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Mr. Perfect
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Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

The future of the GOP hasn't been in particular doubt. It has better than 50/50 chance of regaining the permanent majority. It is simply irrelevant as an issue because the US is bankrupt and will be moving into collapse by the time we can do anything about it. obamacare is simply a large entertainment device at the moment, ie the GOP will benefit a great deal at the ballot box, how much is the only question, but the time has passed to pop the bubble and right the ship. You can't do it now. Thanks denethors.

1) We've already been stealing your demographics. In the last 10-30 years the GOP stole the working white/southern vote and the senior vote, the multi-generational backbone of the Democrats.

2) Hispanics don't matter (not as people lol). I think Juggs has the data, too lazy at the moment, but the demos coming out of the last election were widely misunderstood in that even if you had Bush levels of hispanic GOP voting Roms still would have lost.

3) The GOP wins among married women

4) Conservative turnout unfortunately did not materialize last time but certainly can again. Arguably if the denethors had turned out then we could have even won last time.

5) But here is the kicker, youth, single women, and black voting will plummet over the next couple of election cycles, due to obama and the obamacare debacle and a different candidate. all the data says Democrats are losing the youth and even single women in numbers significant to cost them elections in the current plummet. To new HS voters obama is the new Bush. And that is the death knell for the current Democrat model.

That is not say that Democrat won't hold some things, it all depends on if they can get people to believe their lies about legalizing rape bringing back Jim Crow or slavery or FGM or outlawing birth control. I thought they were laughable last time but they got really dumb people to believe them, so the dumb factor always favors the Democrats.

The only possible "Demographic" scenario for Democrats is an uber hispanic majority some decades in the future that rests on the assumption that they will remain Democrats and that a party dominated by a racial interest as it's defining characteristic can accommodate other factions. But in reality we are a long way from there and the US will undergo cataclysms before then, so...
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Doc »

Mr. Perfect wrote:The future of the GOP hasn't been in particular doubt. It has better than 50/50 chance of regaining the permanent majority. It is simply irrelevant as an issue because the US is bankrupt and will be moving into collapse by the time we can do anything about it. obamacare is simply a large entertainment device at the moment, ie the GOP will benefit a great deal at the ballot box, how much is the only question, but the time has passed to pop the bubble and right the ship. You can't do it now. Thanks denethors.

1) We've already been stealing your demographics. In the last 10-30 years the GOP stole the working white/southern vote and the senior vote, the multi-generational backbone of the Democrats.

2) Hispanics don't matter (not as people lol). I think Juggs has the data, too lazy at the moment, but the demos coming out of the last election were widely misunderstood in that even if you had Bush levels of hispanic GOP voting Roms still would have lost.

3) The GOP wins among married women

4) Conservative turnout unfortunately did not materialize last time but certainly can again. Arguably if the denethors had turned out then we could have even won last time.

5) But here is the kicker, youth, single women, and black voting will plummet over the next couple of election cycles, due to obama and the obamacare debacle and a different candidate. all the data says Democrats are losing the youth and even single women in numbers significant to cost them elections in the current plummet. To new HS voters obama is the new Bush. And that is the death knell for the current Democrat model.

That is not say that Democrat won't hold some things, it all depends on if they can get people to believe their lies about legalizing rape bringing back Jim Crow or slavery or FGM or outlawing birth control. I thought they were laughable last time but they got really dumb people to believe them, so the dumb factor always favors the Democrats.

The only possible "Demographic" scenario for Democrats is an uber hispanic majority some decades in the future that rests on the assumption that they will remain Democrats and that a party dominated by a racial interest as it's defining characteristic can accommodate other factions. But in reality we are a long way from there and the US will undergo cataclysms before then, so... ... ael-barone
But that was then, and this is now. Quinnipiac shows young voters disapproving of Obama 54 percent to 36 percent and Hispanics disapproving 47 percent to 41 percent.
Yeah That's the Obama/Demographics ticket :D
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Republicans vs Democrats | Republicrats vs Demopublicans

Post by monster_gardener »

Thank You VERY MUCH for maintaining the Forum, Admins Typhoon & YMix

Per our Esteemed Founder Typhoon's request, this is a thread for posts about:

Republicans vs Democrats/Republicrats vs Demopublicans/ReThuglicans vs DemonRats/RepublicRats vs DemonPublicans etc. ;) :twisted:

In other words, any thing related to the struggle between & withing the 2 current Top Dog/Top Cat ;) American Political Parties....

