Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by noddy »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
HAL 10000 wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Re Professor Maryam Mirzakhani and non-christian immigration and full scholarship and other rubbish, this has nothing to do with immigration or scholarship or Christianity .. this has to do with quality of Iranian universities, high quality of Iranian education and literacy, level of woman emancipation in Iran and coming Nobel prices that Middle Eastern and Chinese will win and high level science in Middle east and and (where did Einstein and Teller and Pauli study ? ? in German universities (zero tuition) with German Professors, they did not get where they got being in "Jewish school excelling in wisdom of "Talmud Tanakh" :lol:) .. re marrying a non Iranian man, Iranian man and woman marry many westerners, many Germans and French and Swiss and and, no problemo whether Christian or Atheist or whatever (that is the Iranian way, no prejudice and tolerance), we marry all ethnics and love it

In two to three generations, Iran will be China-II, and than go figure, highly unlikely present Israel would still be around

Again, with your characteristic dishonesty and bigotry, you are diverting attention from what I said about Iran and all countries that have religious Muslim governments: they do NOT give equality to non-Muslims, and they do NOT allow significant non-Muslim immigration. You are diverging attention from what I said about scholarship: I ONLY said that the US institutions GAVE the scholarship to a Muslim Iranian and accepted her as an immigrant as an equal to all Americans, even though she is from a country that is in a state of low intensity war with the US. I did NOT say the Iranians themselves discriminate against foreigners inside the US or Europe, but once inside Iran, the government would never accept Christian immigrants.

And then, on one hand you say that Iran is not agains Israel, and on the other hand, you keep talking about Israel's end in a few generations in your posts. And you even mixed the Jews with the Iranian mathematician who got the Fields Medal at the beginning of the thread. And you said that "although Jews got Nobel prizes in the past this will change in the future when Middle East and China upgrade their universities further. " As if it makes any difference to the Jews. You characteristically see everything through the lens of your jealousy as if the world is a zero-sum game. I pity you. You are wasting all your life thinking about what others have always in comparison with yourself.

As usual, because of your racism, you also insinuate that the Israeli mathematician Lindenstrauss who got the Fields Medal in 2010 does not count as a Middle Eastern even though he was born in Israel, because he is of Ashkenazic ancestry. In any case, as a Middle Eastern, he also received the same prize in 2010. The Fields Medal is given every 4 years, although it is given to several people every 4 years.

And I was not the one bragging about Jewish Fields medalists or Nobel laureates.

Administration :

HAL 10000 started using combative Personal attack against Azari to derail factual debate .. I am petitioning to BAN him for 30 day B4 things degenerate and pull this fora to a lower level of discussion .. a warning not good enough, a 30 day ban more appropriate

See highlighted with Red

lunacy sprinkled with insanity and a dollop of outright madness.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

noddy wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:
HAL 10000 wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Re Professor Maryam Mirzakhani and non-christian immigration and full scholarship and other rubbish, this has nothing to do with immigration or scholarship or Christianity .. this has to do with quality of Iranian universities, high quality of Iranian education and literacy, level of woman emancipation in Iran and coming Nobel prices that Middle Eastern and Chinese will win and high level science in Middle east and and (where did Einstein and Teller and Pauli study ? ? in German universities (zero tuition) with German Professors, they did not get where they got being in "Jewish school excelling in wisdom of "Talmud Tanakh" :lol:) .. re marrying a non Iranian man, Iranian man and woman marry many westerners, many Germans and French and Swiss and and, no problemo whether Christian or Atheist or whatever (that is the Iranian way, no prejudice and tolerance), we marry all ethnics and love it

In two to three generations, Iran will be China-II, and than go figure, highly unlikely present Israel would still be around

Again, with your characteristic dishonesty and bigotry, you are diverting attention from what I said about Iran and all countries that have religious Muslim governments: they do NOT give equality to non-Muslims, and they do NOT allow significant non-Muslim immigration. You are diverging attention from what I said about scholarship: I ONLY said that the US institutions GAVE the scholarship to a Muslim Iranian and accepted her as an immigrant as an equal to all Americans, even though she is from a country that is in a state of low intensity war with the US. I did NOT say the Iranians themselves discriminate against foreigners inside the US or Europe, but once inside Iran, the government would never accept Christian immigrants.

