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Re: Iran

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 4:50 am Revisiting 1979 from the innocent American perspective, for the first five minutes. The rest is local news......

Best of Henry Kissinger — 'It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.'

Poor Shah, served US, western interest, and nobody let him in

Should be a lesson to all

Zbigniew Brzezinski thought he smart, underestimated the mad mullahs

Brzezinski orchestrating Russians losing in Afghanistan lead to America's disaster in Afghanistan leading to America loosing a Trillion $, and, world prestige.
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Re: Iran

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:57 pm
Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 4:50 am Revisiting 1979 from the innocent American perspective, for the first five minutes. The rest is local news......
Best of Henry Kissinger — 'It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.'

Poor Shah, served US, western interest, and nobody let him in

Should be a lesson to all

Zbigniew Brzezinski thought he smart, underestimated the mad mullahs

Brzezinski orchestrating Russians losing in Afghanistan lead to America's disaster in Afghanistan leading to America loosing a Trillion $, and, world prestige.
I was a kid back then, and the only thought I had if any, was "Why can't these stupid people just be normal?". The American influence on global politics was completely invisible to us - just like water is to fish. Much of what Kissinger said just floated by as so much mouth noise. If he was active today he would be 'cancelled'......'>.......
She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
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Re: Iran

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:46 pm
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:57 pm
Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 4:50 am Revisiting 1979 from the innocent American perspective, for the first five minutes. The rest is local news......
Best of Henry Kissinger — 'It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.'

Poor Shah, served US, western interest, and nobody let him in

Should be a lesson to all

Zbigniew Brzezinski thought he smart, underestimated the mad mullahs

Brzezinski orchestrating Russians losing in Afghanistan lead to America's disaster in Afghanistan leading to America loosing a Trillion $, and, world prestige.
I was a kid back then, and the only thought I had if any, was "Why can't these stupid people just be normal?". The American influence on global politics was completely invisible to us - just like water is to fish. Much of what Kissinger said just floated by as so much mouth noise. If he was active today he would be 'cancelled'......'>.......

American media was completely in bed with establishment, was used feeding fake facts as real truth .. elite knew the truth but the mass believed the establishment.

That is how American mass was fooled into an anti-colonial war (when after WW2 French would not let go Vietnam and were defeated in Battle of Dien Bien Phu) fed to Americans as "fighting communism" .. millions died in Vietnam, Cambodia , Laos.

Same Iraq war and Afghan war etc

Only nation who US could not touch was Iran .. for many reason

And now Iran on the way to become a superpower, not a regional but one of the global ones.

Now, due to changing world brining big challenges to US, not only economically, militarily, but more important "culturally", things are evolving fast in US .. that we see in American "New Generation" now showing up in anti-semitism debate in elite schools and American (and world) streets .. Jewish lobby did not see what is coming (and still does not).

Iran started the ball rolling AND and wrong American foreign policies expedited the downfall.

AND ... IxNA%3D%3D

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Re: Iran

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Neither Shah, nor US or West understood what was really going on.

It was not about Shah (he and his father were great patriots), it was not even about West, America

Iranian revolution was a "cultural revolution" (Islam being a small element of that culture) .. Similar to Chinese "Cultural Revolution" which became later (not by choice) a communist one.

In Iran the rich and academia, the elite, were protesting and backing the poor mass against Western Shah.

Shah was super intelligent and smart, he sensed this and knew staying and fighting will not change things .. he could order his generals to make a "Coup d'état", the generals proposed him this .. but he said NO .. that lead to the "least bloody" revolution in history, regime change in history

For generations, at least for 300 yrs, Iranians dreamed of "SOVEREIGNTY" .. mad mullahs achieved this
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Re: Iran

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Re: Iran

Post by noddy »

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Re: Iran

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

noddy wrote: Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:47 am

US NAVY engaging Yemeni forces, killing 10 Yemeni, big mistake

Red see marine traffic can not be saved militarily, water can easily be mined and low flying drones expensive to shoot down.

Till now nobody was killed .. but now Yemen will retaliate at same level

When a US or British Navy ship hit, maybe with casualty, what next ?