Please try to post such issues here if at all possible especially if they are of a general nature....

Thanks in Advance.
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GOP takes the lead in generic ballot

Post by Mr. Perfect »

We all know what happens next (1994, 2010).

Keep in mind we only need 51 one votes in the Senate to repeal (obamacare was passed by reconciliation and will be repealed the same way) and are within 20 votes in the house of a veto override. Winning the Senate back is better than even odds. ... 00386.html
Republicans are gaining ground heading into the 2014 midterms, according to a poll Tuesday that shows a dramatic turnaround in the party’s standing among voters.

With just a 2-point lead, the GOP edges out Democrats 49 to 47 percent among registered voters in the 2014 generic ballot for Congress, according to the CNN/ORC poll, which asked voters whether they would vote for the Democratic or Republican in their district, without mentioning specific names.
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Has the Recession Spawned a Generation of Democrats?

Post by Enki » ... s_partner/
The likely reasons for this are clear enough. If you come of age at a time when traditional values such as hard work and perseverance don’t necessarily pay off, you’re imprinted with a sense that economic success is fragile and unpredictable. And that increases the odds you’ll develop a belief system that prioritizes assistance for the needy.
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Re: Has the Recession Spawned a Generation of Democrats?

Post by Doc »

Enki wrote: ... s_partner/
The likely reasons for this are clear enough. If you come of age at a time when traditional values such as hard work and perseverance don’t necessarily pay off, you’re imprinted with a sense that economic success is fragile and unpredictable. And that increases the odds you’ll develop a belief system that prioritizes assistance for the needy.
Yeah really:



But what the article is really saying is that when people are afraid that is good for big government. That they aren't citizens but rather the rhymes with riches of Big Government.
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Keeps losing those demographics. He's being hit the hardest in the base demographics, hispanics and youth. ... s-n1758278

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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Ouch. When the demos that put you over the top leave you, then under the bottom is all that is left. ... e-20131204
Young Americans are turning against Barack Obama and Obamacare, according to a new survey of millennials, people between the ages of 18 and 29 who are vital to the fortunes of the president and his signature health care law.

The most startling finding of Harvard University's Institute of Politics: A majority of Americans under age 25--the youngest millennials--would favor throwing Obama out of office.

The survey, part of a unique 13-year study of the attitudes of young adults, finds that America's rising generation is worried about its future, disillusioned with the U.S. political system, strongly opposed to the government's domestic surveillance apparatus, and drifting away from both major parties. "Young Americans hold the president, Congress and the federal government in less esteem almost by the day, and the level of engagement they are having in politics are also on the decline," reads the IOP's analysis of its poll. "Millennials are losing touch with government and its programs because they believe government is losing touch with them."

The results blow a gaping hole in the belief among many Democrats that Obama's two elections signaled a durable grip on the youth vote.

Indeed, millennials are not so hot on their president.

Obama's approval rating among young Americans is just 41 percent, down 11 points from a year ago, and now tracking with all adults. While 55 percent said they voted for Obama in 2012, only 46 percent said they would do so again.

When asked if they would want to recall various elected officials, 45 percent of millennials said they would oust their member of Congress; 52 percent replied "all members of Congress" should go; and 47 percent said they would recall Obama. The recall-Obama figure was even higher among the youngest millennials, ages 18 to 24, at 52 percent.

While there is no provision for a public recall of U.S. presidents, the poll question revealed just how far Obama has fallen in the eyes of young Americans.
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

obamacare is a war on women, and they are finding that out. Free bc doesn't seem to cut it when you are being thrown off insurance and forced to buy expensive products you can't afford. ... x-20131205
It’s not the voters who hate Obamacare the most who are going to matter in next year’s elections. It’s the independents who frequently side with Democrats but could, if propelled by a distaste for the health care law, take a serious look at the GOP in 2014. And on this front, Democrats have a big problem with one of their most crucial constituencies—white women.

Polling provided to National Journal by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that white women have soured considerably on the law, especially in the month since its botched rollout. The skepticism runs especially deep among blue-collar women, sometimes known as “waitress moms,” whose deeply pessimistic attitudes toward the Affordable Care Act should riddle Democratic candidates with anxiety.

Certainly, the law’s unpopularity gives Republicans a tool to counter the Democratic claim of a GOP “war on women”—something Republicans failed miserably at in 2012. But more significantly, it demonstrates that Democrats will have to fight just to retain core elements of their constituency. With 2014’s most important campaigns already lying in hostile territory like Alaska, Arkansas, and South Dakota, it’s a battle many of these candidates can ill afford.

