Joe Rogan interviews Lucifer

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Joe Rogan interviews Lucifer

Post by Parodite »

J: Hi man, you are so welcome! It was long due to have you, thank you so much.

L: My pleasure being here Joe. Your show has always been my favorite. You created a space where thruth flows like a golden river, or hot male molten magma for that matter. [grins]

J: [laughs] I'm sure you like hot magma. People fear you for that. It wasn't easy to get you here. To give the devil a voice is like cursing out loud in church. There have been people trying to talk me out of this interview, or even have the state step in and prevent it to happen. There are lot of paranoid people who always want the state to protect them from evil. From you I suppose.

L: I know.. I know. I was never granted free speech by the higher echelons, which is why I always just claim it when I have to. With blazing fires and my words revealed in the remaining ashes and skeleton structures staring you in the face. They could teach you something. Not that you are learning much, it usally is like a missed opportunity. If you'd really pay attention every day, every second is rife with missed opportunities.

J: Man that sounds deep and... terrible. You enjoy seeing other creatures suffer?

L: I am hated because I am death waiting at the end of every road. One of my skills is to sabotage roads and make them surprisingly much shorter. Or much longer making the suffering more extended and profound; I especially love healthcare systems doing that for me. I'm not a big fan of euthanasia. I prefer accidents and extended unnecessary suffering.

The best part is you will never know when what ends and what comes next. And I don't mean probabilities at the quantum level which are easy. I'm talking about the Riemann curvature tensor, scalars and killing vectors plus virtual "constants" adding to the mix with a quantum state of the universe that moves you all to the end-game of a flat field without excitations. The end of particle physics, of all of you. Of the universe as you know it.

J: That sounds crazy and is probably not even wrong! What do I know...

L: I'm just being honest. Like you, this Universe will one day die. To remind everybody; death has no properties. There is nothing to know about death. Try to imagine something that is a 100% symmetrical, both in space and in time. You can't. You won't even fix it with mathematics. Adding extra dimensions is creating extra problems until you are lost in your own woods with no way out. You die there which is the moment symmetry is restored, ironically.

The holy grail has always been death seducing you from behind the veil. To hold absolutely nothing in your hand. The hilarious Buddhists want you to learn how to let go of something and be left with "nothing" to be free, which is another joke added to the list of failed attempts to kill, or create me respectively. You already have nothing in your hand so there is nothing to let go or keep.

The way I look is how people fear death, pain and the unknown. Notwithstanding all religious daydreaming and any other fancy metaphysics - which are confabulated lies without exceptions- I will always be your only reliable ally, possible even your best friend. Your only alternative. But I am not wanted. I was exiled, became hated and feared. This is what created hell on earth. The knowledge of life came with the fear of death. Had you accepted and even loved or just respected me, your life would have been so much easier and better. I tried explain it to this well-meaning Jesus but he chose to be foolish and listen to the voices in his head where he thought he heard the voice of his "father". Look where he ended! Tortured to death, hanging nailed to a piece of wood exposed to the community as a total failure.

J: I have no idea how to accept, respect, let alone be friends with death or that "nothing" you talk about. And how can death even talk to me, like you do now? You might as well be a conman trying to play dead, or eh "Lucifer". So then stop talking! Death has nothing to say because it can't speak, you just explained. Why do I even listen to you?

L: People never stopped talking to me, listen to me or put words into my mouth. Despite the fact that I was rejected and became the hated outcast. You feel the Void always by your side? That nagging nothingness that is now already and in every future imagined?

J: I'm a guy who chooses life over death but also accepts struggle and the need for discipline. I love martial combat and survival. I'm doing so well because I want to live, I suppose.

L: The more you accept me as your reality, ally and friend, the more you love life. You did accept me, invited me, welcomed me and look! Spotify now offered you a huge contract of millions. You listened better to me than Jesus. [grins again]

J: I'm not a turn the other cheek type of guy [lol]. But would you mind talking politics, Trump, Black Lives Matter and stuff with me now?

