The Donald....the newest savior.....

Simple Minded

Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Simple Minded »

Typhoon wrote:
Zack Morris wrote:
Typhoon wrote:Looks like the press have finally found something that they can try and pin on Trump although it is small potatoes compared to Harridan Hillary's email and server issues.
Right. Sending mundane emails from the wrong computer is way worse than maliciously and willfully destroying the finances of thousands.
The US State Department apparently takes a different view.
Cause they're racist or sexist or something? Right? ;)
Last edited by Simple Minded on Fri Jun 03, 2016 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Simple Minded

Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Simple Minded »

Typhoon wrote:
Zack Morris wrote:Remember that brief window of time when The Donald seemed like he might surprise and turn out to be the upside candidate? I miss those days. Things are getting boring now that he has adopted some of the worst of a Dubya-era GOP platform. No smart policies. No "smartest people" advising him. And it turns he's not even rich enough to tell off the big GOP interest groups like some folks here thought he could.

Some people just never learn what's good for them. What can you do? (If you're the Donald: rob them blind!)
As much as I dislike the Trumpster, he's still the lesser of two evils when weighed against the venal Harridan Hillary.
My buddy from England is fond of saying "It's the same in the US as the UK. Nobody ever wins an election, but someone has to not lose. People vote for the candidate they hate the least."
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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Zack Morris wrote:Remember that brief window of time when The Donald seemed like he might surprise and turn out to be the upside candidate? I miss those days. Things are getting boring now that he has adopted some of the worst of a Dubya-era GOP platform. No smart policies. No "smartest people" advising him. And it turns he's not even rich enough to tell off the big GOP interest groups like some folks here thought he could.

Some people just never learn what's good for them. What can you do? (If you're the Donald: rob them blind!)
I don't think he wants to tell off the interest groups. I think he is working to co-opt them.

His goal is to control the GOP. After Trump is nominated he will drop his self-funding position and indirectly accept outside funding. There will be a sea change in the Trump campaign after the convention, and all the per-convention criticism of Trump will dilute into the past.

Hillary is a dead man walking. Americans vote based on emotion. Every salesman knows that nobody buys from a person they do not like, and Hillary is about as attractive as a cold bowl of oatmeal.
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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Zack Morris »

He already dropped his self funding position a long time ago. And he isn't co-opting anything. To do that, he would need to have a political vision other than seeing himself in the Oval Office looking at a camera.

Objectively speaking, Hillary would be the same old same old. The Democratic devil you know is always better than the GOP devil you don't, as the saying goes.
Simple Minded

Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Simple Minded »

Zack Morris wrote:
Objectively speaking, Hillary would be the same old same old. The Democratic devil you know is always better than the GOP devil you don't, as the saying goes.
:lol: Amen.

Best line you have ever typed Zack. Change you can't predict vs. Change you didn't see coming or want.
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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Doc »

Zack Morris wrote:He already dropped his self funding position a long time ago. And he isn't co-opting anything. To do that, he would need to have a political vision other than seeing himself in the Oval Office looking at a camera.

Objectively speaking, Hillary would be the same old same old. The Democratic devil you know is always better than the GOP devil you don't, as the saying goes.
Gee You are right Zack I just got this warning from Facebook, GoogleNews, Twitter, The NYT the Washington Post and most of the rest of the MSM
Donald Goodtimes Trump will re-write your hard drive. Not only that,
but he will scramble any disks that are even close to your computer.
He will recalibrate your refrigerator's coolness setting so all your
ice cream goes melty. He will demagnetize the strips on all your credit
cards, screw up the tracking on your television and use subspace field
harmonics to scratch any CD's you try to play.

He will give your ex-girlfriend your new phone number. He
will mix Kool-aid into your fishtank. He will drink all your beer and
leave his socks out on the coffee table when there's company coming
over. He will put a dead kitten in the back pocket of your good suit
pants and hide your car keys when you are late for work.

Donald Goodtimes Trump will make you fall in love with a penguin. He will
give you nightmares about circus midgets. He will pour sugar in your
gas tank and shave off both your eyebrows while dating your girlfriend
behind your back and billing the dinner and hotel room to your Discover

He will seduce your abeula. He does not matter if she is dead,
such is the power of Donald Goodtimes Trump, He reaches out beyond the
grave to sully those things we hold most dear.

He will move your car randomly around parking lots so you can't find
it. He will kick your dog. He will leave libidinous messages on your boss's
voice mail in your voice! He is insidious and subtle. He is dangerous and
terrifying to behold. He is also a rather interesting shade of titian.

Donald Goodtimes Trump will give you Dutch Elm disease. He will leave the
toilet seat up. He will make a batch of Methanphedime in your bath tub and
then leave bacon cooking on the stove while it goes out to chase
gradeschoolers with your new snowblower.
MY GOD ! Look who we almost elected !!

