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Re: France

Post by Endovelico »

Typhoon wrote:Vive la France libre.
Vive la France libre???... Is there any other? Is the Vichy government still in place?... :lol:

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Re: France

Post by Typhoon »

Endovelico wrote:
Typhoon wrote:Vive la France libre.
Vive la France libre???... Is there any other? Is the Vichy government still in place?... :lol:
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to post and remove all doubt.

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Re: France

Post by Endovelico »

Typhoon wrote:
Endovelico wrote:
Typhoon wrote:Vive la France libre.
Vive la France libre???... Is there any other? Is the Vichy government still in place?... :lol:
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to post and remove all doubt.

~ After Mark Twain
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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With a Big Load of Salt...

Post by Endovelico »

Warning: I do not endorse the content of the following text, but I feel that even if only 5% of what is written has some foundation, then it should not be ignored. It's an extreme view which points to some real problems.
The house is burning!
by The Saker


For many months now Alain Soral and others have been warning that the French regime is pushing towards a civil war between the Muslim and non-Muslim communities in France and this is exactly what we are seeing, but it is even bigger than France - this is reaching all of Europe now. Considering how my editorial "I am NOT Charlie" was completely misunderstood (or deliberately misinterpreted) I feel the need to specify a few things very clearly and for the record:

First, it does not really matter at this point in time if what we saw in France is a false flag or a case of blow-back just as when a house is burning it matters little who set it on fire, the owner or the neighbor. What matters now is to prevent people from dying in the burning house, only then does it make sense to open an investigation into "who done it". What matters now is that the house is burning.

Second, there is absolutely zero doubt, none whatsoever, that the AngloZionist Empire is behind the "transnational Takfiri infection" of our planet. It all began during the Cold War and the "brilliant" Brzezinski/CIA plan to unleash the crazies against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan. This is when the US literally financed, organized, trained, equipped and, most importantly, federated the Wahabi freaks for the first time. Since, we saw them in action in Chechina, Bosnia, Kosovo, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and many other places and now we see them "in action" in Paris. Hollande, Sarko and his "unofficial Foreign Minister" Bernard Henri-Levi played a key role in unleashing these monsters against Libya and Syria just as the French "New (pseudo-) Philosophers" like Alain Finkelkraut played a key role in unleashing these monsters against Bosnia. So here is the key point I will stress in bold: the Takfiri maniacs who committed all the murders in France are NOT "children" of the "Islamic Umma" but of the French deep-state and the Anglo-Zionist Empire. They "own" these freaks, not Hassan Nasrallah or Ramzan Kadyrov!

Third, the propaganda machine of the AngloZionist Empire is telling us that "Islam is the enemy" or that "Islam is not compatible with western values". But to prove their point they use examples which prove nothing: the example of the Takfiri crazies unleashed, I will never cease to repeat it, by the AngloZionists. The merits and faults of Islam as a religion have nothing to do with the events of Paris. Nothing. Takfirism is to Islam what Nazism is to the Western civilization: a vicious and pathological expression of demonic hatred masquerading as the defense of a culture/civilization/religion. Nazism does not "prove" that the West is inherently evil and Takfirism does not prove that about Islam. Now, please pay attention, it *might* be that there is something really wrong (or not) with western civilization or Islam, but you cannot prove that by using the example of Nazism or Takfirism.

Fourth, just as in 9/11 the very predictable reaction of the French authorities and the rest of the imperial media is to crack down on civil liberties, to create "minutes of hate", to stir up a bellicose hysteria fed by fear and anger all of which very conveniently take away the public's attention from the dying EU, the crumbling economy, the exploitation of the poor by the rich 1%ers and the fact that we all live in a society which wants us to become serfs in a planetary empire. I even get the strong feeling that since the AngloZionist plan for the Ukraine is falling apart, they have 'switched' from the "Invading Russian Bear" to the "Crazy Muslim Terrorist" narrative to terrify the general population.

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Re: France

Post by noddy »

straight up i can say this is highly biased paranoid ranting because it blames anglozionists for the consequences russian afghan invasion, it IS a matter of fact the americans sponsored some horrid groups to fight against the invading russians but why is the blame thrown towards the defensive response, what kind of half brained analysis does that.

the blowback, "you broke it, you own it" in this case is russia.

to say that the french "deep state" is anglozionist is quite amusing, i give that points of obnoxious i spose.
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Re: France

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

noddy wrote:straight up i can say this is highly biased paranoid ranting because it blames anglozionists for the consequences russian afghan invasion, it IS a matter of fact the americans sponsored some horrid groups to fight against the invading russians but why is the blame thrown towards the defensive response, what kind of half brained analysis does that.

the blowback, "you broke it, you own it" in this case is russia.

to say that the french "deep state" is anglozionist is quite amusing, i give that points of obnoxious i spose.