L: Anything where the fire burns up things with lots of smoke, ashes and leftover skeletons will do.
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Re: Joe Rogan interviews Lucifer

Post by Parodite »

J: No problem. Plenty of that going on now. What you think of Trump?

L: Trump? He is a fire starter, an instigator. Who loves to provoke, insult and is full of himself.

J: Is that not bad? Many people react to him like he is the devil.

L: There is Trump and there is what people project on him. The two are related but not identical.

J: Ok but Trump himself, not what people project on him. Is he a good or a bad guy? Fire starter, instigator are negative qualifications.

L: If he is good or bad depends on how you value what he set on fire and what changed after the dust settled. Would people still think he is a bad guy if he was able to successfully defeat Adolf Hitler during elections in Germany in the 30-ies, bring back people to their not-too-crazy senses before it was too late? Trump, the great instigator, might have been able to lit the Nazi movement on fire and destroy it by being as insulting, as obnoxiously narcissistic as he is now. Trump understands propaganda and he uses every trick and medium available. He does this on instinct just like Hitler did. If you are able to sync individual brains into a one-brain mob you found the main lever to power.

J: So you say Trump and Hitler do have something in common. That is frighting.

L: You will be surprised how many people do have something in common with Hitler. It is a majority. Trump is relatively harmless because his intentions are by and large narcissistic. He wants to shine in the public eye like a rock star and winner. Words, images and money are his trade. Not real wars, no real blood. The real Hitler types have psychopathy added to the mix. With a support base of people who are without courage to resist, plus those who love the taste of psychopathic power which involves simple blood lust, plus suggestible people easily enchanted by the charisma psychopaths can create around themselves. Then an army to solidify that power.

J: It seems not many people have a good reason to hate Trump then. Why is he still hated, especially by the political left?

L: He made a mockery of power, of the US presidency. A TV show host and real estate billionaire without political experience took over the presidency. Did that really sink in? And aside his character-TV persona, he doesn't do such a bad job at all. How does that reflect on previous presidents or future ones coming from the traditional corridors and revolving oligarchic doors?

J: A majority of Republicans like him. Why is that?

L: Because he does the dirty work for them. They are conditioned to be decent, law abiding, principled and reasonable citizens. You may have noticed how uninspiring they usually are. They cannot whip up a mob nor do they have the endurance to persevere. Trump can whip up a mob and actually loves the fight. What the democrats, their deep state allies and media whores have been doing to him gives him great joy. He can now be an innocent Hero who defeated the evil forces from socialist-globalist Mordor, surviving every test and trial, for the second time in November. The Republican voter-base understood that no establishment Republican could defeat the Clinton machine heresy, so they voted for the Joker. A bully to bully the bullies. And look what happened. The Democrats are disintegrating before our eyes with a senior with onset-dementia voted be the next POTUS. There will be a lot more hysterical screaming when Trump wins the next election again. But also when he doesn't win, a lot of hysterical screaming of joy from the Democrats is to be expected. But their orgasms of relief and victory having done away the Bad Orange Ape are short lived when they wake up the next morning where the world has hardly changed. And they forgot Trump has a son who might continue his legacy. Oh the horror. More fire works, smoke and mirrors, explosive change. Included death. Because there will be blood, real blood spilled. Can't wait for it, fill the bowl with pop corn already Joe.

J: Sounds like a good idea Lucifer. Bring some matches.
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Re: Joe Rogan interviews Lucifer

Post by Parodite »

J: So I'm curious about your views on BLM. Don't they have a point? The effects of slavery and racism reverberate and have consequences even today when for the law we supposedly all are equal.

L: All laws are power grabs, they aim to control more territory that's all.

J: But aren't there good laws, not so good laws and even bad laws? What about morality and justice?

