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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Stephen Hawking joins academic boycott of Israel



Physicist pulls out of conference hosted by president Shimon Peres in protest at treatment of Palestinians.

Professor Stephen Hawking is backing the academic boycott of Israel by pulling out of a conference hosted by Israeli president Shimon Peres in Jerusalem as a protest at Israel's treatment of Palestinians.


Hawking has visited Israel four times in the past. Most recently, in 2006, he delivered public lectures at Israeli and Palestinian universities as the guest of the British embassy in Tel Aviv. At the time, he said he was "looking forward to coming out to Israel and the Palestinian territories and excited about meeting both Israeli and Palestinian scientists".

Since then, his attitude to Israel appears to have hardened. In 2009, Hawking denounced Israel's three-week attack on Gaza, telling Riz Khan on Al-Jazeera that Israel's response to rocket fire from Gaza was "plain out of proportion … The situation is like that of South Africa before 1990 and cannot continue."


look, guys , poor Ahmadinejat too said things "South Africa" and things demand SA script, what Hawking too sayin :lol:

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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


In a message from Iranian spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, related to Syrian President Bashar Assad by Iranian envoy Ali Akbar Salehi, the Islamic Republic promised "full and unlimited support from Iran, politically, militarily, and economically, to the Syrian leadership and people, against the takfiris, terrorists, Israel, the US, and all who dare attack this country."


The paper quotes Iranian sources as saying the response to Israel's alleged strikes will be made on two levels. The first being “blows under the belt in several locations,” which could be done inside Syria under the policy of "contain, squeeze and crush," or outside of it, while maintaining the "terror balance."

The second possible way of response will be calling a meeting of "the friends of the Syrian people" in Tehran in two weeks, in which Iran will "announce a new initiative for a Syrian solution." More than 40 countries will be invited, and President Assad will be represented by ministers Ali Haidar and Qadri Jamil.

The Iranian sources also told Al-Akhbar Israel's "aggression against Syria" was a part of “an attempt to enter Damascus and cause mayhem before the meeting between US Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Moscow," but that "the attempted coup was aborted.”

Despite the threats made, both the Iranian sources and Assad were quoted by the paper as saying that they are "aware that Israel does not want war."

Assad went as far as saying Damascus chose not to response immediately to Israel's alleged attack for that very reason.

"Syria was easily able to satisfy its people and calm them and its allies down by firing a few rockets at Israel in response to the Israeli raid on Damascus," he was quoted as saying.

Instead, the Syrian president is interested in a different kind of response. "We want strategic revenge, by opening the door of resistance and turning the entire Syria into a resistance nation," Assad said, expressing his wishes to emulate Hezbollah who turned Lebanon into a "resistance nation."

"We began to feel that we and they [Hezbollah] are in a similar situation," he said, stressing Hezbollah is more than just an ally that helped Syrian against Israel.


folks, fasten seat belts :lol:

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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


“ The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man ”


. . . formation of the World Zionist Organisation in 1897 when Palestine was first targeted as the preferred choice for the establishment of a Jewish Homeland. Theodor Hertzl, the founder of Zionism, approached Sultan Abdul Hamid II of the already ailing Ottoman Empire asking if Palestine might be for sale: This was his response:

"Please advise Dr Hertzl not to make any serious move in this matter. I cannot give up even one small patch of land in Palestine. It is not something that I own as a part of my personal estate. Palestine in fact belongs to the Muslim Nation as a whole. My people have fought with their blood and sweat to protect this land, let the Jews keep their millions and once the Caliphate is torn apart one day, then they can take Palestine without a price. To have the scalpel cut my body is less painful than to witness Palestine being detached from the Caliphate state and this is not going to happen", said Sultan Abdul Hamid II.

Having failed in their quest an alternative had to be found. And that, of course, was the British Empire.

Two learned Rabbis were dispatched to Palestine to check the feasibility of the project. Their conclusion was, and I quote: “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.”

What those two Rabbis realized was that the ‘other man’ represented a well-established and advanced Palestinian society firmly rooted in its soil.

So much for the rallying cry for the Zionists. “A land without people for the people without a land”.

By 1907 the Ottoman Empire was considered to be the ‘sick man of Europe’. The British Empire, however, was at its most powerful. Anticipating the vacuum in Arabia that would need to be filled on the demise of the Ottomans, the British decided that their interests would be well served by creating a new state in Palestine, friendly to Europe, but hostile to its neighbours. The Zionists saw the opportunity for their proposed homeland for the Jews and seized it with both hands.