Noddy, Afghanistan was ruled by Mohammed Zahir Shah, the system was "secular", on the path of westernization (lots of pictures and reports showing that, just google) .. List of monarchs of Afghanistan

From WiKi:
Following the end of the Second World War, Zahir Shah recognised the need for the modernisation of Afghanistan and recruited a number of foreign advisers to assist with the process. During this period Afghanistan's first modern university was founded. During his reign a number of potential advances and reforms were derailed as a result of factionalism and political infighting.

Zahir Shah was able to govern on his own in 1963 and despite the factionalism and political infighting a new constitution was introduced in 1964 which turned Afghanistan into a modern democratic state by introducing free elections, a parliament, civil rights, women's rights and universal suffrage.

1973 America/West decided to turn Afghanistan against Russia (same game now played in Ukraine) .. the KING, Mohammed Zahir Shah, did not cooperate, and, was ousted by a coup in 1973 .. the new regime started agitating against USSR (exactly same as now in Ukraine) .. Russia decided to invade (what could happen now in Ukraine)

What followed, read below
Endovelico wrote:.
The house is burning!
by The Saker


For many months now Alain Soral and others have been warning that the French regime is pushing towards a civil war between the Muslim and non-Muslim communities in France and this is exactly what we are seeing, but it is even bigger than France - this is reaching all of Europe now. Considering how my editorial "I am NOT Charlie" was completely misunderstood (or deliberately misinterpreted) I feel the need to specify a few things very clearly and for the record:

First, it does not really matter at this point in time if what we saw in France is a false flag or a case of blow-back just as when a house is burning it matters little who set it on fire, the owner or the neighbor. What matters now is to prevent people from dying in the burning house, only then does it make sense to open an investigation into "who done it". What matters now is that the house is burning.

Second, there is absolutely zero doubt, none whatsoever, that the AngloZionist Empire is behind the "transnational Takfiri infection" of our planet. It all began during the Cold War and the "brilliant" Brzezinski/CIA plan to unleash the crazies against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan. This is when the US literally financed, organized, trained, equipped and, most importantly, federated the Wahabi freaks for the first time. Since, we saw them in action in Chechina, Bosnia, Kosovo, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and many other places and now we see them "in action" in Paris. Hollande, Sarko and his "unofficial Foreign Minister" Bernard Henri-Levi played a key role in unleashing these monsters against Libya and Syria just as the French "New (pseudo-) Philosophers" like Alain Finkelkraut played a key role in unleashing these monsters against Bosnia. So here is the key point I will stress in bold: the Takfiri maniacs who committed all the murders in France are NOT "children" of the "Islamic Umma" but of the French deep-state and the Anglo-Zionist Empire. They "own" these freaks, not Hassan Nasrallah or Ramzan Kadyrov!

Third, the propaganda machine of the AngloZionist Empire is telling us that "Islam is the enemy" or that "Islam is not compatible with western values". But to prove their point they use examples which prove nothing: the example of the Takfiri crazies unleashed, I will never cease to repeat it, by the AngloZionists. The merits and faults of Islam as a religion have nothing to do with the events of Paris. Nothing. Takfirism is to Islam what Nazism is to the Western civilization: a vicious and pathological expression of demonic hatred masquerading as the defense of a culture/civilization/religion. Nazism does not "prove" that the West is inherently evil and Takfirism does not prove that about Islam. Now, please pay attention, it *might* be that there is something really wrong (or not) with western civilization or Islam, but you cannot prove that by using the example of Nazism or Takfirism.

Fourth, just as in 9/11 the very predictable reaction of the French authorities and the rest of the imperial media is to crack down on civil liberties, to create "minutes of hate", to stir up a bellicose hysteria fed by fear and anger all of which very conveniently take away the public's attention from the dying EU, the crumbling economy, the exploitation of the poor by the rich 1%ers and the fact that we all live in a society which wants us to become serfs in a planetary empire. I even get the strong feeling that since the AngloZionist plan for the Ukraine is falling apart, they have 'switched' from the "Invading Russian Bear" to the "Crazy Muslim Terrorist" narrative to terrify the general population.



