Unarmed American Beheaded. Americans Riot in Protest

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Unarmed American Beheaded. Americans Riot in Protest

Post by Doc »


Doc wrote:http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/20/world ... .html?_r=0
ISIS Claims to Have Beheaded Captive American


The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria posted a video on Tuesday that it said showed the beheading of James Foley, an American journalist who was kidnapped in Syria nearly two years ago, according to a transcript released by the SITE Intelligence Group.

The authenticity of the video, which was posted on YouTube, could not be immediately verified, and a telephone call placed to Mr. Foley’s family was not immediately returned. YouTube later took down the four-minute, 40-second video.

Titled “A Message to America,” the video shows the journalist kneeling in a deserted landscaped, clad in an orange jumpsuit – an apparent reference to the uniforms worn by prisoners at the American military detention camp in Guantánamo, Cuba. Standing to his left is a masked ISIS fighter, who says that Foley’s execution is in retaliation for the American airstrikes ordered by President Obama against the extremist group in Iraq.
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MEMENTOS FROM CAPTIVITY: Items saved by Harald Ickler, a Swede living in Germany, from his 54 days as a hostage in 2003. He was on what he thought would be a four-week adventure vacation when he was kidnapped in the Algerian desert by jihadists who would soon become an official arm of Al Qaeda.
Underwriting Jihad: Paying Ransoms, Europe Bankrolls Qaeda TerrorJULY 29, 2014
The Lede: Investigation Suggests American Journalist Missing in Syria Is ‘Likely’ Held by GovernmentMAY 3, 2013

“I call on my friends, family and loved ones to rise up against my real killers - the U.S. government — for what will happen to me is only a result of their complacent criminality,” Mr. Foley says in the video, which was uploaded to the online account of the al-Furqan Media Foundation, according to SITE, which follows jihadist groups.

Mr. Foley, 40, a freelance journalist who was working for GlobalPost, an online publication based in Boston, as well as Agence France-Presse, went missing on Nov. 22, 2012 in Syria. He was held alongside several other American prisoners, whose families have insisted on a news blackout.

The video concludes with the fighter threatening to kill Steven Sotloff, another American national who was being held alongside Mr. Foley. The young man is seen kneeling in the same position, in the same landscape and wearing the same, orange-colored jumpsuit. “The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision,” says the fighter.
IS Supporters Use Ferguson Shooting, Police Tactics to Recruit on Twitter


Alleged Islamic State (IS) fighters and supporters have entered the online discussion regarding the shooting and protests in Ferguson, Mo. on Twitter to recruit jihadists on August 19, 2014.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Extremely Angry at the Caliphate/Somewhat Angry with Foley..

Post by monster_gardener »

Doc wrote:thOIj6v34e0

Doc wrote:http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/20/world ... .html?_r=0
ISIS Claims to Have Beheaded Captive American


The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria posted a video on Tuesday that it said showed the beheading of James Foley, an American journalist who was kidnapped in Syria nearly two years ago, according to a transcript released by the SITE Intelligence Group.

The authenticity of the video, which was posted on YouTube, could not be immediately verified, and a telephone call placed to Mr. Foley’s family was not immediately returned. YouTube later took down the four-minute, 40-second video.

Titled “A Message to America,” the video shows the journalist kneeling in a deserted landscaped, clad in an orange jumpsuit – an apparent reference to the uniforms worn by prisoners at the American military detention camp in Guantánamo, Cuba. Standing to his left is a masked ISIS fighter, who says that Foley’s execution is in retaliation for the American airstrikes ordered by President Obama against the extremist group in Iraq.
Continue reading the main story
Related Coverage

MEMENTOS FROM CAPTIVITY: Items saved by Harald Ickler, a Swede living in Germany, from his 54 days as a hostage in 2003. He was on what he thought would be a four-week adventure vacation when he was kidnapped in the Algerian desert by jihadists who would soon become an official arm of Al Qaeda.
Underwriting Jihad: Paying Ransoms, Europe Bankrolls Qaeda TerrorJULY 29, 2014
The Lede: Investigation Suggests American Journalist Missing in Syria Is ‘Likely’ Held by GovernmentMAY 3, 2013

“I call on my friends, family and loved ones to rise up against my real killers - the U.S. government — for what will happen to me is only a result of their complacent criminality,” Mr. Foley says in the video, which was uploaded to the online account of the al-Furqan Media Foundation, according to SITE, which follows jihadist groups.

Mr. Foley, 40, a freelance journalist who was working for GlobalPost, an online publication based in Boston, as well as Agence France-Presse, went missing on Nov. 22, 2012 in Syria. He was held alongside several other American prisoners, whose families have insisted on a news blackout.

The video concludes with the fighter threatening to kill Steven Sotloff, another American national who was being held alongside Mr. Foley. The young man is seen kneeling in the same position, in the same landscape and wearing the same, orange-colored jumpsuit. “The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision,” says the fighter.
IS Supporters Use Ferguson Shooting, Police Tactics to Recruit on Twitter


Alleged Islamic State (IS) fighters and supporters have entered the online discussion regarding the shooting and protests in Ferguson, Mo. on Twitter to recruit jihadists on August 19, 2014.
Thank You VERY MUCH for your post, Doc.

I am Somewhat ;) Angry about this..... Actually extremely angry... :evil: :twisted: :evil:

There reports are that there are hundreds of traitorous American and other Western Muslims who are fighting along side the Islamic State and planning to come back here to do Jihad. Atrocities like this, 911 and Belsan are likely to happen here if they are not stopped in their tracks like Jose Padilla was. Ideally stopped dead in their tracks.

This is another phase in The Long War which began with Mohammed himself... :evil: :evil: :evil: :idea:

IMO any American fighting along side the Islamic State should be stripped of their citizenship in absentia, be treated like enemy combatants outside the US and saboteur spies out of uniform during time of war if they come to the US because the Islamic State/Traditonal/Jihadi Islam is at war with the US :idea: and the non Muslim World in general.... :idea:

It ought not be that hard to figure out who some of these Evil Killer Klowns from Islamic Space :evil: are.... Booklady's Ghost has posted a link to an article elsewhere that claims some of them are bragging on social media about who they are and what they are doing...

Perhaps likewise Jihadists from any nation: even if their nations will not strip the citizenship from them.... Considered to be citizens of the Islamic State and thus enemies to be neutralized or killed as appropriate.

A confession: Right now I am also somewhat angry with James Foley for being in such a dangerous location and letting himself be kidnapped and then killed and likewise with the other ~20 journalists who have been kidnapped by the Islamic State unless they were embedded with a strong military force that had a reasonable chance of protecting them.... Didn't anyone learn anything from Daniel Pearl's murder? Tempted to consider him and them to be stupid glory hunting DumbA$$es.... Need to be rescued or avenged with interest but also given a swift kick in the rear if they are gotten back alive....

Have heard that there are more Americans in that Area.... Contractors :roll: in Syria & Iraq...... Hello!.... Unless you are serving in an armed military function, get out of there... :idea: Is it worth your life?.....

Am I wrong?.....

I feel I may be..... :roll: :oops: :roll:

Perhaps they should be considered heroes for trying to get information from dangerous places...

But I am still angry......

IMO Journalists in those area should at least carry arms..... Lots of them..... Gun.... Knife... etc....