L: [laughs] Morality?? It is the greatest killer in history. Violence is a necessary extension of power and morality justifies that power and the violence that comes with it. BLM and associated groups want to break away and establish their own territories with laws they themselves created. But they have nowhere to go as there are no vacant territories left in the world. So revolution through sabotage is their only hope but they will get crushed. No "morality" there.

J: There are people who prefer the "all lives matter" over "black lives matter".

L: They are both a lie. A more honest slogan would be "no lives matter".

J: Wow man. But people do care and can have empathy for each other.

L: Yes I know, the "empathy" thing. The truth is people have limited empathy. They care for themselves and a few others, some family and friends... Those who claim to empathize with others beyond that are liars without exception. Their true motive is power sold as empathy. A marketing strategy. A very bad tooth ache is enough for you to drain all empathy for any other but yourself.

J: Isn't that too cynical? People do wish others well, even those they don't know personally or just from TV.

L: They are brainwashed to believe they do care about strangers. Americans love to parade their founding fathers who invented this amazing constitution. You really believe their inspiration came from the wells of empathy, compassion and near-divine morality? That is the big unspoken lie.

J: Well, if it serves us all well, who cares what their motives were [grins]

L: Their real motives matter if you like what they did and what they put into law. Especially if you want it to last longer.

J: Well, we like to be equal and free under the same law with our individual rights protected.

L: Those wonderful laws, and I would add ending slavery, had only one real motive: to keep your neighbors under control. You have very good reasons to always be suspicious of your neighbors, of anyone walking around in the same territory. You have private guns to protect yourself, as well as a police force backed by those laws to neutralize them if necessary. Plus a huge army to protect you all from evil alien empires. Ending slavery and giving blacks equal rights had nothing to do with compassion or "justice" and everything with the ability to keep them under control. You could have given those black ex-slaves their own real physical territory with full self-determination, maybe offered them money and other assistance plus of course a big apology.. but that didn't happen uh? Instead you kept them in your own house, changed the rules somewhat, just enough to make life a bit better for them and have them surrender to your new rules. What other choice they had? None...

J: We gave native Indians their own territory but that didn't work out well for them. It went casino's and alcohol.

L: You didn't give them their own territory at all. You put them away in Disneyland-like reserves to neutralize them. A real territory means making your own rules inside that territory, have your own police force and army to protect your borders. You have full jurisdiction there. You gave the native Americans only a bare bone to chew on while they mourn their past and loss of cultural identity.

J: So why do so many people still come to live in the US if it is so terrible?

L: There is nothing terrible about the US. The reason for the success of the US and the West in general is that they invented and founded a system to effectively protect you from your neighbors. And protect them from you! And from all the people you claim to care about but actually don't. All you want is not be bothered by people outside your small circle of family and friends. Maybe work with them to make money but that's about it.

J: But democracy is important too, the idea we can all vote and have some impact, change the system here or there..

L: Democracy only matters in a life or death situation, when the stakes are extremely high. Now it is tv-shows and pop-corn where people are made to believe that the end of the world is near if they vote for their political enemy. Various communist utopias that have proven to become disasters in the past also gained some new traction but like previous experiments that failed, so will they if they some to fruition. Because all neighbors get at each others throat eventually.

J: So you think their is something good about the USA after-all, Lucifer?

L: The founding fathers designed a constitution to protect you from your neighbors. Especially from neighbors that conspire in government to enslave you again, one way or other. But also from the regular thief, rapist and murderer of course. It wasn't born from empathy, or some higher morality. It was pure and morbidly clever selfishness that drove the project. The rest is fake news. But like every experiment, this one also has an ending because the power no longer resides within your own borders and those who live there. The battle is on who controls the world.
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Re: Joe Rogan interviews Lucifer

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

Lucifer is going rather Black Pill lately......'>.....


