The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Mr. Perfect
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Nastarana wrote:The most recent figures I have seen showed that about 30% or so of the voting electorate of the USA are registered Republicans, a slightly larger number, maybe around 32% or so, are registered Democrats and a larger number, about 35% as I recall, describe themselves as independents. Then there are the folks who don't vote at all. Hardly looks like anybody has a super majority or super minority.
Man. Lo information hurts.

The GOP has 64% of governors, over 66% of state legislators, a record House majority and 54 Senators after a record 9 seat pickup, inverting the situation in 6 years when the Democrats had the same types of numbers. The Senate map gives us near 60 Senators by 2018.

You are the superminority, I am the supermajority. Independents skew GOP and more Democrats cross party lines than Republicans, so that's what makes your data irrelevant. Party ID is a lagging indicator. It seems like you don't know what the leading indicators are.

As for the rest, while Colonel Sun and co are regurgitating talking points from 2006 that have lost them 3 elections now, your talking points are from 1986 and were what lost you 40 years of congressional rule in 1994. They aren't any better now then they were back then.

The era of the left wing and the Democrat Party are coming to an end. A realignment long overdue.

You were right about one thing, the Hillary will lose.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Obamacare's Viability On the Line
UnitedHealth Threatens Exit

If too many big health insurers follow UnitedHealth Group Inc.’s lead and sour on Obamacare, the industry may finish the job Republicans began five years ago: crippling President Barack Obama’s signature domestic accomplishment.

UnitedHealth, the largest U.S. insurer by market value, said Thursday that it expects to lose as much as $500 million selling coverage under the Affordable Care Act next year, and that it may exit the program in 2017. While most insurers don’t yet turn a profit on the health law’s plans, no other large carriers have threatened to quit the program.

Republicans saw in the insurer’s announcement a confirmation of their own warnings about the law. “Even if we don’t get a full repeal, I think this shows it will collapse from its own weight,” Representative John Fleming, a Louisiana Republican, said in an interview.

Am sure Mr.Perfect smiling

Yes, smiling. obamacare was a monument to dumb@$$. It was created by a dumb@$$.


The fate of Barack Obama’s signature health-care law
may depend on how long Anthem Inc. and Aetna Inc.
willing to wait before starting to make money off it

There have been other worrying signs. Already 12 of the 23 nonprofit exchanges created to sell insurance under the ACA have said they’re closing down, overwhelmed by financial losses.

UnitedHealth’s shares slumped 5.7 percent to $110.63 on Thursday. Aetna and Anthem fell more, signaling investors are worried their businesses may be deteriorating as well.

Peter Costa, an analyst at Wells Fargo & Co, said Thursday that he expects Anthem and Aetna to lose money on the exchanges next year, potentially leading them to reconsider their postures.

“We believe UnitedHealth’s commentary that it would only participate in this market in 2017 if it expected to at least break even for the year is indicative of the mindset of many insurers,” Costa said. “We expect that the experience of insurers will either improve in 2017 and beyond, or they will choose to no longer participate in the market.”

Representatives for Aetna and Anthem declined to comment, referring to comments made as recently as last week that they were willing to be patient. Aetna said on Nov. 10 that it was working to break even in the exchanges next year.

‘Too Early’

“It’s way too early to call it quits on the ACA and on the exchanges,” Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini said on an Oct. 29 conference call held to discuss third-quarter financial results. “We view it still as a big opportunity.”

Anthem echoed those remarks. In late October, Chief Financial Officer Wayne DeVeydt said the company is willing to wait a few years for the Obamacare exchange business to improve.

“We are going to need to be patient until this works itself out, which we hope will be by 2017 and 2018,” DeVeydt said. “What we thought would be a tailwind going into 2016 is probably going to be a headwind.”
The Obama administration said UnitedHealth’s announcement isn’t a sign of larger problems.


“The reality is we continue to see more people signing up for health insurance and more issuers entering the marketplaces,” Ben Wakana, a spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services, said in an e-mail. “Today’s statement by one issuer is not indicative of the marketplace’s strength and viability.”