If that means you don't get to meet with some Killer Klown from Islamic Space....

It probably isn't worth meeting him....

And maybe even suicide/Samson :twisted: vests just like the Jihadis do..... :twisted:

Just in case....
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Unarmed American Beheaded. Americans Riot in Protest

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


FT : Is viewing a video a criminal offense under terrorism law ?

Yesterday, in response to the sharing on the internet of horrific and sickening footage of the apparent execution of journalist James Foley, the UK’s Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) provided to news reporters the following statement:

The MPS Counter Terrorism Command (SO15) is investigating the contents of the video that was posted online in relation to the alleged murder of James Foley.

We would like to remind the public that viewing, downloading or disseminating extremist material within the UK may constitute an offence under terrorism legislation.

What was eye-catching about this statement was that “viewing” the material could, by itself, be a criminal offence under “terrorism legislation”. By the time the statement was issued, thousands of people had viewed the video. Was the MPS really saying that each UK viewer faced, at least in principle, a conviction under terrorism law for doing so?

This was certainly the natural reading of this statement. And it was the aspect of the statement which was picked up by the news media – and this coverage was unsurprising: it was a sensational and newsworthy assertion made by a major police force about the criminal law.

Was this statement correct? Was the MPS providing a true description of the criminal law? Of course, no sensible or civilized person would want to watch this video. But was it really an offence under terrorism law to have viewed it?

I asked the MPS press office what was the specific criminal offence which covered mere viewing of such a video. Surely they would be able to tell me straight away, as they had made the statement. But the general news desk could not help, and so it was arranged that a specialist anti-terrorism press officer would call me.

I asked her the legal basis of this significant legal warning. She emphasised it was a “may” not a “will” statement of the law, and she then mentioned vaguely section 1 and section 2 of the Terrorism Act 2006.

However, neither of those two complex and detailed provisions refer to “viewing” material. I pressed her on which actual wording in those sections supported the MPS’s contention; and she replied it was a “matter of interpretation”. But which particular wording was being interpreted, I asked, as even “matters of interpretation” need something to be interpreted. There was no answer.

I said I would email so that the MPS could give me a considered response; and so I asked in writing if the MPS could please specify exactly under which law “viewing” the video “may” be an offence. One hour later came the simple reply: “The MPS statement stands”, and no mention of any specific legislation.

It would appear that the MPS press office, which had produced and promoted the bold statement that that “viewing” a video could itself be a criminal act under terrorism legislation, could not substantiate it when challenged.

This was worrying. People need reliable and accurate public information, and they have the right to expect it from the well-funded PR departments of UK police forces. If a police force tells people something is against the law then it should be able to instantly say on demand what that law is. The law should not be made up by press officers as they go along, especially in respect of matters such as terrorism where confidence in law enforcement agencies is crucial.

It cannot be the role of any police force to publish alarmist and false statements about the criminal law.


Self censoring in extreme

Soon, could reading NYT article might be "terrorism" ? ?

Western media must walk fine line, towing establishment's line, otherwise "NoNo"



‘ No helping hand from the West when ISIS killed only Syrians, Iraqis and Christians ’


There is no talk about value of human lives in the war with ISIS, there is only geopolitics, and nobody in the West thinks about helping Christians or arming the Iraqi army . .

In order to fight against the Islamic State in a successful way the West needs to sanction and punish all those powers that are supporting the Islamic State, namely Turkey and the Gulf states, Ochsenreiter believes. Also, it is necessary to help and arm armies that have been fighting the terrorists for years, which first of all means the Syrian army . .

more @ link


Well, folks, you want to wipe out these cancer, ISIS ? ? side with Iran and Assad .. you can not arm them in Syria and "supposedly" fight them in Iraq


Iran’s deputy-FM for Arab and African Affairs has said Islamic Republic does not need any cooperation with US and UK to fight terrorism in Iraq.

“We have always said that Iran sees no need to cooperate with US and UK fighting terrorism in Iraq and were the Americans determined enough to fight terrorism then they must have proved it in action,” asserted Amir Abdollahian.

Regarding recent actions by US and UK against ISIL in northern Iraq he said that “they attacked ISIL strongholds mostly to defend American citizens in Iraq; the attacks did not intend to strongly respond terrorists.”

Iran is ready to join international action against jihadists in Iraq provided the West lifts crippling sanctions, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Thursday.

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Re: Unarmed American Beheaded. Americans Riot in Protest

Post by Doc »

http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/ ... JL20140821
British Muslims blame jihadi subculture after beheading video

By Kate Holton and Raheem Salman

LONDON/BAGHDAD Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:21pm EDT

A masked Islamic State militant holding a knife speaks next to man purported to be U.S. journalist James Foley at an unknown location in this still image from an undated video posted on a social media website. REUTERS-Social Media Website via REUTERS TV
U.S. journalist Steven Sotloff is pictured in this undated handout photo obtained by Reuters August 20, 2014. REUTERS-The Daily Caller-Handout via Reuters
A woman from displaced people from the minority Yazidi sect, who fled violence in the Iraqi province of Nineveh Plain in northern Iraq, looks after her baby at Margurgis Church in Dohuk, August 20, 2014. REUTERS-Youssef Boudlal

1 of 5. A masked Islamic State militant holding a knife speaks next to man purported to be U.S. journalist James Foley at an unknown location in this still image from an undated video posted on a social media website.

(Reuters) - A British Muslim leader called on Thursday for action to tackle a jihadi sub-culture after an Islamic State video showed a suspected Briton beheading U.S. journalist James Foley held hostage in Syria.

In Washington, Attorney General Eric Holder said the U.S. Justice Department had opened a criminal investigation into the death of Foley on the video, which featured a masked man speaking English with a British accent.

As Western officials tried to identify the man, the Muslim Council of Britain denounced Foley's "abhorrent murder" and one of its advisers urged anyone who knows who the killer is to contact the police.

Horror at the video spanned from the West to Baghdad, where Iraqis asked why the United States and its allies had not cracked down on Islamic State fighters long before they captured large areas of Syria and Iraq.

Foley, 40, was beheaded by an Islamic State militant in the video that surfaced on the Internet on Tuesday, and officials in Washington revealed that U.S. special forces had tried unsuccessfully to rescue him along with other American hostages earlier this summer.

A firefight between the U.S. forces and Islamic State militants during the rescue attempt appeared to be the first direct ground engagement between the two sides.

The video caused particular shock in Britain, which is home to about 2.7 million Muslims, although the hundreds of British men fighting with the militants in Iraq and Syria have created concern for some time.

Iqbal Sacranie, an adviser to the Muslim Council of Britain, said Britons from across the country's communities had to stop young men being seduced by radical ideologies.

"This sub culture of this 'jihadi-cool' - as they call it in the media - within the margins of society ..., that is the real challenge," he told BBC Radio. "This is a problem that affects all of us and it will only be dealt with more effectively if all of us are working together on this."

Sacranie said the Muslim community was pushing the message that "this is totally alien to Islam" and families were reporting to the authorities when they discovered their sons had headed to the Middle East to fight. He also told London's Evening Standard newspaper that anyone who recognized the man in the video had a duty to contact police.


The Guardian newspaper said a former hostage had identified the masked man as the leader of three Britons who guarded foreign hostages in the city of Raqqa - Islamic State's stronghold in eastern Syria.

