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Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:40 am
by Parodite
AzariLoveIran wrote:You mean America or anybody else dropping a nuke on our beloved Iran should remain without same ?
You always skip step one.. because it is all too convenient for you as a rabid Rhubarb hater:

Iran supplying Hizbollah, Hamas with very lethal rockets.. two groups not recognizing Israel's right to exist and in a formal state of war, with a known record of applying the most brutal violence by blowing up resaurants, school buses etc. 50.000 loaded rockets are now aimed at Israeli cities, included Tel Aviv. Don't behave as if it isn't true.

And of course Iran wants nukes... why wouldn't they? Israel has them.. Pakistan, India.. the hated West, Russia... There is absolutely no reason at all why Iran would not think it needs them. Who are they fooling?

One can reasonably expect bombs to go off in Iran any time, any place and anywhere. Conventional, nuclear... to help the Iranian monkeys understand it really is better to mind your own business. And not make same mistake as Americans, believing meddling around is good for business and peace.

Go tell AchmadineJo Azari. Tell him he should forget about Rhubarb, and stop supplying Hizbollah and Hamas with rockets and stuff. Talk peace in public, neutral position like the Swiss in WW2. Be wise Persian Princess... instead of rabid madman interfering with things not his business. Leave Rhubarb alone... he is a traumatised scorpion with very powerful people in the USA, its last ally. You play with mortal fire... and only because you are soooo stupid. And irresponsible, and and and...

Does not look good Achmamoshe...not good... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:32 am
by AzariLoveIran
Parodite wrote:.
Iran supplying Hizbollah, Hamas with very lethal rockets.. two groups not recognizing Israel's right to exist and in a formal state of war, with a known record of applying the most brutal violence by blowing up resaurants, school buses etc. 50.000 loaded rockets are now aimed at Israeli cities, included Tel Aviv. Don't behave as if it isn't true.
Lebanese Shia are armed not only because French faked Lebanese 1932 census giving power to Chritians (and Sunni) although Shias were the majority .. but .. becuase the "war criminal" Sharon rolled over their villages with tanks killing them and distroying their homes .. nobody helped the Shia except the Iranians .. what is wrong with it ? yes Shia getting Moral, Political, and Material Support from Iran since 1982, to defend agaisnt the beast, Zionist .. thanks G_d things not like B4.
Parodite wrote:.
And of course Iran wants nukes... why wouldn't they? Israel has them.. Pakistan, India.. the hated West, Russia... There is absolutely no reason at all why Iran would not think it needs them. Who are they fooling ?
Said many times on this fora and elsewhere, all Iranians, begining with Shah, Iranian people and Ayatollahs want nuclear weapon .. all Iranians want it .. and nobody can stop Iran .. either on friendly bases or unfriendly .. many foreign services say Iran already has nuclear weapon

Parodite wrote:.
One can reasonably expect bombs to go off in Iran any time, any place and anywhere. Conventional, nuclear... to help the Iranian monkeys understand it really is better to mind your own business. And not make same mistake as Americans, believing meddling around is good for business and peace.

Go tell AchmadineJo Azari. Tell him he should forget about Rhubarb, and stop supplying Hizbollah and Hamas with rockets and stuff. Talk peace in public, neutral position like the Swiss in WW2. Be wise Persian Princess... instead of rabid madman interfering with things not his business. Leave Rhubarb alone... he is a traumatised scorpion with very powerful people in the USA, its last ally. You play with mortal fire... and only because you are soooo stupid. And irresponsible, and and and...

Does not look good Achmamoshe...not good... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nobody, Iran, Russia, China, India or anybody else can stop you guys attacking Iran

You can start


when things said and done

you done like British empire after the WW2

a different world will emerge

guess who will win :lol: :D :)


Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:07 am
by Parodite
AzariLoveIran wrote:
Parodite wrote:.
Iran supplying Hizbollah, Hamas with very lethal rockets.. two groups not recognizing Israel's right to exist and in a formal state of war, with a known record of applying the most brutal violence by blowing up resaurants, school buses etc. 50.000 loaded rockets are now aimed at Israeli cities, included Tel Aviv. Don't behave as if it isn't true.
Lebanese Shia are armed not only because French faked Lebanese 1932 census giving power to Chritians (and Sunni) although Shias were the majority .. but .. becuase the "war criminal" Sharon rolled over their villages with tanks killing them and distroying their homes .. nobody helped the Shia except the Iranians .. what is wrong with it ? yes Shia getting Moral, Political, and Material Support from Iran since 1982, to defend agaisnt the beast, Zionist .. thanks G_d things not like B4.
Israel did not go into Lebanon to have some fun, sir. It went in because it was still at war with PLO and other factions like Abu Nidal hoping to create a friendly border with Christian Lebanon. Christian Falangists massacred people in Sabra Shatila... not Israeli soldiers. But Sharon did too little, maybe on purpose, to stop it. In Israel had had to go to court for that.

"Beast Israel" has been fighting "Beast Palestian Arabs". I agree fights over territory tend to be beastly violent. Each is the reason and excuse for their beastly crimes, their state terrorism, individual terrorism.

Iran helping Palestinian refugees in Lebanon with civil rebuilding society... very good! Many war refugees in world... many start new life in host country when returning is not possible or too traumatized. Iran can be good force, I believe that. Advising Palestinians faction that still want to continue armed resintence again give that up. Accept new reality, many peoples in world had to and were able to. Why not Palestinian refugees? Instead... Iran inspired them to continue preparing for war... attacks. Supplying them with training, weapons, rockets. STUPID Iran....

Iran not wise peace maker. Iran crazy gunta.. exploiting anti-Israel climate as excuse to exert power in region.. over Syria... Lebanon. Not at all interested in well being for Shia people or Palestinian refugees. Just cynical tinfoil hat power junkies.
Parodite wrote:And of course Iran wants nukes... why wouldn't they? Israel has them.. Pakistan, India.. the hated West, Russia... There is absolutely no reason at all why Iran would not think it needs them. Who are they fooling ?
Said many times on this fora and elsewhere, all Iranians, begining with Shah, Iranian people and Ayatollahs want nuclear weapon .. all Iranians want it .. and nobody can stop Iran .. either on friendly bases or unfriendly .. many foreign services say Iran already has nuclear weapon.
I'm happy we then agree that the Iranians are liars to the world.
Parodite wrote:.
One can reasonably expect bombs to go off in Iran any time, any place and anywhere. Conventional, nuclear... to help the Iranian monkeys understand it really is better to mind your own business. And not make same mistake as Americans, believing meddling around is good for business and peace.

Go tell AchmadineJo Azari. Tell him he should forget about Rhubarb, and stop supplying Hizbollah and Hamas with rockets and stuff. Talk peace in public, neutral position like the Swiss in WW2. Be wise Persian Princess... instead of rabid madman interfering with things not his business. Leave Rhubarb alone... he is a traumatised scorpion with very powerful people in the USA, its last ally. You play with mortal fire... and only because you are soooo stupid. And irresponsible, and and and...

Does not look good Achmamoshe...not good... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nobody, Iran, Russia, China, India or anybody else can stop you guys attacking Iran
You can start
when things said and done
you done like British empire after the WW2
a different world will emerge
guess who will win :lol: :D :)
Yes... hahaha HAHAHAAAAAA! We are having fun don't we. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's very simple dear man. Iran can be honest about its desire to have nukes. I wouldn't deny that reality. Why others can have them but not Iran? I agree it's not a balanced situation.

HOWEVER.. Iran should apologize to Israel for talking lavender and behaving lavender. Bellicose hate speech and preaching day in day out the world would be better off without Israel...especially the Meddle East... demonizing "Big Satan USA" and "little Satan Israel" combination with lying about your desire to have nukes and supplying Hizbollah and Hamas with rockets in the mean time....won't do.

Bow or be broken.

Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 4:44 am
by AzariLoveIran
Parodite wrote:.
Israel did not go into Lebanon to have some fun, sir. It went in because it was still at war with PLO and other factions like Abu Nidal hoping to create a friendly border with Christian Lebanon. Christian Falangists massacred people in Sabra Shatila... not Israeli soldiers. But Sharon did too little, maybe on purpose, to stop it. In Israel had had to go to court for that.