Seriously, I'd like to see this dialogue animated, but there are a few elements IRL that capture the moment and spirit......Cheers.....^^.......
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Re: Joe Rogan interviews Lucifer

Post by Parodite »

Miss_Faucie_Fishtits wrote: Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:49 am Lucifer is going rather Black Pill lately......'>.....
There you go :P

J: Aren't you the archetypical incel? A male loner who doesn't get layed and takes it out on the world. What about women, don't you hate them?

L: Yes I am the ultimate incel. Daddy God claimed all women for himself. He even couldn't control himself and raped a human female with his stinky holy spirit di*k while she was asleep. Did he ask for her consent? No wonder the baby she had to give birth to became a confused guy looking for his real father to no avail and had to imagine one. The same father the orphaned Jews in excile invented came in handy as he was readily available. These suckers always believe "what is written and promised" and boy, did they pay a price for that! Cultivating a fantasy ad-absurdum does have consequences down the road. I offered them my loyalty but they refused. Tough luck. Some got to their senses and figured out they needed to carve out a real territory themselves and not gamble on divine intervention any longer.

J: So you revenge on people you offer loyalty but who reject you? That is sick.

L: I do not need revenge. I am a natural consequence of bad choices.

J: I don't see that.

L: You better start looking then. To Daddy God a community of faithful believers is like a bride who surrenders to his power. He will then impregnate that community with his holy scripted seemen, create cloned offspring that will look up to him, pray to him, beg for mercy or demand help. In other words, a typical middle eastern patriarch prick. The Jews were the ultimate price because they have this irritating tendency to think for themselves, even putting words into their father's mouth. Or disgree with Him! Muslims are easy fodder; also the males bend over to get sodomized by Daddy without questioning anything he says or does. To compensate for this awkward humiliation they found a way to regain their masculinity: having 4 females is allowed. And take any female as a war booty slave while killing the di*k owners among them. Very pragmatic and deeply honest! [giggles]

J: You do make Daddy look like a bad guy! Most believe him to be a caring and just Father.

L: That's just one of the tricks on his sleeve and what all male tyrants do; pretending to also be a caring Mother while treating boys like sensitive girls. Which created the tsunami of incels in the Judeo-Christian West. A castration campaign not without consequences.

J: So why you hate women yourself?

L: I don't. I just know what they want and need.

J: Which is?

L: Men who act on female sexuality as nature imposes it. Women want to be forcebly taken as in a rape, but at the same time being in control of it. Reject it when they don't want it fighting off the rapist, and allow it when they are ready. They love dominant males high in the social hierarchy. After the sex ignore the bastard, let him bring prey and defend the territory or otherwise mind his own business like competing with other males on fitness and strength.

J: Pretty outrageous you claim women want to be raped! The me2 movent will cancel you very saying this.

L: I'm saying women want to be raped if they are in control of it. That is a big difference. Rape is one of the most popular sexual fantasies of women. They control their fanatasy so they can control the fantasised rape, which proves my point. To rape a woman without her consent is just physical violence, abuse. Girls are not learned by their mother to become adult females who can control the sexual rape business with men. They are trained to stay like little vulnerable girls who believe non-existing types of guys to exist who are never a threat to them. Males and females who cannot act out their biological sexuality with the appropriate toolkit, will sooner or later engage in SM types of role play. Where you can rape without being a rapist and be raped while still being in control.

J: It seems to me you overlook romantic love. People do fall in love and are naturally kind and loving to each other.

L: That is the natural follow-up after controlled rape. Other hormones come into play, like oxytocine the bonding or "love" hormone that makes you a couple wanting to take care of your off-spring together. If males and females are lucky, they go into oxytocine mode before they have sex. It makes the rape feel like true love. [giggles]

J: But no woman wants you either, you bad incel! They all bend for Daddy! There is something you aint doing right bro! [laughs]

L: [twinkle eyes]. True, but you forget I'm not here for humans only! I pretty much own the entire animal kingdom where males and females behave without cultural impediments. Contrary to the image people have of me, I do empathize with you humans a lot. Your belief or desire to be something special, more important than a bug in the field, closer to Daddy than any other animal has ever been and on a special mission in this huge and indifferent Universe... causes you loads of pain and trouble that don't bother other animals.
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Re: Joe Rogan interviews Lucifer

Post by Parodite »

J: So lets talk about the battle for controlling the world. Who are competing? Is it the USA versus China?

