On conservative and libertarian stupidity

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A fascist is just a fascist [Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity]

Post by Parodite »

Not so much stupidity, but one thing that occured to me is that civilized, decent people in general are quite defenseless against the new post-modernist, progressive, neo-marxist, burocrat-technocrat, autocrat, gender and climate fascists... who use and abuse all means to be in control of others.

Dottore Jordan Peterson frequently made the legit point that extremism om the right is understood unambiguously as fascism and is no public secret but on the left the red line is much more vague and hardly acknowledged. There is a problem with that however.

Leftwing extremists hide behind slogans about social justice, fairness, care for all and everything.

A radical rightwinger is just a selfish power obsessed nationalist pig, whereas a leftwing radical means well but perhaps has a bit childish understanding of reality. This means that when you want power, putting on a leftwing progressive hat just pays off much better.

As a consequence, for as long as this spectrum exists as a gradient between radical left and right, the illiberal autocrat leftist has a huge advantage head start from the illiberal right. Which means that asking for the leftwing redline as Peterson does, is actually enabling the leftwing to getting away with what they are doing.

Thing is: leftwing control freaks are no different at from rightwing control freaks. Leftwing communist-socialist and rightwing fascism are the same. To place them on a gradient, as opposites on a spectrum is THE big mistake; it allows leftwing control freaks to pretend they are not fascists. Only difference is scale: fascism is national socialism, communism is international socialism.

Because the word fascism is widely accepted as a slur, it would be more effective to identify and name these leftwingers what they truly are: fascists.

The writing Radical leftism = Fascism is on the wall:

When Federal Agents Knock At Your Door | Dr. Ethain Haim

According to Dr. Phil, Disguised Fascists pretending to be Democrats, attack those who want to preserve national democratic institutions, liberal-libertarian values where the individual is the alpha and the omega of society. Somehow Trump is their mirror and they don't like what they see. The biggest enemy of a big fat fascist is another big fat fascist: Stalin and Hitler.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Typhoon »

Religion may be [may have been?] the opiate of the masses, but socialism - communism is the opiate of the so-called intellectuals.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

Typhoon wrote: Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:05 am Religion may be [may have been?] the opiate of the masses, but socialism - communism is the opiate of the so-called intellectuals.

Religion, socialism-communism, maybe there is an underlying social instinct that drives them. Herd needs. We are social apes.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Marxism Died in the East Because It Realized Itself in the West
The year 1989 is often viewed as the conclusion of the post-war period: in the long conflict Marxism has finally lost, while the Eastern countries are progressively taking their place in the unified world of freedom, well-being, consumption, democracy. Regarding this victory of the West, however, let us be careful: in the years immediately following 1945 the conflict was thought to be in terms of a struggle between Christian civilization and Marxism; later the opposition of democracy and totalitarianism became prevalent. It has also been said that in the post-war period the struggle between Fascism and anti-Fascism continued, at a different level. Supposedly, the present moment is when Communism is shedding the features it had in common with Fascism.

Now, nothing of this is true. Marxism has fully realized itself, but disproving its premises and promises. It did not do so due to mistakes or to betrayal by its leaders, but by the necessity of its nature. It has not expressed the radical alternative between the thesis represented by capitalism and the antithesis represented by the proletariat, it has not been the creation of an entirely new humanity. Instead, historically, it represented the transition from one stage of the bourgeoisie to another, the ulterior and definitive stage. About it, in his important and original book, Marcello Veneziani cites St. Anselm’s ontological argument, according to which today’s Occidentalism presents itself as the Id quo maius cogitari nequit, that than which nothing greater can be conceived; and he refers to some exponents of the new liberalism, who aim to establish the insuperability of the current stage reached by the neo-bourgeois society, which they conceive as the final stage.
Marxism has been the culture of the transition from the Christian-bourgeois society—of which we find the insuperable example in the work of Benedetto Croce—to the bourgeois society in its pure state. We could even say that Marxism represented the “transition to the worst” in the sense that, through Marxism, bourgeois society has shed every residual moral and religious sense, unburdening itself of all “impurities” that still tied it to traditional society, thus presenting itself as full materialism and full secularism. The West has realized everything of Marxism, except its messianic hope. “Socialism” Veneziani writes “has not inherited capitalist society, but has become included, entangled in capitalism itself; in many respects, it has been the intermediate stop on the journey from capitalism to neo-capitalism.” Veneziani notices that Western society realizes the essence of Marxism: “radical atheism and materialism, internationalism and universal non-belonging, the primacy of praxis and the death of philosophy, the domination of production and the universal manipulation of nature, technological Faustianism and equality that realizes itself as homogenization.” The new globalist liberalism, Veneziani observes, absorbs the lesson of Marxism, purifying it of all prophetic, gnostic and anti-modern slag, and of solidaristic suggestions.