And then, on one hand you say that Iran is not agains Israel, and on the other hand, you keep talking about Israel's end in a few generations in your posts. And you even mixed the Jews with the Iranian mathematician who got the Fields Medal at the beginning of the thread. And you said that "although Jews got Nobel prizes in the past this will change in the future when Middle East and China upgrade their universities further. " As if it makes any difference to the Jews. You characteristically see everything through the lens of your jealousy as if the world is a zero-sum game. I pity you. You are wasting all your life thinking about what others have always in comparison with yourself.

As usual, because of your racism, you also insinuate that the Israeli mathematician Lindenstrauss who got the Fields Medal in 2010 does not count as a Middle Eastern even though he was born in Israel, because he is of Ashkenazic ancestry. In any case, as a Middle Eastern, he also received the same prize in 2010. The Fields Medal is given every 4 years, although it is given to several people every 4 years.

And I was not the one bragging about Jewish Fields medalists or Nobel laureates.

Administration :

HAL 10000 started using combative Personal attack against Azari to derail factual debate .. I am petitioning to BAN him for 30 day B4 things degenerate and pull this fora to a lower level of discussion .. a warning not good enough, a 30 day ban more appropriate

See highlighted with Red

lunacy sprinkled with insanity and a dollop of outright madness.

:lol: , yes, but sprinkled by whom, noddy ? ? ? :lol:

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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by noddy »


you are more obsessed with race and nation than the grand poobah of the klu klux klan on his bad days.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

noddy wrote::)

you are more obsessed with race and nation than the grand poobah of the klu klux klan on his bad days.

interesting you feel that way, noddy .. either I do not do a good job making my point or you not getin what I getin @

Watching this clip will make my point


Simple Minded

Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by Simple Minded »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:

Administration :

HAL 10000 started using combative Personal attack against Azari to derail factual debate .. I am petitioning to BAN him for 30 day B4 things degenerate and pull this fora to a lower level of discussion .. a warning not good enough, a 30 day ban more appropriate

See highlighted with Red

Waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy back in the days before people got obsessed with clinging to, and being identified with their group identity..... and identifying others with a group identity that the observer chose to assign the observee.............and then obsessing over choosing to be offended as a proof of superior ideology and a badge of superior sensitivity.........

HP's charge might be answered with "That's the pot calling the kettle black!" or "Boo hoo hoo! Why don't you grow up!"

Sigh! I miss the days when being offended was a sign of emotional immaturity rather than intellectual superiority........ :(

er, uh, I meant to say thank God that we have evolved past that stage and that the world is no longer the horribly insensitive place that it once was.

Whew, creds restored! :)
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Let's get back on subject and discuss concpiracy theories. We need to be more productive! ;)
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Parodite »

Why Iran Believes the Militant Group ISIS Is an American Plot

Conspiracy theories are nothing new in the Middle East, but the latest to come from Tehran is a self-protecting mechanism that could ultimately backfire

Iran’s English-language daily newspaper, the Tehran Times, recently ran a front-page story describing the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria’s (ISIS) June offensive in Iraq as part of a U.S.-backed plot to destabilize the region and protect Israel. The story was an English translation of a scoop by the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), which cited a purported interview with National Security Agency (NSA) leaker Edward Snowden.

According to the article, Snowden had described a joint U.S., British and Israeli effort to “create a terrorist organization capable of centralizing all extremist actions across the world.” The plan, according to IRNA, was code-named Beehive — or in other translations, Hornet’s Nest — and it was devised to protect Israel from security threats by diverting attention to the newly manufactured regional enemy: ISIS.

The IRNA story appears to build on, or may have even started, an Internet rumor that has assumed truthlike proportions through multiple reposts and links. No mention of a “hornet’s nest” plot can be found in Snowden’s leaked trove of U.S. intelligence documents, and even though Snowden has not publicly refuted the claim, it is safe to assume that the quoted interview never took place. (IRNA has been known to report stories from the satirical Onion newspaper as fact.) Yet Iranian government officials and independent analysts in Iran alike cited IRNA’s report as definitive proof of ISIS’s American and Israeli origins.

Back when former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was in power, it was not unusual to see IRNA echoing specious wild theories dreamed up by the leadership, but since the more moderate Hassan Rouhani assumed the presidency in August 2013, the security establishment’s nuttier fantasies of deranged plots against Iran have been largely reined in. That is, until ISIS spilled out of Syria and started setting up camp next door in Iraq, where Iran has tight ties with the Shi‘ite-dominated government in Baghdad.