Pretty much "on the money"

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Re: France

Post by noddy »

fair enough, i cant really cant argue with this, its not russias fault it keeps attacking its neighbours and its frances fault because its run by the anglo's.


i do think what happened to afhganistan is tragedy, its a disaster.
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Re: France

Post by YMix »

End of the line. Not particularly glorious. Also: NSFW.


From the YT comments:
According to the latest news, Coulibaly had on him:
an AK47 assault rifle, a submachine handgun that looked to me like an SCP 61, two Berreta 92-type automatic pistols, a combat knife and, worst of all: TNT-type explosives connected to a detonator.
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Re: France

Post by Endovelico »

noddy wrote:fair enough, i cant really cant argue with this, its not russias fault it keeps attacking its neighbours and its frances fault because its run by the anglo's.


i do think what happened to afhganistan is tragedy, its a disaster.
Noddy, I guess both sides tend to stretch things a bit too far. Obviously Putin is not a saint and Russia is not much of a democracy. But it is equally wrong trying to blame Putin and Russia for everything. The fact is that the US, after the USSR trauma, didn't feel like having again to face a major competitor in world affairs. Since one couldn't do much about China, at least it was worth the trouble trying to cut Russia down to size. Two competitors was just a bit too much. But the use of NATO to reduce Russia's margin of maneuver went just a bit too far, and Russia reacted differently from what the US had expected. Russia's armed forces are now stronger and better equipped, Russia controls Crimea and has free access to the Mediterranean, Russia is once again capable of destroying the US if ever there is a war between the two powers. Where we could have had a cooperative Russia in dealing with the hot spots around the world, now we have an adversary Russia, increasingly closer to China. Rich in natural resources, Russia will definitely overcome the economic problems caused to it by the US and the EU, while an antagonistic Russia will bring a lot of problems to Europe. This was extremely stupid, and it is time for the European countries - less the future 51st state of the USA - to mend fences with Russia and leave the US alone on this crusade.
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Re: France

Post by Typhoon »

noddy wrote:fair enough, i cant really cant argue with this, its not russias fault it keeps attacking its neighbours and its frances fault because its run by the anglo's
One of the unintended consequences of the internet is that any looney tune can publish anything and gain an audience.

Also, pre-internet, one's crazy uncle was isolated to his own community, now such individuals can link up globally and achieve resonance.

The publishers are Zero Hedge, Infowars, and other such sites, are clever in this regard as they have figured out how to monetize this new phenomena.
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Re: France

Post by Endovelico »

Typhoon wrote:One of the unintended consequences of the internet is that any looney tune can publish anything and gain an audience.
Which obviously includes your own pet looney tunes... But of course, them being your looney tunes it would be hard for you to recognize them as such... But don't worry, we will do it for you... :D
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Re: France

Post by Typhoon »

Endovelico wrote:
Typhoon wrote:One of the unintended consequences of the internet is that any looney tune can publish anything and gain an audience.
Which obviously includes your own pet looney tunes... But of course, them being your looney tunes it would be hard for you to recognize them as such... But don't worry, we will do it for you... :D
Which pet looney tune theories would those be?
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Re: France

Post by Endovelico »

Typhoon wrote:
Endovelico wrote:
Typhoon wrote:One of the unintended consequences of the internet is that any looney tune can publish anything and gain an audience.
Which obviously includes your own pet looney tunes... But of course, them being your looney tunes it would be hard for you to recognize them as such... But don't worry, we will do it for you... :D
Which pet looney tune theories would those be?
For instance, that because of the USSR's past actions, Putin and Russia are guilty of all nasty things... When you can't blame Russia directly, you point out the Soviet Union's real or imaginary sins, as if Putin and Russia were necessarily the heirs to the USSR's past aggressive posture. I don't feel like combing through this board to find examples of this, but everybody knows it is true. And next time you do it I will underline it for you to see...
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Re: France

Post by Typhoon »

Endovelico wrote:
Typhoon wrote:
Endovelico wrote:
Typhoon wrote:One of the unintended consequences of the internet is that any looney tune can publish anything and gain an audience.
Which obviously includes your own pet looney tunes... But of course, them being your looney tunes it would be hard for you to recognize them as such... But don't worry, we will do it for you... :D
Which pet looney tune theories would those be?
For instance, that because of the USSR's past actions, Putin and Russia are guilty of all nasty things... When you can't blame Russia directly, you point out the Soviet Union's real or imaginary sins, as if Putin and Russia were necessarily the heirs to the USSR's past aggressive posture. I don't feel like combing through this board to find examples of this, but everybody knows it is true. And next time you do it I will underline it for you to see...
Putin is an former KGB goon continuing the ways and means of the former USSR.