Bomb Yemen ? Saudi and UAE, with Western guidance, were bombing Yemen for 20 yrs .. AND ? Nothing

West should "redirect" shipping from red sea until Israel/Pali issue settles .. less costly and more chance of success

Brent @ $ 100+ pretty much sure
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Re: Iran

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

. ... flict.html

From Lebanon to the Red Sea, a Broader Conflict With Iran Looms

With its proxies attacking from many vantage points and its nuclear program suddenly revived, Iran is posing a new challenge to the West — this time with Russia and China on its side.
Taken together, the dynamic with Iran is more complex than at any point since the seizure of the American Embassy in 1979 after the overthrow of the shah. American and European intelligence officials say they do not believe the Iranians want a direct conflict with the United States or Israel, which they suspect would not end well. But they seem more than willing to push the envelope, enabling attacks, coordinating targeting of American bases and ships carrying goods and fuel, and walking to the edge, again, of nuclear weapons capability.

Well, folks, place your betts
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Re: Iran

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Re: Iran

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Re: Iran

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

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Re: Iran

Post by noddy »

no clearer signal of Iran replacing the USA in the middle east power politics than doing "precision" drone strikes on pakistani villagers and killing a few alleged terrorists and their families.

brings a tear to my eye to see how quickly they have learnt from the best.
The Golf is now ours… Her star and her crescent may already be said to have taken their place in the glorious blazon of our common nationality; and the sweep of our eagle’s wing already includes within its circuit the wide extent of her fair and fertile land. She is no longer to us a mere geographical space–a certain combination of coast, plain, mountain, valley, forest and stream. She is no longer to us a mere country on the map. She comes within the dear and sacred designation of Our Country… other nations have undertaken to intrude themselves … in a spirit of hostile interference against us, for the avowed object of thwarting our policy and hampering our power, limiting our greatness and checking the fulfillment of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions. This we have seen done by England, our old rival and enemy; and by France, strangely coupled with her against us….

The independence of Iran was complete and absolute. It was an independence, not only in fact, but of right. No obligation of duty towards Israel tended in the least degree to restrain our right to effect the desired recovery of the fair province once our own–whatever motives of policy might have prompted a more deferential consideration of her feelings and her pride, as involved in the question.
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Re: Iran

Post by Parodite »

The parallel US-Iran goes even deeper.

Traveler tribes used to move, move fast, explore, adapt to different geographical and climatological environments...are the power source that create Empires.

European migrants, travelers -> USA - > American Century <- downsized to America First. (Globalist Neocon dreamers continue in WEF lalaland. Same Empire dream)

Medes tribes, very agile horsemen, crossing plains high speed... engine that created fundaments of first Achaemenid Empire, Persia. After max size (HP wet dream future fantasy) it downsized back to Iran.

Traveling Hebrews, short lived Kingdom Judea, world travelers nowhere powerhouse mini Empire Israel. Until it becomes corrupt Bibi-esque Natanyogi fat pig (tm Nonc) with religious no-braining people in power who understand meta-physical books but less so physical reality.

Best illustration of fast mobile horsemen travelers creating biggest continuous Empire: Genghis Khan. Shriveled back to Mongolia and China. Conquer, kill or join, continued in CCP mentality:

China toys with deadly new COVID strain: When will the madness end?

Their wet dream is create virus that kills enough enemy genome with enough Han survive having pre-knowledge, treatment and/or vaccine before others. This is their aim and tactic. Risk of course virus escapes and not much distinguishes between Han / non-Han. Obsession with Han Empire wet dreams clearly disables reason and doing calculated risk assessment.

Long time people observed serious moral-ethical deficit in Chinese culture. In combination with unmatched No1 work ethic this makes Chinese the number one danger of human species survival. The WEF losers of course only jealous and like Elon Musk will bend the knee to Big Panda Poo Frankenstein. Observe WEF to partner with CCP in 2024.

USA money invested in China did not create a co-operative civilized partner but a real Big Frankenstein. USA money invested in Russia created small Frankenstein. Being nice to laughing mad mullahs, well Iran is just a small side show full of inconsequential jesters. HP, ever thought of a career in stand-up comedy? 😉

Nature as usual shrugs its indifferent shoulders. Pandemics, extinction, near extinctions, so what? There is no democracy in death or how to die.

