The War against the "non-existent" Self

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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

I dunno sir, I tap out at biological excuses. The behavioral sciences (for that biology) are at ground zero of the replication crises filled with lots of empty categorizations and whenever biology is invoked, it always reads like a defense of the progress dogma.
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by Parodite »

I would like to be proven wrong: without people with a predominantly "fascistic" self-ego, society is not possible. It has been the organizing principle through the ages.
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Yet if we are to take the evolutionary psychologists seriously, it is reverse dominance hierarchies that have profoundly shaped man by beating the ego out of him.
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by Parodite »

It's not that I think fascism (power hierarchy) is the only drive that shapes a society, just that it pulls the cart. Co-operation in social species like humans is also a natural mechanism: where individual self-interest, group-interest and continuation of the species align. Reciprocal trades.

Methinks we humans shoot ourselves in the foot by trying to erase the fascist/selfish life force, or reject the co-operative social necessities respectively. It results in the bi-polar cycloptic wars between the mutually exclusive left and right, most sharply occurring in the usa but also raging in Europe. Because we instinctively associate fascism with the dominant male patriarch and co-operation and care with the social mother and group safety... this bipolar disorder that separates the selfish fascist from the caring social also puts the axe at the male-female distinction.

The war against "the non-existent self" is not a UFC match of Selfish-Brat vs Selfless-Sam. It is Caring-Jane who is sick and tired of Terror-Tarzan's abuses, sending him to the door: You are out, Tarzan-NoMore! The result is a matriarchy however, that can also go fascist all the way. Cancel male-ID. Chicks with dicks. Gender appropriation. Biotheft!

Cutting off breasts and penises of confused adolescents. Mass regret later. Fortunately, at the end of these experimental roads to the gates of hell there always is the wailing wall to cry, grieve, complain and pray. It is very important to keep reminding God he better keeps his promises, lest he gets cancelled. Or turned into a female.
Last edited by Parodite on Wed Feb 22, 2023 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by Parodite »

"In the final analysis" (tm air Jordan Peterson), the human "non-existent Self/Ego" is just the evolution of regular animal ego. Primarily males needing to impress females for mating and impress other males competing for territory and mating rights. Preparing for a real fight. (during the actual sex or fight.. the ego disappears for a while)

Only difference with other mammals is we can look in mirrors and identify ourselves there, as well as create "conceptual mirrors" in descriptions of ourselves. This means that just as any other natural feature, behavior, characteristic.. our animal ego is recognized and conceptualized as a characteristic of our body in terms of looks and behavior.

So my contention is simply that the ego exists and is as functional as any other biological trait. Self-image, conceptually enriched as it can be, is an extension of animal ego. From body painting, to being a wonderful actor, superb writer, successful scientist with a nobel prize, wearing cloths that fit the desired class image to impress the right people.. a whole range of genuine narcissistic and functional behaviors.

In contrast, look at males who believe the ego is a non-existing phantasm, that like free will.. simply doesn't exist. But that supposed reality of non-existence doesn't come naturally: all kinds of conceptual tricks and exercises are needed to get rid of the ego-bastard. Like sitting still, closing your eyes and think of... nothing. Becoming mindfully mindless. This obviously is a hoax: all that it does is preparing your body to go to sleep. And then lo-and-behold, while (almost) sleeping... the ego has "vanished". But that is only "in your dreams" quite literally. During waking hours when action is are back where you started. Being a selfish bastard with an ego.

When males discover they can only fail trying to self-abort their male egos.. the only solution left is to adopt/emulate a female ego. And hope for the best.

Success is not always guaranteed, or good for your health anyways:
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by Parodite »

Maybe the title is a bit over the top unfairly referring to "over-feminization" since this approach applies equally to males and females, young, old etc. but this is a very nice, down to earth, sensible, informative conversation and healthy approach to life, meaning, health etc. Best of Air Jordan thusfar imo, thanks also to Rafe Kelly. Parkour and Rough Play: Combatting the Over-Feminization of the West | Rafe Kelley | EP 343

Didn't know where to post it, but in made me think of how to approach the self in a natural way without ignoring it, waging war against it nor turning it into some divine overblown fantasy christmas tree. Instead, just the biologically grounded, existing self as the representation of our body acting out in the environment.
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by noddy »

thing is of course that nobody wants human au naturel, the conservatives might claim that de clawing boys is unnatural and the progressives might claim that restricting sexuality is unnatural but neither side, on any level, is interested in non cultivated humans.

so what we have is lots of unfocused, tribal squabbling and finger pointing at cultivations that people dont like, with vague claims of authenticity and natural (tm) requirements.

in this case, i do think boys and girls do benefit from rough and tumble upbringings but thats just my preference because my background has shown me it makes for less fragile, more well rounded adults.

people who grew up in abusive households are terrified of all that - and we sure do have a lot of abusive households out there.
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Natural is so loaded and probably already peaked in the conceptual web of language games. That people still want to claim it seems to be out of rhetorical habit.

What do 100% city folks know about natural anyway?
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Post by Parodite »

"Live like a natural x/y/z" could indeed be a slogan used to market any product or service, promote different lifestyles, ethnicities, religions, philosophies, political spectra.