In the same year Chaim Weizmann, one of the first British Zionists and later to become the first President of Israel, visited Palestine and within three years had bought thousands of dunoms of land, mostly from Arab absentee landlords, in Marj ibn Amer, the most fertile part of Palestine, and my birthplace.

This sale, to The Jewish National Fund, had terrible consequences for the Palestinian farmers. They were forcibly removed off their land and overnight found themselves to be homeless, aimless and with no prospects. To me, this is when the Nakba started.

At the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the British were looking for willing collaborators in Arabia to ensure their victory over the Ottomans and establish a firm presence in Arabia. They found them in Sharif Hussein Bin Ali of Mecca who delegated the task to his son, Prince Faisal ibn Al Hussein.

Prince Faisal offered to facilitate the war effort in return for Arab freedom and independence. He did not stop there. The sweetener was to offer Palestine as a homeland for the Jews. This was reaffirmed after the war, during a conference between Prince Faisal and Chaim Weizmann in Paris and the document became known as the Faisal/Weizmann agreement.

It kick-started a litany of Arab betrayal and capitulation to the west and to Zionism. As if not to be outdone in the betrayal stakes by his rivals, the Hashemites in Hijaz, Sultan Abdul Aziz al Saud wrote to British High Commissioner to Baghdad, Sir Percy Cox;

"I am the Sultan Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud al-Faisal and I concede and acknowledge a thousand times to Sir Percy Cox, delegate of Great Britain, that I have no objection to giving Palestine to the poor Jews or even to non-Jews, and I will never ever violate their [the UK] orders.”

Isn’t it ironic how the Ottomans, our rulers at the time, would spill blood to protect us, while our brother Arabs were falling over themselves to give Palestine away.

In 1915, a secret memorandum was presented to the British cabinet under the title, ‘The Future of Palestine.’ It was drafted by Sir Herbert Samuel, the first dedicated Zionist to become a minister in the British Government, who, astonishingly, did not advise the setting up of a Jewish homeland at this time, but did advise that Palestine should be annexed to the British Empire after the war, with sympathies towards the establishment of such a home-land.

November 2nd 1917, is the date carved on every Palestinian heart, when the infamous Balfour Declaration, written in the form of a letter was sent to Lord Walter Rothschild. The British government, in their infinite wisdom, vehemently adhered to their promise to establish a Jewish home in Palestine and totally ignored their promise to protect the rights of the indigenous Palestinian population. At that time, Palestine was 10% Jewish and 90% Muslim and Christian Palestinian Arabs.

In the Al Jazeera documentary, Avi Shlaim, Jewish historian said: “Britain had no moral or political or legal right to promise the land that belonged to the Arabs to another people. The Balfour Declaration was both immoral and illegal.”

What I find interesting is the stance of the American administration of President Woodrow Wilson.

At the end of the First World War, he sent a delegation to the Middle East to investigate the situation in Palestine. The report was decisive, saying that if America was to adhere to the principles of self determination, then the fact that 9/10th of the population was non Jewish and emphatically against the proposal, then this project should be cancelled.

The report went on to say that if the Zionist programme were to proceed a force of at least 50,000 soldiers would be required even to initiate the programme. “In view of all these considerations, the project to make Palestine a distinctly Jewish commonwealth should be given up.”

I can’t help wondering what happened to the moral fibre of the USA between then and now.

Under the Sykes/Picot agreement Palestine was placed under British Mandate in 1922. Its first High Commissioner, the self same British Zionist, Sir Herbert Samuel, set about implementing all the trappings of a Jewish state under the auspices of what was being called a Jewish homeland.

Hebrew became an official language, a separate Jewish education system was set up, Jewish ministries of energy, water and power were established and most crucial of all, the establishment of a Jewish army, with access to British training and equipment. The town of Tel Aviv was given autonomous status. During Samuel’s tenure Jewish immigration to Palestine was growing at a break-neck speed. But it reached its peak in 1933 when more than 175,000 Jews emigrated to Palestine. All of this was happening while the Palestinians were denied any freedom or civil rights. And this wasn’t a Nakba?

In 1929 the beleaguered Palestinians showed their first act of defiance. They announced a general strike and raised black flags. The British government’s answer to that legitimate protest was to hang the three leaders of the resistance; Hijazi, Zeir and Jamjoum.

