Creating an software application for a standard service, such as taxis or food delivery, is hardly "high tech". Unlike Google, FB, and Amazon, these types of companies have lost billions of dollars per quarter for years with no end in sight.
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Re: The Scam called "Tech stocks"

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 6:56 pm Google is useful as a search engine, although the quality of the returned results has been declining over time.

Google Scholar is very useful if one wants to quickly find a specific scientific paper and related papers.
In the old days, one had to go to a uni library and search through massive tomes and/or pay a small fortune for some printouts from a proprietary database such as Scopus.

The Google search algorithm, PageRank, was a significant innovation which is why Google eclipsed the other search engines when it showed up.

The other innovation with Google and Facebook is the ability scale - the ability to handle a massive number of user request concurrently.
Amazon has pioneered online purchases, while its largest challenges are poor product quality and bogus reviews.

Have to agree with you regarding the rest. Creating a software application for a standard service, such as taxis or food delivery, is hardly "high tech". Unlike Google, FB, and Amazon, these types of companies have lost billions of dollars per quarter for years with no end in sight.


Yes to all you say above, true , Google a phantasmic venture, company .. issue only is what Google is making money on (even the "cloud" that they big players now), is not "technology" but search, uTube etc, matured technologies .. Why should uTiube be a tech company ? ?

Question is, does Google deserve same multiple as a compony inventing new technologies ? ?

"High Multiple" rewards risk taking, to INVENT .. Wall Street should rewards only big risk takers with "high multiple"

That is determining for America beating China .. big risk taking must be rewarded

Watching these day stock market action, one can see that "big risk takers" are sold off and no risk BS stuff is bought by "Hedge funds" .. they call "re pricing risk".
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Nonc Hilaire
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Re: The Scam called "Tech stocks"

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Unlike Google, FB, and Amazon, these types of companies have lost billions of dollars per quarter for years with no end in sight.
The bottom has dropped out of many ‘Tech Stocks’.

It seems the ‘get market share first and worry about profitability later’ plan was funded by income from leveraged dark pools that have suddenly gone dry.

Now they are forced to instantly realize a positive cash flow, and are experiencing a Wile E. Coyote moment.
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