What music are you listening to? | 2

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Apollonius »

Air instrumental et chœur final (from La couronne de fleurs, pastorale en musique) - Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1645-1704) ; Cassandre Berthon, Valérie Babail, sopranos ; Robert Getchelli, countertenor ; Jean-François Novelli, Jean-Baptiste Dumora, bass ; Ensemble Amarillis directed by Héloïse Gaillard
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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Parodite »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Typhoon »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Great Hall of the Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory


Tasnif Hanuz Hosein Nourshargh & Group Ghamar
Concert Hanuz( Still), Iranian classical music, Great Hall of the Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory 23.10.2012

Tasnif "Hanuz". Lyrics -- Hafez, music -- Navid Dehghan
Navid DEHGHAN (leader, kamancheh)
Nasim ARBABI (kamancheh)
Alireza GERANFAR (santur)
Shahin SAFAIE (tar)
Amin GOLESTANI (oud)
Farhad SAFARI (tombak)

On the 23rd of October, the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory was illuminated with the Light of Orient - which is an exact translation of the singer's last name, Nourshargh, from Farsi. Accompanied by "Ghamar," a famous instrumental group, he has introduced a unique art of classical Iranian avaz.

The very fact of presenting this ancient Oriental tradition, perfected in all its details, in Russia's best concert hall is quite symbolic. Based on the most complex musical canon, with centuries-long secrets of memorizing and evolving its idioms, this tradition has demonstrated the triumph of inherent creative genius and familial artistry, which both open up a musician's mind for supreme revelation. Hosein Nourshargh is one of those rare living musicians who have brilliantly managed to embody some topical ideas of today by means of a strictly traditional school of Ispahan avaz, which is genuinely Iranian.

Together with the group "Ghamar" led by Navid Dehghan, a subtle musician and brilliant kamancheh virtuoso, Hosein Nourshargh has performed a major program of Iranian classical music. It consists of various instrumental genres like chahar-mezrabs, as well as of spontaneous avazes and tasnifs on the verses of such Persian poets as Rumi and Hafez.

A famous "Decorator's Studio of Mark Patlis's" helped reconstruct an atmosphere of luxurious palaces and exquisite meetings of noble people, which is customary for the avaz performing tradition. An inimitable and warm voice of Hosein Nourshargh's, which can deliver the highest degree of emotional tension, combined with the subtle intellectual playing and enchanting beauty of Persian poetry, as well as with an unrivaled glow and magic force of the Persian carpet music, has brought genuine delight to all whose visit to the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory this evening is associated with an expectation to feed their hearts with supreme spiritual energy.

23 октября Большой зал Московской консерватории озарился «Светом Востока» - именно так переводится с персидского фамилия певца Хосейна Нуршарга, который в сопровождении группы «Гамар» представил уникальное искусство классического иранского аваза.

Символичен сам факт появления столь древней и совершенной во всех своих деталях восточной традиции в лучшем зале России. Основанная на сложнейшем музыкальном каноне с многовековыми секретами запоминания и развития звуковых структур, эта традиция демонстрирует торжество врождённого творческого гения и наследственного мастерства, открывающего сознание музыканта для высшего откровения. Хосейн Нуршарг — один из тех редких музыкантов современности, которым блестяще удаётся воплощать актуальные идеи сегодняшнего мира средствами истинно иранской, строго традиционной школы эсфаханского аваза.

В содружестве с известной инструментальной группой «Гамар», возглавляемой чутким музыкантом, блистательным виртуозом каманче Навидом Дэхганом, Хосейн Нуршарг представил большую классическую программу, сплетённую из инструментальных фрагментов, спонтанных монологов-авазов и песен-таснифов, положенных на гениальную поэзию персидских поэтов, таких как Руми и Хафез.

Навид ДЭХГАН (руководитель группы, каманче)
Насим АРБАБИ (каманче)
Алиреза ГЕРАНФАР (сантур)
Шахин САФАИ (тар)
Фархад САФАРИ (томбак) — at Great hall of the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory
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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Parodite »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Parodite »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Typhoon »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by kmich »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Parodite »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Typhoon »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Parodite »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Parodite »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Typhoon »

Parodite wrote:Mb3iPP-tHdA
[Personal favourite]
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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

On my soundtrack for this summer so far:

She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Parodite »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Parodite »


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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Apollonius »

Se in campo armato (from Catone in Utica) - Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) ; Simone Kermes, soprano ; Venice Baroque Orchestra directed by Andrea Marcon
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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Hoosiernorm »


Been busy doing stuff
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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Parodite »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Typhoon »

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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Apollonius »

Son prigioniera d'amore (from Poro) - Nicola Porpora (1686-1768) ; Roberta Invernizzi, soprano ; I Turchini directed by Antonio Florio

I too am a prisoner
of love,
My heart knows this,
it suffers, and hopes
to see placated
the cruelty
of an unkind fate.

Ever constant
but unfortunate,
this loving soul
will find a way
to keep faith
with him to whom I pledged it.
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Re: What music are you listening to? | 2

Post by Typhoon »

May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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