The BBC also reported that hostages had given their three captors nicknames after members of the Beatles pop group - John, Paul and Ringo.

Ghaffar Hussain, managing director of the counter-extremism Quilliam Foundation, said it was almost inevitable that men who had fought in Syria would return to plan attacks in Europe.

"It is disturbing that people born and raised in Britain and who have gone to the same schools as us could have been essentially indoctrinated to the extent where they can justify raping women and chopping heads off," he said.

Four British Islamists - two of whom had been to al Qaeda training camps in Pakistan - killed 52 people in suicide bomb attacks on London in July 2005, and Britons have appeared in graphic Islamist videos before.

Until recently, Islamic State concentrated on establishing its self-proclaimed caliphate in areas of Syria and Iraq it has seized rather than on attacking the West like al Qaeda - the group from which it split.

But U.S. President Barack Obama's decision to order air strikes on its fighters in Iraq appears to have changed this. The video also showed images of another U.S. journalist, Steven Sotloff, whose fate the group said depends on how the United States acts in Iraq. "The life of this American citizen, Obama, depends on your next decision," the masked man says.

In Baghdad, Iraqis expressed their horror at the video but questioned Western strategy on Islamic State, which advanced out of Syria in June to capture several major Iraqi cities including Mosul before the United States intervened militarily.

"The killing is the crime of all crimes, whoever the victim is," said Kareem Jamal, 55, an Arabic language teacher at a secondary school.

"I wish the world superpowers had fought these criminal groups in their incubators. The U.S. should have hit Islamic State when they first appeared in Syria. Why didn’t they hit them when they first entered Mosul and other cities?"

Ali Mohammed Saeed, a 35-year-old doctor, called for deeper Western involvement, almost three years after U.S. troops pulled out of Iraq. "Air strikes are not enough, those criminals need ground troops to kill them and kick them out."

British Prime Minister David Cameron has ruled out sending troops to step up Britain's military involvement in Iraq, which has so far been focused on delivering supplies to Kurdish forces fighting Islamic State and using jets to conduct surveillance.
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Foley: Hero or Fool/Twit who met a Nasty Fool Killer....

Post by monster_gardener »

Thank You VERY MUCH for Maintaining the Forum Admins Typhoon & YMix

Doubts being raised that James Foley was a real hero.....

Fooley :twisted: oops I mean Foley may have been a Liberal Progressive Twit who met an especially nasty Fool Killer...
James Foley Went Looking to Support Terrorists in Syria, Instead They Cut Off His Head
August 19, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield 557 Comments

James Foley was one of a new breed of activists calling themselves journalists. He didn’t travel to report on a story, but to promote an agenda. And the agenda was obvious from his Twitter feed.

Any human life lost is tragic, but a moral individual would have much more empathy for the Syrian Christians who suffered at the hands of Foley’s favorite Jihadists than one of their pet propagandists. For the most Foley only mentioned Syrian Christians when he was promoting the myth that the Sunni Jihadists were actually a secular democracy-loving force that incorporated Christians and Kurds on equal terms.

Foley came to Syria to support the Sunni Islamist rebels against the Syrian government. He was a vehement advocate and while he didn’t necessarily side with any single group, he echoed the one sided narrative rather than telling the truth about the Islamists. His Twitter feed was full of urgings to arm the Jihadists.

Meanwhile he sneered at America’s War on Terror.

He cheered on the Sunni Muslim terrorists fighting to ethnically cleanse the Christians of Aleppo. In the conflict between Israel and Hamas, his tweets and retweets were chock full of pro-Sunni Syrian terrorist propaganda.

When Newsweek’s Muslim Rage cover story came out, Foley mocked it too. Raging Muslims. How silly and Islamophobic.
:roll: :roll: :roll:

More at:

http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/dgreen ... -his-head/

If this is true, Foley IMO was NOT a hero when he started out.... Rather a Twit or worse.....

Right now Foley eminds me of Edmund in The Lion, The Witch & the Wardrobe... :|

Perhaps Foley became a hero after being kidnapped and tortured if some reports are true....Hope so.....

But obama the Lazy LYIN' GOLFTUS is an A$$ :roll: , Not Aslan ;) .....
No rescue allegedly because the POS POTUS obama dragged his feet...

Even if not a hero, still an American whose murderers should be destroyed by whatever way works best....

And if twit & not hero, then better him than someone better.....

Because the US is likely going to need better people to keep this Jihadi Evil from Coming to America with American and other Western Traitor Muslims with US and Western passports.... :evil: :shock: :idea:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Unarmed American Beheaded. Americans Riot in Protest

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Has anybody actually seen the video? I have not been able to access a working link.
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Re: Unarmed American Beheaded. Americans Riot in Protest

Post by Doc »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:Has anybody actually seen the video? I have not been able to access a working link.
It is being actively blocked as far as I can tell. You have to go to alternate search engines to find it. The video is on live leak but good luck finding it there with a search.

It is actually pretty tame compared to the Mexican cartel beheading videos.. Notice the ISIS animal has what appears to be blood on his hands before the beheading

But here it is:

Remember you asked for it.

http://truthuncensored.net/warning-grap ... -to-obama/

BTW it seems to load very slowly. AND click the control "play" button. When you click the play button in the center something else opens

Actually I just noticed firefox is blocking a redirect attempt. here is a direct link to the liveleak version.

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Re: Unarmed American Beheaded. Americans Riot in Protest

Post by Parodite »

Too gruesome for me to watch. The documentary The Act of Killing is worth watching though.
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Re: Unarmed American Beheaded. Americans Riot in Protest

Post by kmich »

A despicable act, but suckers' bait, nonetheless. These people are vicious, but they are not stupid. They know damn well that posting this crime will not stop "Obama" or American intervention and will only provoke further attacks and escalation. American military involvement in the region has been a boon to extremists. It is their major recruiting tool for a world full of rootless young men without prospects and with nothing to lose. For each extremist martyred, many more will jump into their place in an exponential process of "wack a mole" in a fight America cannot lose militarily but cannot win either.
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Re: Unarmed American Beheaded. Americans Riot in Protest

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

It's easy to understand why there is so much conversation about the video being a fake. There is a one or two seconds of a bloodless sawing motion with a hunting knife. No blood, panic or struggle. Next shot is a nearly blood-free still image of a head placed upon a back - easily photoshopped.

No one who has seen an animal slaughtered, not even a chicken, would be convinced that this is a film of an actual beheading. I suspect this is why GB is censoring the film.
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What Should be Done to Stop Vicious People Like ISIS....

Post by monster_gardener »

kmich wrote:A despicable act, but suckers' bait, nonetheless. These people are vicious, but they are not stupid. They know damn well that posting this crime will not stop "Obama" or American intervention and will only provoke further attacks and escalation. American military involvement in the region has been a boon to extremists. It is their major recruiting tool for a world full of rootless young men without prospects and with nothing to lose. For each extremist martyred, many more will jump into their place in an exponential process of "wack a mole" in a fight America cannot lose militarily but cannot win either.
Thank You Very Much for your post, kmich.
For each extremist martyred, many more will jump into their place in an exponential process of "wack a mole" in a fight America cannot lose militarily but cannot win either.
So what say you should be done to stop these, by your own words, vicious people.... :?:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Islamic State Infidel Execution Video Production Values....