America’s Health Insurance Plans, which lobbies on behalf of the industry, said Thursday that the U.S. needs to do more to improve the marketplaces. UnitedHealth isn’t an AHIP member.

Health plans are particularly upset that the administration paid out claims in a program designed to stabilize the marketplace at less than 13 percent of what insurers requested. The payouts were low because more insurers lost money than made money, though the U.S. has promised to make up the payments in future years. UnitedHealth, which today cut its 2015 profit forecast, didn’t incorporate payments from the program into its 2015 and 2016 forecast.

‘Serious Challenges’

“We’ve been very clear with the administration about the serious challenges facing consumers and health plans in this exchange market,” AHIP CEO Marilyn Tavenner said in an e-mailed statement. “When health plans cannot rely on the government to meet its obligations, individuals and families are harmed as a result. The Administration must act to ensure this program works as intended and consumers are protected.”

Another challenge for insurers has been slowing enrollment growth. HHS has said it expects about 10 million people will be enrolled at the end of 2016, compared with 9.1 million at the end of this year.
Other insurers have said they’re doing fine.

Centene Corp. on Thursday reiterated its 2015 profit forecast and sad its health insurance marketplace business “continues to perform in line with expectations.” And Kaiser Permanente, which has about 450,000 individual exchange customers across eight states and Washington, D.C., said it’s “strongly committed” to the marketplaces.


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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Nastarana »

How to recognize a (probably) paid internet provocateur. I have a lot of experience with this because the biotech bullies have their paid agents all over the garden for a.

1. The person comes across, and probably is, an angry conformist who literally cannot cope with dissent or difference. The person's posts are rude and insulting, clearly intended to intimidate. The person is insulting even to those who sometimes agree with him or her.

2. The person must always have the last word in every conversation.

3. Everything for this person is about personalities and slogans, and the person's reasoning, if you can call it that, uses the crudest forms of reductionism.

4. The person appears to have unlimited time for internet posting, which does tend to make one wonder if the person is not being paid for their posting.

5. The person has the habit of declaring various issues or topics "settled" or "established" merely because he or she said so in some previous thread, or because the person's handler said so, or because someone on TV said so.

6. The person is forever accusing others of repeating talking points from, or being followers of, some personality or TV program or internet site of which no one else in the conversation has ever heard.

7. Careful, thoughtful posts from others are invariably belittled by this person, who apparently cannot deal with the reality that others are more perceptive, more polite and more serious than he or she.

8. Finally, the person exhibits all the characteristics of a shameless hero worshipper.

Presence of this kind of posting indicates that there is something going on which the person's handlers don't want discussed or even mentioned. The provocateur's assignment is to disrupt and distract discussion by whatever means are available. I think right now what lurks behind the curtain is the TPP, Nafta on steroids. I think it likely that Trump, who is a creature of Wall Street, and maybe Carson as well, have been brought out to divert attention from the TPP.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Typhoon »

I suggest you're overthinking it. Rather the internet is nothing if full of true believers and wannabe tough guys, the now proverbial keyboard warrriors.


The so-called supermajority can't even tie their own shoelaces let alone implement a legislative agenda, . . . .if they actually had one.

As for the past:

Reagan started the USA on the road to ever growing debt addiction.

Bush Jr. and the neocons started the USA on the road to loss of superpower status.

If Trump is actually elected, it will be a trifecta.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Sorry, that doesn't really hold up. In 2008 obama won election with a near record supermajority total MSM subservience. He could do whatever he wanted. Shortly thereafter he began implementing catastrophic leftist policy, and all we've been doing is pointing out.

obama and the Democrats have created record debts, unemployment, poverty, homelessness, growth of unconstitutional invasive government, income inequality, racial tensions, disastrous foreign policy and all we've done is point it out.

6 years later the tables flipped, the American people listened to us and saw what were saying show up in there daily lives and turned us into the supermajority party, forever. We are returning the long term Reagan electoral arc, the natural political development of our country.

People like you, Colonel Sun, Azari, ymix Zack Morris et al are only now beginning to cognate your situation and now want to debate those points.

