On conservative and libertarian stupidity

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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

The 2022 CLS award goes to The Daily Wire!

A usually smart, fun, conservative-libertarian think-tank but on occasion so bat-crazy it boggles the mind.

Earlier in 2021, with Ben Shapiro saying he doesn't want the federal gvt to have the power to control and standardize the way national elections are organized, even when aiming to develop technologies and procedures to ensure all voters feel the final results can be trusted. Included Trump voters.

Rephrasing BS Shapiro: "If you give the federal the gvt that much power... the risk is too high that this power will be abused! We all know what the danger of too much central power is..." Not just stupid IMO, but crazy beyond crazy.

Recently this Matt Walsh with his movie "What is a woman?". Easy shot from the hip exposing the woke-type lefties, check-mating them, pushing them into a self-referential loop. Showing the political intolerant idiocies and medical excesses they produce like brainwashing young children into situations where they start to feel there is something wrong with them and definitely need to consider a sex change.

But Walsh throws the ball back into the dark middle ages: he says gender dysphoria is a mental illness. Instead of promoting the idea that whatever is at the core of phenomena like these, let's start with not defining minorities as mentally ill and instead accept who they are, listen what they have to say.

Even without being bullied, these kids and adults who feel they are trapped in the wrong type of body obviously experience an amount of stress, loneliness and confusion. Add an environment with kids who start to bully them, adults who try to help them saying "Don't worry, this phase will pass, it is an illness and there is help!"... unintentionally rubbing salt into the wounds. Where eventually the psychological trauma is so severe that revenging on society with woke-illiberalism is only natural. Karma. Some groups of people may deserve each other.

An analogy comes to mind: albino Africans who are total outcasts, chained in huts outside their village. Their bones believed having magical powers so afro-albino bone powder became a profitable market too. Imagine they unite and with some other minority sympathizers revolt, demanding acceptance, protection and some TLC. But it ain't really coming because it is still same ol': "You are ill. Don't bother me, go see a doctor, hopefully you can be cured... Now go weirdo!" With bullies always round the corner, as is the nature of things.

Could be a nice title for a new sequel on Netflix: Albino. When outcasts cross-species unite. Starring an albino snapping turtle.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

How can a productive&reproductive republican be against left-wokish women killing their own children before birth? One could argue that nature has its own ways, often red in tooth and claw for sure, of solving certain problems. No need for those who don't want to breed.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

And now for the video....'>......

She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Parodite wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 10:02 pm How can a productive&reproductive republican be against left-wokish women killing their own children before birth? One could argue that nature has its own ways, often red in tooth and claw for sure, of solving certain problems. No need for those who don't want to breed.
The killing of fetuses is no longer an issue as abortifacients are easily obtained. The issue now is the killing of uncontestably live births, and the sale of living or freshly killed baby bodies for research, cosmetics, medicine, drugs and food.

Nobody wants to touch that ghoulish reality, so public discussion is being forced back into the irrelevant but politically predictable paradigm of the 1970’s.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Doc »

Nonc Hilaire wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 3:21 am
Parodite wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 10:02 pm How can a productive&reproductive republican be against left-wokish women killing their own children before birth? One could argue that nature has its own ways, often red in tooth and claw for sure, of solving certain problems. No need for those who don't want to breed.
The killing of fetuses is no longer an issue as abortifacients are easily obtained. The issue now is the killing of uncontestably live births, and the sale of living or freshly killed baby bodies for research, cosmetics, medicine, drugs and food.

Nobody wants to touch that ghoulish reality, so public discussion is being forced back into the irrelevant but politically predictable paradigm of the 1970’s.
Everyone born in America since 1974 can truthfully claim to be an abortion survivor.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

Best advice given to the GOP. But would they follow Scott's advice? No... but it makes total sense. The woody Repubs just are not that talented in persuasion, and clueless how to win hearts and minds.