Post by monster_gardener »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:It's easy to understand why there is so much conversation about the video being a fake. There is a one or two seconds of a bloodless sawing motion with a hunting knife. No blood, panic or struggle. Next shot is a nearly blood-free still image of a head placed upon a back - easily photoshopped.

No one who has seen an animal slaughtered, not even a chicken, would be convinced that this is a film of an actual beheading. I suspect this is why GB is censoring the film.
Thank You VERY MUCH for your post, Nonc Hilaire.

FWIW I too have heard some doubts about the video....

That at least the speech that Foley said was pre-recorde before the execution.....

Like kmich said..... Vicious but Smart.....

Wouldn't want to take a chance that Foley might say something like: Up your A$$ ISIS.....

Or worse...
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Unarmed American Beheaded. Americans Riot in Protest

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

That at least the speech that Foley said was pre-recorded before the execution.....
I'm not sure if voice stress analysis is accurate, but if it is it would be useful.
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Re: What Should be Done to Stop Vicious People Like ISIS....

Post by kmich »

monster_gardener wrote:So what say you should be done to stop these, by your own words, vicious people.... :?:
We won’t be able to “stop” ISIS any more than we can “stop” the regular beheadings and atrocities that have been going on in Sub Saharan and Central Africa for years. Millions died in the Second Congo war. Those don’t make the news though so I suppose we have to address the MSM atrocity de jour since this involves a white westerner that we can identify with.

ISIS did not spring out of nowhere; it has been aided and funded by our “allies,” the wealthy donors in Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, initially to fight Assad in Syria and eventually a proxy war with Iran within the failed state of Iraq. We supported our “allies” efforts in Syria, but now we are having reservations as ISIS moves through Northern and Western Iraq.

The most single effective thing we have done in this whole “war on terror” burlesque has been the blocking of banking and funding to extremist groups to choke of their arms and support. I suppose we could force that issue with our gulf “allies,” but that would mean cozying up more to their adversaries, Assad, Iran, and Shia Iraq. Pick your devil if you believe we actually have a dog in that fight.
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Re: Unarmed American Beheaded. Americans Riot in Protest

Post by Doc »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
That at least the speech that Foley said was pre-recorded before the execution.....
I'm not sure if voice stress analysis is accurate, but if it is it would be useful.
ISIS has a very slick very production team. My guess is that they made Foley practice practice practice until he got his beheading speech exactly right. Severe beatings when he didn't. It is the only thing that makes sense.
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Infidel Dogs Versus Evil Islamic Cats.....

Post by monster_gardener »

kmich wrote:
monster_gardener wrote:So what say you should be done to stop these, by your own words, vicious people.... :?:
We won’t be able to “stop” ISIS any more than we can “stop” the regular beheadings and atrocities that have been going on in Sub Saharan and Central Africa for years. Millions died in the Second Congo war. Those don’t make the news though so I suppose we have to address the MSM atrocity de jour since this involves a white westerner that we can identify with.

ISIS did not spring out of nowhere; it has been aided and funded by our “allies,” the wealthy donors in Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, initially to fight Assad in Syria and eventually a proxy war with Iran within the failed state of Iraq. We supported our “allies” efforts in Syria, but now we are having reservations as ISIS moves through Northern and Western Iraq.

The most single effective thing we have done in this whole “war on terror” burlesque has been the blocking of banking and funding to extremist groups to choke of their arms and support. I suppose we could force that issue with our gulf “allies,” but that would mean cozying up more to their adversaries, Assad, Iran, and Shia Iraq. Pick your devil if you believe we actually have a dog in that fight.
Thank You VERY MUCH for your Kind Reply, kmich.
The most single effective thing we have done in this whole “war on terror” burlesque has been the blocking of banking and funding to extremist groups to choke of their arms and support.
I agree that is a good and necessary step.
I suppose we could force that issue with our gulf “allies,”
Also IMO a good idea.... Insist that the Saudi and others stop financing Jihad world wide to appease vile religious fanatics at home....

If that means the Saudi rulers have to execute the fanatics :| .... Beheadings are already SOP in Arabia... :|

Though the US should have a plan ready about what to do if the Imams manage to beat the Sheiks or if the Sheiks decide go with the Imams... :evil: :evil: :evil:
Perhaps Yes....

Perhaps Probably Yes....

Even though Assad is beholden to Iran :roll:

And to Russia.... Which IMHO may be a Good thing....

Assad does protect Christians & minorities AND does not seem to have broad imperial & apocalyptic ambitions like Iran does....

Plus Assad is an Alawite Heretic Muslim who traditonally have had a thing about the Virgin Mary ;) and whom Sunni Muslims especially enjoy killing.... :evil:

At a bare minimum, stop giving aid to the Syrian rebels and making trouble for him otherwise.... :idea:

Could even consider some food aid to shut down what caused the Awful Arab Spring in the first place: higher food prices.... :roll:

Unless he starts a war with Israel.... :roll:


At least not until they get rid of the Mullah etc. :idea:

No problem with de facto agreeing to try to avoid shooting each other while trying to shut down ISIS separately :idea:

But sanctions stay on .....

Not up for allying like the US did with Soviet Russia and giving concessions like not interfering with Soviet Spy networks in the US :roll: or lifting sanctions let alone convoys of supplies as were sent to Archangel & Murmansk....

With people into Mahdi Madness :evil: :roll: :evil:

And thus giving them advantages that may give Iran a Nuclear Bite later...

By doing the equivalent of giving Persian Chess Masters a free move or more on the board.... :roll:

As seen with Azari, Iran aims to revive the Persian Hegemony/Imperium so that it once again stretches from at least Egypt & Greece to China as it once did..... Maybe further...

Shia Iraq.

But maybe not that much....

No more heavy weapons for them to abandon to ISIS at least..... :roll:

Actually it might be better to back the Kurds, AIUI not really nice guys but AIUI one of the closest approximations in that area.... :roll:

Or maybe see if the Sunni Clans can be bribed to dump ISIS like they did Al Queda.....
Wouldn't necessarily count on that trick working twice though... :idea:

ISIS did not spring out of nowhere;
Quite Correct. :evil:

Besides what you mentioned, there is Islam itself..... :evil:

Earlier this week I was listening to a BBC round table discussion about the Foley execution with people said to be experts on the Middle East both from the West and the Middle East.

One expert pointed out that what ISIS believes is pretty much Standard for the Middle East/Muslims. :evil: :roll:

He cited a 9th Grade state school text book from the Middle East which stated the following: Islam is the true religion. The choice for Atheists and Pagans is to Convert or Die. Same for heretical Muslims: Convert or Die.

Pagans are anyone other than True Muslims..... and Christian & Jews (Peoples of the Book) who can be grudgingly tolerated if they pay protection money and obey the Muslim laws and act very humble toward true Muslims..

The difference between Traditional/Standard Muslims and ISIS/Al Queda is mostly that ISIS etc are really serious about enforcing standard Islamic laws...

if you believe we actually have a dog in that fight.
I believe that 'we', meaning the Non Muslim World, are already seen as Infidel dogs :idea: in a fight/The Long War with the Vicious Clan of Evil Islamic Cats..... ;) :idea: :twisted: :evil: :roll:

'We' are in the fight whether 'we' want to be or not because Jihadi/Standard/Traditional Islam aims to conquer the Entire World for Allah and put it under Islam's evil control freak on steroids domination....