EU states call for plan to tackle Russian 'propaganda'
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Re: France

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote:.

Putin is an former KGB goon continuing in the ways and means of the former USSR.


Was "Bush 41" not head of CIA ? ?
In 1976 Ford brought Bush back to Washington to become Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), replacing William Colby.
So, CS, saying Putin was in KGB does validate Putin and not disqualifies him as a Russian Patriot .. Same as "Bush 41" CIA carrier

but, for those interested who Putin is and how he came to power :

There are 2 very interesting clips in uTube explaining who Putin is and how Putin came to power

A must watch :


What really happened is, WEST duped Yeltsin, plan was to destroy Russia .. Yeltsin was mostly drunk and west took advantage of the situation .. result was, Russian Brain Surgeons had to freelance as prostitute, gangsters took over Russian vital industries and economy, corruption exploded

Yeltsin, realized what was happening .. Yeltsin and his daughter (the power behind all), the FAMILY, looked
for a "clean, Iron clad" Russians patriot to take over the helm .. Putin was "chosen by Yeltsin".

The Mafia fleecing Russia, calling themselves "oligarchs", took the money and ran to Tel Aviv and London

Putin saved Russia .. Putin the new "Pyotr Alexeyevich"

Fact of the matter is, world needs "multi polarity" .. world needs at least 3 (economic, political) poles

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Re: France

Post by Typhoon »

This is the France thread.
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Re: France

Post by Endovelico »

Let's look at it:
(...) Britain, Denmark, Estonia and Lithuania on Friday urged Brussels to prepare an EU-wide plan to tackle Russia's "propaganda campaign" amid tensions over Ukraine.

"Russia is rapidly increasing its disinformation and propaganda campaign, as an asymmetric response to Western economic power," the countries' foreign ministers said in a letter obtained by AFP.

"At the same time in Russia the free media is suppressed by the government, intimidated and pushed out of the public sphere, when foreign media outlets are discriminated and forced to close."

The letter to Federica Mogherini, the European Union's foreign policy chief, warned that "propaganda aims at hindering the EU and Western unity".

It called on the EU's diplomatic arm (EEAS) to prepare a plan for 2015-2016 that would include alternatives for Russian speakers.(...)
Quite laughable! Poor EU, which is powerless to contradict Russian "propaganda", probably because much of that "propaganda" comes a bit too close to the truth, for EU and US comfort. Used to manipulating the Western oligarch's press to feed Europeans and Americans all the crap they can think of against Russia - Russia shot down the Malaysian plane, Russia is strangulating poor Ukraine, Russia wants to take over all the former Soviet republics, etc. - they don't know how to cope with media channels they don't control, such as RT. Now we have alternative news channels and can make a choice. If I didn't read RT and PressTV, as well as ZeroHedge and a few independent blogs, I wouldn't know about half of the things happening in the world today. Do they always tell the truth? Of course not, but now I can compare and look for confirmation elsewhere.

Thank you Russia, and Iran, and China, and Latin America, for giving me the chance to know the other side of the story.
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Re: France

Post by HAL 10000 »

It is interesting that most of the French terrorists that perpetrated the events of this week were originally secular.

Apparently Amedy Coulibaly recently converted to Islam and his girl friend (or wife after religious marriage ceremony) Hayat Boumedienne were initially secular. ... 69144.html

This raises some statistical questions Islam: It is not so much Islam but authoritarianism that matters in this context. The remedy is not to go after the Muslims but to establish an interview system that rigorously questions all citizens (and candidates for immigration) about their values about tolerance. If the multiple choice exam contains 1,701 cross-referenced questions (3 times the number of questions in the much-feared Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory test, which even the incredibly cunning Ted Kaczynski was unable to fool, contains 567 items) to make it almost impossible to game the test, it will be a very effective way of finding out which immigrants value equality and tolerance regardless of religion. Maybe requiring current citizens including natives to take such a time consuming and even intrusive test would be a legal challenge, but under the circumstances it might become necessary because within a few decades terrorists will get much more powerful weapons, including toxic chemicals that can poison the environment and the water supply, not just nukes. Those who don't pass the citizenship tolerance test would be further investigated under the microscope, and those who are not tolerant and loyal to their chosen country, would lose their citizenship. This law would apply to Christians, Jews, and Muslims, in addition to Buddhists and other sects.