Therefore we can say that the West is Marxism’s full secularization, as well as its perfect realization. It is Capitalism that absorbs Communism, using it to erase religious sacredness and national sacredness, a goal it could not have reached in any other way.
The element of Marxism, and of Socialism in general, that remains unexpressed, unrealized and betrayed in the neo-bourgeois and Occidentalist society is precisely what was “great” in Socialism: the denunciation of alienation and the hope, which was “religious” in its own way, to overcome it. This is what Veneziani emphasizes in his final pages, observing how alienation has established itself and is expanding in Western society. In fact—and allow me to recall an idea that I already presented in 1963—Western irreligion has pushed the process of alienation to its extreme consequences. The disappearance of religion has coincided with the reification of man. Thus, the exact opposite of what materialist thought had envisioned has taken place: the eclipse of religion has not brought about the end of alienation, but rather its expansion.

The affluent society, as Galbraith called it, has succeeded in eliminating the dialectic tension of the revolution while succeeding in pushing alienation to the highest degree. Alienation coincides with de-humanization and, at the same time, with the loss of every common (and not just religious) framework of values; and these two processes, which are tightly intertwined, effect the reduction of the person to a thing that Veneziani describes in his book. Thus is born the gigantic process of alienation that Veneziani sketches effectively: “alienation as loss of one’s identity, alienation as estrangement from the environment in which one lives, alienation as communal dis-integration and bewilderment in Heidegger’s sense of the word, alienation as exploitation and thus expropriation of one’s work, alienation as commodification of man.” Therefore, Western society seems not just to elude Marx’s denunciation of alienation, but to disregard it altogether, to the point that alienation realizes itself most powerfully.

Let us be careful, then, not to say that the Enlightenment has won against Marxism, and that today Marxism, purified of Asian despotism, is rejoining Enlightenment thought. Today’s Occidentalism has swept away even its own Enlightenment foundation and what used to be its highest expression, Kantian morality. In this regard, Veneziani observes that the original legitimation of the “Western project” lies in the Kantian practical imperative that says “treat humanity always as an end and never as a means.” However, Veneziani continues, if two centuries later we verify that founding project in light of its outcomes, “we must agree that the West is characterized by a complete instrumentalization of life, by a reduction of man to a means.” This reification of man marks an inversion of the premises of Occidentalism, is the most obvious expression of an heterogenesis of ends...
Speaking of the nostalgic attitude...those who are defeated there is an astute observation about the inversion in outlook between Fascism and neo-Fascism: the former was sustained by a vitalistic optimism, and by an ideology based essentially on the cult of victory; the latter, on the contrary, expresses a pessimistic and crepuscular passion for those who are defeated, which inverts, then, the original spirit of Fascism. Such passion for the defeated seems to be more widespread today than one would think at first sight. Indeed, it is not always true that today the drive to make money and to succeed is totally dominant. To the contrary, fascination with lost causes has spread, as a backlash against the dominant mentality. The winners write history, it has been said, and not the defeated. Hence solidarity with the vanquished of history is born, as a reaction.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

https://youtube.com/shorts/Bs-afoRHrxw? ... Aabq70aj_Y

Just to illustrate my earlier point of what seems to be the core reason of repub-libertarian weakness: they forget to make the fight personal.