The Kaiser poll, which has been conducted monthly since Obamacare’s inception, shows the law has never been a big hit with white women. But this group’s opinions took a sharply negative turn in the November results.

According to Kaiser, 40 percent of college-educated white women hold a “very unfavorable” view of the law—10 points higher than a month ago. An additional 10 percent view the law “somewhat unfavorably.” A month ago, those two groups together totaled just 42 percent.

That’s not damning in and of itself, but this is the one slice of the white electorate where Democrats usually perform well. President Obama won 46 percent of the group in 2012, and even that was an underwhelming showing compared with recent Democratic presidential candidates.

And that’s not all. Democrats should be far more worried about white women who do not have a higher education. The numbers are astounding: In the latest Kaiser poll, 50 percent have a “very unfavorable” view of the law—9 points higher than in October. An additional 13 percent view it “somewhat unfavorably.” Indeed, antipathy among blue-collar white women runs even deeper than the most conservative white demographic group, blue-collar white men (59 percent of whom hold an unfavorable view, Kaiser found).

Remarkably, only 16 percent of blue-collar white women have a favorable view of Obamacare. They disapprove of it by a 4-1 ratio. (The poll found 21 percent did not know enough about the ACA to hold an opinion.) These voters are by no means a strongly Democratic group: Obama won just 39 percent of them last year. But they do lean further left than their male counterparts, and Democratic candidates in 2014 will need to perform even better with them to win reelection. In 2008, for example, Democrat Mark Begich won his Senate race in Alaska by claiming 54 percent of the white female vote, which constituted 41 percent of the state’s electorate. He’s a top GOP target in 2014.
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Enki »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Doc »

Enki wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey you can laugh but you can't hide :P
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Enki »

Doc wrote:
Enki wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey you can laugh but you can't hide :P
LOL, this is just too hilarious. "Old People are the future of America."
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Enki wrote:
Doc wrote:
Enki wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey you can laugh but you can't hide :P
LOL, this is just too hilarious. "Old People are the future of America."
You may laugh now, but Obama will not win the next election. :lol:
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Ibrahim »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:You may laugh now, but Obama will not win the next election. :lol:
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Doc »

Enki wrote:
Doc wrote:
Enki wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey you can laugh but you can't hide :P
LOL, this is just too hilarious. "Old People are the future of America."
Is that because young people feel they have no future because of the left? ... all-obama/
Poll: 52 Percent Of Voters Under Age Of 25 Would Recall Obama
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
Mr. Perfect
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Enki wrote:
Doc wrote:
Enki wrote::lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey you can laugh but you can't hide :P
LOL, this is just too hilarious. "Old People are the future of America."
The effects of data free living. The young and the old are gainst obama, and of course as always is the case the young become old, and nowadays vote GOP. Everyone is against obama now.
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Enki » ... s-in-2012/

The GOP is 53% over the age of 50 and 87% white.

Also, little known fact, Barack Obama will not run for re-election.

Psssst....old people die and young people get older and vote more often.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Doc »

Enki wrote: ... s-in-2012/

The GOP is 53% over the age of 50 and 87% white.

Also, little known fact, Barack Obama will not run for re-election.

Psssst....old people die and young people get older and vote more often.
And who they vote for is what counts. It is not looking too good for the left at this point in time. It will take the left at least a generation to recover from Obama
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
Mr. Perfect
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Enki wrote: ... s-in-2012/

The GOP is 53% over the age of 50 and 87% white.
Try using less ancient data, like the data overload provided in this thread which shows the young, hispanic and female abandoning obama in droves. Embrace data and facts tinker. Be on the side of facts.
Also, little known fact, Barack Obama will not run for re-election.
Good point. Democrat turnout will fall even further. Also there is evidence GWB pulled the GOP ticket down as late as 2012. obama is heading in the same direction.
Psssst....old people die and young people get older and vote more often.
When young people get older they change parties, and have been doing so for decades now. Plus, today's high schoolers view obama the ways yesterday's high schooler's viewed Bush. The new young voter has no tie or interest in the obama party.