Their graves are still in Acre with the message to Arab leaders: “Never trust foreigners.”

If only the Arab leaders had listened then. And would listen now.

Nevertheless the atrocities continued. Thousands were arrested and hundreds were murdered. Houses were demolished and life was made impossible for the Palestinians. Does that sound familiar?

Even Qassim al-Husseini, the 80 year old former Mayor of Jerusalem (al-Quds) was beaten so badly by the British soldiers that he died from his wounds.

A senior British police officer, John Faraday was reported by his own subordinates as being unjustifiably brutal and vicious. The British authorities’ response was to award Faraday the King’s Police Medal, praising his role in Palestine.

I remember my late mother saying to me, that during that crucial time in Palestine, when the British constantly raided the houses of those they suspected of resistance, if even one spent cartridge was found the head of the household was thrown into jail.

Another general strike in 1936 lasted six months, the longest in history. What ensued was nothing short of calamitous. Their fellow Arabs urged the Palestinian leadership to come back, sit at the negotiating table and give the British the benefit of the doubt. The irony of all of this is that now, over 70 years later, we are still waiting for those good intentions to materialize.

Between 1936 and 1937 the British killed 1000 Palestinians. 37 British were killed and 69 Jews.

As a reward to the Palestinians for being ‘reasonable’ Lord Peel headed a Royal Commission on Palestine and offered a 3-way partition plan. One third to be the Jewish state, two thirds to be an Arab state, merged with Trans-Jordan and the area between Jerusalem to Jaffa remaining a mandated territory.

The Zionists liked the Peel proposal because it fell in with their plans of ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The principle of transfer could lead to a 100% Jewish state. When the Palestinian leadership rejected the plan the British disbanded the high command and exiled its leaders, leaving the Palestinians leaderless to defend themselves. So much for the so-called democratic process.

Some might ask, why did the Palestinians turn down the Peel Plan? All very well in hindsight. Why wouldn’t they when they already owned 94% of the land? Surely justice would prevail. Of course it didn’t.

By pretending to accept the Peel Plan, and appearing to be magnanimous the Zionists accelerated their ethnic cleansing and theft of Palestinian land which continued all through WW II.

After the war, the Zionists did not like the pace by which their expansionist plans were proceeding and considered their benefactors, the British Forces, as being in the way. They turned on them with venom; terrorism, burning and murder, the most infamous of which was the bombing in 1946 of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. 91 people were killed, 46 injured.

No good deed goes unpunished, as they say.

In 1947, the UN decided to partition Palestine yet again. As the world reeled in shock over what had happened to the Jews and other minorities during the holocaust, the United Nations, possibly with a mixture of sympathy and guilt, gave over 56% of Palestine to the Zionists and 43% to the Palestinians. The plan was rejected by the Arab side, the Zionists, while pretending to accept it, continued with their campaign of terror against both the British and the Palestinians, while portraying themselves as the victims.

By this time the British government, exhausted and fraying at the edges decided to cut and run, abandoning their moral and legal duties towards Palestine. They left the unprotected civilian population to the mercy of the Zionist troops. None was shown.

With the British gone and no credible Palestinian or Arab force to stop them the Zionists went into a frenzy of destruction and killing. The culmination of all this was the most horrendous crime against humanity, the massacre that was the village of Deir Yassin. Menachem Begin, leader of the Haganah gang that perpetrated this horror, later to become a Prime Minister of Israel, saw the massacre of some 200 men, women and children as a propaganda victory. “The Arabs began to flee in terror, even before they clashed with the Jewish forces. The legend was worth half a million battalions to the forces of Israel.”

The Arabs had no option but to act. Ill-equipped and ill trained Arab armies embarked on a disastrous adventure that resulted in total defeat of the Arab forces and the loss of 78% of the land- mass of Palestine. Of the remaining 22%, the West Bank of the River was usurped by Jordan and Gaza by Egypt.

Even then the Nakba was not complete. There were more horrors in store for the Palestinians. They continue today, 65 years on.

As British historian, Arnold Toynbee observed: "The tragedy in Palestine is not just a local one; it is a tragedy for the world, because it is an injustice that is a menace to the world's peace".