Episode 1868 Scott Adams: Find Out Why Republicans and Democrats Are Different
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by crashtech66 »

Persuasion has been replaced by intimidation, scare tactics, or aggrieved whining. I have not seen any attempts by any politician in power to persuade anyone, not for years now.
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Free as a bird [Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity]

Post by Parodite »

A lot of good stuff from Milei, but here he exposes himself as another choir boy for the global corporate villains. In the libertarian church "the private sector" can do whatever it wants. Do business with CCP China, probably with Nazi Germany if the past would re-iterate itself. All free trade is holy.

Being anti-socialist, pro small gvt and pro free trade (in principle) is a good thing and by now standard wisdom… but then at the same time signaling bizcorp can do business with whoever they want instantly turns Milei into a clown: he fights a local fire on the neo-Marxist socialist woke left, but fuels an emerging globalist firestorm on the right. Makes no sense to criticize the WEF and at the same time feed Glob the Beast.

If Argentinians would democratically choose to not allow any trade, any business with China... why not?

A "boycott" has negative connotations, as if you want to punish the boycotted for alleged sins, hoping it will convince them to change their behavior and "teach them a lesson". A boycott has a strong moralistic taste to it. This is IMHO a dangerously deceptive way of framing it.

Instead, try this:

To not do business with certain entities can simply be common sense, a healthy decision. Anyone who decides to not participate in the trade of illegal drugs for instance, is "boycotting" the drug cartels and their down-stream traders and hustlers. You just stay away from these cogs of evil because you will probably get hurt! Simple selfish reasons.

There is no moral message there for cartels nor any ethical grand-standing going on. Nor is there the illusion that not participating in the drug trade will make those criminals disappear; you just don't want to go there to protect yourself.

If enough people in a democracy are convinced that doing business with certain players will hurt them eventually; economically, physically, mentally, or even just morally... they can vote and choose representatives in a gvt to enforce a "boycott" of such entities and stay away from them. Completely.

Interestingly enough, criminal law will identify what participating in criminal activity means on the individual level. Person (a) steals a car and sells it to person (b) who knows it was stolen. As individuals we are not left off the hook but if you are bigcorp, you suddenly are as free as a Milei Bird and sell Zyklon-B to Nazi Germany if there is a demand. "Doing trade as adults"... whatever that is supposed to mean.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Doc »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Tue Oct 18, 2022 5:06 pm Life expectdncy.jpeg
86 million Chinese have been unaccounted for after COVID. There are lies, damn lies, statistics, and F'ing CCP lies.
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A Joke for an Eye [Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity]

Post by Parodite »

While woke commissars on the left get personal attacking individuals, looking their victims in the eye while cancelling them... the more civilized conservatives and libertarians "defend" themselves by merely talking about their woke enemies in abstractions using group-IDs: the woke, the far left, the intolerant left etc.

The more emotional left is naturally more concerned with the personal. The right tends to think in terms of systems and "way of life" as a general philosophy or principle, that will serve the well-being of more individuals all things considered.

When things go wrong... conservatives want to change operations and the rules of the game, while progressives make it personal and finger-point at individual villains they see on the right. And go after them in prey-mode.

This is another example of not plying the same game. No eye for an eye, nor a candy for a candy.

Conservatives apply their principles and values to themselves, as-if living from predetermined script: holy scripture and/or the rule of law mixed with your own moral value system, i.e. your conscience.

The rules of the game, also the rule of minimal rules in libertarian circles, are essential to them. In their own eyes this is the right thing to do; rather than making it personal they prefer keeping it general, i.e. civilized.

The only allowed personal attacks are humor or mocking. Onset dementia Joe Biden of course is a perfect victim to mock, as is crackling Kamala Harris. Or the tragi-comedic excesses of woke culture; half of Ben Shapiro’s output on YouTube is mocking Wokies. But that is a joke-for-an-eye... not even the beginning of a real fight.

The reason Trump was able to take over the GOP might have something to do with this deficit of conservative culture: the inability to make it personal because you think you are too good a conservative for that. It is considered not ethical to use evil to fight evil, to fight fire with fire.

To be a nasty b*tch, a bully to bully the bullies. To destroy the careers of the people who destroyed yours. To blame and shame those in public who did that to you. Trump is the man for the dirty job.