Speaking of which.....

One measure I propose is that American and other traitors who go to fight along side or otherwise aid ISIS, Al Queda or similar be considered to have renounced their American or other citizenship and now be treated as enemy combatants overseas and spies/saboteurs in time of war if they come back without arranging a surrender to law enforcement and so can be treated as German Saboteurs out of uniform landing in the US during WW2 were, unless they make themselves useful against the Islamic State....
Last edited by monster_gardener on Sat Aug 23, 2014 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Nonc Hilaire
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Muslims condemn ISIS

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

ABC News’ Laura Ingraham, Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Fox & Friends and other U.S. media commentators say that Muslims are silent and complicit in the barbarian crimes of ISIS. Fox News host Andrea Tantaros said that all Muslims are the same as ISIS, and implied that all Muslims should be met “with a bullet to the head”.

Why don’t we hear Muslims condemning the barbarian ISIS terrorists?

Turns out they are loudly condemning ISIS … but our press isn’t covering it.

Father Elias Mallon of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association explains:

“Why aren’t Muslims speaking out against these atrocities?” The answer is: Muslims have been speaking out in the strongest terms, condemning the crimes against humanity committed by ISIS (or, as it is increasingly called, IS) and others in the name of Islam.

Father Mallon is right …

Vatican Radio – an official Vatican news site – reported last month:

Two of the leading voices in the Muslim world denounced the persecution of Christians in Iraq, at the hands of extremists proclaiming a caliphate under the name Islamic State.

The most explicit condemnation came from Iyad Ameen Madani, the Secretary General for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the group representing 57 countries, and 1.4 billion Muslims.

In a statement, he officially denounced the “forced deportation under the threat of execution” of Christians, calling it a “crime that cannot be tolerated.” The Secretary General also distanced Islam from the actions of the militant group known as ISIS, saying they “have nothing to do with Islam and its principles that call for justice, kindness, fairness, freedom of faith and coexistence.”

Meanwhile, Turkey’s top cleric, the spiritual successor to the caliphate under the Ottoman Empire, also touched on the topic during a peace conference of Islamic scholars.

In a not-so-veiled swipe at ISIS, Mehmet Gormez declared that “an entity that lacks legal justification has no authority to declare war against a political gathering, any country or community.” He went on to say that Muslims should not be hostile towards “people with different views, values and beliefs, and regard them as enemies.”


Gormez said death threats against non-Muslims made by the group, formerly known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), were hugely damaging. “The statement made against Christians is truly awful. Islamic scholars need to focus on this (because) an inability to peacefully sustain other faiths and cultures heralds the collapse of a civilization,” he told Reuters in an interview.

The Independent noted last month:

Muslim leaders in Britain have condemned the extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis), expressing their “grave concern” at continued violence in its name.

Representatives from both the Sunni and Shia groups in the UK met at the Palace of Westminster and relayed their message that the militant group does not represent the majority of Muslims.


Shuja Shafi, of the Muslim Council of Great Britain, said: “Violence has no place in religion, violence has no religion.

100 Sunni and Shiite religious leaders from the U.K. produced a video denouncing the Islamic State, saying they wanted to “come together to emphasise the importance of unity in the UK and to decree ISIS as an illegitimate, vicious group who do not represent Islam in any way.”

Breitbart noted earlier this month:

Two prominent Muslim leaders are urging Muslim men not to join the radical jihadists.

“The public have to be critical. This is not about [establishing] a Caliphate [Islamic State]; but [a group] working for its own cause and gains from a sectarian issue,” said Nahdlatul Ulama executive council chair, Slamet Effendy Yusuf.

The Nahdlatul Ulama is one of the largest Islamic organizations in the world and concentrates on traditional Islam.


Muhammadiyah, an organization with 29 million members, is more modern, well-known for educational activities, and avoids politics. Secretary Abdul Mu’ti said ISIS does not represent Islam.

“That’s my point, this [movement] is not in the context of religion [Islam],” Abdul said. “We all need to question the group’s goals. Don’t just follow radicals who tried to win their own wars in other countries; we will be the ones to suffer losses.”


These men are not the first Muslim leaders to denounce the Islamic State. The International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) spoke out against IS’s expulsion of Christians in Mosul. The group claimed the rejection served to “violate Islamic laws, Islamic conscience and leave but a negative image of Islam and Muslims.”

Al Arabiya News reports that the Arab League Chief denounced acts committed by the Islamic State in Iraq as “crimes against humanity,” demanding that they be brought to justice, and he:

Strongly denounced the crimes, killings, dispossession carried out by the terrorist (ISIS) against civilians and minorities in Iraq that have affected Christians in Mosul and Yazidis.

The Daily Star writes that Egypt’s highest religious authority – Al-Azhar’s Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam – , denounced the Islamic State as a threat to Islam and said that the group violates Islamic law:

[They] give an opportunity for those who seek to harm us, to destroy us and interfere in our affairs with the [pretext of a] call to fight terrorism.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called the terrorist group “un-Islamic and morally repugnant,” noted that the Islamic State’s “human rights abuses on the ground are well-documented,” called the Islamic State “both un-Islamic and morally repugnant” and called the killing of American journalist James Foley “gruesome and barbaric”. See this, this and this.

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) – the largest Muslim organization on the continent - released a statement denouncing the Islamic State “for its attacks on Iraq’s religious minorities and the destruction of their places of worship.” ISNA President Imam Mohamed Magid said, “ISIS actions against religious minorities in Iraq violate the Quranic teaching, ‘Let there be no compulsion in religion’ … ” adding, “Their actions are to be denounced and are in no way representative of what Islam actually teaches.” INSA condemned the vicious execution of Foley at the hands of the terrorist group ISIS, terming it as “un-Islamic behaviour”, and said:

ISIS actions have never been representative nor in accordance to the mainstream teachings of Islam. This act of murder cannot be justified according to the faith practiced by over 1.6 billion people.

The head Shia religious leader in Iraq and Sunni religious leaders in Iraq have all condemned – and called for war against – ISIS.

Al Jazeera reports:

Saudi Arabia’s highest religious authority has condemned the armed groups Islamic State and al-Qaeda as apostates and labelled them the “number one enemy of Islam”.


“Extremist and militant ideas and terrorism which spread decay on Earth, destroying human civilisation, are not in any way part of Islam, but are enemy number one of Islam, and Muslims are their first victims” ….

The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) released a statement condemning “the barbaric execution of American Journalist James Foley by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).” MPAC urged “all people of conscience to take a stand against extremism” and offered condolences to Foley’s family. MPAC also noted the importance of countering ISIS and other extremist groups by working “to empower the mainstream and relegate extremists to the irrelevance they deserve.”

ISIS and Al Qaeda Are FAKE Muslims

The 9/11 hijackers used cocaine and drank alcohol, slept with prostitutes and attended strip clubs … but they did not worship at any mosque. See this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this. Hardly the acts of devout Muslims.

Huffington Post reports:

Can you guess which books the wannabe jihadists Yusuf Sarwar and Mohammed Ahmed ordered online from Amazon before they set out from Birmingham to fight in Syria last May? A copy of Milestones by the Egyptian Islamist Sayyid Qutb? No. How about Messages to the World: the Statements of Osama Bin Laden? Guess again. Wait, The Anarchist Cookbook, right? Wrong.