Nuclear MAD holds for as long as people in control of nuclear switch value life over death. Religious death cults only ones able to crack the code. Not hard to identify who they are. Which is why CCP pre-emptively will destroy Islam where they can.
Deep down I'm very superficial
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Re: Iran

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

noddy wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 7:38 am

19th century, Brits intrigued and partitioned Iranian province Baluchistan between Iran and India .. After WW 2 , Brits agent Muhammad Ali Jinnah organized a revolt against Indians, 14th, 1947 Pakistan was born.

Result was Iranian Baluchistan province ended up half in Pakistan and half in Iran.

Last 20 yrs, CIA and Mossad are arming and financing the Balutchi to terrorize Iran and Pakistan .. in Pakistan Balutchi terrorists kill Chinese engineers working on projects, bomb Shia mosques etc Iran Balutchi terrorist kill Iranians

Balutch terrorist who attack Iranian , have their bases in Pakistan near Iranian border .. Balutch terrorist who attack Pakistan , have their bases in Iran near Pakistani border

Iran and Pakistan are very close .. now they have agreed each hitting the Balutch terrorist bases no matter where
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Re: Iran

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:04 am

Pakistan is a "strategic" ally of Iran, this since 1947 .. all Pakistani presidents were AND are very close to Iran, Shah time they came to Iran every other months .. most Iranian fighter pilots were trained by Pakistani instructors in Pakistan .. Benazir Bhutto mother was Iranian and she spoke excellent farsi, when she visited Khamnei, he said you are like my daughter :) .. When Pakistan was under "sanction" because of building the nuke, Shah gave Pakistan all what they needed , arms, money, support. Pakistan "Inter-Services Intelligence" very close to Iran.

Pakistan relation with Arabs is only "$$$" for protection .. there nothing strategic

In iran hitting terrorist camp in Pakistan there only a message to Balutchi terrorists, don't read too much into it.

The real message was hit in Erbil Iraq , and Syria

Distance to target in Syria was 1,230 km .. that would cover all Israel .. and .. the ballistic missile hit with pinpoint accuracy

The 11 ballistic missiles into Iraqi Kurdistan’s capital, Erbil hit the house of Mossad operative .. Iran saying that all terrorist acts in Iran last yrs , killing Iranian scientist etc organized and directed from this place. All wiped out
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Re: Iran

Post by noddy »

Parodite wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:57 pm The parallel US-Iran goes even deeper.

Traveler tribes used to move, move fast, explore, adapt to different geographical and climatological environments...are the power source that create Empires.

European migrants, travelers -> USA - > American Century <- downsized to America First. (Globalist Neocon dreamers continue in WEF lalaland. Same Empire dream)

Medes tribes, very agile horsemen, crossing plains high speed... engine that created fundaments of first Achaemenid Empire, Persia. After max size (HP wet dream future fantasy) it downsized back to Iran.

Traveling Hebrews, short lived Kingdom Judea, world travelers nowhere powerhouse mini Empire Israel. Until it becomes corrupt Bibi-esque Natanyogi fat pig (tm Nonc) with religious no-braining people in power who understand meta-physical books but less so physical reality.

Best illustration of fast mobile horsemen travelers creating biggest continuous Empire: Genghis Khan. Shriveled back to Mongolia and China. Conquer, kill or join, continued in CCP mentality:

China toys with deadly new COVID strain: When will the madness end?

Their wet dream is create virus that kills enough enemy genome with enough Han survive having pre-knowledge, treatment and/or vaccine before others. This is their aim and tactic. Risk of course virus escapes and not much distinguishes between Han / non-Han. Obsession with Han Empire wet dreams clearly disables reason and doing calculated risk assessment.

Long time people observed serious moral-ethical deficit in Chinese culture. In combination with unmatched No1 work ethic this makes Chinese the number one danger of human species survival. The WEF losers of course only jealous and like Elon Musk will bend the knee to Big Panda Poo Frankenstein. Observe WEF to partner with CCP in 2024.