This clip provides evidence of same happening all the time for years now: there are certain People X, I would provisionally call GG / Group Goebbels , that orchestrates and synchronises these anti repub/trumpkin propaganda making sure all these outlets say the same thing simulteneously. Their latest meme is that Trump is weird.

To notice this fact is a wonderful thing and proof of having your eyes open, but the next step would be to ask and find the answer to the question: Who are those individuals in Group Goebbels? We need a list with names, the evidence that shows how they operate. It is not coming.

You can't win from these GG clowns if you leave them get away with it and only throw things around like "the democrats", "woke cancel culture", "far-leftwing activists", "neo-marxists" blahblah whatever. Maybe say it probably is the Obama-Clinton cartel that is pulling these strings (a reasonable theory that deserves to be tested), but that is still a far cry from a complete list with names and supporting evidence that exposes this GG group and how they operate. It is exactly the same as basic police work where you collect evidence to find truth. Repubs and Libertaairiaans don't seem to have a big apetite for that kind of investigative work.

As for these Pro-DNC journalists saying what they are told to say en when to say it: foggetabout them. Who knows, some of them actually agree what they have to say and love saying it: more likely most just need the money to pay their bills which is why they put up with the GG clowns act. Or they just stopped caring about what once was their passion: real and independent journalism.

Notice how Fox is not moving one inch beyond showing and exposing what these GG media outlets do, at best make some great fun of it like the really funny Greg Gutfeld. They invest no money in investigative journalists to dig up the complete GG group and the details how they operate.

The truth hardly sells, which might be the general problem. Once a truth is exposed and known it quickly loses market value, ending up in the truth-depot graveyard.

Because no Repub media digs beyond surface symptoms with no independent journalists around who do the digging either... an enormous vaccuum of missing relevant information is left bare barren and hollow, which directly feeds into one very popular snack in US fast food culture: conspiracy theories.

Yes, Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi are an exception, but also they hardly make it personal since the bulk of the information they collect is about organisations, divisions, departments: FBI, CIA, GVT, Social Media, Twitter etc and how they coordinate their actions. There are names mentioned in there, but these uncovered individual players drown in the bulk of their findings. They too believe it is very important to look at what happens from a wider perspective on organisational levels, relationships between "interest groups", financially co-dependent cartels and the like. It is considered a proof of intelligence to create a big picture of reality that is objective rather than is personal and small. Zooming out is necessary because it creates valuable context, but... if the investigative eye doesn't zoom back into the small and personal...it lost all of is potential and power to change things for the good.

You can change things for the bad too if you want: then just stay zoomed-out, look at this marvelous big picture without human individuals visibly in them. You can then without much trouble stereotype them using real or imagined common denominators, do psychopathic geo-political chess, play the group-identity game etc. Look an individual in the eye, and you are immediately back to reality.

Where would the fun be when all facts about GG were uncovered? It would destroy your ability to dream, fantasise your favorite script. The truth doesn't sell, and Joe Rogan knows it. Better keep some half truths and maybes alive; more fun and more money to be made.

Because of these irredeemable rightwing deficiencies, my prediction is that Kamala Harris will win. The GG group knows how to fight, destroy a person and use all known propaganda tricks err... marketing, to achieve their goals; the ability to sell dog poo making it look like a birthday cake. While using dog poo to rub into any individual's face they decided to make their target. Most brilliantly, that dog poo they sell as a birthday cake, is the same dog poo they smear in the face of their enemies.

You have to fight these bullies personally. If you don't, they win. Simple s that.
Last edited by Parodite on Sat Aug 03, 2024 3:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Weird as a campaign attack seems already out of the news cycle. My guess is that it landed like a lead balloon in private metrics.

"Keep Portland Weird" - long held positive connotations makes it friendly fire.

And to use it as a negative just conjures up "mean girl" stereotypes and the type of female bullying that no one likes.