Sarwar and Ahmed, both of whom pleaded guilty to terrorism offences last month, purchased Islam for Dummies and The Koran for Dummies. You could not ask for better evidence to bolster the argument that the 1,400-year-old Islamic faith has little to do with the modern jihadist movement. The swivel-eyed young men who take sadistic pleasure in bombings and beheadings may try to justify their violence with recourse to religious rhetoric – think the killers of Lee Rigby screaming “Allahu Akbar” at their trial; think of Islamic State beheading the photojournalist James Foley as part of its “holy war” – but religious fervour isn’t what motivates most of them.

In 2008, a classified briefing note on radicalisation, prepared by MI5′s behavioural science unit, was leaked to the Guardian. It revealed that, “far from being religious zealots, a large number of those involved in terrorism do not practise their faith regularly. Many lack religious literacy and could . . . be regarded as religious novices.” The analysts concluded that “a well-established religious identity actually protects against violent radicalisation“, the newspaper said. [Here's the Guardian report.]

For more evidence, read the books of the forensic psychiatrist and former CIA officer Marc Sageman; the political scientist Robert Pape [Pape found that foreign occupation - and not religion - made certain Arabs into terrorists; the CIA's top Bin Laden hunter agreed]; the international relations scholar Rik Coolsaet; the Islamism expert Olivier Roy; the anthropologist Scott Atran. They have all studied the lives and backgrounds of hundreds of gun-toting, bomb-throwing jihadists and they all agree that Islam isn’t to blame for the behaviour of such men (and, yes, they usually are men).

Instead they point to other drivers of radicalisation ….

When he lived in the Philippines in the 1990s, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, described as “the principal architect” of the 11 September attacks by the 9/11 Commission, once flew a helicopter past a girlfriend’s office building with a banner saying “I love you”. His nephew Ramzi Yousef, sentenced to life in prison for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, also had a girlfriend and, like his uncle, was often spotted in Manila’s red-light district. The FBI agent who hunted Yousef said that he “hid behind a cloak of Islam”. Eyewitness accounts suggest the 9/11 hijackers were visiting bars and strip clubs in Florida and Las Vegas in the run-up to the attacks. The Spanish neighbours of Hamid Ahmidan, convicted for his role in the Madrid train bombings of 2004, remember him “zooming by on a motorcycle with his long-haired girlfriend, a Spanish woman with a taste for revealing outfits”, according to press reports.

And alleged Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a pothead. And his brother Tamerlan looked more like an ego-driven hustler than a devout Muslim (that’s his Mercedes in the background).

I agree with Bill O’Reilly when he said that it is unfair to call the Norwegian mass murderer a “Christian”. Likewise, we shouldn’t call Arab terrorists “Muslims”.

Postscript: I am not a Muslim. I am, however, American. And knee-jerk hatred of any group of people based on their religion – including Christians, Jews or Muslims, – is deeply anti-American.

And the most crazed, radical Islamic terrorists would never have gained power if the U.S. and our allies hadn’t overthrown the more moderate Arab leaders.

http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/08/ ... -isis.html
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Not All Muslims ISIS but Many True Believer SOBs ;-)

Post by monster_gardener »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
ABC News’ Laura Ingraham, Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Fox & Friends and other U.S. media commentators say that Muslims are silent and complicit in the barbarian crimes of ISIS. Fox News host Andrea Tantaros said that all Muslims are the same as ISIS, and implied that all Muslims should be met “with a bullet to the head”.

Why don’t we hear Muslims condemning the barbarian ISIS terrorists?

Turns out they are loudly condemning ISIS … but our press isn’t covering it.

Father Elias Mallon of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association explains:

“Why aren’t Muslims speaking out against these atrocities?” The answer is: Muslims have been speaking out in the strongest terms, condemning the crimes against humanity committed by ISIS (or, as it is increasingly called, IS) and others in the name of Islam.

Father Mallon is right …

Vatican Radio – an official Vatican news site – reported last month:

Two of the leading voices in the Muslim world denounced the persecution of Christians in Iraq, at the hands of extremists proclaiming a caliphate under the name Islamic State.

The most explicit condemnation came from Iyad Ameen Madani, the Secretary General for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the group representing 57 countries, and 1.4 billion Muslims.

In a statement, he officially denounced the “forced deportation under the threat of execution” of Christians, calling it a “crime that cannot be tolerated.” The Secretary General also distanced Islam from the actions of the militant group known as ISIS, saying they “have nothing to do with Islam and its principles that call for justice, kindness, fairness, freedom of faith and coexistence.”

Meanwhile, Turkey’s top cleric, the spiritual successor to the caliphate under the Ottoman Empire, also touched on the topic during a peace conference of Islamic scholars.

In a not-so-veiled swipe at ISIS, Mehmet Gormez declared that “an entity that lacks legal justification has no authority to declare war against a political gathering, any country or community.” He went on to say that Muslims should not be hostile towards “people with different views, values and beliefs, and regard them as enemies.”


Gormez said death threats against non-Muslims made by the group, formerly known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), were hugely damaging. “The statement made against Christians is truly awful. Islamic scholars need to focus on this (because) an inability to peacefully sustain other faiths and cultures heralds the collapse of a civilization,” he told Reuters in an interview.

The Independent noted last month:

Muslim leaders in Britain have condemned the extremist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis), expressing their “grave concern” at continued violence in its name.

Representatives from both the Sunni and Shia groups in the UK met at the Palace of Westminster and relayed their message that the militant group does not represent the majority of Muslims.


Shuja Shafi, of the Muslim Council of Great Britain, said: “Violence has no place in religion, violence has no religion.

100 Sunni and Shiite religious leaders from the U.K. produced a video denouncing the Islamic State, saying they wanted to “come together to emphasise the importance of unity in the UK and to decree ISIS as an illegitimate, vicious group who do not represent Islam in any way.”

Breitbart noted earlier this month:

Two prominent Muslim leaders are urging Muslim men not to join the radical jihadists.

“The public have to be critical. This is not about [establishing] a Caliphate [Islamic State]; but [a group] working for its own cause and gains from a sectarian issue,” said Nahdlatul Ulama executive council chair, Slamet Effendy Yusuf.

The Nahdlatul Ulama is one of the largest Islamic organizations in the world and concentrates on traditional Islam.


Muhammadiyah, an organization with 29 million members, is more modern, well-known for educational activities, and avoids politics. Secretary Abdul Mu’ti said ISIS does not represent Islam.

“That’s my point, this [movement] is not in the context of religion [Islam],” Abdul said. “We all need to question the group’s goals. Don’t just follow radicals who tried to win their own wars in other countries; we will be the ones to suffer losses.”


These men are not the first Muslim leaders to denounce the Islamic State. The International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) spoke out against IS’s expulsion of Christians in Mosul. The group claimed the rejection served to “violate Islamic laws, Islamic conscience and leave but a negative image of Islam and Muslims.”

Al Arabiya News reports that the Arab League Chief denounced acts committed by the Islamic State in Iraq as “crimes against humanity,” demanding that they be brought to justice, and he:

Strongly denounced the crimes, killings, dispossession carried out by the terrorist (ISIS) against civilians and minorities in Iraq that have affected Christians in Mosul and Yazidis.