Woke cancelite terrorists get away with stabbing the eyes of their victims because these are the right type of victims; too nice and too civilized to name and shame the individuals who did it to them. Who sat in that board room meeting and voted Yes to get rid of you. In the name of IED or whatever ideology.

The anonymous villains and cowards. Bullies choose their victims wisely: the weak and defenceless.
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Harvard's Frontal Lobotomy [Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity]

Post by Parodite »

The Personal and The General

I doubt it is just confirmation bias: once I started noticing that decent people want to keep it general and tend to see solutions on the level of systems, operations and principle, I keep seeing it; it now is everywhere. There seems a clear psychological divide between those who play bitchy cancelite personal games and those playing general, decent games without resorting to personal attacks.

Now it is not the case that decent people who keep it general are blind to the personal, to the nature and needs of the human individual and the fact that each individual is unique. It is because most decent people understand and appreciate sufficiently the value and uniqueness of each individual, that they conclude that certain principles, rules and systems are needed to maximize wealth generation and human well-being. Where also is taken into account that a big part of what we are individually and as societies, goes beyond rules, laws, or systems.

The Unknown is a bit like dark matter; it is there.. but what it is nobody knows. Maybe a side-effect of something else that is also unknown, or a different manifestation of a known that is incompletely understood, or completely known but stored under a different name with a false address, maybe an optical delusion as in shadow art.

More than the sum of its identifiable parts, as an old dead horse once observed.

Influenced, if not completely controlled, by forces that go far beyond constitution, culture, human life, et-al. I like to call that bigger reality Nature.

Nice thing about the word Nature is, that it can refer both to the Quantitative that is available to scientific endeavor, as well as the Qualitative more ineffible aspect. The latter is perhaps hard to capture (if at all) but it is real and part of the experiential landscape.

Caveat: What can be said about nature and the nature of reality independent from our conscious experience... is certainly one of the hardest questions to answer. Especially how our conscious experience correlates with that bigger reality of which it is part. But that question rather quickly pushes you into the realm of mere speculation, assertions, various religious day dreaming and all sorts of quantum magic (where things can be true and false at the same time, camouflaged by that decoy duck superposition) that will put a bag over your head and send you off to Guantanamo bay.

LH and RH

Can't judge the science, but left and right brain hemispheres supposedly perform different functions.

Left hemisphere LH: Linear, causal thinking. Facts in focus added like markers on a map. Linear functionality allows to travel meaningfully from a to b. These travels are like a story-line, a narrative. The text that guides you through the landscape; the RH context.

Right hemisphere RH: non-linear, spatio-temporal relationships between markers (facts). The environment, the context that gives meaning to the text provided by the LH.

LH text and RH context together generate a meaningful narrative.

Put the RH on standby and facts become a dead collection of markers without context, hardly an environment, no story or meaning. STEM science occasionally makes you feel life-less, bogged down in a grave yard surrounded by corpses?

Put the LH on standby and you have no meaningful story either because there is no story line, no travel, no narrative, no markers, no beacons on the map. You dissolved into the environment, like a Buddhist here nor there but at the same time everywhere and everything all at once. The source of all delusions of grandeur?

My suspicion is that this state is what people call "the enlightened state", where the core trick is to put the LH to sleep, on sub-conscious standby. This allows for lucid dreaming etc. With the door locked and no predators around; safety precautions are needed.

For survival, both LH and RH are crucial and need to be in sync, inform each other. A predator needs be located in space and time with a marker on the map to be anticipated with fight, flight, playing dead or merging with the environment.

A dreamer, with his LH on standby in an ecstatic convergence with nature as a whole without sufficient security arrangements will be fermented in somebody else’s stomach rather quickly. An academic dreamer does need safe spaces. No joke! Facts can threaten him any moment... in the shadows lurk conservative boogey men like paper-shredding Ben Shapiro who doesn't give give a damn about your personal feelings. Because he out-sourced his RH to Orthodox Judaism, a tribal safe space for Jews-only.

A facts collecting scientist with his RH on standby, busying himself with endless abstracted data but hardly engaging the living map... will end up very fast in somebody else’s stomach too; distracted by his cherished facts, losing sight of what is actually around him, missing the moving shadow just before it jumped on him.