Does high school level of policing conventions actually work to keep people in line- especially after the last four years? Maybe...I dunno.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

As for Libertarians, many argue, the minute the situation became serious [COVID] many of the leading voices turned into the most draconian authoritarians imaginable proving once again that libertarianism is merely an attitudinal flex outside of the only two things they really believe in: drugs and dodging taxes.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

libertarianism in the small, with a coherant community works fine, until it doesnt.

just ask any of the native cultures minding their own business until a well organised empire arrived

in this modern super empire world, it would require reservations, like the indigenous in anglosphere get, and im not sure they are doing so well.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

noddy wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:33 am libertarianism in the small, with a coherant community works fine, until it doesnt.

just ask any of the native cultures minding their own business until a well organised empire arrived

in this modern super empire world, it would require reservations, like the indigenous in anglosphere get, and im not sure they are doing so well.
Churches are well researched. When a church reaches about 144 members, it’s time to start planning for a second church plant.

The 150-200 member range seems the most a social group can handle without establishing a hierarchy. That hierarchy is what spoils libertarianism.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

The practical example of the libertarian state, as explained to me, was the Holy Roman Empire.

A well disorganized empire which could not for the life of it protect its borders from yearly incursions during "fighting season" by the French, the Polish & whoever else wanted to take a swing at it. The internal squabbling didn't help either.

But a heckuva nursery for what came down the pike. However much is geographically inclined, it should get some credit for having a million independent cities and peoples practically waiting for info-sharing and industrialization.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2024 3:01 pm Weird as a campaign attack seems already out of the news cycle. My guess is that it landed like a lead balloon in private metrics.

"Keep Portland Weird" - long held positive connotations makes it friendly fire.

And to use it as a negative just conjures up "mean girl" stereotypes and the type of female bullying that no one likes.

Does high school level of policing conventions actually work to keep people in line- especially after the last four years? Maybe...I dunno.
hard to say how it plays out, does seem a bit odd, but maybe they think it will work on conservativish swing voters or something.

speaking of weird, the dude pronouncing he has brain worms and set up a fake traffic accident using a dead bear cub is certainly playing to that !
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 6:58 am The practical example of the libertarian state, as explained to me, was the Holy Roman Empire.

A well disorganized empire which could not for the life of it protect its borders from yearly incursions during "fighting season" by the French, the Polish & whoever else wanted to take a swing at it. The internal squabbling didn't help either.

But a heckuva nursery for what came down the pike. However much is geographically inclined, it should get some credit for having a million independent cities and peoples practically waiting for info-sharing and industrialization.
I always heard of rome as the fascist millitary state, but yeh, the words, as always - mean very little when zoomed out.

christians are socialist (when its voluntary, local church group) .. libertarians are fascist (when its the other people)

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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by noddy »

Nonc Hilaire wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:46 pm
noddy wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2024 11:33 am libertarianism in the small, with a coherant community works fine, until it doesnt.

just ask any of the native cultures minding their own business until a well organised empire arrived

in this modern super empire world, it would require reservations, like the indigenous in anglosphere get, and im not sure they are doing so well.
Churches are well researched. When a church reaches about 144 members, it’s time to start planning for a second church plant.

The 150-200 member range seems the most a social group can handle without establishing a hierarchy. That hierarchy is what spoils libertarianism.
I remember reading a science thing on monkey troop sizes versus brain sizes which had that outcome, and in my personal life, I feel like somewhere in that space is when a medium human company becomes an impersonalised corporate company.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

hard to say how it plays out, does seem a bit odd, but maybe they think it will work on conservativish swing voters or something.
Nah. It was meant as a rallying point to the single women base to not waver or participate harder.

Keep in mind it rolled out precisely behind the associated press publishing a story about JD Vance "having sex with a couch" and being 5'6" and other media insinuating he's still and will always be a country bumpkin. The point was to sexually and intellectually humiliate him and then define him out to be an irredeemable weirdo to be shunned.

Methinks that they have focus testing that somewhat scares them about Vance. He's like a textbook definition of the boy next door who made good. A ton more relatable than say an eccentric Gothamite or the usual professional politican.

