Does Iran have a prayer?

Is there going to be a strike on Iran before the US election?

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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Enki »

If we attack Iran, thinking of what states will do to each other is insane.

What we we will see is a giant Shia Intifada next to the giant Sunni Jihad that is already occurring. The lines of the Middle-East would be redrawn in a way that is not along the current Western Colonial lines.

The West would lose and lose big.

But we'd beat Iran!
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by monster_gardener »

YMix wrote:
The false nuclear attack warning involving Stanislav Petrov, however, is cited by CIA analyst Peter Pry as "the single most dangerous incident of the early 1980s."
That we know of.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Ymix....

You are probably quite right..........
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

Iran will get it's @$$ kicked. Hard. Setback for Iranians for centuries. I'm not happy with it, but it is what it is.

Neocon Presidents. What can you do.


Mr. Perfect ,

with all due respect, you no expert in the field .. neither well informed

Poll of Israelis on Iran Attack Shows Surprising Results

A poll released Thursday said that 81% of Israelis oppose a solo Israeli attack against Iran. The poll, taken by the Dahaf organization in Israel on behalf of the Brookings Institution. If, on the other hand, Washington approved an Israeli action against Iran, some two thirds of Israelis would support it. 34% would oppose a strike regardless of Washington's approval. The poll of 500 Israelis chosen as a demographic representation of the country also said that 19% believed that 19% would have no effect on Iran's nuclear program, and 11% thought an attack would actually accelerate Iran's development of nuclear weapons.

Panama :lol: Granada :lol:

what a rubbish

listen to Thomas R. Pickering, former US Ambassador to Israel

“The really interesting thing about the Israeli situation is…that the heads of the three Israeli intelligence services do not seem to be recommending any military attack. They seem to be against it, for good reasons: it involves many to many risks and complications and it is unlikely to achieve, in any serious and continuing way, the objective of stopping the Iranian program,” Thomas R. Pickering said.
“I believe if you were to attack Iran militarily under the current situation, one result would be that they will have a perfectly legitimate reason for saying ‘We had no interest in a bomb, but now that we have been attacked we obviously have to make a bomb.’ .. ” he added.

could be mad mullahs fishing for a Zionist attack to quit NPT and fast track the Bomb, would be legitimate to the eyes of those Iran playing to
“Iran has sat down and cataloged all the things that it sees negative about the United States: overthrow of Mossadegh, support of the Shah, support of Iraq during the eight-year war, the shoot down of the airplane by the cruiser Vincennes, sanctions and all of these things hemming Iran around.

What do they conclude? ‘They must want to change our government!’” he said.

:lol: .. you lookin to a perfect blow-back, MP, a perfect blow-back

you constantly underestimating Iran .. you thought Saddam will genuflect Iran .. well .. Iran now challenging America

Mr. Perfect, this no game for kids .. there a reason Iran lasted 5000 yrs

You might have a bigger stick, but Iran wiser


history attests : wisdom wins over stick

study history and let go of that Zionist rubbish


Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Israel Ready To Attack Iran, But are the Israelis ?

81% say NO

The major difference between Obama and Netanyahu when it comes to a nuclear armed Iran is where they draw their line in the sand. Netanyahu draws his line at nuclear capable, while the U.S. feels there is slightly more breathing room. There is a firm, blinking and alarming red line hovering definitely before nuclear armed, but how much before is slightly more opaque.
:lol: .. looove that "slightly more opaque"
The Jewish state was created to protect the Jewish people from a world that had failed it (depending of course on who you ask). The very fact that Israelis are willing to put such a massive decision on any other country, even such a tested and true ally, says a lot about the actual risk that most Israelis feel from Iran.

:lol: .. come on , come on .. Rhubarb knows Iran a friend

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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Ibrahim »

Enki wrote:If we attack Iran, thinking of what states will do to each other is insane.