It's already been debated. We debated it all to the dots for 6 years, and you guys lost the debate. We don't answer to you anymore. You are a rejected superminority. It doesn't really matter if you understand the whys and what fors, this was all settled years ago. If you guys missed it or didn't pay attention it doesn't really matter.

What I can say is that while we made our case, factual data driven case, you guys ignored it. We detailed the failure of obamaism for years, daily, the nutty statements, the abysmal performance, we quantified it, analyzed and demonstrated it for 6 years and you guys didn't respond to the substance. You ignored the substance. I knew you were ignoring the substance at the time. But the majority of America did not ignore the substance. They lived it, and put us back in power in almost record fashion.

obama has spent more time bashing the GOP than ISIS. Which betrays so much.

Nobody is bullying you. That's crying. You had the entire MSM endlessly promoting obamaism and attacking my philosophy, to the dots, and we still won. You just lost, fair and square. It was actually unfair and unsquare, you had the cards stacked in your favor and you still lost. Because your ideology can't help but produce these results.
Last edited by Mr. Perfect on Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Typhoon wrote:I suggest you're overthinking it. Rather the internet is nothing if full of true believers and wannabe tough guys, the now proverbial keyboard warrriors.


The so-called supermajority can't even tie their own shoelaces let alone implement a legislative agenda, . . . .if they actually had one.

As for the past:

Reagan started the USA on the road to ever growing debt addiction.

Bush Jr. and the neocons started the USA on the road to loss of superpower status.

If Trump is actually elected, it will be a trifecta.
Thanks for the talking points that ensure your permanent superminority status.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Demon of Undoing »

Trump jumps the shark
Donald Trump "would certainly implement" a database system tracking Muslims in the United States, the Republican front-runner told NBC News on Thursday night.

"I would certainly implement that. Absolutely," Trump said in Newton, Iowa, in between campaign town halls.

"There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases," he added. "We should have a lot of systems."

When asked whether Muslims would be legally obligated to sign into the database, Trump responded, "They have to be — they have to be."
Bound to happen. Trump is like that drunk uncle that can't STFU after he's had 8 or 10 highballs, post- Thanksgiving meal time. Except he gets dunk on attention. He was gonna detonate eventually.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Should get him lots of Democrat voters.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Demon of Undoing wrote:Trump jumps the shark
Donald Trump "would certainly implement" a database system tracking Muslims in the United States, the Republican front-runner told NBC News on Thursday night.

"I would certainly implement that. Absolutely," Trump said in Newton, Iowa, in between campaign town halls.

"There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases," he added. "We should have a lot of systems."

When asked whether Muslims would be legally obligated to sign into the database, Trump responded, "They have to be — they have to be."
Bound to happen. Trump is like that drunk uncle that can't STFU after he's had 8 or 10 highballs, post- Thanksgiving meal time. Except he gets dunk on attention. He was gonna detonate eventually.
"Come and listen to my story 'bout a man named Jeb . . ."
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Demon of Undoing wrote:Trump jumps the shark
Donald Trump "would certainly implement" a database system tracking Muslims in the United States, the Republican front-runner told NBC News on Thursday night.

"I would certainly implement that. Absolutely," Trump said in Newton, Iowa, in between campaign town halls.

"There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases," he added. "We should have a lot of systems."

When asked whether Muslims would be legally obligated to sign into the database, Trump responded, "They have to be — they have to be."
Bound to happen. Trump is like that drunk uncle that can't STFU after he's had 8 or 10 highballs, post- Thanksgiving meal time. Except he gets dunk on attention. He was gonna detonate eventually.
"Come and listen to my story 'bout a man named Jeb . .


Probably that is a conspiracy to boost JEB .. looks like so .. makes him a respected reasonable candidate

Look for strong condemnation of Trump by big shot Republicans (effecting to boost JEB)

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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Demon of Undoing »

Already happening.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Demon of Undoing wrote:.

Already happening.