Even before the Snowden scoop made the rounds of Iran’s media, military commanders, citing their own sources of intelligence, struck a similar theme. On June 18, Fars News Agency quoted Major General Hassan Firoozabadi, Chief of Staff of Iran’s armed forces, saying that ISIS “is an Israel and America[n] movement for the creation of a secure border for the Zionists against the forces of resistance in the region.” That Iran’s media, along with its leaders, is focusing on ISIS’s supposed external backers — as opposed to its origins in local terrorist groups, al-Qaeda and popular discontent in both Syria and Iraq — demonstrates a concerted effort to streamline the national narrative in order to project power and preserve stability. As an example of another Western plot against Iran, ISIS can be managed — so goes Iran’s thinking. But as a new, potentially more destabilizing threat on Iran’s borders, ISIS poses challenges that the leadership is still struggling to understand and respond to. The only problem is that dismissing ISIS as a Zionist conspiracy could end up undermining Iran far more than any supposed American plot.

In its previous incarnation as an Iraqi al-Qaeda affiliate, ISIS has been responsible for thousands of Shi‘ite deaths in terrorist attacks since its formation in 2003. The group’s current success in Iraq — by some estimates it now controls a third of Iraq’s territory, including the city of Mosul — has as much to do with its considerable funding and military prowess as it does the weaknesses of the Iraqi state, led by Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, an Iranian-backed Shi‘ite who has alienated Iraq’s large Sunni minority. Now that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has declared himself the emir of a caliphate spanning the Syrian-Iraqi border, he continues to advocate violence against members of the Shi‘ite sect, whom he calls apostates, and has threatened to destroy Shi‘ite holy sites in an attempt to ignite an Islamic sectarian civil war. That would likely cause the Iranian-backed government in Baghdad to collapse, forcing Iran to send in troops and sparking a region-wide conflagration.

Yet Iranian government officials refuse to accept that there is a sectarian root to ISIS’s agenda, or that ISIS was able to advance in part because of Sunni discontent. When American leaders suggested that al-Maliki’s Shi‘ite chauvinism may have played a role in rallying Sunni support for the ISIS advance into Iraq, and suggested he step down, Iranians saw it as a direct threat to their influence. “When ISIS started advancing into Iraq, the first thing the Americans said was that Maliki should be changed,” says Hossein Shariatmadari, editor in chief of the government-owned conservative daily Kayhan. “Maliki was democratically elected, so what does he have to do with it? Nothing. The Americans wanted to cut the ties between Iran and Iraq.”

Instead Iran has declared the group a region-wide terrorist threat that funded and peopled by outsiders, including the U.S., Saudi Arabia and other Gulf monarchies. So far Iran says it has not gotten directly involved in Iraq, though it is prepared to do so if necessary. (Official statements aside, there is significant evidence of Iranian support in the form of military weaponry, assistance and training, if not troops on the ground.) But if Iran does take a hand in the battle against ISIS, it will do so in the name of fighting terrorism — and not for the cause of supporting its Shi‘ite ally in government.

That’s a canny move that could explain, in part, the government line, says a Western diplomat in Tehran. To go in with an overtly sectarian agenda would invite a regional backlash that could harm Iranian interests and threaten the state. “It is in the best interest of Iran to present this group as terrorists, because that way no one can accuse Iran of backing Shi‘ites against a Sunni movement,” says the diplomat.

But if Iran continues to back Maliki against the will of a disgruntled, powerful and armed Sunni minority in Iraq, it could still invoke a backlash all the same. Which might explain why the government line also plays up the American and Mossad angle a familiar trope. If it all collapses, Iran can still blame the West for the debacle, says the diplomat. “If Iran can convince its people that there is a plot against the country that must be countered, while at the same time providing a narrative of counterterror to the world, they are protecting their interests and hedging their bets at the same time.”