"Beast Israel" has been fighting "Beast Palestian Arabs". I agree fights over territory tend to be beastly violent. Each is the reason and excuse for their beastly crimes, their state terrorism, individual terrorism.

Iran helping Palestinian refugees in Lebanon with civil rebuilding society... very good! Many war refugees in world... many start new life in host country when returning is not possible or too traumatized. Iran can be good force, I believe that. Advising Palestinians faction that still want to continue armed resintence again give that up. Accept new reality, many peoples in world had to and were able to. Why not Palestinian refugees? Instead... Iran inspired them to continue preparing for war... attacks. Supplying them with training, weapons, rockets. STUPID Iran....

Iran not wise peace maker. Iran crazy gunta.. exploiting anti-Israel climate as excuse to exert power in region.. over Syria... Lebanon. Not at all interested in well being for Shia people or Palestinian refugees. Just cynical tinfoil hat power junkies.
Iran has and had nothing to do with Palestineans (Iranians and Palestineans never liked each other) in Lebanon or anywhere else .. rich Arab Sheiks help and finance them

Iran only finance, arm, moral and any other support the Shias of Lebanon .. and this is fully legit

Shia of Lebanon had nobody except Iran since 100 yrs .. FYI, Shah started this,1958 Shah send Teymur Bakhtiar, head of Savak (Iranian secret service), to Lebanon to set up a support and help and arm the Lebanese Shia (an anti Sunni Saudi move) .. All Sunni Arabs fought the Shia (power) in Lebanon .. Sharon shook hand with Lebanese Christians not only agaisnt Palestineans but also against shia of Lebanon .. Sharon rolled over their houses, killed them .. funny thing was, until that date, Shia of Lebanon where not even anti Israel (in some instances even pro Israel) .. you see now the result

back to palestineans and Israel and accept the reality .. Look Rhapsy, Middle East has his own mentality, ME people do not accept forced reality .. no matter what, they will not accept it, they might keep quite for a while, but when times come, BANG

Zionist fooling themselves thinking they can bring all those Russian lavender, house them on Arab land and create "reality" .. could Tchingiz create reality ? he killed millions

Force never worked in ME

That is what Persian empire learned

Pomegranates kept the empire intact for 1000+ yrs by Justice .. rule by justice not by sword .. that is Iranian moto

Yes, Iran can and will help, but help will not be genuflecting the indigini to sign on dotted line becuase Iran know this will not work

Parodite wrote:And of course Iran wants nukes... why wouldn't they? Israel has them.. Pakistan, India.. the hated West, Russia... There is absolutely no reason at all why Iran would not think it needs them. Who are they fooling ?
Said many times on this fora and elsewhere, all Iranians, begining with Shah, Iranian people and Ayatollahs want nuclear weapon .. all Iranians want it .. and nobody can stop Iran .. either on friendly bases or unfriendly .. many foreign services say Iran already has nuclear weapon.
I'm happy we then agree that the Iranians are liars to the world.

Iran honors it's signature .. Non proliferation nuclear treaty signature .. NPT

Iranians, present rulers, have said very clearly : Iran will have ALL technology, knowledge and and and for nuclear technocracy .. so that, if needed .. to make nuclear bomb in short order .. not now .. but if needed

So, Iranian, did not lie .. Iran will not accept any limit on nuclear technology .. same as japan, same as Germany or Brazil .. Iran has MORE rights as German and Japan have .. Period

Notion, Iran not this and that and is not allowed to have this or that technology pure rubbish

No need for Iran to lie .. Iran said this from day one

Parodite wrote:.
One can reasonably expect bombs to go off in Iran any time, any place and anywhere. Conventional, nuclear... to help the Iranian monkeys understand it really is better to mind your own business. And not make same mistake as Americans, believing meddling around is good for business and peace.

Go tell AchmadineJo Azari. Tell him he should forget about Rhubarb, and stop supplying Hizbollah and Hamas with rockets and stuff. Talk peace in public, neutral position like the Swiss in WW2. Be wise Persian Princess... instead of rabid madman interfering with things not his business. Leave Rhubarb alone... he is a traumatised scorpion with very powerful people in the USA, its last ally. You play with mortal fire... and only because you are soooo stupid. And irresponsible, and and and...