' Beyond terrifying ' :
Muslim Americans shocked by Trump and Carson quotes

Leaders fear worsening ‘climate of hostility’ as conservative candidates call for database to track Muslims and equate Syrian refugees to ‘rabid dogs’


Lets see what George W. Bush has to say, Chaney, Condoleezza Rice, Shultz ..

This could be a disaster for American foreign policy

Now, Muslim Indonesia , Saudi Arabia AND the mad mullahs will say American Presidential candidates comparing Muslims to ‘rabid dogs’

What disaster, what a disaster

JEB just "murmuring" lukewarm protest .. no good

A disaster in making for American foreign policy .. ISIS laughing

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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Why Landlords Love Refugee Tenants


For the past five years, Daryl Anderson has been buying foreclosed homes in Cleveland on the west side of the Cuyahoga River, usually for less than $8,000. He fixes them up and rents most of the homes to new arrivals from Iraq, Somalia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, among other places mired in conflict. About 80 percent of the tenants in his 40 rental units are refugees.

“I’ve never had to evict a refugee family,” says Anderson, 36, who built his apartment portfolio after serving in the U.S. Marine Corp. “When they come here and get a quality house, they take care of the stuff that they’re provided.”

Keith Raynor, who has rented apartments in Utica, N.Y., for three decades, also prefers to sign leases with refugees.

“There was less turnover, which helps with the bottom line,” he says. “I’m not doing this for charity.”

Anderson's business has been able to expand because of consistent demand from newcomers. Most of his tenants—who typically pay $750 a month for a three-bedroom unit—are referred by Us Together, a local affiliate of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, one of nine resettlement agencies that contract with the U.S. government to provide services to refugees. Anderson's steady relationship with Us Together has created a dependable flow of new tenants, which in turn helps him bring two new rental apartments onto the market per month.

When a tenant moves out, Us Together helps Anderson fill the vacancy. When he finishes a new renovation, the nonprofit often has someone ready to move in. “If I post on Craigslist, I’ll get 10 responses, and I’ll show the apartment to six of them,” the landlord says. “That’s harder.”

Once a refugee is referred to the U.S. by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, it typically takes 18 to 24 months to process the application. But things move quickly after a refugee is allocated to a resettlement agency and placed with local nonprofits, forcing aid workers to scramble to arrange basic household items and services such as school admissions. The U.S. government requires resettlement agencies to equip refugees' new homes with a list of furnishings only a bureaucrat could love. In addition to basics, such as a box frame and mattress, each refugee is entitled to receive a can opener, an alarm clock, and pen and paper, says Danielle Drake, a community outreach coordinator for Us Together.

To house refugees on arrival, the resettlement agencies need property owners who will rent to tenants sight unseen, usually without so much as a credit check. (Before they arrive in the U.S., refugees are vetted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, and other federal agencies.) Refugees receive a one-time stipend of up to $1,125, which must cover all initial expenses, including housing. That often means persuading landlords to waive all or part of a security deposit.

To convince landlords that it makes sense to work with refugees, advocates emphasize reliability. “Refugees have often been on the move for so long that it’s a tremendous relief to be able to stop traveling,” says Sarah Ivory, a regional director at the CWS Immigration & Refugee Program, a resettlement agency. She tempts landlords with the prospect of conscientious tenants who have a tendency to stay in an apartment for a long time.

Meanwhile, the resettlement agencies and their affiliates provide strong job placement support and, at times, private funds to help refugees through a rough spell. That can give landlords a measure of confidence that tenants will be able to pay the rent. When Ivory started out as a case manager for a refugee aid group 10 years ago, those inducements meant “landlords would fall over backwards” to rent to her clients. Now, however, “the rental market is much more saturated,” Ivory says. “In some places, it’s getting harder to find people with vacancies who are willing to take the risk.”

Abbie Christophel, a landlord who estimates that refugees occupy about 10 percent of her family’s 180 rental apartments in Harrisonburg, Va., will quote Leviticus to explain why she rents to refugees: “The stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself.” But the 40-year-old landlord has other reasons to prefer people fleeing war and strife.“This is an area with a lot of students,” says Christophel. “We would rather rent to refugees, who aren’t likely to throw a midnight kegger.”