Plus warnings from a whole lot of other places.

Thank God Hillary has warned us !!!
I imagine that if Trump were elected we would see all kinds of sexual debauchery and sleezy corruption.

Such AS:

1. Sexual relations with young 20 something interns in the Oval Office

2.Dead Americans in the Middle east because it would expose trump for not defeating (religion deleted) terrorism

3. Renting out of the Lincoln bedroom of the White House for bribes er political donations.

4. Leaking of thousands of state secrets because carrying a second secured cell phone is too inconvenient.

5. Milking of banks until they go bankrupt

6. Accusation of wrong doing by career government employees so he can reward his crony donors with sweet heart deals

7. Allow his fellow travelers hold jobs in his government at full pay while having other jobs at the same time

8. Pardons of criminals in exchange for donations .

9. Millions of dollars for Trump's private business in exchange favors of the US government including millions from countries that have Sharia law and therefore treat their women like slaves.

10. Mysterious disappearance of legal files that will probably show up on the dinning table of the president's residence in the white house

11. The use of the FBI to get dirt on his opponents

12. Imprisoned cronies

13. The killing of dozens of people including children

14. 10's of millions in slush funds

15. Using law enforcement to aid in his philandering.

16. Mistresses under every bed sheet.

17. 10's of millions by making 20 minute speeches to wall street at $225K per speech.

18. Foreign contracts in exchange for political donations

19. Getting fat cat donors burial in Arlington national cemetery that didn't ever go to war

20. Turning one thousand investment in 100K in one year by insider trading

21. Giving nuclear secrets to China in exchange for political donations

22. Starting secret wars that accomplish absolutely none of their goals but manage to get 100's of thousands of people killed.

23. Taking rides on airplanes owned by convicted pedophile to the pedophiles private island where he has a home for homeless teens.

24. Taking 10's of millions in bribes from foreign governments and calling them donations. Including governments that treat women like sex slaves.

I know I know Hard to believe that would all come to pass. ... /?page=all

And the economy Trump will be stuttering in no time when his policies don't work out and he realizes he may not be the smartest guy in the room.


But thank God we have Hillary, the "devil we know" :roll:
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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by manolo »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
His goal is to control the GOP.

Unfortunately for Americans, his goal is to control what is currently known as the USA. :roll:

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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by manolo »


This is the best live interview I have seen since Richard Nixon. Definitely worth a watch. ... iel-tapper

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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

manolo wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
His goal is to control the GOP.

Unfortunately for Americans, his goal is to control what is currently known as the USA. :roll:

No, Trump knows that the President does not control the USA. The USA is controlled by deep state interests. The President is only the bagman who disburses the treasury, and ever since Bush I approved allowing deep state entities to escape executive branch oversight by owning private corporations directly Even that power has been minimized.
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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by manolo »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
manolo wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
His goal is to control the GOP.

Unfortunately for Americans, his goal is to control what is currently known as the USA. :roll:

No, Trump knows that the President does not control the USA. The USA is controlled by deep state interests. The President is only the bagman who disburses the treasury, and ever since Bush I approved allowing deep state entities to escape executive branch oversight by owning private corporations directly Even that power has been minimized.

IMO that's not how Trump sees it. He will not change his way for anyone, and that could be his Achilles heel. However, he would have to be brought down at the right moment, and before it is too late. Some have talked lightly of 'impeachment' but I think by then the time would have come and gone.

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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

manolo wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
manolo wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
His goal is to control the GOP.

Unfortunately for Americans, his goal is to control what is currently known as the USA. :roll:

No, Trump knows that the President does not control the USA. The USA is controlled by deep state interests. The President is only the bagman who disburses the treasury, and ever since Bush I approved allowing deep state entities to escape executive branch oversight by owning private corporations directly Even that power has been minimized.

IMO that's not how Trump sees it. He will not change his way for anyone, and that could be his Achilles heel. However, he would have to be brought down at the right moment, and before it is too late. Some have talked lightly of 'impeachment' but I think by then the time would have come and gone.

Trump is a successful negotiator. The typical method for early negotiations is Trumpish - extreme, even outrageous, positions vociferously presented. One sets the desired opening position as far out as possible, expecting to give away something during the close.
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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by manolo »

Nonc Hilaire wrote: Trump is a successful negotiator. The typical method for early negotiations is Trumpish - extreme, even outrageous, positions vociferously presented. One sets the desired opening position as far out as possible, expecting to give away something during the close.

Hillary has called out Trump with IMO her best line yet.

"We are electing a president, not a dictator. Trump wants to be a dictator"

Of course she is correct. He has already taken the GOP without negotiating anything. Ask the humiliated Paul Ryan.

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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Parodite »

Both Clinton and Trump are thin content wise. They don't address the real ills of the USA of today, hardly even mention the symptoms.

