European Union institutions

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European Union institutions

Post by Alexis »

Among the six most populated countries of the European Union, the country whose population is the least favorable to the EU is no longer Britain like it still was as recently as last year...

... It's France!
1. Poland 68%
2. Germany 60%
3. Italy 58%
4. Spain 46%
5. Britain 43%
6. France 41%

Simple Minded

Re: European Union institutions

Post by Simple Minded »

Personally, I blame Clara. Never give a disgruntled chick access to social media.....

Brussels might want to consider crating a special agency designed to address the complaints of the unhappy, kinda like Merika's IRS....
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Re: European Union institutions

Post by noddy »

hah, how cute you make it sound like democracy and consent being important.
Simple Minded

Re: European Union institutions

Post by Simple Minded »

noddy wrote:hah, how cute you make it sound like democracy and consent being important.
:lol: Thanks!

The fallback position, of all who seek to either retain power, or attain power, is always "My vision is wonderful, its those people who don't agree with me who are the problem. Oh, BTW, I need more time and money....."

Obviously, anyone who favors voluntary association or privacy is a RACIST!!

What is Clara trying to hide? How come she won't pay her "fair share?" Why is she a RACIST? "WE need to fix her BIOS!"

linking to another thread...Who needs privacy?

Wasn't info age tech supposed to bring us all together?

Maybe Skynet should replace both sides.....
Last edited by Simple Minded on Mon May 20, 2013 11:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
Simple Minded

Re: European Union institutions

Post by Simple Minded »

Clara is an excellent example of a failure to inculcate the "correct" group identity. Obviously that is the fault of Paris, or the French educational system and not Clara.

Clara has decided that she can be a good "European" and pay her fair share for a lot less money by moving out of the high cost jurisdiction called France. Happens in the US everyday. Ask any individual (or business owner) who used to live in CA, NY, MA, etc. and moved to reduce their cost of living.

How does Da Man succeed in getting one to self identify as a Frenchman, a New Yorker, a black, a white, a Christian, a Muslim, a Gen Xer, a Bilderberg, etc., and therefore stay in one's "proper place" so the system can work, rather than simply self identifying as a "human (with options)"?

A central issue to controlling those pesky people.... specially those rebellous younguns......

Better operating systems? Implanted six months before reaching voting age?
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