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How Anthropology Was Corrupted and Killed

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 3:07 am
by Apollonius
How anthropology was corrupted and killed - Peter Wood, Minding the Campus, 1 May 2016 ... nd-killed/

The knock against anthropologists used to be that they were all relativists. Not anymore. Many anthropologists today are hardcore moral absolutists. The members of the American Anthropological Association are busy voting (until May 31) on a boycott of Israeli academic institutions. The proposed resolution jumps off in its first sentence in universalist language, claiming that Israel has denied Palestinians “their fundamental rights of freedom, equality, and self-determination.”


The Declaration reflects a sentimental view of humanity, as though in our essence we are a tribe of suburban Californians dabbling in the human potential movement of the 1990s, eager to get our kids into good local schools and send them on to Berkeley or Reed.

That this could turn in 2016 to the thinly veiled anti-Semitism of a BDS-style resolution should not be too much of a surprise. Anti-Semitism is back in fashion. It is this year’s Merlot. And academics whose minds are shaped mostly by intellectual fashion were bound to arrive there.

This is, however, quite a journey for the field of anthropology. Not so many years ago, anthropologists were in a kind of arms race to see who could carry cultural relativism to the greatest extreme. Everyone knows roughly what cultural relativism is. If we can look at the world through X’s eyes, we can understand why X does what he does. If you just looked at the world through the cannibal’s eyes, you could see cannibalism was a sensible cultural choice.

No Generalizing about Humanity

Anthropologists circa 1980 seemed to come equipped with an internal alarm that went off any time someone generalized about humanity. If you said, “But all parents love their children,” an anthropologist of the era would be sure to say something like, “Not so! Among the Mundugamor of the Sepik River in New Guinea, parents consider their children a vile nuisance.” Generalizing about humanity based on the ideals of your own culture was “ethnocentrism,” of which there was no more terrible thing. To be ethnocentric was to be intellectually shallow and uninformed about the sheer variety of ways humans can go about being human.

But then anthropology touched its relativistic bottom. In the 1980s it collectively decided that anthropology itself was ethnocentric. The things anthropologists studied such as marriage, family, and kinship were deemed no more than projections of the anthropologist’s own culture. This was in many ways absurd, but it caught on and many anthropologists decided their only option was start staring into the mirror. They wrote subjective stories about how they felt when confronted with “the other.” They studied their own communities. And increasingly they embraced ideologies that turned them into “post-colonial” activists, environmental activists, feminist activists, and so on. The discipline of anthropology un-disciplined itself in favor of political action. ...

Re: How Anthropology Was Corrupted and Killed

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 9:27 pm
by Simple Minded
Thanks for posting Apollonius. Interesting timeline.

IIRC, the author's timeline correspond to the declining popularity of thinking of people as individuals with free will, and the increasing popularity of the idea that humans are herd animals shaped primarily by peer pressure/culture.

Once upon a time, Flip Wilson was getting tons of laughs from the line: "The devil made me do it!" Now micro-aggressions are the chic trend.

As Typhoon has noted, it is difficult to get someone to understand something when their paycheck depends upon them not understanding. Interesting to see how peer review can censor the group.

Anyone who pays the bills by publishing, can't ignore the current buying trends of the paying customer. Both sides of the double edged sword, the areas that get funded, and the opinions that are marketable are functions of fashion.

Buyers hold a lot of power, even in academia.

Re: How Anthropology Was Corrupted and Killed

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 1:58 pm
by noddy
for me its about keeping track of the worldviews of the people having the opinions.

i dont mind reading highly politically charged opinions provided i have the background knowledge of who is having them - this approach lets me read victorian racism or progressive nonsense with the appropriate filters in place.

the main issue is if they actually record some factual details in amongst their dribble.

Re: How Anthropology Was Corrupted and Killed

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 8:42 pm
by manolo
noddy wrote: ..appropriate filters...

Yeh, I think Donald might be marketing those.


Re: How Anthropology Was Corrupted and Killed

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 9:57 am
by noddy
merkin politics spillage in aisle 5

Re: How Anthropology Was Corrupted and Killed

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 11:37 am
by Simple Minded
noddy wrote:merkin politics spillage in aisle 5
F**kin Merikans! they think they're the center of everything.

Re: How Anthropology Was Corrupted and Killed

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 12:04 pm
by noddy
Simple Minded wrote:
noddy wrote:merkin politics spillage in aisle 5
F**kin Merikans! they think they're the center of everything.
makes for interesting anthropology.