The oblivious dreamer and the nerdy scientist become whole again when they get mixed into a chemical digestive soup and are recycled once again. Beyond recognition and leaving zero trails behind of course. I imagine quantum fluctuations in the vacuum to be the boiling soup where the magic of destruction and creation actually happens.

Cancel culture is more than just a woke invention growing on cultural Marxist delusions and post-Christian social messianism. Deep down the knowledge: all our memories will be erased. Nature does cancel things, continuously.

How this rant inevitably leads to Harvard: when an ideology, a fundamentalist faith takes over both the RH and the LH you get Harvard. Just as an example.

Harvard’s Frontal Lobotomy

The RH map, the ever changing living landscape of life.. stops updating, disconnected from sensory input and, in academics, from new or competing ideas. Then a collection of desperate and arbitrary facts (the Marxist data dump) collected by the LH places markers on a RH dogmatic-virtual map, creating a narrative that will not update itself anymore, putting individuals in caged relationships. Criticism no longer allowed. A prison of fear, doors and windows shut. Watch the suffocation.

IMHO, let institutions like Harvard die their natural death. Don't whine and complain. Just don't send your own kids there, nor put your money in it as a sponsor - if you don't want to go down with them. Hasten their demise, don't give them any good advice nor a medicine! Death is the solution to an unsolvable problem and ending the suffering that went along with it.

There is some misplaced nostalgia that makes good decent people wanting to save the Harvard beast. Once a glorious institution but now like many others on a slippery slope that inevitably goes downhill to the grinder on the rocks below. Where things get completely destroyed but new realities are able to emerge. Only then.

The downside of Conservatism: the stubborn desire to keep and preserve what was already marked for destruction. You don't like woke leftists and dysfunctional families who abort their babies? That is just crazy. If you want less of them, cheer them on! Even give them some extra cynical advice: abortion must be allowed as late as possible in the pregnancy. It will break their biological core, kill their desire to live.

Across all species one thing is holy: off spring. Mothers told to be proud and happy killing their own babies; nature (Capital and lower case) provides no path for survival there. Let them extinct themselves, in dead end street.

Better a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy... does make some sense.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

To continue this rant. How it is possible that decent Republicans are able to lose from a completely derailed, corrupt institution like the DNC where gangster soul-broken, bi-sexual, bi-racial crowd pleaser Obama and his corrupt corporate allies is still calling the shots, with an onset dementia empty shell called "Joe" and a crackling cuckoo called Kamala at his side, the best they have to offer?

One would expect that any half-decent Republican should be able to win with a landslide from these jokers. Trump may win, if still alive, but could also lose. When enough people are convinced he is a criminal and an existential threat to US democracy. He might turn this around by forgetting what they have done to him, putting his personal need for revenge on-hold. Communicate with dignity, emulate some of Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy. Step over his own shadow, but that one is huge and veeery long.

The fact that Trump was able to take over the GOP means that the future of the GOP is either nationalist America First, populist loud mouth blue collar, or decent higher educated with swampy nobodies unable to win fights, just as in the past. Decently operating Republicans will get sidelined and feeling less @home in the GOP when the populists are invading its ranks. This is bad news for decent Repub Americans, but probably good news for America as a whole.

Trump makes fights personal. Always does. The advantage of being an egotistical narcissist. He fights the same way his worst enemies fight. Which is why they fear and demonize him, try bankrupt him, exhaust him mentally, physically with never ending lawfare.

Decent Repubs do fundamentally not understand why they always lose but Trump wins. A theory can be that decent Repubs by and large are devout Christians with high moral standards, like do no harm to others, forgive and forget.. and most importantly.. leave the dirty personal fights to God. Who will surely send his army of angels to punish and kill all enemies on Judgment day.

Outsourcing the personal to a Devine entity while hiding away in general decencies.. is a good recipe during peaceful times, but disastrous when the wolves are at the gate ready to take over your territory. Analogous to the state of Israel and its creation: secular cut-da-crap Eastern European and Russian knucklehead Jews who stopped praying to imaginary friends and decided that only muscle, money, weapons, will power and smarts could deliver them the territory they so desperately needed.