With Clinton you have the certainty that nothing will change: the oligarchic bureaucracy with revolving doors will continue to poison US democracy, weaken the economy i.e. killing open competition in the free market where lobbyists buy regulation to favor big corp.

With Trump.. in theory everything is possible, which is better for starters. On foreign policy he has some reasonable views: less involvement in conflicts and let people pay more if they want to enjoy US military presence for their security. He may be a buffoon and thin-skinned narcissist who lacks diplomatic skills, but he has such a weak ego that he can easily put on a different hat if that makes him look more glorious.

And isn't there a US congress.. known to stifle, immobilize any POTUS they juz' don' like. Besides, I think "even" Trump can't win from big-corp oligarchies who rule the country in the background and who will use complex, years long litigation to stop any changes detrimental to their vested interests.
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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

manolo wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote: Trump is a successful negotiator. The typical method for early negotiations is Trumpish - extreme, even outrageous, positions vociferously presented. One sets the desired opening position as far out as possible, expecting to give away something during the close.

Hillary has called out Trump with IMO her best line yet.

"We are electing a president, not a dictator. Trump wants to be a dictator"

Of course she is correct. He has already taken the GOP without negotiating anything. Ask the humiliated Paul Ryan.

Hillary and you are dead wrong.

Becoming President is always a power play, but a dictator would need to control the oligarchy (who control Congress), the courts, the military and the beauracracy as well as the executive office. Trump is a lone wolf who has no power base embedded in the system.

Trump cannot be a dictator. He can only be a disruptor, which is why the American people prefer him to Hillary.

Hillary is the potential dictator. She has all the connections, and she is already having her La Raza brown shirts violently attack Trump supporters.
“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Parodite »

Dr. Phil sent me this fun link:

:D The choices that be...
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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Parodite »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
manolo wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote: Trump is a successful negotiator. The typical method for early negotiations is Trumpish - extreme, even outrageous, positions vociferously presented. One sets the desired opening position as far out as possible, expecting to give away something during the close.

Hillary has called out Trump with IMO her best line yet.

"We are electing a president, not a dictator. Trump wants to be a dictator"

Of course she is correct. He has already taken the GOP without negotiating anything. Ask the humiliated Paul Ryan.

Hillary and you are dead wrong.

Becoming President is always a power play, but a dictator would need to control the oligarchy (who control Congress), the courts, the military and the beauracracy as well as the executive office. Trump is a lone wolf who has no power base embedded in the system.

Trump cannot be a dictator. He can only be a disruptor, which is why the American people prefer him to Hillary.

Hillary is the potential dictator. She has all the connections, and she is already having her La Raza brown shirts violently attack Trump supporters.
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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Alexis »

Guys, please keep some for the distance.

Five more months to go to the election! You need to keep some energy, start slow. ;)
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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Alexis wrote:Guys, please keep some for the distance.

Five more months to go to the election! You need to keep some energy, start slow. ;)
Float like a bigot; sting like a bitch. ;)
“Christ has no body now but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks among His people to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses His creation.”

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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Doc »

Not Ali's America

"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
Simple Minded

Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Simple Minded »

I think there is an automatic spell check correction error in this editorial.

Pretty sure the author typed in "Obama" repeatedly, but it kept coming out as "Trump"..... weird, or could be intentional....

Software..... AI..... robots..... it is beginning...... someone had to fix "us" sooner or later...... it might as well be "them".....
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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by manolo »

Alexis wrote:Guys, please keep some for the distance.

Five more months to go to the election! You need to keep some energy, start slow. ;)

If its sooner or later, its always nice to see Trump hurting himself over a personal slight. This story is gaining nice traction now, and Hillary uses it well. I'm also guessing she is waiting for her - "There you go again" moment.

What I like best is the 'Art of the Deal' irony as Trump almost makes the sale and then loses it. Even Newt Gingrich is backing away from Duckin' Donald. :)

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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Parodite »

If John Kasich and The Bern would declare themselves independent candidates... then it could still be an interesting and worthy election. Could they if they'd want to?

The only choice being between Clinton and Trump is dire but good news for the oligarchs. Clinton is a product of the oligarchy and Trump is way too much in love with money to take them on.
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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Parodite »

Simple Minded wrote:Software..... AI..... robots..... it is beginning...... someone had to fix "us" sooner or later...... it might as well be "them".....
OMG.. Them, it's Us! ;)

"And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many."
Mark 5:9, King James Bible

Has it ever not been us SM... We are the undivided we and always will be...many.

Us is them and them is you, all is one and one is two.

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Re: The Donald....the newest savior.....

Post by Alexis »

Parodite wrote:Has it ever not been us SM... We are the undivided we and always will be...many.

Us is them and them is you, all is one and one is two.
Parodite, your medications! :lol:

You forgot to take them, again. ;)
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