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Re: Israel Thread

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Re: Israel Thread

Post by Endovelico »

Thank you, Azari. A most interesting analysis. If the world was a video game I would love to see the consequences of an Israeli strike on Iran... As it is, I hope it will never happens.
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Re: Israel

Post by Typhoon »

Economist | Israel and Palestine - Boosting the West Bank’s economy
EVEN when the peace process seemed to be getting somewhere a couple of decades ago, Israelis and Palestinians rarely paraded on common ground. But one such example was on display in May when some 300 Israeli and Palestinian businesspeople and a posse of former military men travelled to Jordan to present their vision of a co-operative future once their leaders finally clinch a peace deal. Executives with billions of dollars in hand and many thousands of workers in their employ sat down together to plot joint ventures in a common market. Defence budgets would shrink and welfare spending soar. “We are the silent majority who are no longer silent,” growled Yossi Vardi, a prominent Israeli investor in high-tech start-ups, as he unveiled the initiative from a podium during a conference beside the Dead Sea.

Tycoons may make odd grass-roots activists, but their involvement reflects their frustration at the failure of regional and world leaders to solve the age-old conflict. Launched on the fringe of a business meeting in Istanbul a year ago, a group that was 30-strong has grown tenfold in a year.

Similar moves are afoot among other non-politicians. Orthodox rabbis and Muslim imams have been meeting to give religious sanction to the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, which offers Israel full diplomatic relations with the Muslim world if it were to vacate the territories it conquered in 1967 and negotiate a deal for Palestinian refugees. In another forum several hundred Israelis joined the Egyptian and Jordanian ambassadors to debate how to build on the initiative, which was put forward again last month—with a few tweaks—by the Arab League. Though Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, stayed away from the Dead Sea meeting, Mahmoud Abbas, Palestine’s president, praised the businessmen on the podium.
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Re: Israel

Post by Typhoon »

Typhoon wrote:Economist | Israel and Palestine - Boosting the West Bank’s economy
EVEN when the peace process seemed to be getting somewhere a couple of decades ago, Israelis and Palestinians rarely paraded on common ground. But one such example was on display in May when some 300 Israeli and Palestinian businesspeople and a posse of former military men travelled to Jordan to present their vision of a co-operative future once their leaders finally clinch a peace deal. Executives with billions of dollars in hand and many thousands of workers in their employ sat down together to plot joint ventures in a common market. Defence budgets would shrink and welfare spending soar. “We are the silent majority who are no longer silent,” growled Yossi Vardi, a prominent Israeli investor in high-tech start-ups, as he unveiled the initiative from a podium during a conference beside the Dead Sea.

Tycoons may make odd grass-roots activists, but their involvement reflects their frustration at the failure of regional and world leaders to solve the age-old conflict. Launched on the fringe of a business meeting in Istanbul a year ago, a group that was 30-strong has grown tenfold in a year.

Similar moves are afoot among other non-politicians. Orthodox rabbis and Muslim imams have been meeting to give religious sanction to the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, which offers Israel full diplomatic relations with the Muslim world if it were to vacate the territories it conquered in 1967 and negotiate a deal for Palestinian refugees. In another forum several hundred Israelis joined the Egyptian and Jordanian ambassadors to debate how to build on the initiative, which was put forward again last month—with a few tweaks—by the Arab League. Though Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, stayed away from the Dead Sea meeting, Mahmoud Abbas, Palestine’s president, praised the businessmen on the podium.
If people in the region are becoming as tired of the conflict as the rest of the world, then that is probably a good thing.
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Some might consider to be a feature instead of a bug........

Post by monster_gardener »

Thank You Very Much for your post, Azari.

One problem is that there are those who might consider this to be a feature and not a bug ;) :twisted: :evil: :shock: :roll:

One more reason to build those Orion Rustam Rockets and get Persian culture off planet.....

Or make peace........
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Re: Israel

Post by Ibrahim »

If people in the region are becoming as tired of the conflict as the rest of the world, then that is probably a good thing.
I'm sure moderate businessmen would love a lasting peace. Sadly the Settlers and Ultra-Zionists, as well as Hamas and like-minded groups from outside Palestine, will do everything to prevent it. And Hamas currently holds power in one of the two Palestinian ghettos, and the Israeli coalition government is stuffed with apartheid fascists, so at this moment I'm pessimistic.
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Re: Israel

Post by Azrael »

Israel ranks in bottom tier of OECD's list of happy countries

Israel is the 24th happiest country out of a total of 36 countries ranked in OECD's Better Life Index released Tuesday.

Somebody should tell Spengler

What is the World's Happiest Country according to Spengler

Since I'm sure the suspense is killing y'all, here's a hint -- it's Israel.