Rejecting the personal has another disadvantage. One cannot be personally nasty when necessary, but neither be personally amicable and empathic when needed. A lot of wokies are youngsters lost in life with messed up minds. It is easy to make fun of them, but more effective to once in a while speak their language, echo back their concerns and worries, agree with some of their goals and appreciate their usually good intentions. They want to be listened to and respected. Decent Repubs have a structural disability to parent these woke children. Why? Me thinks because decent Repubs are in fact also still children and hardly ever grow up, as there always is, well.. there he is, God the Father. Another source of endless infantilisation.

Trump is organically a-religious. He seems to shrug his shoulders when it comes to the metaphysical. A late teen now, maybe even reaching adulthood in November being tried and tested sufficiently. More people will start to like him. If he also legalizes soft drugs, keeping a healthy middle between pro-life and pro-choice, with enough skin color variation and biological sexes surrounding him, pardoning Julian Assange on day one, get back to normal border controls... confuse enough minds abroad with his often ineffable mad-dog rhetoric, a strange un-eventful period of peace may re-emerge when the Orange Ape dances around once again.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

libertarianism is "sod off and leave me alone" .. which is a pleasant stance when you can get away with it, but a one way trip to being a victim because if you arent involved in society, society will make choices without you.

I have no idea what modern conservatism is, its totally unfathomable beyond ranting about abortion and trannies while quietly getting most of its votes because of tax policy.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

noddy wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:10 am libertarianism is "sod off and leave me alone" .. which is a pleasant stance when you can get away with it, but a one way trip to being a victim because if you arent involved in society, society will make choices without you.

I have no idea what modern conservatism is, its totally unfathomable beyond ranting about abortion and trannies while quietly getting most of its votes because of tax policy.
Lower taxes seems indeed the only sales pitch left for them.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

y'all act like John McCain and Mitt Romney-- moderate and liberal republicans-- weren't tarred and feathered. Especially "binders full of women" Mitt Romney. A pro-choice Republican governor of Massachusetts, with zero convictions but plenty of commitments and able to portray dignity- whatever that's supposed to mean.

At some point this just comes off as "Republicans are icky and should be beaten till morale improves."
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

Never said that someone who appeals to neither base nor centre is a good option :)

just sayin that the right wing in my country does much better when it focuses on cost of living problems , we have compulsory voting so capturing the moderates is a requirement of getting elected here.

how in an increasingly non christian country, do folks gets attracted to conservatism which is always branding itself in authentic christianity.

(also, note for detail, my state is currently 40%!!! fresh off the boat immigrants, and the 50/50 split of "white australian" left/right isnt actually capable of a magority any more)

so far, to my eye, thats a hurdle too far, so it comes back to cost of living policy more than anything.

its probably not possible to focus on the "whats" without having a religious background in the "why"

none of this is probably relevant to the US, which has a robust political christianity to vote for it.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

Decent rightwing people tend to avoid making fights in politics and culture personal, while the extreme/indecent left have made it their business model to attack personally. A relatively small group of intolerant attack dogs has thusly managed to be on top and dominate. Call them woke, post-modernist, socialist-commi whatever, the label is less important.

Some professor was fired because she insisted that a woman has a vagina and a man a penis; nowhere is a list published of the collegues who cowardly voted yes to get rid of her. If such a thing would happen to me, the only thing between me and smashing the teeth of these monstrous "collegues" would be the thought that the price of justice would be jail. But at least the minimum price these cowards and quasi human beings would have to pay is to be publically exposed with shame by name. That's what IMO a healthy "eye for an eye" looks like.

The only way to win a war of people who declared war on you: you hit back harder. To just sit there as a decent republican talking in general terms about what's wrong with woke et-al, is just a pathetic display of weakness.

The delusion that evil should be conquered with goodness. Christians tend to virtue signal moral superiority believing they score divine points and benefits by not responding in kind to woke a-holes and cowards: but that is why they lose and are hand picked by leftwing bullies.

If you put on your biology filter, obviously what goes on is simple and age old bullying. Victims of bullying are identified and picked because they are vulnerable. Trump was then picked by defenceless, weak republicans to bully the democrat bullies for them. For Trump to bully and be bullied maybe is the same thing: he seems to love it.