What we we will see is a giant Shia Intifada next to the giant Sunni Jihad that is already occurring. The lines of the Middle-East would be redrawn in a way that is not along the current Western Colonial lines.
I don't think the issue would have much to do with broader Shia and Sunni identity, nor would I agree that there is a "Sunni jihad" currently in effect, with a Shia one waiting to join it.

What will happen is that Iran will tap assets in Iraq and Lebanon, which means Hezbollah attacks on Israel and SCIRI attacks on whatever Westerners are left in Iraq. That and oil will go up, but not because of anything Iran does just because of regional instability and the fact that oil is a commodity.

And oil spike combined with a Greek default in short order would make for an interesting year, but again this is not due to anything Iran does, just timing and circumstance.

But we'd beat Iran!
Generally speaking it might be worthwhile to specify what would constitute a victory in any engagement with Iran.

Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Ibrahim wrote:.
Enki wrote:.
But we'd beat Iran !
Generally speaking it might be worthwhile to specify what would constitute a victory in any engagement with Iran.


depends what you mean "beat"

this no football match that at the end of the game one team beats the other team

did America beat Vietnam ?

America won all, ALL , battles in Vietnam .. not a single battle America lost

Same thing now happening in Afghanistan .. in reality America already lost in Afghanistan

Enki, winning would mean Americans can walk free on Kabul street, go to Bazaar shopping :)

American Presidents visit Iraq unannounced, leave in hurry in dark of the night

Iranian President Iraqi state visit, shaking hands on the street, traveling in cabriolet car

West can bomb Iran, that is all .. but that would be just the start .. Iranians are now solid against any western aggression

If west attacks Iran, any opposition , even Shah Junior, will be on Iran side

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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Enki wrote:If we attack Iran, thinking of what states will do to each other is insane.

What we we will see is a giant Shia Intifada next to the giant Sunni Jihad that is already occurring. The lines of the Middle-East would be redrawn in a way that is not along the current Western Colonial lines.

The West would lose and lose big.

But we'd beat Iran!
Looks like you picked the wrong President. ;) ... srael.html
It wasn’t long ago that the White House was angering Israeli leaders with statements seen as critical. But 2012 is an election year, and that makes all the difference.

It was one of those moments you could experience only at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) annual conference. At the lectern was Susan Rice, President Obama’s ambassador to the United Nations. In the audience were 300 rabbis, Jewish-community leaders, and AIPAC delegates who were allowed to attend Rice’s speech, an event left off the public agenda for the conference.

Rice, an African-American, began her remarks by quoting in stilted Hebrew from a traditional Jewish hymn, “Hiney ma tov u’ma-mayim. Shevet akh-im gam ya-chad,” which translates: “Behold how good and pleasing it is for brothers to sit together.” When she finished her speech—about how she and her staff work every day to defend Israel at Turtle Bay—the audience broke into the same song the ambassador had quoted at the start: “Hiney ma tov u’ma-nayim,” everyone sang. “Shevet akh-im gam ya-chad.”

“Starting last fall, you saw a concerted effort by the administration to work assiduously to rebuild trust with the pro-Israel community and between our government and Israel’s government,” Josh Block, a former spokesman for AIPAC, told The Daily Beast. “Rice’s speech today reflects a continuation of that laudable effort.”

Rice’s remarks were part of a new tone for the administration that began with the president's speech to the U.N. General Assembly in September and has continued into the election season. Gone are public demands on Israel to freeze settlement activity in order to entice Palestinian leaders to return to peace negotiations. Also gone is some of the tough rhetoric between the two allies. The closest Obama came this week to criticizing Israel was to obliquely warn against “loose talk of war.”
Much more at link.
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

AzariLoveIran wrote:
Mr. Perfect ,

with all due respect, you no expert in the field .. neither well informed
Not an issue. Gulf War I polled near 30% in the US beforehand, ended up being wildly popular. No problem.