The Daily Star writes that Egypt’s highest religious authority – Al-Azhar’s Grand Mufti Shawqi Allam – , denounced the Islamic State as a threat to Islam and said that the group violates Islamic law:

[They] give an opportunity for those who seek to harm us, to destroy us and interfere in our affairs with the [pretext of a] call to fight terrorism.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) called the terrorist group “un-Islamic and morally repugnant,” noted that the Islamic State’s “human rights abuses on the ground are well-documented,” called the Islamic State “both un-Islamic and morally repugnant” and called the killing of American journalist James Foley “gruesome and barbaric”. See this, this and this.

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) – the largest Muslim organization on the continent - released a statement denouncing the Islamic State “for its attacks on Iraq’s religious minorities and the destruction of their places of worship.” ISNA President Imam Mohamed Magid said, “ISIS actions against religious minorities in Iraq violate the Quranic teaching, ‘Let there be no compulsion in religion’ … ” adding, “Their actions are to be denounced and are in no way representative of what Islam actually teaches.” INSA condemned the vicious execution of Foley at the hands of the terrorist group ISIS, terming it as “un-Islamic behaviour”, and said:

ISIS actions have never been representative nor in accordance to the mainstream teachings of Islam. This act of murder cannot be justified according to the faith practiced by over 1.6 billion people.

The head Shia religious leader in Iraq and Sunni religious leaders in Iraq have all condemned – and called for war against – ISIS.

Al Jazeera reports:

Saudi Arabia’s highest religious authority has condemned the armed groups Islamic State and al-Qaeda as apostates and labelled them the “number one enemy of Islam”.


“Extremist and militant ideas and terrorism which spread decay on Earth, destroying human civilisation, are not in any way part of Islam, but are enemy number one of Islam, and Muslims are their first victims” ….

The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) released a statement condemning “the barbaric execution of American Journalist James Foley by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).” MPAC urged “all people of conscience to take a stand against extremism” and offered condolences to Foley’s family. MPAC also noted the importance of countering ISIS and other extremist groups by working “to empower the mainstream and relegate extremists to the irrelevance they deserve.”

ISIS and Al Qaeda Are FAKE Muslims

The 9/11 hijackers used cocaine and drank alcohol, slept with prostitutes and attended strip clubs … but they did not worship at any mosque. See this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this. Hardly the acts of devout Muslims.

Huffington Post reports:

Can you guess which books the wannabe jihadists Yusuf Sarwar and Mohammed Ahmed ordered online from Amazon before they set out from Birmingham to fight in Syria last May? A copy of Milestones by the Egyptian Islamist Sayyid Qutb? No. How about Messages to the World: the Statements of Osama Bin Laden? Guess again. Wait, The Anarchist Cookbook, right? Wrong.

Sarwar and Ahmed, both of whom pleaded guilty to terrorism offences last month, purchased Islam for Dummies and The Koran for Dummies. You could not ask for better evidence to bolster the argument that the 1,400-year-old Islamic faith has little to do with the modern jihadist movement. The swivel-eyed young men who take sadistic pleasure in bombings and beheadings may try to justify their violence with recourse to religious rhetoric – think the killers of Lee Rigby screaming “Allahu Akbar” at their trial; think of Islamic State beheading the photojournalist James Foley as part of its “holy war” – but religious fervour isn’t what motivates most of them.

In 2008, a classified briefing note on radicalisation, prepared by MI5′s behavioural science unit, was leaked to the Guardian. It revealed that, “far from being religious zealots, a large number of those involved in terrorism do not practise their faith regularly. Many lack religious literacy and could . . . be regarded as religious novices.” The analysts concluded that “a well-established religious identity actually protects against violent radicalisation“, the newspaper said. [Here's the Guardian report.]

For more evidence, read the books of the forensic psychiatrist and former CIA officer Marc Sageman; the political scientist Robert Pape [Pape found that foreign occupation - and not religion - made certain Arabs into terrorists; the CIA's top Bin Laden hunter agreed]; the international relations scholar Rik Coolsaet; the Islamism expert Olivier Roy; the anthropologist Scott Atran. They have all studied the lives and backgrounds of hundreds of gun-toting, bomb-throwing jihadists and they all agree that Islam isn’t to blame for the behaviour of such men (and, yes, they usually are men).

Instead they point to other drivers of radicalisation ….

When he lived in the Philippines in the 1990s, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, described as “the principal architect” of the 11 September attacks by the 9/11 Commission, once flew a helicopter past a girlfriend’s office building with a banner saying “I love you”. His nephew Ramzi Yousef, sentenced to life in prison for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, also had a girlfriend and, like his uncle, was often spotted in Manila’s red-light district. The FBI agent who hunted Yousef said that he “hid behind a cloak of Islam”. Eyewitness accounts suggest the 9/11 hijackers were visiting bars and strip clubs in Florida and Las Vegas in the run-up to the attacks. The Spanish neighbours of Hamid Ahmidan, convicted for his role in the Madrid train bombings of 2004, remember him “zooming by on a motorcycle with his long-haired girlfriend, a Spanish woman with a taste for revealing outfits”, according to press reports.

And alleged Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a pothead. And his brother Tamerlan looked more like an ego-driven hustler than a devout Muslim (that’s his Mercedes in the background).

I agree with Bill O’Reilly when he said that it is unfair to call the Norwegian mass murderer a “Christian”. Likewise, we shouldn’t call Arab terrorists “Muslims”.

Postscript: I am not a Muslim. I am, however, American. And knee-jerk hatred of any group of people based on their religion – including Christians, Jews or Muslims, – is deeply anti-American.

And the most crazed, radical Islamic terrorists would never have gained power if the U.S. and our allies hadn’t overthrown the more moderate Arab leaders.

http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/08/ ... -isis.html

Thank You VERY Much for your post, Nonc Hilare.
Andrea Tantaros said that all Muslims are the same as ISIS,
Andrea Tantaros is WRONG....

Not all Muslims are the same as ISIS........ :idea:

Even though it is true that ISIS style Muslim ideology is Standard Operating Belief (SOB ;) :twisted: ) seen in state sponsored texts/text books in the Middle East and even here in the US :shock: * :idea:

IMVHO one excellent example of a Muslim trying to turn Islam into something good is Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser who also appears on Fox....
Zuhdi Jasser, also known as M. Zuhdi Jasser,[2] and Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser, is a medical doctor specializing internal medicine and nuclear cardiology in Phoenix, Arizona.[3] Jasser is a former Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy[4] where he served as staff internist in the Office of the Attending Physician of the United States Congress.[5] In 2003, with a group of American Muslims Jasser founded the American Islamic Forum for Democracy (AIFD) based in Phoenix, Arizona.[3]

He is also a contributor to national and international media, where he has advocated separation of mosque and state and spoken against the ideology of "political Islam" or Islamism. He has been a frequent guest on Fox News Channel, CNN, CBS, and MSNBC.[6] He has also contributed articles to nationally read newspapers like the Arizona Republic,[7] The Dallas Morning News,[8] The New York Post,[9] The Wall St. Journal[10] and The Washington Times.[11]

He testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security hearings on The Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and the Community's Response” on March 10, 2011.[12] and before the United States House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution on June 24, 2011 on HR 963 the "See Something, Say Something Act".[13] On June 20, 2012 Jasser appeared again before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security to discuss the Muslim Community's response to the committee's hearings on radicalization in the American Muslim community.[14] On February 27, 2013, Jasser testified on the issue of “Anti-Semitism: A Growing Threat to All Faiths” before the U.S. House of Representatives,Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations.