Why IRNA had to concoct something so obviously fictional as a fake Snowden interview to bolster the narrative is still unclear. Even Shariatmadari, editor of Kayhan, is mystified. “I thought this interview was strange too, because all this happened after Snowden had access to those documents,” he tells TIME. Nonetheless, he ran the story on his front page as well.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Not only Iran but Americans too believe ISIS is Zionist plot, and it makes perfectly sense

America, West, with Saudi and Pakistan participation, built up, ARMED, financed and backed Taliban to fight USSR in Afghanistan, result was AlQaida/Ossama and what followed, 9/11 & Afghanistan

America, West, Zionist (Arab Sheiks, Turkey, probably Pakistan) built up Wahhabi & Salafi, to fight Assad/Iran/secular/Christians .. result is ISIS

In both cases, the idea was stup*d, SHALLOW .. and it backfired

Now, same as with Taliban/AlQaida/Ossama, America has the responsibility/duty to take care of the mess

In both case, AlQaida & ISIS , West is the main loser AND Iran will be the main winner .. a weakening of Assad would be a sure bet ISIS would takeover and threaten KSA/Sheiks (and Libya and Sudan and down the road Morroco and Algeria, all North Africa, spilling over to Europe), meaning Assad must be straightened now, what Iran was saying from the beginning

Now, you guys, go figure how stup*d was the idea from the onset

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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Parodite »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:Not only Iran but Americans too believe ISIS is Zionist plot, and it makes perfectly sense
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by HAL 10000 »

noddy wrote::)

you are more obsessed with race and nation than the grand poobah of the klu klux klan on his bad days.
Just in case you were not there at Spengler forum when AzariLoveIran (H Persicum in this forum) made his obsession clear, let me quote him once more. This is what he ) said:
By AzariLoveIran » Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:45 pm

.. best Doctors in Israel are Palestinians .. they are the Original Jews and not "genetically" DEGENERATED like the Ashkenazi ..

Since you condemned my combative words above by highlighting them in red, I am doing the same thing here. My only objection is that you seem to imply that my combative choice of words is "for the purpose of derailing factual discussion."

Basically, I don't disagree wight Azeri-HP's claim that the Palestinian doctors are superior, and I don't mind if they are more talented than other ethnic groups, but on many occasions Azeri-HP is trying to justify everything in terms of genetics, and his reasoning is clearly racist. An Israeli mathematician did get the mathematics Fields Medal prize a few years ago, but according to Azeri-HP, this mathematician does not count as an Israeli even though this mathematician was born in Israel, since his ancestors were not born in Israel. But f Azeri-HP is thinking this way, then why is he so happy to immigrate to western countries? Generally, countries ruled by Muslim governments do not accept non-Muslim immigrants in general, very few exceptions are granted. This asymmetry of immigration is my main complaint.

And when Azeri said that non-Muslim scientists are not discriminated against in Iran, this was not true. Here is an article about the persecution of Bahai people in Iran: ... %27%C3%ADs
Secret memorandum[edit]
In February 1991, a confidential circular[31] issued by the Supreme Cultural Revolution Council on "the Bahá'í question" and signed by Supreme Leader Khamenei himself, signaled an increase in efforts to suffocate the Iranian Bahá'í community through a more "silent" means.[1][2][32][33] The document organized the methods of oppression used to persecute the Bahá’ís, and contained specific recommendations on how to block the progress of the Bahá'í communities both inside and outside Iran.[2] The document stated that the most excessive types of persecutions should be avoided and instead, among other things recommended, that Bahá'ís be expelled from universities, "once it becomes known that they are Bahá'ís," to "deny them employment if they identify themselves as Bahá'ís" and to "deny them any position of influence."[1]

The existence of this so called Golpaygani Memorandum was brought to the attention of the public in a report by the then UN Human Rights Commissioner Mr Galindo Pohl (E/CM4/1993/41, 28 January 1993),[31] and the policy recommendations of the document are still in force.[2][32]

Current situation[edit]
According to a US panel, attacks on Bahá'ís in Iran have increased since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became president.[34] In the ten years following the 1979 revolution, more than 200 Baha'is were killed or executed, hundreds more were tortured or imprisoned, and tens of thousands lost jobs, access to education, and other rights – all solely because of their religious belief. Since 2005, more than more than 710 Baha'is have been arrested, and the number of Baha'is in prison has risen from fewer than five to a current figure of 136; roughly 600 more are engaged with the penal system: awaiting trial, for example, or awaiting sentencing. The incarcerated now include young mothers of nursing children (imprisoned with their infants). Since the summer of 2013, escalation of attacks has included both murder and attempted murder. These attacks are believed to be hate crimes that are religiously motivated.[35]