Panama :lol: Granada :lol:

what a rubbish

:lol: .. you lookin to a perfect blow-back, MP, a perfect blow-back

you constantly underestimating Iran .. you thought Saddam will genuflect Iran .. well .. Iran now challenging America

Mr. Perfect, this no game for kids .. there a reason Iran lasted 5000 yrs

You might have a bigger stick, but Iran wiser


history attests : wisdom wins over stick

study history and let go of that Zionist rubbish
I'm not worried at all, except for Iran. When Israel triumphs over them it will be just another embarrassment for our wonderful country. I think ahmedinidini miscalculated, unfortunately.
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Mr. Perfect wrote:
AzariLoveIran wrote:
Mr. Perfect ,

with all due respect, you no expert in the field .. neither well informed

Not an issue. Gulf War I polled near 30% in the US beforehand, ended up being wildly popular. No problem.

Panama :lol: Granada :lol:

what a rubbish

:lol: .. you lookin to a perfect blow-back, MP, a perfect blow-back

you constantly underestimating Iran .. you thought Saddam will genuflect Iran .. well .. Iran now challenging America

Mr. Perfect, this no game for kids .. there a reason Iran lasted 5000 yrs

You might have a bigger stick, but Iran wiser


history attests : wisdom wins over stick

study history and let go of that Zionist rubbish
I'm not worried at all, except for Iran. When Israel triumphs over them it will be just another embarrassment for our wonderful country. I think ahmedinidini miscalculated, unfortunately.

Iranians keeping quite and watching


let's wait and see whether BiBi has the balls


MP, do you not find strange, last 10 yrs, all Iranian enemies were taken care off, one by one, by America

Saddam gone .. Mubarak was viciously against Iran, now Iranian navy welcome transiting Suez .. Qaddafi kidnapped and killed Ayatollah Mussa Sadr (probably on you guys order), he done

Maybe this an American plan to bring a catastrophic defeat for Israel to pave the road to settle with Pali, to wipe out Natanyahoo .. similar to Saddam attack Kuwait stunt

5th fleet in Bahrain to shoot down any plane attacking Iran :lol: , that is what Zbigniew Brzezinski explicitly said on the record (have the clip)

too much talk of attack but no action

something fishy indeed

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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Strangely, I have been thinking that about Iran. Ahmedini has been saying "wipe off Israel" for years, and yet no attack, only talk of nukes. Why is that?

It seems to me he is afraid of Israel, unwilling to attack unless he has a nuke. And even then, he is decades behind Israel on that score.

So seems like a simple Israel checkmate over Iran. I wish Ahmedini would choose a more wise course, I do not want anymore setbacks for Iran.

BTW Az, this is Bibi's ace in the hole. Israel put pieces in place long ago. You have to be careful with the Tribe Az, they are always thinking. THis cake was already baked, long time ago. Biggest player threatened by Iranian nuke is KSA, Israel knew this a few years ago, made their deals. All done but the boom. ... sites.aspx
Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times can reveal.

In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran. To ensure the Israeli bombers pass unmolested, Riyadh has carried out tests to make certain its own jets are not scrambled and missile defence systems not activated. Once the Israelis are through, the kingdom’s air defences will return to full alert.

“The Saudis have given their permission for the Israelis to pass over and they will look the other way,” said a US defence source in the area. “They have already done tests to make sure their own jets aren’t scrambled and no one gets shot down. This has all been done with the agreement of the [US] State Department.”

Sources in Saudi Arabia say it is common knowledge within defence circles in the kingdom that an arrangement is in place if Israel decides to launch the raid. Despite the tension between the two governments, they share a mutual loathing of the regime in Tehran and a common fear of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. “We all know this. We will let them [the Israelis] through and see nothing,” said one.
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Something fishy going on here Az. The whole story is not out yet. When you mess with the tribe, boy are you grabbing the Lion of Judah, so to speak.,7340 ... 42,00.html
WikiLeaks: Israel destroyed nuclear facilities in Iran

Anti-secrecy group releases email by US-based global security firm linked to CIA, citing Israeli intelligence source who claims Israelis destroyed all Iranian nuclear infrastructure on ground weeks ago

Israeli commando forces destroyed, with the help of Kurdish rebels, all of Iran's nuclear infrastructure on ground, an email by a US-based global security analysis company released by WikiLeaks on Monday claims.

The anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks began publishing more than five million emails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor Global Intelligence, which has been likened to a shadow CIA. Stratfor officials said the release of its stolen emails was an attempt to silence and intimidate it.
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

Strangely, I have been thinking that about Iran. Ahmedini has been saying "wipe off Israel" for years, and yet no attack, only talk of nukes. Why is that?

It seems to me he is afraid of Israel, unwilling to attack unless he has a nuke. And even then, he is decades behind Israel on that score.

So seems like a simple Israel checkmate over Iran. I wish Ahmedini would choose a more wise course, I do not want anymore setbacks for Iran.

you watching wrong News Channel .. or maybe Radio Yerevan

Ahmadinejat never said Iran wants to attack anybody, let alone Israel .. that wipe out Bullshit is Zionist rubbish force feeding to illiterates

Ahmadinejat said Zionism has no future and will have same destiny as Apartheid South Africa .. Am sure if you a fair person, you too would agree

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

BTW Az, this is Bibi's ace in the hole. Israel put pieces in place long ago. You have to be careful with the Tribe Az, they are always thinking. THis cake was already baked, long time ago. Biggest player threatened by Iranian nuke is KSA, Israel knew this a few years ago, made their deals. All done but the boom. ... sites.aspx
Saudi Arabia has conducted tests to stand down its air defences to enable Israeli jets to make a bombing raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities, The Times can reveal.

In the week that the UN Security Council imposed a new round of sanctions on Tehran, defence sources in the Gulf say that Riyadh has agreed to allow Israel to use a narrow corridor of its airspace in the north of the country to shorten the distance for a bombing run on Iran. To ensure the Israeli bombers pass unmolested, Riyadh has carried out tests to make certain its own jets are not scrambled and missile defence systems not activated. Once the Israelis are through, the kingdom’s air defences will return to full alert.

“The Saudis have given their permission for the Israelis to pass over and they will look the other way,” said a US defence source in the area. “They have already done tests to make sure their own jets aren’t scrambled and no one gets shot down. This has all been done with the agreement of the [US] State Department.”

Sources in Saudi Arabia say it is common knowledge within defence circles in the kingdom that an arrangement is in place if Israel decides to launch the raid. Despite the tension between the two governments, they share a mutual loathing of the regime in Tehran and a common fear of Iran’s nuclear ambitions. “We all know this. We will let them [the Israelis] through and see nothing,” said one.


This all to blackmail west for more money

Poor Angela , poor Angela giving all those nuclear submarine for free

Notion, Zionist will fly 3000 miles back and forth just to touch Iranian soil, let alone 4500 miles to Iranian north just to fool the illiterate .. they have submarines and Iran has submarines, next door



watch your pocket

you being pick-pocketed

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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

AzariLoveIran wrote:
you watching wrong News Channel .. or maybe Radio Yerevan

Ahmadinejat never said Iran wants to attack anybody, let alone Israel .. that wipe out Bullshit is Zionist rubbish force feeding to illiterates

Ahmadinejat said Zionism has no future and will have same destiny as Apartheid South Africa .. Am sure if you a fair person, you too would agree
C;mon Az, cmon, everybody knows double talk when they hear it, old as the hills. ;) Not foolin'g nobody.

I have no problem if Iran wants to wipe off Israel, that's fine, people been doing that stuff for thousands of years. No problem.

But, have to put up or shut up sooner or later. Getting to be sooner.