The trend, regrettably, seems to be that even though most Muslims in France are currently tolerant, when Islam becomes the majority religion, in France and some other European countries, chances are very high that the rights of non-Muslims will gradually be restricted and non-Muslims will not be treated as equals. Currently most Islamic countries do not accept non-Muslim immigrants, not to mention the restrictions in building churches and advertising about Christianity in Muslim countries.
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Re: France

Post by Typhoon »

Endovelico wrote:
Let's look at it:
(...) Britain, Denmark, Estonia and Lithuania on Friday urged Brussels to prepare an EU-wide plan to tackle Russia's "propaganda campaign" amid tensions over Ukraine.

"Russia is rapidly increasing its disinformation and propaganda campaign, as an asymmetric response to Western economic power," the countries' foreign ministers said in a letter obtained by AFP.

"At the same time in Russia the free media is suppressed by the government, intimidated and pushed out of the public sphere, when foreign media outlets are discriminated and forced to close."

The letter to Federica Mogherini, the European Union's foreign policy chief, warned that "propaganda aims at hindering the EU and Western unity".

It called on the EU's diplomatic arm (EEAS) to prepare a plan for 2015-2016 that would include alternatives for Russian speakers.(...)
Quite laughable! Poor EU, which is powerless to contradict Russian "propaganda", probably because much of that "propaganda" comes a bit too close to the truth, for EU and US comfort. Used to manipulating the Western oligarch's press to feed Europeans and Americans all the crap they can think of against Russia - Russia shot down the Malaysian plane, Russia is strangulating poor Ukraine, Russia wants to take over all the former Soviet republics, etc. - they don't know how to cope with media channels they don't control, such as RT. Now we have alternative news channels and can make a choice. If I didn't read RT and PressTV, as well as ZeroHedge and a few independent blogs, I wouldn't know about half of the things happening in the world today. Do they always tell the truth? Of course not, but now I can compare and look for confirmation elsewhere.

Thank you Russia, and Iran, and China, and Latin America, for giving me the chance to know the other side of the story.
Well, it's no surprise that there are people who worship and are apologists for repressive regimes - regressive ones in the case of Russia, Iran, and Venezuela.

The French leftists, who believed that Stalin's Russia was paradise on earth, tried their best to defame Kravchenko when he revealed the true nature of Stalinist Russia and Stalin's record-setting crimes against humanity.

After all, I knew a guy who truly believed that Albania under Enver Hoxha was the perfect society - another paradise on earth. Go figure.

Apparently, some people have an obsessive-compulsive need to be on the losing side of everything.

And then there are other people who believe that lizards secretly rule our planet . . .
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German journalists do not fear

Post by Alexis »

Arson attack at German paper that ran Charlie Hebdo cartoons
Berlin (AFP) - A German newspaper in the northern port city of Hamburg that reprinted Mohammed cartoons from the French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo was the target of an arson attack early Sunday, police said.

"Rocks and then a burning object were thrown through the window," a police spokesman told AFP. "Two rooms on lower floors were damaged but the fire was put out quickly."

The regional tabloid daily, the Hamburger Morgenpost, had splashed three Charlie Hebdo cartoons on its front page after the massacre at the Paris publication, running the headline "This much freedom must be possible!"
On a French language news source, it was noted that "offending" Charlie Hebdo cartoons have been enormously republished in Germany in reaction to the Paris attacks.
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Re: France

Post by Alexis »

On another aspect, those four persons killed by the terrorist during the hostage situation at the kosher supermarket, this reminds the bon mot by famed humorist and actor Dany Boon...

"I knew my conversion to Judaism had been successful when I began receiving antisemitic insults"
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Re: France

Post by Endovelico »

Typhoon wrote:
Endovelico wrote:
Let's look at it:
(...) Britain, Denmark, Estonia and Lithuania on Friday urged Brussels to prepare an EU-wide plan to tackle Russia's "propaganda campaign" amid tensions over Ukraine.

"Russia is rapidly increasing its disinformation and propaganda campaign, as an asymmetric response to Western economic power," the countries' foreign ministers said in a letter obtained by AFP.

"At the same time in Russia the free media is suppressed by the government, intimidated and pushed out of the public sphere, when foreign media outlets are discriminated and forced to close."