Very anecdotal but before the pick, deep here in blue territory, the only people who brought up Vance were self-describing moderate-left wing women who knew his book/saw the movie and were aware of him. Not really enough to cancel out all the polling saying he's the most dislikable man on the planet but..

It contrasts with the self described Republicans here who wanted Tim Scott or Nikki Haley or someone who would properly balance the ticket in their eyes because of their race and sex. But also people who are well defined entities and already thoroughly cariacterized and not going to stand out whatsoever.
speaking of weird, the dude pronouncing he has brain worms and set up a fake traffic accident using a dead bear cub is certainly playing to that !
Still may be the most normal Kennedy to ever grace the public eye.

edit: Not the only Kennedy to kill the young and flee the scene.

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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Doc »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:42 pm
hard to say how it plays out, does seem a bit odd, but maybe they think it will work on conservativish swing voters or something.
Nah. It was meant as a rallying point to the single women base to not waver or participate harder.

Keep in mind it rolled out precisely behind the associated press publishing a story about JD Vance "having sex with a couch" and being 5'6" and other media insinuating he's still and will always be a country bumpkin. The point was to sexually and intellectually humiliate him and then define him out to be an irredeemable weirdo to be shunned.

Methinks that they have focus testing that somewhat scares them about Vance. He's like a textbook definition of the boy next door who made good. A ton more relatable than say an eccentric Gothamite or the usual professional politican.

Very anecdotal but before the pick, deep here in blue territory, the only people who brought up Vance were self-describing moderate-left wing women who knew his book/saw the movie and were aware of him. Not really enough to cancel out all the polling saying he's the most dislikable man on the planet but..

It contrasts with the self described Republicans here who wanted Tim Scott or Nikki Haley or someone who would properly balance the ticket in their eyes because of their race and sex. But also people who are well defined entities and already thoroughly cariacterized and not going to stand out whatsoever.
speaking of weird, the dude pronouncing he has brain worms and set up a fake traffic accident using a dead bear cub is certainly playing to that !
Still may be the most normal Kennedy to ever grace the public eye.
Vance came from humble beginnings. Tim Scott has ghost donors like Act Blue. I imagine that was a no go for Trump as it was for me. Even though polling with Scott as VP came in highest. Nikki Haley as a VP means I move out of the US. Hopefully to another planet. With a good bye message of "Try not to blow up yourselves." IE

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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Doc wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2024 4:53 am
NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:42 pm
hard to say how it plays out, does seem a bit odd, but maybe they think it will work on conservativish swing voters or something.
Nah. It was meant as a rallying point to the single women base to not waver or participate harder.

Keep in mind it rolled out precisely behind the associated press publishing a story about JD Vance "having sex with a couch" and being 5'6" and other media insinuating he's still and will always be a country bumpkin. The point was to sexually and intellectually humiliate him and then define him out to be an irredeemable weirdo to be shunned.

Methinks that they have focus testing that somewhat scares them about Vance. He's like a textbook definition of the boy next door who made good. A ton more relatable than say an eccentric Gothamite or the usual professional politican.

Very anecdotal but before the pick, deep here in blue territory, the only people who brought up Vance were self-describing moderate-left wing women who knew his book/saw the movie and were aware of him. Not really enough to cancel out all the polling saying he's the most dislikable man on the planet but..

It contrasts with the self described Republicans here who wanted Tim Scott or Nikki Haley or someone who would properly balance the ticket in their eyes because of their race and sex. But also people who are well defined entities and already thoroughly cariacterized and not going to stand out whatsoever.
speaking of weird, the dude pronouncing he has brain worms and set up a fake traffic accident using a dead bear cub is certainly playing to that !
Still may be the most normal Kennedy to ever grace the public eye.
Vance came from humble beginnings. Tim Scott has ghost donors like Act Blue. I imagine that was a no go for Trump as it was for me. Even though polling with Scott as VP came in highest. Nikki Haley as a VP means I move out of the US. Hopefully to another planet. With a good bye message of "Try not to blow up yourselves." IE

Not that I disagree Doc, but we are talking Republicans in Connecticut-- and ones not too tuned in; 30-ish to 50-ish. One of them outright said they had no clue who J.D. Vance was and then changed the conversation to missing Rush Limbaugh because he kept them more involved with what is going on.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Doc »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2024 7:43 am
Doc wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2024 4:53 am
NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:42 pm
hard to say how it plays out, does seem a bit odd, but maybe they think it will work on conservativish swing voters or something.
Nah. It was meant as a rallying point to the single women base to not waver or participate harder.