This all to blackmail west for more money

Poor Angela , poor Angela giving all those nuclear submarine for free

Notion, Zionist will fly 3000 miles back and forth just to touch Iranian soil, let alone 4500 miles to Iranian north just to fool the illiterate .. they have submarines and Iran has submarines, next door



watch your pocket

you being pick-pocketed

Not being pick pocketed, we open pocket and stick tribe hand in there ourselves. They never have to pick pocket, ever. They ask, we give. Good relationship. In exchange we get access to that amazing jewish brain, brainpower.
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Enki »

Ibrahim wrote:Generally speaking it might be worthwhile to specify what would constitute a victory in any engagement with Iran.
We haven't known how to measure victory since Vietnam. We don't get past 'Attack the Bad Guys, take their oil.'
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

When do we get to take the oil? :roll:
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, retired Army Lt. Gen. Robert G. Gard Jr., retired Marine Gen. Joseph Hoar, retired Army Brig. Gen. John H. Johns, retired Army Maj. Gen. Rudolph Ostovich III, former deputy director of National Intelligence for analysis Thomas Fingar, former CIA national intelligence officer Paul Pillar, and retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson.
WP  add.jpg
WP add.jpg (160.75 KiB) Viewed 1266 times

Retired Generals to Obama : No War of Choice With Iran

Several former high-level military and intelligence officials took out a full page ad in Monday’s Washington Post urging President Obama to resist pressure to attack Iran nuclear program.

The letter retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, retired Army Lt. Gen. Robert G. Gard Jr., retired Marine Gen. Joseph Hoar, retired Army Brig. Gen. John H. Johns, retired Army Maj. Gen. Rudolph Ostovich III, former deputy director of National Intelligence for analysis Thomas Fingar, former CIA national intelligence officer Paul Pillar, and retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson.

The page is headlined “Mr. President: Say No to a War of Choice with Iran,” and is sponsored by the National Iranian American Council, a non-partisan, non-profit organization headquartered in Washington. The letter states that “not every challenge has a military solution” and “unless we or an ally is attacked, war should be the option of last resort.

The ad also features quotations by current and former senior military and intelligence officials explaining why attacking Iran is the wrong move. Those include Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, former CENTCOM Commander Gen. Anthony Zinni, and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen.

The ad is an indication of the widespread belief within the military and intelligence community that a war with Iran is both unnecessary and extremely dangerous. President Obama has faced pressure from hawks in Congress, from Israel, and from domestic lobbies bent on U.S. intervention. He has resisted this pressure, at least for now, but his stated policy is still one of preventive war with Iran, something many saw as an extreme justification for international aggression when it was stated as policy in the George W. Bush administration.

Although the Obama administration has decidedly held off on a military strike for now, they are still heaping harsh economic warfare against Iran for a nuclear weapons program that the U.S. military and intelligence community agrees does not exist.

Mr. Perfect

in case you don't know , the most powerful lobby in America, is military lobby

and they say no


Rhubarb is being set up for a fall (down the cliff)

my guess is, American military (and Oil) tired of Zionist costing America .. want to get rid or teach a lesson to Rhubarb

well, MP, don't say you were not told, this smells "April Glaspie" .. smelling rotten

Know you love Iranians, but have mercy with Rhubarb .. amen

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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Azari, these are retired military. Regular MIC ready to go to work. But will not come to that, all indication Bibi has it in the sack.

Azari, I do not endorse this course of action, merely giving my commentary.
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Ibrahim »

Enki wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:Generally speaking it might be worthwhile to specify what would constitute a victory in any engagement with Iran.
We haven't known how to measure victory since Vietnam. We don't get past 'Attack the Bad Guys, take their oil.'
Which made the oil cost more an actually enriched other bad guys. A more rigorous examination of the costs and benefits of some of these military adventures would do the US some good, and save lives in the process. Given the relative indifference to human lives lost (American or otherwise) the bottom line might be a better appeal.

I actually think Vietnam had a clear goal, but the Iraq and Afghan occupations lost the plot pretty quickly. The benefit to the US of attacking Iran has yet to be explained by anybody.

Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

Azari, these are retired military. Regular MIC ready to go to work.


Told you, you misinformed :

When Military Leaders Go Antiwar

. . military officials on whether or not to attack Iran:

“We are reaching this crescendo of talk – just constant – war, war, war,” said former CENTCOM Commander, Admiral William J. Fallon. ”It’s almost like the old movie, the black and white, beating the drum, and the galley slaves. And the chant goes on. Certainly not very helpful at all.”

Fallon spoke on a panel hosted by CSIS along with former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General James Cartwright last week. The panelists were in firm agreement that a military operation to try to stop Iran’s nuclear program is a bad option for the United States.

When asked if a military strike could prevent a nuclear-armed Iran, General Cartwright replied bluntly, “no.” He explained, “you’re not going to kill the intellectual capital to just rebuild the centrifuges someplace else and continue on.”

Asked whether others in the military believed that a military strike on Iran would be prudent, the men indicated they did not. “No one that I’m aware of [in the military] thinks that there’s any real positive outcome of a military strike or some kind of conflict,” Admiral Fallon said.

…”At the end of the day,” said Admiral Fallon, “these are people - 70,000,000 of them. They have aspirations and desires, and there needs to be room for demonstrated cooperation and a willingness to walk away from things that are detrimental to the region–that there’s something in this for them. And so, having some light at the end of the tunnel, not closing off all options, but letting them know ‘hey, we’re willing to have you play a role in the region. You got a lot of capability, you got a lot of smart people, a lot of things you could really be helpful [with] if you decided to be cooperative in your dealings with your neighbors.’”

Admiral William J. Fallon and General James Cartwright are echoing current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey’s statements in recent weeks, that an attack on Iran would be pointless, dangerous, and unwise.

The message is not just anti-attacking-Iran and pro-peaceful-negotiations, but it also is a sincere attempt to get people to understand that the leadership in Iran is not some crazed, almost caricatured monolith. The media’s propaganda on Iran, and much of the talk from half-retarded politicians, paints the regime as an evil, fanatical, uncompromising group of people committed both to terrorism and the apocalyptic destruction of Israel and everyone in it. These military men are saying: no, if you simply talk to them and give them options and understand their incentive structure, war can easily be avoided.

Various hawks in Washington in part base their pro-war jingoism and faultless American exceptionalism on being pro-military and pro-soldier. From that hellish trio of Senators Lindsey Graham, John McCain, and Joe Lieberman to the GOP contenders, much of that ideological rhetoric is based on elevating the top military brass to a heroic, almost sacred stature. Yet they still continue the pro-war rhetoric and systematic threat-inflation, despite the sensible, even antiwar talk coming from people like Fallon, Cartwright, and Dempsey. We don’t see them modifying their positions based on what the military leadership says.

It’s notable that the political pressure to support monstrous aggression and intervention abroad seems to come from the media and the politicians, not – at least in this case – from the military and intelligence community. The political spectrum basically has room for pro-war and very pro-war and this appears to feed on itself. The American people are fickle enough that if the admirals and generals were the ones they listened to instead of demagoguing politicians, they’d exercise more sober thinking here as well. But the people don’t hear Dempsey or Panetta or Clapper making the case against war; they hear the Santorums and Ed Schultzes of the world.
Mr. Perfect wrote:.

But will not come to that, all indication Bibi has it in the sack.


Yes, in the sack,


not Iran in the sack

Joe (the 6 pack) in the sack :lol:

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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

AzariLoveIran wrote:
Told you, you misinformed :

When Military Leaders Go Antiwar
Azari, former military is not MIC money men, they lining up at Obama's office, for more work.
Yes, in the sack,


not Iran in the sack

Joe (the 6 pack) in the sack :lol:
If so, Jow likes it in the sack. Joe for the Jew.
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.
AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Told you, you misinformed :

When Military Leaders Go Antiwar
Azari, former military is not MIC money men, they lining up at Obama's office, for more work.