The letter to Federica Mogherini, the European Union's foreign policy chief, warned that "propaganda aims at hindering the EU and Western unity".

It called on the EU's diplomatic arm (EEAS) to prepare a plan for 2015-2016 that would include alternatives for Russian speakers.(...)
Quite laughable! Poor EU, which is powerless to contradict Russian "propaganda", probably because much of that "propaganda" comes a bit too close to the truth, for EU and US comfort. Used to manipulating the Western oligarch's press to feed Europeans and Americans all the crap they can think of against Russia - Russia shot down the Malaysian plane, Russia is strangulating poor Ukraine, Russia wants to take over all the former Soviet republics, etc. - they don't know how to cope with media channels they don't control, such as RT. Now we have alternative news channels and can make a choice. If I didn't read RT and PressTV, as well as ZeroHedge and a few independent blogs, I wouldn't know about half of the things happening in the world today. Do they always tell the truth? Of course not, but now I can compare and look for confirmation elsewhere.

Thank you Russia, and Iran, and China, and Latin America, for giving me the chance to know the other side of the story.
Well, it's no surprise that there are people who worship and are apologists for repressive regimes - regressive ones in the case of Russia, Iran, and Venezuela.

The French leftists, who believed that Stalin's Russia was paradise on earth, tried their best to defame Kravchenko when he revealed the true nature of Stalinist Russia and Stalin's record-setting crimes against humanity.

After all, I knew a guy who truly believed that Albania under Enver Hoxha was the perfect society - another paradise on earth. Go figure.

Apparently, some people have an obsessive-compulsive need to be on the losing side of everything.

And then there are other people who believe that lizards secretly rule our planet . . .
If that's the best you can do in reaction to my statement that we are better off by having diverse sources of information, than I must say that you are truly disappointing. You don't listen to what other people are saying and keep going back to the same old cold war clichés. Maybe you should hit the reset button in your brain...
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Re: France

Post by Heracleum Persicum »



Interesting clip inbeded

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Re: France

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


European Jewish group slams Netanyahu's call for French Jews to immigrate to Israel
Campaign, launched after Paris attacks, 'severely weakens and damages the Jewish communities that have the right to live securely wherever they are,' EJA director says.

The head of the largest advocate for the Jewish organizations and communities in Europe sharply criticized Israel's call for increased immigration of the Continent's Jews to Israel in the wake of the attacks in Paris.

Rabbi Menachem Margolin, director of the European Jewish Association, was quoted by the website as saying that he regretted that "after every anti-Semitic attack in Europe, the Israeli government issues the same statements about the importance of aliyah [immigration to Israel], rather than employ every diplomatic and informational means at its disposal to strengthen the safety of Jewish life in Europe."

NRG reported that Margolin said that Jews who have an attachment to Israel do not need this call, and they continue to emigrate to Israel in the wake of the events [like those] over the weekend in Paris. ..."

The rabbi said that "every such Israeli campaign severely weakens and damages the Jewish communities that have the right to live securely wherever they are."

The "reality is that a large majority of European Jews do not plan to emigrate to Israel," Margolin said, according to NRG.

"The Israeli government must recognize this reality and also remember the strategic importance of the Jewish communities as supporters of Israel in the countries in which they live."

Israel's government "must cease this Pavlovian reaction every time Jews in Europe are attacked," he said.

Margolin said that the EJA had "asked the interior ministers of European Union nations to approve weapons-carry permits and self-defense training for the heads of Jewish communities ... as well as for owners of businesses with substantial Jewish customer bases," NRG reported.

The EJA, based in Paris, says on its website that because of a "lack of resources, the relationships between Israel, European countries and the European Jewish Diaspora [don't] seem to be a top priority for the State of Israel."

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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: France

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Marine Le Pen, the leader of the far-right National Front,
which was not invited,
urged her followers to stay away from the rally,
saying it had been
“taken over by parties which represent what the French hate:
partisan spirit, electioneering and indecent polemic.”

Much remained unknown or unclear about the attacks, the suspects and the efforts to hunt them down. After initially suggesting that the Kouachi brothers had another accomplice, the police have said little since an 18-year-old with the name of the person they were seeking turned himself in late Wednesday.

Sweden recognizes Palestinian state, Spain too, French parliament does same, UK thinking of, UN voting to, Ban Ki-moon says Palestine to join ICC on April 1

and suddenly this

Things a bit blurry

BTW, where is Doc ? ?

kind'a missin him :lol:

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