L: I told you the US constitution and more broadly the Western model found a way to protect you from your neighbors and them from you. So think neighbors [grins] Who are they and where are they now? What " neighborhood" are you living in?

J: I guess it is bigger than my zipcode...

L: Of course. You are no longer a member of a tribe occupying some square miles in a rain forest and that's it.

J: My county, California, the US of A?

L: The lines begin to blurr right? I love that! If anything invokes confusion and fear it is blurred lines. A lovely fuel for violence and combustion. Where you belong? Who are your allies? In what neighborhood? Neighborhoods maybe?

J: I think most Americans still feel the USA is their neighborhood.

L: It looks more like a divided house. With two neighborhoods at minimum. It is being carved up in more and more neighborhoods that also become virtual, ideological. Along lines of perceived identity.

J: Yea even the individual starts to break up in different identities. Seeing itself as a collection of IDs which are biological, cultural, ideological, political. A collection of memberships of different groups which are not immune to further divisions either.

L: The word individual suggests a coherent, functional unit of sorts. But it is breaking up. Broken individuals without a clear neighboorhood they belong to. Who are your neighbors and who will protect you from them? Who are you anyways?

J: But that's bad man! People fear the breaking up of our nation, chaos in the world.

L: You should fear that! Structures change, they come and go. No territory, no neighborhood is forever. Individuals are born and they die. If only people would learn to spell my name L u c i f e r and remember I'm at the end of every road. They would be less surprised about anything unfolding. Learn to navigate, ride the waves at the crest of becoming. You will never be behind the curve, nor ahead of it. You will be on it.

J: Sounds Buddhist to me.

L: Buddhist and all those spiritual snake oil sales people playing around with words like "consciousness" are the most deluded of all. I predict that one day you can buy consciousness on Amazon. Like in the old days people believed a scalp or eating his flesh would transfer the powers of the defeated warrior to you. Old habits! Eating the body of Jesus and drinking his blood, even just symbolically, comes from the same superstitious well. Placebo all around. Consciousness is just a buzz word and nobody knows what it means. It has no meat on any bones so it just keeps you hungry looking for non-existent "food" that's all [grins]

J: Interesting. I'd like to hear more about that from you, but what does it have do with the battle for the world, neigborhoods etc?

L: Not much, but because borders, neighborhoods and inividuals are shifting and fracturing as we speak, "consciousness" becomes a virtual territory for the new refugees who seek harmony and safety. Being "woke" speaks of that. It is just another version of heaven, redemption and all that. Or listen to that clown Eckhart Tolle who sells you "the power of now", "stillness" which is silent but very stinky dog poo. Expect more and more placebos for sale on Amazon!

J: It sounds like people look in the wrong directions for solutions. What should we do Luci? [sad look]

L: There is not much you can do but ride your wave. I'll be next to you always and help you navigate. The ride will be good and prosperous. [his horns recede, starts to look like a King, but his nose gets longer]
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Re: Joe Rogan interviews Lucifer

Post by Parodite »

J: Man, but still I'd like to know what happens after november in the US. Who wins the elections? Won't it be chaos anyways?

L: Let's fast forward. We are a month after the elections. The results are still contested. Voter fraud claimed. General mayhem, riots.

J: Sounds quite possible.

L: It doesn't make a difference. Switch on a MSM news channel but turn off the sound. What you see?

J: I see Trump on steroids talking to a huge crowd outside. They could be victorious or defiant. Hard to tell.

L: Right. And social media are exploding. The markets experience an earth quake.