Does not look good Achmamoshe...not good... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nobody, Iran, Russia, China, India or anybody else can stop you guys attacking Iran
You can start
when things said and done
you done like British empire after the WW2
a different world will emerge
guess who will win :lol: :D :)
Yes... hahaha HAHAHAAAAAA! We are having fun don't we. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's very simple dear man. Iran can be honest about its desire to have nukes. I wouldn't deny that reality. Why others can have them but not Iran? I agree it's not a balanced situation.
good we agree on that
Parodite wrote:.
HOWEVER.. Iran should apologize to Israel for talking lavender and behaving lavender. Bellicose hate speech and preaching day in day out the world would be better off without Israel ... especially the Meddle East... demonizing "Big Satan USA" and "little Satan Israel" combination with lying about your desire to have nukes and supplying Hizbollah and Hamas with rockets in the mean time....won't do.
Rahpsy ,

shall we talk rubbish or fact base ?

your choice

Iran, Ahmadinejat .. and Azari .. say , have always said .. Israel following last 70 yrs methods will lead to same destiny as South African Apartheid regime .. like Apartheid South Africa (President carter confirmed the Apartheid of Zionist state) Israel too will disappear from map .. that is what Ahmadinejat said 5 yrs ago

that was twisted and twisted and spin and spin to Iran want to nuke Israel

all rubbish and bullshit


since 1980

Zionist leaders have said all in the book to Iran, every threat and lavender is thrown towards Iran

West and Israel should apologize from Iran

Don't think Iranian have forgotten 1 million death by your chemical and biological and and weapon given to Saddam .. neither forgiven nor forgotten
Parodite wrote:.
Bow or be broken.
Now that the dust has settled .. looking @ present reality, Germany G_d of Europe .. you wanna bet Brits would have rather kept Neville (Chamberlain) and not the war criminal Churchill .. if so, no Gandhi, no Ahmadinejat and British Pound would still be THE leading currency .. stepping back, Germany lost the battle but won the war

Similar thing could happen again


Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:22 pm
by Parodite
AzariLoveIran wrote:Iran only finance, arm, moral and any other support the Shias of Lebanon .. and this is fully legit

Shia of Lebanon had nobody except Iran since 100 yrs .. FYI, Shah started this,1958 Shah send Teymur Bakhtiar, head of Savak (Iranian secret service), to Lebanon to set up a support and help and arm the Lebanese Shia (an anti Sunni Saudi move) .. All Sunni Arabs fought the Shia (power) in Lebanon .. Sharon shook hand with Lebanese Christians not only against Palestinians but also against Shia of Lebanon .. Sharon rolled over their houses, killed them .. funny thing was, until that date, Shia of Lebanon where not even anti Israel (in some instances even pro Israel) .. you see now the result
When everybody was at each other's throat in Lebanon's civil war and especially the PLO terrorizing other communities included Shia communities in the South and the whole chain of bloody events unfolding, for Israel it was bad scenario that PLO and its allies would come out victorious. That would guarantee future lavender at the Northern borders. No matter the judgment with hindsight of going in, the idea to crush the PLO in South-Lebanon and throw the remainders out made sense as an idea, but in practice the reality in Lebanon was way to complex and unpredictable. They chose the Lebanese Christian factions as the only reliable ally which makes sense, also given that the Islamic revolution in Iran brought to the fore very strong anti-Zionist voices; an Islamic Iran that backed the Islamic Amal movement. So the inspiration to fight Israel not only in Southern-Lebanon in order to throw them out, but also inside Israel proper came from the Ayatollah's in Iran who wanted to turn Lebanon in an Islamic proxy to roll-up Israel, that Zionist cancer, and spread (Shia) Islamic Empire further into the region.