USA money invested in China did not create a co-operative civilized partner but a real Big Frankenstein. USA money invested in Russia created small Frankenstein. Being nice to laughing mad mullahs, well Iran is just a small side show full of inconsequential jesters. HP, ever thought of a career in stand-up comedy? 😉

Nature as usual shrugs its indifferent shoulders. Pandemics, extinction, near extinctions, so what? There is no democracy in death or how to die.

Nuclear MAD holds for as long as people in control of nuclear switch value life over death. Religious death cults only ones able to crack the code. Not hard to identify who they are. Which is why CCP pre-emptively will destroy Islam where they can.
also political mischief in south america, including weapons supplies.

truly a fitting replacement - noone will notice the change of management.
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Re: Iran

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


It was obvious

A sensational report has claimed that the Pakistan military was already aware of Iran’s decision to strike militant bases in Balochistan.

India Today, citing a local Iranian media report, said that Tehran’s strikes required coordination with the Pakistan government.
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Re: Iran

Post by noddy »

Yes, the american sponsored millitary government.

Not the popular, illegal, imran khan government which is sick of villagers getting missiled
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Re: Iran

Post by Parodite »

Excellent summary of the geopolitical ME board game.

The End of Iran

Not the end of Iran, but of Greater Iran wet dream ambitions. mad mullahs still laughing.. but for how long :P
Deep down I'm very superficial
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Re: Iran

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


No matter what, US will not touch Iran .. no matter what

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Re: Iran

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Sun Jan 21, 2024 7:00 pm Excellent summary of the geopolitical ME board game.

The End of Iran

Not the end of Iran, but of Greater Iran wet dream ambitions. mad mullahs still laughing.. but for how long :P

Many illiterate (in ME history, culture, civilization) think leaders in Iran doing what they doing "only to stay in power" :lol:

They don't know Iranians and they dont know Western Asia (Western Asia now the right world for ME).

What is happening in Iran, rising of Persia, was and is the dream of Iranians since 300 yr, since NADER Shah .. Reza Shah tried it (West deposed and send him to exile), late Shah tried it (and was overthrown by West).

Now The mad mullahs nailed it

That is why Iranians, atheist, believers, poor mass and the rich .. all .. backing the mad mullahs.

Iranian Shia is a "pragmatic" religion, unlike "dogmatic" Sunni .. Don't mistake reform on the go in Iran with weakness of mad mullahs .. they solid as a rock and getting more strong .. IRGC now pretty much tules Iran
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Re: Iran

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:14 pm .

No matter what, US will not touch Iran .. no matter what

True - the US controls Iran since Mossadeh. All mad mullahs hand groomed by DC. If a Shah or schoolteacher gets uppity they are replaced toot sweet.
“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Re: Iran

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Nonc Hilaire wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:34 pm
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:14 pm .

No matter what, US will not touch Iran .. no matter what

True - the US controls Iran since Mossadeh. All mad mullahs hand groomed by DC. If a Shah or schoolteacher gets uppity they are replaced toot sweet.

That is what West wants Iranians to believe (and many naive Iranians believe) .. basically putting down Iranians and sayin you nobody and we control you. For Iranians to lose "self confidence" :lol: .. Similar Western thinking re China and Chinese

But it ain't so

mad mullahs no Western cronies.

On the other hand , you could have a case in the sense that West, US , is interested to help the rise of the "New Persian Empire" next to Russia to offset Russia (and maybe India AND China).

That, have to agree, makes sense

Any evidence of that ?


US, America, last 45 yrs, wiped out all enemies of Iran .. all

Question now is, who is the next to go ?
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Re: Iran

Post by noddy »

we will never know.

but aslong as people are blowing up pakistani villages for moral reasons, all is well in the world.

the bombing terrorists into hippies initiative is a known winner.
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Re: Iran

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

noddy wrote: Tue Jan 23, 2024 10:19 am we will never know.

but aslong as people are blowing up pakistani villages for moral reasons, all is well in the world.

the bombing terrorists into hippies initiative is a known winner.

Am on the record sayin I like Trump and hope he next US president
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