In 2004, Iranian authorities demolished the shrine and grave site of Muhammad-Ali Barfurushi (Quddús), a Bábí leader.[2] In late 2005, an anti-Bahá'í media campaign was launched in Iran, asserting that the religion was created by colonialist powers to subvert Islam and to subjugate the Muslim peoples of Iran.[36] In 2006 Iranian officials arrested 54 Bahá'ís, mostly young people, in Shiraz.[37] In March and May 2008 the seven "senior members" who form the leadership of the Bahá'í community in Iran were arrested.[38] Indeed several agencies and experts and journals have published concerns about viewing the developments as a case of genocide: Roméo Dallaire,[39][40] Genocide Watch,[41] Sentinel Project for Genocide Prevention,[42] the journals War Crimes, Genocide, & Crimes against Humanity[2] and Journal of Genocide Research.[43] A summary of 2013 incidents of prison sentences, fines and punishments showed that these were more than twice as likely to apply to Bahá'ís as any other religious minority in Iran and that the total rate of such cases had gone up by 36% over 2012.[44]
Similarly, other non-Muslim minorities are also restricted in Iran.
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Good to Be Reminded of Adversaries Showing their True Faces.

Post by monster_gardener »

HAL 10000 wrote:
noddy wrote::)

you are more obsessed with race and nation than the grand poobah of the klu klux klan on his bad days.
Just in case you were not there at Spengler forum when AzariLoveIran (H Persicum in this forum) made his obsession clear, let me quote him once more. This is what he ) said:
By AzariLoveIran » Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:45 pm

.. best Doctors in Israel are Palestinians .. they are the Original Jews and not "genetically" DEGENERATED like the Ashkenazi ..

Since you condemned my combative words above by highlighting them in red, I am doing the same thing here. My only objection is that you seem to imply that my combative choice of words is "for the purpose of derailing factual discussion."

Basically, I don't disagree wight Azeri-HP's claim that the Palestinian doctors are superior, and I don't mind if they are more talented than other ethnic groups, but on many occasions Azeri-HP is trying to justify everything in terms of genetics, and his reasoning is clearly racist. An Israeli mathematician did get the mathematics Fields Medal prize a few years ago, but according to Azeri-HP, this mathematician does not count as an Israeli even though this mathematician was born in Israel, since his ancestors were not born in Israel. But f Azeri-HP is thinking this way, then why is he so happy to immigrate to western countries? Generally, countries ruled by Muslim governments do not accept non-Muslim immigrants in general, very few exceptions are granted. This asymmetry of immigration is my main complaint.

And when Azeri said that non-Muslim scientists are not discriminated against in Iran, this was not true. Here is an article about the persecution of Bahai people in Iran: ... %27%C3%ADs
Secret memorandum[edit]
In February 1991, a confidential circular[31] issued by the Supreme Cultural Revolution Council on "the Bahá'í question" and signed by Supreme Leader Khamenei himself, signaled an increase in efforts to suffocate the Iranian Bahá'í community through a more "silent" means.[1][2][32][33] The document organized the methods of oppression used to persecute the Bahá’ís, and contained specific recommendations on how to block the progress of the Bahá'í communities both inside and outside Iran.[2] The document stated that the most excessive types of persecutions should be avoided and instead, among other things recommended, that Bahá'ís be expelled from universities, "once it becomes known that they are Bahá'ís," to "deny them employment if they identify themselves as Bahá'ís" and to "deny them any position of influence."[1]

The existence of this so called Golpaygani Memorandum was brought to the attention of the public in a report by the then UN Human Rights Commissioner Mr Galindo Pohl (E/CM4/1993/41, 28 January 1993),[31] and the policy recommendations of the document are still in force.[2][32]

Current situation[edit]
According to a US panel, attacks on Bahá'ís in Iran have increased since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became president.[34] In the ten years following the 1979 revolution, more than 200 Baha'is were killed or executed, hundreds more were tortured or imprisoned, and tens of thousands lost jobs, access to education, and other rights – all solely because of their religious belief. Since 2005, more than more than 710 Baha'is have been arrested, and the number of Baha'is in prison has risen from fewer than five to a current figure of 136; roughly 600 more are engaged with the penal system: awaiting trial, for example, or awaiting sentencing. The incarcerated now include young mothers of nursing children (imprisoned with their infants). Since the summer of 2013, escalation of attacks has included both murder and attempted murder. These attacks are believed to be hate crimes that are religiously motivated.[35]