In March 2012, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Appointed Jasser to serve a 2-year term on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.[15] On June 25, 2013, in his role of USCIRF Commissioner, Jasser appeared before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Joint Subcommittee Hearing on "Religious Minorities in Syria: Caught in the Middle". On July 23, 2013 Jasser was elected Vice Chair of USCIRF.........

Jasser describes himself as a devout Muslim who believes that "America in fact provides the best atmosphere for Muslims to practice our faith."[21] He does not claim to be a formal expert in Koranic Arabic, or in sharia (Islamic jurisprudence),[22] but he "see[s] Islam (consistent with "Ijtihad," the tradition of critical interpretation of Islamic scripture) as applicable in the modern world and subject to logic and reason."[23] After attending Phoenix-area mosques for several years, he became disappointed that politics was being discussed from the mosque pulpits and was especially concerned about sermons that criticized U.S. government policies and portrayed Muslims as victims.[4] Jasser began criticizing American Muslim organizations including: the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America, the North American Imams Federation, the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America, Muslim Students' Association, the Muslim Public Affairs Council, the Muslim American Society, the Islamic Circle of North America, and the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, because he sees them as Islamist, meaning they support a mixing of Islam and politics.[4] He has been especially critical of CAIR, a Muslim-American civil rights group, which according to Jasser, is focused on "victimology" and does not adequately condemn the goals of the terrorist groups.[4][16] A CAIR official has responded, "with these people, nothing we would do would satisfy them"[16] and going so far as to claim that Zuhdi is "a mere sock puppet for Islam haters."[24]

Jasser has also engaged in interfaith activities, serving on the Board of the Arizona Interfaith Movement;[17] helping to found an Arizona based organization called The Children of Abraham, a Jewish-Muslim dialogue group in 2000,[17] and a chapter of Seeds of Peace in 2003.[25]

Jasser has said that he and his family have helped build a number of small mosques in different cities using locally-raised funds, and at times encountering, but always overcoming local opposition.[2][26] In 2010, Jasser strongly opposed the building of the Park51 project, a 13-story Islamic community center and mosque two blocks from the World Trade Center site, which is also known as Ground Zero.[2] He said he was concerned that the funding of the $100 million project might be coming from foreign, Islamist sources,[2] and also said: "Ground Zero is purely about being American. It can never be about being Muslim."[2] After President Obama defended the constitutional right of Muslims in America to build a mosque and community center on private property, but not the wisdom of its location, Jasser criticized Obama for "engaging in passive aggressive meddling"[27] and for telling "the more than 70 percent of Americans who oppose the mosque that they were either wrong or confused."[28]

Jasser believes acts of Islamic terrorism are rooted in the ideology of political Islam or Islamism.[21] He has said that Islamists believe that the "Islamic state and its shar’iah law is superior to our Constitutional republic."[29] He believes the U.S. needs a "coordinated existential strategy" to combat the ideology, and that this has been dangerously lacking, with the result that the number of home-grown terrorists is increasing.[29] He has expressed the opinion that the 2009 Christmas Day attempted airplane bombing, the 2009 Fort Hood shooting, and the 2010 Times Square car bombing attempt have not prodded the United States into the appropriate action, but rather, have resulted in politically correct denial by U.S. government authorities, and inaction by most American Muslims.[29][30] He believes that even the Bush administration took inadequate measures against Islamism in America.[16] He says the U.S. needs to provide alternatives for Muslim youth and promote reformist groups.[31] In his television appearances, Jasser has claimed that three to five percent of U.S. Muslims are militant and 30 to 40 percent do not believe in separation of mosque and state.[16]
Pape found that foreign occupation - and not religion - made certain Arabs into terrorists;
:lol: :lol: :lol: :roll:

Then what was it that drove the Muslim Arabs under Mohammed and his Evil Successors to boil out of Arabia to occupy ;) :evil: much of the rest of the World which they are still trying to do :evil: when Arabia itself IIRC was NEVER occupied.
Might it just be that Malginant Muslim Meme known as Islam :evil: :idea:

Can you guess which books the wannabe jihadists Yusuf Sarwar and Mohammed Ahmed ordered online from Amazon before they set out from Birmingham to fight in Syria last May? A copy of Milestones by the Egyptian Islamist Sayyid Qutb? No. How about Messages to the World: the Statements of Osama Bin Laden? Guess again. Wait, The Anarchist Cookbook, right? Wrong.

Sarwar and Ahmed, both of whom pleaded guilty to terrorism offences last month, purchased Islam for Dummies and The Koran for Dummies.
So What!..... :roll:

People have been converted to Christianity by reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and attracted to it by reading the Tales of Narnia.... :idea:

And/or just the Bible itself.... :idea:

Likewise I would not be surprised if Islam/The Koran For Dummies ;) :twisted: :lol: could promote conversion to Islam.... :idea:

Plus I would venture to guess that these Killer Klowns from Islamic also had the Koran about which there is this famous quote....
When they enquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise.
When he lived in the Philippines in the 1990s, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, described as “the principal architect” of the 11 September attacks by the 9/11 Commission, once flew a helicopter past a girlfriend’s office building with a banner saying “I love you”. His nephew Ramzi Yousef, sentenced to life in prison for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, also had a girlfriend and, like his uncle, was often spotted in Manila’s red-light district. The FBI agent who hunted Yousef said that he “hid behind a cloak of Islam”. Eyewitness accounts suggest the 9/11 hijackers were visiting bars and strip clubs in Florida and Las Vegas in the run-up to the attacks. The Spanish neighbours of Hamid Ahmidan, convicted for his role in the Madrid train bombings of 2004, remember him “zooming by on a motorcycle with his long-haired girlfriend, a Spanish woman with a taste for revealing outfits”, according to press reports.

And alleged Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a pothead. And his brother Tamerlan looked more like an ego-driven hustler than a devout Muslim (that’s his Mercedes in the background).
IIRC Eric Hoffer pointed out that riff raff like this are prime candidates for becoming True Believers...

The 9/11 hijackers used cocaine and drank alcohol, slept with prostitutes and attended strip clubs … but they did not worship at any mosque. See this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this.

Hardly the acts of devout Muslims.
Not so.....

They are the acts of Muslim Caliphate Commandos on undercover sabotage missions agains the hated Infidel Dogs of the Great Satan known as America.... All the boozing and broads and avoiding Mosques are part of blending in till the moment to strike arrives as Muslim assassins have done in the past.... :idea:

Lying and Deception are allowed to Muslims especially in War per Mohammed himself :idea:

All of this relatively trivial sinning can be forgiven by either martyrdom or killing infidels while on Jihad....

*Recalling a Saudi pamphlet telling Muslims in the West/US "to consider themselves soldiers behind enemy lines" :shock: :evil:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
Orion Must Rise: Killer Space Rocks Coming Our way
The Best Laid Plans of Men, Monkeys & Pigs Oft Go Awry
Woe to those who long for the Day of the Lord, for It is Darkness, Not Light
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