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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Typhoon »

WSJ | GOP Operative Plans ‘Guerrilla Campaign’ Against Donald Trump
Move comes as growing number of Republicans fear damage to party’s image and ‘Hillary Clinton will become president’
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Nastarana »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Why Landlords Love Refugee Tenants


For the past five years, Daryl Anderson has been buying foreclosed homes in Cleveland on the west side of the Cuyahoga River, usually for less than $8,000. He fixes them up and rents most of the homes to new arrivals from Iraq, Somalia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, among other places mired in conflict. About 80 percent of the tenants in his 40 rental units are refugees.

“I’ve never had to evict a refugee family,” says Anderson, 36, who built his apartment portfolio after serving in the U.S. Marine Corp. “When they come here and get a quality house, they take care of the stuff that they’re provided.”

Keith Raynor, who has rented apartments in Utica, N.Y., for three decades, also prefers to sign leases with refugees.

“There was less turnover, which helps with the bottom line,” he says. “I’m not doing this for charity.”

Anderson's business has been able to expand because of consistent demand from newcomers. Most of his tenants—who typically pay $750 a month for a three-bedroom unit—are referred by Us Together, a local affiliate of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, one of nine resettlement agencies that contract with the U.S. government to provide services to refugees. Anderson's steady relationship with Us Together has created a dependable flow of new tenants, which in turn helps him bring two new rental apartments onto the market per month.

When a tenant moves out, Us Together helps Anderson fill the vacancy. When he finishes a new renovation, the nonprofit often has someone ready to move in. “If I post on Craigslist, I’ll get 10 responses, and I’ll show the apartment to six of them,” the landlord says. “That’s harder.”

Once a refugee is referred to the U.S. by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, it typically takes 18 to 24 months to process the application. But things move quickly after a refugee is allocated to a resettlement agency and placed with local nonprofits, forcing aid workers to scramble to arrange basic household items and services such as school admissions. The U.S. government requires resettlement agencies to equip refugees' new homes with a list of furnishings only a bureaucrat could love. In addition to basics, such as a box frame and mattress, each refugee is entitled to receive a can opener, an alarm clock, and pen and paper, says Danielle Drake, a community outreach coordinator for Us Together.

To house refugees on arrival, the resettlement agencies need property owners who will rent to tenants sight unseen, usually without so much as a credit check. (Before they arrive in the U.S., refugees are vetted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, and other federal agencies.) Refugees receive a one-time stipend of up to $1,125, which must cover all initial expenses, including housing. That often means persuading landlords to waive all or part of a security deposit.

To convince landlords that it makes sense to work with refugees, advocates emphasize reliability. “Refugees have often been on the move for so long that it’s a tremendous relief to be able to stop traveling,” says Sarah Ivory, a regional director at the CWS Immigration & Refugee Program, a resettlement agency. She tempts landlords with the prospect of conscientious tenants who have a tendency to stay in an apartment for a long time.

Meanwhile, the resettlement agencies and their affiliates provide strong job placement support and, at times, private funds to help refugees through a rough spell. That can give landlords a measure of confidence that tenants will be able to pay the rent. When Ivory started out as a case manager for a refugee aid group 10 years ago, those inducements meant “landlords would fall over backwards” to rent to her clients. Now, however, “the rental market is much more saturated,” Ivory says. “In some places, it’s getting harder to find people with vacancies who are willing to take the risk.”

Abbie Christophel, a landlord who estimates that refugees occupy about 10 percent of her family’s 180 rental apartments in Harrisonburg, Va., will quote Leviticus to explain why she rents to refugees: “The stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself.” But the 40-year-old landlord has other reasons to prefer people fleeing war and strife.“This is an area with a lot of students,” says Christophel. “We would rather rent to refugees, who aren’t likely to throw a midnight kegger.”