Perhaps Spengler and the OECD should compare notes.
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Re: Israel

Post by Parodite »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.A profile of top Ashkenazi moral authority :Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger
Thanks Azari, you make my point. It doesn't make a difference if people indulge in wonderful ancient literature or watch Tom and Jerry all day long. Whether they are Jew, Muslim, Secular or Other. There will be rapists, thieves and all kinds of various violence.

You asked me what I think of the the Jewish God of the "Old Testament", after you correctly noticed that I don't particularly like the Quran, the central despot Allah and his freaky messenger Muhammad. Well, by any modern standards YHWH was a Prick. That's only mildly put.

Here it is:

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Re: Israel

Post by Ibrahim »

Azrael wrote:Israel ranks in bottom tier of OECD's list of happy countries

Israel is the 24th happiest country out of a total of 36 countries ranked in OECD's Better Life Index released Tuesday.

Somebody should tell Spengler

What is the World's Happiest Country according to Spengler

Since I'm sure the suspense is killing y'all, here's a hint -- it's Israel.

Perhaps Spengler and the OECD should compare notes.

In interviews, at least those in English that I'm able to understand, the Settler and Ultra-Orthodox community always say they are happy. So Spengo can circle the wagons around those people and blame the unhappiness on the degenerate modern liberals living in Tel Aviv. To me it smacks of a doctrinally correct answer. "I live in a cement rectangle on a dusty contested hill, alternately protected and evicted by the IDF, and hated by the Arabs, and I teach my kids to throw rocks at Arab children and think of them as dogs, and I believe I'm acting out an eternal struggle between the true people of God and the rest of mankind. And its 110 degrees in the shade. Of COURSE I'm happy!"
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Corrected: Send in the Killer Klowns.........

Post by monster_gardener »

Ibrahim wrote:
Azrael wrote:Israel ranks in bottom tier of OECD's list of happy countries

Israel is the 24th happiest country out of a total of 36 countries ranked in OECD's Better Life Index released Tuesday.

Somebody should tell Spengler

What is the World's Happiest Country according to Spengler

Since I'm sure the suspense is killing y'all, here's a hint -- it's Israel.

Perhaps Spengler and the OECD should compare notes.

In interviews, at least those in English that I'm able to understand, the Settler and Ultra-Orthodox community always say they are happy. So Spengo can circle the wagons around those people and blame the unhappiness on the degenerate modern liberals living in Tel Aviv. To me it smacks of a doctrinally correct answer. "I live in a cement rectangle on a dusty contested hill, alternately protected and evicted by the IDF, and hated by the Arabs, and I teach my kids to throw rocks at Arab children and think of them as dogs, and I believe I'm acting out an eternal struggle between the true people of God and the rest of mankind. And its 110 degrees in the shade. Of COURSE I'm happy!"
Thanks for your post, iBS.
"I live in a cement rectangle or tent on a dusty contested hill, alternately protected or given a red hot endoscopy by HAMAS and shot or bombed by the IDF after I or HAMAS shoots rockets at them, despised by my brother Arabs who consider me barely useful cannon fodder, and I teach my kids to throw rocks at Jewish children, and smash their skulls when we go on commando raids and think of them as apes and pigs, and I believe I'm acting out an eternal struggle between the true people of Allah and the rest of mankind. And its 110 degrees in the shade. Of COURSE I'm happy! I'm going to get 72 virgins if the Jews or other infidels kill me..... Or is it 72 packs of sugar coated raisins."
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Israel

Post by Azrael »

Thanks for your input, m_g.

It sounds like Israeli jews and Palestinians aren't really that different.

And yet one gets their own country while the other gets apartheid.

It doesn't seem fair.
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I prefer Stray & Space Cats to Full Blown Ferals....

Post by monster_gardener »

Azrael wrote:Thanks for your input, m_g.

It sounds like Israeli jews and Palestinians aren't really that different.

And yet one gets their own country while the other gets apartheid.

It doesn't seem fair.
Thank you Very Much for your kind reply, Azrael.......
It sounds like Israeli jews and Palestinians aren't really that different.
They are both Depraved Sinful Egotistical Chaos Monkeys but IMO the differences can be important: Booze :lol: , Patient Outcome after Proctology :twisted: etc...

And yet one gets their own country while the other gets apartheid.
One has a meme that foolishly believes it should live in Crazy Land/the Middle East... :roll: **

The other has a meme that is out to conquer the world and impose its control freak rules on the rest of us........