In 2004, Iranian authorities demolished the shrine and grave site of Muhammad-Ali Barfurushi (Quddús), a Bábí leader.[2] In late 2005, an anti-Bahá'í media campaign was launched in Iran, asserting that the religion was created by colonialist powers to subvert Islam and to subjugate the Muslim peoples of Iran.[36] In 2006 Iranian officials arrested 54 Bahá'ís, mostly young people, in Shiraz.[37] In March and May 2008 the seven "senior members" who form the leadership of the Bahá'í community in Iran were arrested.[38] Indeed several agencies and experts and journals have published concerns about viewing the developments as a case of genocide: Roméo Dallaire,[39][40] Genocide Watch,[41] Sentinel Project for Genocide Prevention,[42] the journals War Crimes, Genocide, & Crimes against Humanity[2] and Journal of Genocide Research.[43] A summary of 2013 incidents of prison sentences, fines and punishments showed that these were more than twice as likely to apply to Bahá'ís as any other religious minority in Iran and that the total rate of such cases had gone up by 36% over 2012.[44]
Similarly, other non-Muslim minorities are also restricted in Iran.

By AzariLoveIran » Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:45 pm

.. best Doctors in Israel are Palestinians .. they are the Original Jews and not "genetically" DEGENERATED like the Ashkenazi ..

It is Good to Be Reminded of Adversaries Showing their True Faces..... :idea:

So that later deception does not lull........... :idea:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Hoosiernorm »

Been busy doing stuff
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Nonc Hilaire
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Hoosiernorm, that was amazing! Can you post the YouTube link? I can't figure out how to get it from the post.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Hoosiernorm »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:Hoosiernorm, that was amazing! Can you post the YouTube link? I can't figure out how to get it from the post.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Hoosiernorm »

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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Doc »

Hoosiernorm wrote:
Brace Yourself.jpg
Getting ready

They a already here ... ff-blacks/

Farrakhan claims Ebola invented to kill off blacks ... -outbreak/

A professor in U.S. is telling Liberians that the Defense Department ‘manufactured’ Ebola ... ple-609490

Ebola is CIA-Created Demon? Conspiracy Theory Goes Viral as Meme Shows Disease Created by 'White People'


A conspiracy theory that says Ebola virus was deliberately created by Western countries using black magic and rituals is going viral on Nigerian websites.

This came after a meme on the disease spread among Nigerian netizens.

The image or meme shows a white lady, named Ebola-Chan, wearing a dress of a nurse holding a bloody skull. Her hair, long and dangling, is made to look like a dangerous Ebola virus strain.

The meme got unbelievable traction among people scared of the rampaging virus.

Along with the image, a tagline warns people to write below the picture "I love you Ebola-Chan", if they want to save themselves from the virus.

The picture, which simply looks like a bad job in the beginning, quickly spiralled into something more damaging. The image rapidly became a symbol of the 'fact', for some people, that it was deliberately created by 'racist' Europeans and White people.
Some 4chan users – where the meme first appeared – openly hoped that it reached Nigerian forums so that it would cause fear among the population. A media company called Vocative reported giving examples of how 4chan users were attempting to "freak out Nigerians living in fear of the deadly virus."

And as hoped, the fear-mongering tactic seemed to have worked well, with the anime character Ebola-Chan being discussed is some Nigerian forum with a palpable effect.

In a Nigerian forum called 'Nairaland', one user wrote a post claiming that Europe and America have created a "new racist cult" and that "they hate Africans and worship an Ebola demoness (Sic) who they call 'Ebola-Chan'".

"They perform magical rituals in order to spread the disease and kill people. They target the area they want to infect next using blood sacrifices," the article claims.

The post explains in detail how the 'demonic disease' was apparently created through various cult practices and rituals. Below the grotesque article, most people have said they agreed with the theory.

"A disease can easily gain powers if these white people in Europe are actually doing blood sacrifice. May God help us fight this CIA created demon."

Another person said: "There are some weird stuff white folks are doing. May be they are just a bunch of racist people doing magic rituals."

"If they commit such atrocities as shown above, we can't blindly send every hard working African into their clinics and hands. What if we're sending our people to their deaths in these clinics?" asked yet another reader.

So as you can see they already beat you to the punch :twisted:
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Hoosiernorm » ... -particle/

One week ago, whistleblower Professor Stephen Hawking bravely stepped forward and warned that scientists are torturing a particle of God.