Add the quantum-esque art of being more than one thing at the same time. Being both man-and-woman, inclusive-and-exclusive, unique-and-common, member-and-crowd, one-and-many. "Natural" can mean anything and nothing at all.

Maybe all this is just a reaction to language, notably nouns, not being able to represent the fullness of life. It tends to put living things into labeled boxes. In short, you end up in prison on death row.

The illiberal left, especially the gender-identitarians of Cell Block Number 9, believe that making more and different types of boxes to sit in, tagged with various labels, combinations of labels... will give them the freedom and peace of mind they seek. Oy-ve, don't threaten those... I am that I am that I say that I am or will be!

This begs the question: "what is a natural inmate"? Maybe one who can be both inside-and-outside the building at the same time.

The word “unnatural” probably is on the verge of being cancelled from the dictionary. Everything that is or can be is natural after all.

If it means this ginormous collection of redundant boxes and labels will be thrown out of the window is doubtful. There is the issue of hoarding. It's not always easy to let go of old stuff. A meaningful past hijacking a troubled present. Nostalgia is a thing too...
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Add the quantum-esque art of being more than one thing at the same time.
I do this deliberately, but not as a definitional ‘box’ or either/or label.

I’m seeing truths as vectors with a wandering stochastic direction and with variable intensity/focus. Sometimes a laser; sometimes a nightlight. But always truth/light.

Not much truth fits neatly into a syllogism. All a human can reasonably ask of light is that is illuminates something useful and has heuristic value.
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by Doc »

Given the nature of the conversation this might be of interest to some here.

The Nashville shooting while a very real tragedy seems to be a window into a greater tragedy.

I first became aware of the Nashville church school shooting when I read a post by a trans-person or trans supporter on reddit. The person had absolutely zero empathy for children being killed and went into a manifesto/rant about genocide against trans people.
Trans activists are saying that they need to arm and take action because they are being genocided. When the fact is genocide means preventing the genes of a group of people being passed on. While they have already been self genocided. So they are literally claiming there is a war against their non existent offspring that will never exist.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Doc wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:16 pm Given the nature of the conversation this might be of interest to some here.

The Nashville shooting while a very real tragedy seems to be a window into a greater tragedy.

I first became aware of the Nashville church school shooting when I read a post by a trans-person or trans supporter on reddit. The person had absolutely zero empathy for children being killed and went into a manifesto/rant about genocide against trans people.
Trans activists are saying that they need to arm and take action because they are being genocided. When the fact is genocide means preventing the genes of a group of people being passed on. While they have already been self genocided. So they are literally claiming there is a war against their non existent offspring that will never exist.

And imagine all these crazy people armed to the teeth

Am really astonished, and this is a praise and compliment for America, that despite everybody being armed to the teeth, there not much of these kind shooting. Sort of miracle.
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by Doc »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:42 pm
Doc wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:16 pm Given the nature of the conversation this might be of interest to some here.

The Nashville shooting while a very real tragedy seems to be a window into a greater tragedy.

I first became aware of the Nashville church school shooting when I read a post by a trans-person or trans supporter on reddit. The person had absolutely zero empathy for children being killed and went into a manifesto/rant about genocide against trans people.
Trans activists are saying that they need to arm and take action because they are being genocided. When the fact is genocide means preventing the genes of a group of people being passed on. While they have already been self genocided. So they are literally claiming there is a war against their non existent offspring that will never exist.

And imagine all these crazy people armed to the teeth

Am really astonished, and this is a praise and compliment for America, that despite everybody being armed to the teeth, there not much of these kind shooting. Sort of miracle.

As I watched the video I was thinking they would be better off going to Yellowstone and finding some grizzly bear cubs to play with.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Going back to the young lady I posted earlier:

Perhaps a problem many of us have suffered from at some point is with confounding our predictive language with our commanding language.

The lady's hysteria is clearly borne from being unable or unwilling to separate the two.
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Doc wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:16 pm Given the nature of the conversation this might be of interest to some here.

The Nashville shooting while a very real tragedy seems to be a window into a greater tragedy.

I first became aware of the Nashville church school shooting when I read a post by a trans-person or trans supporter on reddit. The person had absolutely zero empathy for children being killed and went into a manifesto/rant about genocide against trans people.
Trans activists are saying that they need to arm and take action because they are being genocided. When the fact is genocide means preventing the genes of a group of people being passed on. While they have already been self genocided. So they are literally claiming there is a war against their non existent offspring that will never exist.
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Re: The War against the "non-existent" Self

Post by Doc »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:52 am
Doc wrote: Mon Apr 03, 2023 8:16 pm Given the nature of the conversation this might be of interest to some here.

The Nashville shooting while a very real tragedy seems to be a window into a greater tragedy.

I first became aware of the Nashville church school shooting when I read a post by a trans-person or trans supporter on reddit. The person had absolutely zero empathy for children being killed and went into a manifesto/rant about genocide against trans people.
Trans activists are saying that they need to arm and take action because they are being genocided. When the fact is genocide means preventing the genes of a group of people being passed on. While they have already been self genocided. So they are literally claiming there is a war against their non existent offspring that will never exist.
While life is hard it does not have to be so complicated.
When I was very young my grand parents took care of me while my parents worked. I came across this video the other day and it really blew me away how much it is like what my life was like back then.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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