I find the first group of Chaos Monkey Cats preferable to the second......

That said, I'm not opposed to Palestinian States... One in Gaza......... One in the West Bank.........

IMHO Gaza could be/have been the first if they would stop shooting off rockets etc........

And not vandalize the greenhouses that were gifted to them by rich, naive American Jews.......

Start acting like Hong Kongers.......... How long would Hong Kong survive if its peoples' hobby was shooting rockets into the PRC......... :shock:

But that would be against the dictates of their Malignant Malicious Muslim Meme which says once land has been under Muslim domination, it must remain so forever as reiterated by Osama bin Ladin's complaints about the loss of Spain by the Muslim invaders centuries ago...... :roll:

It doesn't seem fair.

Lot's of things aren't fair to Chaos Monkeys in various places world wide:

Copts in Egypt, Christians in Pak, Hindus in Bangla Desh, Christians and Pagans in Sudan, ethnic Muslims in Sudan vs. the Official Brand are just few....

So I prefer stray cats to full blown ferals.........

And FWIW one of my memes says be willing to move fast and be armed ........

It could be needful even here in Uz......

**Normally an awful place but sometimes more inhabitable than the land of the Euroz....
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Israel

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


After forced use of Depo-Provera contraceptive injections, study finds lower birthrates among Ethiopian immigrants

this a crime against an ethnic emigrants .. folks from Latvia and Estonia want only blond blue eye babies .. f*ck that shi*t Ethipian is the mindset of Zionists

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Re: Israel

Post by Ibrahim »

I'm still using this as the Israel/Palestine thread. ... tion/12531
Student wins right to display Palestinian flag at Texas graduation
Malak Abdallahi had to fight to be allowed carry the Palestinian flag at her graduation ceremony in Texas earlier this month.

She overcame opposition by administrators at the Fossil Ridge High School just outside Fort Worth.

That's the problem with Palestinians and their supporters. They are everywhere. Even Texas.
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Another likely Texas Pali Supporter..........

Post by monster_gardener »

Ibrahim wrote:That's the problem with Palestinians and their supporters. They are everywhere. Even Texas.
Thanks for the post, iBS.

Unfortunately iBS, you are quite correct. Even in Texas..........

Here's another likely Pali supporter :twisted:

Though not as pretty..... ;)

Got his Jew, a Gold medal in Throat Cutting, and support for decades at taxpayer expense :twisted: :roll:

Problem is iBS, you think it is racist and wrong to keep people like this POS from coming here.. ;)

Saudi gets 60 years for killing Jewish friend here

ANDREW TILGHMAN, Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle | April 20, 2004

Before being sentenced Monday to 60 years in prison, Mohammed Ali Alayed offered an apology -- but no explanation -- for why he savagely slashed a Jewish friend's throat last August.

"I pray that God will forgive me. I am deeply sorry," * wrote Alayed, the son of a Saudi Arabian millionaire, in a letter to state District Judge Joan Huffman and his victim's family.

Alayed, 23, pleaded guilty in January to nearly decapitating Ariel Sasha Sellouk, 23, with a knife Aug. 6. They had been out drinking and returned to Alayed's Galleria-area apartment, where his roommate witnessed the killing.

"You are the face of evil," Sellouk's father, Michel, a Moroccan who settled here in 1982, told Alayed after sentencing. "It is hard for me and all who loved Ariel to understand what demon you could possess to make you commit such a senseless and unforgivable crime.

"The only justice fitting this crime is, of course, your life. But since America's accountability will only allow you to live, my hope and that of those who loved my son is that you spend the rest of your life asking God and Ariel for forgiveness."

Alayed met Sellouk several years ago at Houston Community College. At the time, Alayed was a freewheeling student who liked drinking, going to nightclubs and meeting women.

About two years ago, he became an observant Muslim and rarely spent time with Sellouk, according to those who knew him.

On the night of the murder, Alayed had invited Sellouk out for a drink, then lured him to his apartment, prosecutors said.

After the killing, Alayed called a friend for a ride to a mosque. He later told his roommate he planned to flee to Saudi Arabia to avoid prosecution, authorities said.

While no direct evidence linked the murder to religious fanaticism, prosecutors said that was the only plausible explanation.

"Deep-seated hatred is the only thing that can cause this kind of action," said Assistant District Attorney Stephen St. Martin.