Of course, given that Israel is not a small power and Sunni's in general wouldn't like that idea... this megalomaniac idea of the new Iranian Islamic regime to project Iran power en Empire.. was doomed to fail and get swamped down in South-Lebanon. All they could do over the years is twist arms in Lebanon to enforce themselves in Lebanon politics and deploy Hezbollah with 10.000's rockets aimed at Israeli cities. Benefit to Iran? Nil. Added the nuclear crisis and Iranian insistence and persistence in anti-Zionist (anti-Israel) hate speech.. all they are left with is sanctions and a possible war with Israel and good chance the USA. Bravo Iran! Such a wonderful success story.
back to Palestinians and Israel and accept the reality .. Look Rhapsy, Middle East has his own mentality, ME people do not accept forced reality .. no matter what, they will not accept it, they might keep quite for a while, but when times come, BANG
LOL that's funny. Because you are so right! Everything in the ME exists due to force, bloody force, guns, knives, blood.. endless streams of blood. The Zionists found this out too after they woke up from their milk and honey dreams of the promised land...and they just could not afford not join the game... with the bloody rest. Everybody is forcing realities on everybody. And indeed it is BANG BANG BANG non stop. A true monkey town.
Zionist fooling themselves thinking they can bring all those Russian lavender, house them on Arab land and create "reality" .. could Tchingiz create reality ? he killed millions
A country can let in anybody they like, and refuse anybody they dislike. That is the definition of a territory. You may not like a territory, be of the opinion it should not even be there preferably be replaced by some other territorial configuration and enforce that new reality on the old one ( :shock: ), but as long as it is there and there to stay most likely... hysterical complaints are just a waste of time.
Force never worked in ME
It is the force that shapes the ME reality.
That is what Persian empire learned

Pomegranates kept the empire intact for 1000+ yrs by Justice .. rule by justice not by sword .. that is Iranian moto

Yes, Iran can and will help, but help will not be genuflecting the indigini to sign on dotted line becuase Iran know this will not work
Iran helping Shia Muslim militia that adhere ideologically to the destruction of Israel and supplying them with rockets and training is a very big miscalculation that at one point will blow in Iran's face.
Parodite wrote:And of course Iran wants nukes... why wouldn't they? Israel has them.. Pakistan, India.. the hated West, Russia... There is absolutely no reason at all why Iran would not think it needs them. Who are they fooling ?
Said many times on this fora and elsewhere, all Iranians, begining with Shah, Iranian people and Ayatollahs want nuclear weapon .. all Iranians want it .. and nobody can stop Iran .. either on friendly bases or unfriendly .. many foreign services say Iran already has nuclear weapon.
I'm happy we then agree that the Iranians are liars to the world.

Iran honors it's signature .. Non proliferation nuclear treaty signature .. NPT

Iranians, present rulers, have said very clearly : Iran will have ALL technology, knowledge and and and for nuclear technocracy .. so that, if needed .. to make nuclear bomb in short order .. not now .. but if needed
Iran admitted openly it will "only create a nuclear bomb when needed"? That would be world news. URLs?

They already need it, since the Ayatollah's took office and declared the Zionist entity a cancer that needed removed, Lebanon to be an Islamic proxy etc.

The curtain is falling.
So, Iranian, did not lie .. Iran will not accept any limit on nuclear technology .. same as japan, same as Germany or Brazil .. Iran has MORE rights as German and Japan have .. Period
Iran as far as I know, has not said it will have nuclear technology and make nuclear bombs when it is considered necessary on short notice. It said it does not want nuclear bombs, because they are considered immoral.

Of course, this is all just twisting words, flapping tongues and fooling the fools. Iran long ago decided it needs nuclear weapons and wants them asap. Homemade.
Notion, Iran not this and that and is not allowed to have this or that technology pure rubbish
Countries that prove to be responsible, reasonable, peace seeking/mediating countries... tend to be trusted with nuclear weapons by a majority of other countries.
No need for Iran to lie .. Iran said this from day one