For reasons unknown, the scientists discovered a way to capture a particle of God in what is known as the CERN Large Hadron Collidor that is secretly located somewhere in Switzerland. Instead of worshiping the particle as something sacred and letting it go free, the scientists are trying to rip it apart and figure out how to harness all of its energies.

Professor Hawking warned the particle is growing more agitated and tormented as researchers keep using higher energies to make it burst apart, causing disruptions in space-time here on Earth. In recent years we have seen the great sinkholes form and swallow up portions of cities whole. Parts of the world that would normally not have earthquakes are having them. The Sun is shooting unusual flares. We have had three super moons already this year. This is all because the God Particle is growing more angry and is ready to unleash its wrath, which will completely destroy the entire universe if it does.
Been busy doing stuff
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Is Obama Being Threatened by US Hawks
Are powerful people within the US government perhaps trying to send Obama a grim warning ?

That incident, on September 16, occurred when a private security contractor working at the building where Obama was visiting was able to mingle among the president’s Secret Service bodyguards. It was only after the agents noticed the man acting strangely, by persistently taking a cell phone video of Obama while riding the elevator, that they reportedly realised the security breach in their midst.

It turned out that the man, who has not been named, was armed with a gun and had three previous convictions for assault.

Obama reportedly found out about this security breach only «within minutes» of the story being published last week. That he was not informed about it by his own security people, but rather only learned of it in the newspapers must be very unsettling for the man who is supposed to be most heavily protected in the world.

As the Washington Post reported: «Extensive screening is supposed to keep people with weapons or criminal histories out of arm’s reach of the president. But it appears that this man, possessing a gun, came within inches of the president after undergoing no such screening.»
JFK comet to mind

JFK was a conspiracy 4sure

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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Hoosiernorm »

Been busy doing stuff
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Typhoon »

Hoosiernorm wrote: ... -particle/

One week ago, whistleblower Professor Stephen Hawking bravely stepped forward and warned that scientists are torturing a particle of God.

For reasons unknown, the scientists discovered a way to capture a particle of God in what is known as the CERN Large Hadron Collidor that is secretly located somewhere in Switzerland. Instead of worshiping the particle as something sacred and letting it go free, the scientists are trying to rip it apart and figure out how to harness all of its energies.

Professor Hawking warned the particle is growing more agitated and tormented as researchers keep using higher energies to make it burst apart, causing disruptions in space-time here on Earth. In recent years we have seen the great sinkholes form and swallow up portions of cities whole. Parts of the world that would normally not have earthquakes are having them. The Sun is shooting unusual flares. We have had three super moons already this year. This is all because the God Particle is growing more angry and is ready to unleash its wrath, which will completely destroy the entire universe if it does.
Wow. Words fail me. Just wow.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Typhoon »

May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

Typhoon wrote:
Hoosiernorm wrote: ... -particle/

One week ago, whistleblower Professor Stephen Hawking bravely stepped forward and warned that scientists are torturing a particle of God.

For reasons unknown, the scientists discovered a way to capture a particle of God in what is known as the CERN Large Hadron Collidor that is secretly located somewhere in Switzerland. Instead of worshiping the particle as something sacred and letting it go free, the scientists are trying to rip it apart and figure out how to harness all of its energies.

Professor Hawking warned the particle is growing more agitated and tormented as researchers keep using higher energies to make it burst apart, causing disruptions in space-time here on Earth. In recent years we have seen the great sinkholes form and swallow up portions of cities whole. Parts of the world that would normally not have earthquakes are having them. The Sun is shooting unusual flares. We have had three super moons already this year. This is all because the God Particle is growing more angry and is ready to unleash its wrath, which will completely destroy the entire universe if it does.
Wow. Words fail me. Just wow.
I dunno...... I think Hawking is tr0lling the scientific community. A man in his situation has rather few options for amusement....'>>........
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by noddy »

satire site wins again.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Typhoon »

noddy wrote:satire site wins again.

I'm guilty as charged of confirmation bias. :lol:
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by noddy »

* I Got My Flu Shot and Now I Have Ebola Symptoms. What Do I Do Now?
* ISIS Destroys NASA’s Antares Rocket, Announces “Americans Allowed in Space No More”
* Affirmative Action Calculator Gives Black Student Athletes Answers Just By Taking Picture of Textbook Math Problem
* ISIS Lands Astronaut On The Moon
* Should Transracial People Be Allowed to Swap Race

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