Alayed, whose sentence was the maximum under the plea agreement in January, must serve at least 30 years.

George Parnham, his attorney, urged "an appropriate sentence with mercy as a consideration."

"The tragedy in this case has fallen on the shoulders of two families," Parnham said.

Alayed recently tried to commit suicide in Harris County Jail.** An additional psychological evaluation dated April 12 found he had a "rational and factual understanding of the case before him." Huffman ruled he was competent to continue with the court proceedings.

Alayed's parents used to give him $60,000 a year to attend school in Houston, court documents show. At his arrest, he had dropped out of school and was in violation of his student visa, authorities said.

Alayed's father, a businessman, and mother have had trouble obtaining a visa to come here for his court appearances, a family friend said.

Once in prison, Alayed may be placed in special housing -- the kind used for gang members or members of racial hate groups-- to prevent him from being harmed or harming anyone else, said Michele Lyons, a spokeswoman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

* That he didn't escape to Saudi Arabia like he planned to do :twisted:

**Too bad he didn't succeed. Now this POS Perp will be maintained at taxpayer expense and may leave prison at an age when he can still enjoy life.......
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Israel

Post by Hans Bulvai »

...They had been out drinking ...
About two years ago, he became an observant Muslim ...
Which one is it?
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Post by monster_gardener »

Hans Bulvai wrote:
...They had been out drinking ...
About two years ago, he became an observant Muslim ...
Which one is it?
Thank You Very Much for your post, Hans.

My guess is both. ;)
On the night of the murder, Alayed had invited Sellouk out for a drink, then lured him to his apartment, prosecutors said.
That Alayed was luring his victim with a bit of camouflage like the vile September 11 perps are reported to have done by going to strip clubs and boozing it up before shouting Allahu Akbar during the hijacking: Good camouflage, most people aren't going to suspect a boozer of being a Jihadi, and if you become a martyr, Paradise is guaranteed so no need to worry about it......

Actually this case also reminds me of Sebastien Selam, a French DJ, who was killed by a Muslim perp with whom he made the mistake of being friendly instead of wary. The perp afterward declared "I have killed my Jew. I will go to Heaven."
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Israel

Post by Ibrahim »

Hans Bulvai wrote:
...They had been out drinking ...
About two years ago, he became an observant Muslim ...
Which one is it?
Are you engaging m_g's sewage? He's the most violent racist on the forum, when his posts are even coherent. Last one I read supported the genocide of Rohingya Muslims in Burma. Don't take my word for it, check it out in the Burma thread. I'm guessing he posted some story about some random crime because I posted a picture of a Palestinian woman a graduation? That's how racist morons think.
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Hard to ComPost Some Posts... ;-)

Post by monster_gardener »

Ibrahim wrote:
Hans Bulvai wrote:
...They had been out drinking ...
About two years ago, he became an observant Muslim ...
Which one is it?
Are you engaging m_g's sewage? He's the most violent racist on the forum, when his posts are even coherent. Last one I read supported the genocide of Rohingya Muslims in Burma. Don't take my word for it, check it out in the Burma thread. I'm guessing he posted some story about some random crime because I posted a picture of a Palestinian woman a graduation? That's how racist morons think.
Thanks for your post iBS.
Are you engaging m_g's sewage?
Even if it were sewage, properly treated sewage can produce great fruit and vegetables in the garden ;) or the "North Forty"........

As opposed to be Monstrously ;) hard to comPost some Pompous ;) Poisonous toxic waste Posts which strive to justify and enable more damage..........
He's the most violent racist on the forum, when his posts are even coherent.
And in his Pompous Prevaricating Posts, Ibrahim seems not to understand the difference between "race" and "religion".......
Don't take my word for it, check it out in the Burma thread.
Good advice.

You will find that I said Buddhist monks should NOT be engaging in violence.........

Even if provoked by Muslims setting Buddhists on fire........



By the way, did you ever contact the Turkish government about taking in the Rohingya Muslims like I suggested, Ibrahim?

If you really care about the Rohingya, you should...........

I'm guessing he posted some story about some random crime because I posted a picture of a Palestinian woman a graduation?
She's pretty........

But best not to trust even the smiling face of a friend........ if his or her meme is at war with yours...........

Evidence is that it was NOT a random crime..........

The perp seems to have planned the murder and had a religious motive.

Or do you think it was revenge like you said the recent Muslim Meat Cleaver attack in England was..........
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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