Keep in mind it rolled out precisely behind the associated press publishing a story about JD Vance "having sex with a couch" and being 5'6" and other media insinuating he's still and will always be a country bumpkin. The point was to sexually and intellectually humiliate him and then define him out to be an irredeemable weirdo to be shunned.

Methinks that they have focus testing that somewhat scares them about Vance. He's like a textbook definition of the boy next door who made good. A ton more relatable than say an eccentric Gothamite or the usual professional politican.

Very anecdotal but before the pick, deep here in blue territory, the only people who brought up Vance were self-describing moderate-left wing women who knew his book/saw the movie and were aware of him. Not really enough to cancel out all the polling saying he's the most dislikable man on the planet but..

It contrasts with the self described Republicans here who wanted Tim Scott or Nikki Haley or someone who would properly balance the ticket in their eyes because of their race and sex. But also people who are well defined entities and already thoroughly cariacterized and not going to stand out whatsoever.
speaking of weird, the dude pronouncing he has brain worms and set up a fake traffic accident using a dead bear cub is certainly playing to that !
Still may be the most normal Kennedy to ever grace the public eye.
Vance came from humble beginnings. Tim Scott has ghost donors like Act Blue. I imagine that was a no go for Trump as it was for me. Even though polling with Scott as VP came in highest. Nikki Haley as a VP means I move out of the US. Hopefully to another planet. With a good bye message of "Try not to blow up yourselves." IE

Not that I disagree Doc, but we are talking Republicans in Connecticut-- and ones not too tuned in; 30-ish to 50-ish. One of them outright said they had no clue who J.D. Vance was and then changed the conversation to missing Rush Limbaugh because he kept them more involved with what is going on.
Their problem is Vance is "Not one of them" Just like it was in his movie. As opposed to being "One of us"

"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

It seems unlikely much changes. Always a close call who wins. The choking stranglehold of the two-party system, the tribalized everything or nothing mentality across the board. Everybody preaching to their own church. Maybe swingvoters swing or not swing for more random arbitrary reasons. In the mean time it has all great entertainment value. Somebody called Harris a cackling hyena. :D
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Nonc Hilaire
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Parodite wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:18 pm It seems unlikely much changes. Always a close call who wins. The choking stranglehold of the two-party system, the tribalized everything or nothing mentality across the board. Everybody preaching to their own church. Maybe swingvoters swing or not swing for more random arbitrary reasons. In the mean time it has all great entertainment value. Somebody called Harris a cackling hyena. :D
Trump is the only candidate, and has been pre-selected to win. He will tule as a military governor (we call that a war-time president).

Harris is entertainment. Trump will be Caesar, but that is bad optics. The illusion of democracy must be maintained even though it is now obviously false.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Parodite »

Nonc Hilaire wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:57 pm
Parodite wrote: Wed Aug 07, 2024 1:18 pm It seems unlikely much changes. Always a close call who wins. The choking stranglehold of the two-party system, the tribalized everything or nothing mentality across the board. Everybody preaching to their own church. Maybe swingvoters swing or not swing for more random arbitrary reasons. In the mean time it has all great entertainment value. Somebody called Harris a cackling hyena. :D
Trump is the only candidate, and has been pre-selected to win. He will tule as a military governor (we call that a war-time president).

Harris is entertainment. Trump will be Caesar, but that is bad optics. The illusion of democracy must be maintained even though it is now obviously false.
I'm not convinced there is a central cabal, perhaps just financial interests converging because... well, they happen to converge. Sometimes there is no need for conspiracy.
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