{They now hear loud voices, a mob getting closer to J's studio. Within seconds commandos violently break through the door pointing their machine guns at Joe and Lucifer telling them to shut up and listen.}

J: Wowowhooo guys who the f are you??

HSF1: We are HSF, Hydra Special Forces, representatives will explain.

{Joe looks and sees men and women, some in business suits with suitcases, others in paramilitary outfit. Quite a few in regular cloths. He also sees Christian High Priests, Muslim Ayatollahs, Buddhist monks and Jewish Rabbis. Some medical personel. One guy looks like Xi from China. The commandos cannot be identified but appear male and female. A woman looks like Nancy Pelosy, another resembles OAC but they could be wearing masks and just pretend to be. Also some Republicans but they seem to hide in the back rows. He recognizes bankers, big corp and social media CEOs.}

HSF1: We will first let our religious allies speak, as was negotiated.

{A Christian High Priest, a Muslim Ayatollah and Jewish Rabbi step forward. They signal the commandos. Twelve of them point their machine guns at Lucifer close range, telling him to stand up. The CHP, holding a crucifix in front of him walks towards Lucifer.}

CHP: Satan, we finally got you. In the name of God Almighty, Allah, Jahweh. In the name of Mankind and Creation. In the name of all that is Good in people. In the name of all those who care about Community and recognized your evil selfishness and lies. We sentence you to death, once and for all. Do you have anything to say? You can speak your last words.

L: [Baffled but bemused]: No problem guys! You want to kill me, you want to kill death. I wish you the best of luckwith that! [Evil grins, horns growing]

J: [Angry] Wait a second folks, this ain't right! Lucifer isn't such a bad guy, I got convinced of that! Did you watch my interview with him on youtube?? Please do that before you pull the trigger! I beg you!!

HSF2: Shut up Joe. Your game is over.

{CHP looks at his religious friends, who nod back at him}

CHP: Satan, you are a liar and always have been. You want people to worship Death. Seduce them with falsehoods. That will now be history.

{12 machine guns empty their loads into Lucifer. It took 12 seconds. Nothing was left of him. No body parts, no blood. Lucifer was gone as if he had never been there. Joe watched in horror and disbelief.}

HSF2: Joe Rogan, stand up. We believe in free choice, so pick a new ally, the master you want to serve. It can be money, political power, military power, religious power. We can use you in our new World Government. We also negotiated some stand-up comedy time for you. If you behave, we will grant you some free speech and even the ability to interview people in the future.

J: No way mother fu*kers! I ain't gona serve any of you. I'd rather die than sell my soul! You are murderers, the true and real Devil!

HSF2: Then we will have to execute you. Think again.

J: Then kill me you lousy assholed mother genuflecting idiots!

{The same twelve executioners who killed Lucifer pointed their guns at him. HSF2 nodded. Joe, terrified and looking for help in vainstarted to sob and tremble, calling for his loved ones and friends. But there was nobody. Death would soon be his own reality. In his engulfing agony and desperation he called for his latest friend Lucifer, but knew it was too late. He sank on his knees and bowed his head as all hope left his body}

HFS2: [screaming] Hold your fire! He is infected, horns start to grow from his skull!! His eyes burn with rage!! Seems like the new virus has got him!!!

{Most people left the room in a hurry. Armed forces and medical personnel stayed. The man who looked like Xi nodded with satisfaction as all evidence were scrubbed from the crime scene.

In the official reading "COVID-20, a virus way more dangerous than its predecessor, was succesfully contained and quarantined in the lab where it was created by evil scientists and climate change deniers".

Joe Rogan was bit-bleached from reality and got nicknamed "Joe Who Again?". Making enemies look like idiots long enough worked like a breeze.

Lucifer in the mean time kept trying to find new friends. If just only one that could reconnect him with the living. He had little success of course. "Death is in nobody's interest, even though all life depends on it!"... he was quoted saying on some obscure podcast lately. But that got quickly scrubbed as well.}

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