MIC loooooooooooves Iran

In fact, Iran and American MIC partners

MIC needs Iran as Scarecrow to fleece Arab crony Sheiks, to recycle those Petro Dollars

Without Iran, why should the Sheiks buy those scrap Iron ? ?

Poor Saddam went bankrupt buying those scrap iron .. you saw pics of Jet Fighters berried in sand ? ?

Wanna bet Iran gets a commission from MIC for those planes and tanks shafted to illiterate Wahhabi

Mr. Perfect
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

The screw turns. Been telling you about this Az, sell out a done deal, ... 1wxMHnd3gV
Israel's ambassador to the United Nations: Arab diplomats have been saying behind closed doors they support a military strike on Iran.

Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, said on Friday that he is concerned about the slowness of the international community regarding Iran's nuclear program but is encouraged by the fact that Arab countries are speaking out against Iran.

Speaking to Channel 10 News in a special interview in his office in New York, Prosor said that Israel’s diplomatic efforts in regards to the Iranian nuclear threat are like a train “traveling from London to Paris at a very fast speed,” whereas the international community’s efforts regarding Iran are like “a slow running train which stops at every station.”

Prosor said, however, that he is seeing reasons for optimism in what he described as the awakening of the European countries regarding Iran, a fact which is reflected in the latest rounds of sanctions on the Iranian oil industries.

“Especially in light of what is happening today in the Arab world, there is an understanding that this issue will change the Middle East, not just militarily,” Prosor said, noting that countries such as Britain and France and even China and Russia are becoming aware of the danger of a nuclear Iran. “The recent sanctions against the Iranian central bank and its oil industry show that Europe has awakened to the Iranian nuclear threat.”
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Hans Bulvai »

AzariLoveIran wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:.
AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Told you, you misinformed :

When Military Leaders Go Antiwar
Azari, former military is not MIC money men, they lining up at Obama's office, for more work.


MIC loooooooooooves Iran

In fact, Iran and American MIC partners

MIC needs Iran as Scarecrow to fleece Arab crony Sheiks, to recycle those Petro Dollars

Without Iran, why should the Sheiks buy those scrap Iron ? ?

Poor Saddam went bankrupt buying those scrap iron .. you saw pics of Jet Fighters berried in sand ? ?

Wanna bet Iran gets a commission from MIC for those planes and tanks shafted to illiterate Wahhabi

. ... 331067399/
Gulf states bail out U.S. arms industry
The Persian Gulf arms race is accelerating with countries re-examining defense programs even though they've spent more than $100 billion on arms since 2006.

Published: March. 6, 2012 at 3:56 PM
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, March 6 (UPI) -- The Persian Gulf arms race is accelerating amid the smoldering confrontation between Iran and the United States, with gulf monarchies re-examining their defense programs even though they've spent far in excess of $100 billion on arms since 2006.

Rising tensions with Iran, a predominantly Shiite Muslim country suspected of working toward development of a nuclear weapon, is likely to drive rival Sunni Muslim states like Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey to acquire nuclear weapons as well.

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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by AzariLoveIran »


MP ,

you (partially) right

the whole thing, fight, is about sell out

not selling Iran

but selling Zionist and Saudi

America now contemplating to drop Zionist and Wahhabi and get in bed with Iran

Only obstacle is, Iran still saying NO

Zionist a "net loss" for Gringo .. and .. no mileage left in that Wahhabi rubbish

Mr. Perfect
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Re: Does Iran have a prayer?

Post by Mr. Perfect »

I hope you are partially right.

Dumping KSA will be healthy for Zion and Iran (KSA is a major root cause). Then Iran and Israel can make peace. A nuclear Iran checkmates KSA more than anyone.

I hope Obama sells out KSA for Zion and Iran. I hope so. Not holding my breath, but "hope" President sees the light.
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