This is the sort of thing which infuriates American voters. Get downsized from your job in the USA, there is no public agency nor private GMO about to set you up in a nice apartment with furniture and all while you look for another job.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

As I suspected Trump did not endorse or even come up with a "Muslim registry". You guys lying again. You guys caught lying about Carson, now Trump. Lying.

Ben Shapiro no Trump fan. You guys lying. ... en-shapiro
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Parodite wrote:That would make Obama the most cunning potus ever. Maybe he even wants economies to go bankrupt in order to kill the wallstreet banksters.
I don't think cunning is the word. Americans use the word "worst".
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

As I suspected Trump did not endorse or even come up with a "Muslim registry". You guys lying again.


Seems you have not watched the video clip

NBC reporter asks Trump point blank whether Muslims should be registered, he says YES .. than, NBC asks whether this is not same as Jews were registered ? .. Trump does not say NO .. NBC reporter would not let go etc etc .. watch the clip again.

Mr. Perfect wrote:.

You guys caught lying about Carson, now Trump. Lying.

Carson, a full fledge weirdo .. the video clip Crystal clear, he clearly compares the muslim refugees to rabid dogs.

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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Seems you have not watched the video clip

NBC reporter asks Trump point blank whether Muslims should be registered, he says YES ..
No he didn't.
than, NBC asks whether this is not same as Jews were registered ? .. Trump does not say NO ..
No he didn't.
NBC reporter would not let go etc etc .. watch the clip again.
I got it right the first time. Trump talking generally about border security. It will make him President.
Carson, a full fledge weirdo
Carson world renowned surgeron. Smarter than everyone here combined
.. the video clip Crystal clear, he clearly compares the muslim refugees to rabid dogs.
Syrian terrorists are rabid dogs. Isis will send them to us. If you were Isis wouldn't you send in terrorists with refugees. Of course you would.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Demon of Undoing wrote:Trump jumps the shark
Donald Trump "would certainly implement" a database system tracking Muslims in the United States, the Republican front-runner told NBC News on Thursday night.

"I would certainly implement that. Absolutely," Trump said in Newton, Iowa, in between campaign town halls.

"There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases," he added. "We should have a lot of systems."

When asked whether Muslims would be legally obligated to sign into the database, Trump responded, "They have to be — they have to be."
Bound to happen. Trump is like that drunk uncle that can't STFU after he's had 8 or 10 highballs, post- Thanksgiving meal time. Except he gets dunk on attention. He was gonna detonate eventually.
And in case you missed it you were duped. This was an MSM lie that you passed along.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Demon of Undoing wrote:Already happening.
Actually it was a lie perpetrated by the MSM that you passed along.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Typhoon »

Factchecking Trump’s outrageous claim that ‘thousands’ of New Jersey Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks

Will be interesting to see if this buffoon can actually win the Republicrat nomimation for POTUS by consistently appealing to the lowest common denominator.
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote:Factchecking Trump’s outrageous claim that ‘thousands’ of New Jersey Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks

Will be interesting to see if this buffoon can actually win the Republicrat nomimation for POTUS by consistently appealing to the lowest common denominator.

George W. Bush :lol: :lol:

“The faith of terror is not the true faith of Islam. Islam is peace,” Bush declared in 2001. “The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself.” And then: “I also want to speak tonight directly to Muslims around the world. We respect your faith. It’s practised freely by many millions of Americans, and by millions more in countries that America counts as friends. Its teachings are good and peaceful. And those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah.”

Contrast that with W’s brother, Jeb, who said this week that he thinks we should enthusiastically welcome Syrian refugees, but only if they can “prove” that they’re Christian. (I’m not Christian, Jeb. Do I have to move to Syria?) Or Donald Trump’s new plan to forcibly register all Muslims in a database for “management” – an odd proposal for someone perpetually howling about the supposed authoritarian dangers of “political correctness”.

“We’re going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago,” Trump told Yahoo news.. “They have to be.”

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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Hillary losing to all Republicans. Will be worse once we get a nominee. End of Democrat Party. ... ffect.html
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Re: The eternal US elections - 2016 edition

Post by Mr. Perfect »

:) :) :)

Go Trump.

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