As for immigration and low income slave labor, the same decent right wingers have another weakness: the sturdy belief that if it is good for business it can only be 1:1 good for society.

Maximizing profit as the leading principle in a global market means that all businesses compete for the cheapest labor and that an immigrating cheap labor force is inevitable. If you unilaterally close your borders for cheap labor, businesses can't compete anymore and either go bankrupt or move abroad. This of course makes business sense, but if the end result is that societies in the West disintegrate socially-culturally, also the institutions that make free market capitalism possible will disintegrate eventually, at least on the national level which necessitates these supporting functions to be organised on a supra-national level. Where you have the globalist burocrat apparatnics ready and waiting to take over.

Huge institutions and banks not suffering from checks and balances nor messy democratic process. One could conclude that blind, short sighted absolutist free market dogmatism inevitably leads to a global techno-buro-financiatric dictatorship. Which, I might be wrong, was predicted by Karl Marx. At least that one way or other, capitalism inevitably self-destructs.

As far as I can tell and remember, decent rightwing republicans have always had one or two faithful dogmas: lower taxes and less government. Agreed. Let businesses do business with minimal interference. But, if it means that environmental (everything minus global warming) and social issues are ignored.. then what? Do charity or even better, pray to baby Jesus and you'll be fine?

Decent rightwingers have always been deaf or playing dead on social issues, the leftwing agenda in general. Frozen in their conservative universe, they never answered the phone. The conservative message may be that facts are important and that those facts don't care about your feelings, Ben Shapiro could have phrased it even simpler, more direct and honest: We conservatives don't give a fu.k about you, your environmental concerns nor your obsessions with social and racial fairness.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

This really brings to focus the actual kernel of truth in that grimy old Marxist axiom: bourgeoisie liberals will seek whatever they perceive as remaining of the ancient conservative order to use as a cudgel against the lower classes and orders.

"Conservatives are stupid" is more a command than an assertion in reinforcing the pecking order of things: conservatives are supposed to be beasts of burden to trudge out to make sure the fields are tilled, not to actually participate in civil society. Heaven forfend.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

Currently in Australia we have conservatives rallying for free speech on Musk not removing the gory stabbing of the priest in Sydney and the government trying to get the videos removed.

So now snuff movies on a platform without age filtering is a conservative value.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »


I know that post is untrue because it's missing the right and obligatory cultural clauses:

Currently in Australia, a land I with all my heart and might acknowledge as stolen and the real sovereign territory of [insert tribe], we have conservatives, a people with all my heart and might I acknowledge to be colonial fascists without a right to speech, rallying for free speech, a concept with all my heart and might to be a danger to our democracy on this stolen non-sovereign territory as a form of misinformation and a breeding ground for hate which has no rights on Musk not removing the gory stabbing of the priest in Sydney a place with all my heart and might acknowledge to be in actuality a colonial non-entity and the priest asked for it and the government who I acknowledge with all my heart and might to be an illegal extension of the colonial-settler regime, trying to the get the videos removed.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Truth be told, I checked out of following that story a while ago because it immediately had all the signs of a depressing sh!tstorm.

I do not understand why people put so much trust into Elon Musk to be something more than he is but why should I trust the Australian gov't to have good intentions about the matter either?
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

Twitter can either be liveleak/ 4chan or it can be a public platform with families and businesses involved.

Australian government is just expecting them to want to be the latter.

Arguing for live assaults and murders on your news feed is not a conservatism i would care for.


It would have been censorship to bury the story, but that didnt happen.

The strom is over the gory footage
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

Oh, you forgot the resepect for traditional elders, past , present and future!
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

None of which matters, the aus government centralised and filtered the internet a long time ago - bipartisan anti terrorism blah blah.

It was just me making a point about not knowing what the conaervative stance is anymore.

The wokes are equally reactionary, slipper slope obsessed aswell.

Its a world of paranoia, of projecting worst case perpsectives on everyone and everything.

Its a world of 'they are being idiots so o get to be an durian too'

No wonders the birthrates are down and the mental health problema are up
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