Data free living will hurt you tinker.
Last edited by Mr. Perfect on Sat Dec 07, 2013 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Next thing Tinker will post some data from '76 that poor whites and the elderly are the key to future Democrat electoral dominance. :)
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Doc »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Next thing Tinker will post some data from '76 that poor whites and the elderly are the key to future Democrat electoral dominance. :)
Why should he stop there? One could argue that the massive western expansion due to the railroads reaching California, that the demographics will heavily favor the left coast.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Ibrahim »

Doc wrote:
Enki wrote: ... s-in-2012/

The GOP is 53% over the age of 50 and 87% white.

Also, little known fact, Barack Obama will not run for re-election.

Psssst....old people die and young people get older and vote more often.
And who they vote for is what counts. It is not looking too good for the left at this point in time. It will take the left at least a generation to recover from Obama
You don't predict Hillary Clinton will win in 2016? Seems like the pretty obvious outcome, regardless of whether you think its good or bad.

Maybe after 12-16 years of Democratic presidency there will be a major backlash and the country will turn to the Republican party. But right now Republicans can't win any demographic except white males, and people being disappointed in Obama aren't going to decide they suddenly hate gays/women/minorities/social programs and vote Republican.
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Doc »

Ibrahim wrote:
Doc wrote:
Enki wrote: ... s-in-2012/

The GOP is 53% over the age of 50 and 87% white.

Also, little known fact, Barack Obama will not run for re-election.

Psssst....old people die and young people get older and vote more often.
And who they vote for is what counts. It is not looking too good for the left at this point in time. It will take the left at least a generation to recover from Obama
You don't predict Hillary Clinton will win in 2016? Seems like the pretty obvious outcome, regardless of whether you think its good or bad.

Maybe after 12-16 years of Democratic presidency there will be a major backlash and the country will turn to the Republican party. But right now Republicans can't win any demographic except white males, and people being disappointed in Obama aren't going to decide they suddenly hate gays/women/minorities/social programs and vote Republican.
Why are you and Tinker so hung up on Demographics? It is almost like you guys belong to a cult. There has been a tectonic shift away from the Democrats over Obamacare. PERIOD. What is so hard to understand about 18 to 25 year olds that voted 80% for Obama now want him removed from office? That one demographic shift is just one among many against the Democrats. Even their most loyal base is starting to turn.

When I say that the left is dead in American for at least a generation I am not kidding. Demographic votes are not inherent. Reagan won election to president because the middle class blue color union vote saw Carter as incompetent. Now most demographics see Obama AND the Democrats as either incompetent or plain old liars that are against their interests.

As far as Hillary goes, I doubt she can win the Democratic nomination let alone the presidency. There are just too many sound bites out there that she has to come clean about. Saying she came under fire in Benghazi just ain't going to cut it in explaining away "What difference does it make?" The one where she say "If you like your health care ... PERIOD" is going to be hard to explain away as well. At this point my *guess* is Andrew Cuomo will be the Democrats Nominee in 2016 unless he has a scandal blow up on him. If not him then someone like him.
Last edited by Doc on Sun Dec 08, 2013 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Democrats don't understand demographics

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

I think Ron Paul proved a populist, anti-bank platform would be popular.

And I think Elizabeth Warren could pull it off. That woman has more balls than Hillary & the entire GOP combined.
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Women are Not Married to the DemonRats.....

Post by monster_gardener »

Ibrahim wrote:
Doc wrote:
Enki wrote: ... s-in-2012/

The GOP is 53% over the age of 50 and 87% white.

Also, little known fact, Barack Obama will not run for re-election.

Psssst....old people die and young people get older and vote more often.
And who they vote for is what counts. It is not looking too good for the left at this point in time. It will take the left at least a generation to recover from Obama
You don't predict Hillary Clinton will win in 2016? Seems like the pretty obvious outcome, regardless of whether you think its good or bad.

Maybe after 12-16 years of Democratic presidency there will be a major backlash and the country will turn to the Republican party. But right now Republicans can't win any demographic except white males, and people being disappointed in Obama aren't going to decide they suddenly hate gays/women/minorities/social programs and vote Republican.
Thank You Very Much for your post, Ibrahim.

but right now Republicans can't win any demographic except white males, and people being disappointed in Obama aren't going to decide they suddenly hate gays/women/minorities/social programs and vote Republican.
Not so.

Recalling the Terry McAwful ;) :twisted: oops I mean McAuliffe election recently in Virginia......

Republicans won with MARRIED women.... ... re-married

And if oBUMaSCAM ;) :twisted: oops I mean obamaCare is a "social program" as opposed to a con game by the DemonRats, then it hurt McAuliffe the Awful.... ... 99441.html
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