So why are they lying? They are.
Rahpsy ,

shall we talk rubbish or fact base ?
I am here to help you. ;)
Iran, Ahmadinejat .. and Azari .. say , have always said .. Israel following last 70 yrs methods will lead to same destiny as South African Apartheid regime .. like Apartheid South Africa (President carter confirmed the Apartheid of Zionist state) Israel too will disappear from map .. that is what Ahmadinejat said 5 yrs ago
AhmaJo is entitled to his opinions, as you are. Fortunately none of his business either. In Israel it is a hot debate; should Israel under all circumstances remain a Jewish-majority state? That is at odds with democracy and civil rights in case Israeli non-Jews breed faster than Jews. Israeli Jews may one day be able to relax and not fear becoming a minority in Israel.. but that is very far away. It needs a couple of generations that can live without war, occupation, terror attacks, hate-speech in the Arab world.. Israeli Jews know they are hated... hated so much... That they are "damned if they do, and damned if they don't".
since 1980

Zionist leaders have said all in the book to Iran, every threat and lavender is thrown towards Iran

You reverse reality again: the Ayatollahs that started the Islamic revolution in Iran were from day one anti-Zionist/Israel, prefer to have Israel removed from the map and install (Shia) Islamic power in the region, deal with Sunni lavender in the mean...

Don't play the innocent sissy here. Looks pathetic.

Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:32 pm
by AzariLoveIran

Parodite ,

we not on the same page

you use expression that ME people do not accept

You a christian Zionist, you speak as a Zionist (On the record, even on this fora, said many times, Zionist much worst than Hitler Nazism, and explained why)

Middle Eastern People have not accepted forceful creation of a Zionist entity in their midst

as such, those things you saying, and expression you use, bounces off of ME mindset

yes, lots of pain, blood and treasure ahead for ME people

but, at the end, things will work for them, because they in their own home & territory, and they just

as said many times, Israel without the west in ME, not viable


pretty much agreed, west leaving ME

time not on Israeli side

in 20 yrs, probably, not only Iran, but Saudi, Egypt, Turkey (maybe Syria) will have Nuclear bombs .. and, much worst, all kinds of Bio weapons .. and no trace of west in Middle East

Europeans did all those bad things to Jews, they should take care of them themselves, Middle East does not owe anything to European and Russian Jews

Either a Jewish state in ME will be on ME people's term, or there will be no Jewish state on ME soil .. you can bet the farm on it


Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:09 pm
by Parodite
AzariLoveIran wrote:Middle Eastern People have not accepted forceful creation of a Zionist entity in their midst
Quite right. That's all there is to it. Israelis know this. Nothing new. As always in history, people have all kinds of reasons to start wars, conquer territory, defend it after conquest, do Empire if so they have the means and forces... I just happen to see very little difference in Sunni and Shia Muslims chopping off heads, wanting to impose their will way beyond existing borders, Dictators keeping check on "their" people via very brutal repressive means... Any and all territorial fight in history looks the same. Israeli-Pal fight no difference. Small scale local fights between neighbors over a fence, some cattle, a tree.. ethnic and tribal clashes.. bigger groupings that clash based on ideology or race, nation states among nation states, empires...people that can hate any or all close and far away, only because of an image.

I'm not a Zionist nor a Christian, so whatever you see in this Rorschag test blob of mine, is all yours. :D I just see a territorial fight between two groups over a territory that has all the fingerprints of any and all territorial fights in past and present, anywhere. And as always, force decides the outcome, added the always uninvited guest called President Murphy showing his head; don't underestimate the reach of his arm and the strength of his power.

I have no issue with you or anyone resenting Israel and the way it came to be. Hate it, fight it! Maybe you win, maybe you lose. That is all there is to these things. When the dead are buried, most of the dust settled down and a new period of relative peace sets in, there is enough time for moralizing, create legal systems, try stay on good terms with neighbors, friends and former foes and together sing Kumbaya at the campfire.

And no, I don't think Israel is forever, nor "holy", nor "promised" to anyone by some divine source, nor are the rest of the ME countries. Sorry for being so unromantic today. Iran will one day also be just a speckle of dust removed by the blinking eye of history, with all your hubris fed to the roaches for breakfast. Then, in the final chapter, the sun eats the earth away in flames as a Red Giant star.

Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 7:50 pm
by AzariLoveIran

Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 9:10 pm
by AzariLoveIran
Parodite wrote:.
I'm not a Zionist nor a Christian, ..
Zionism not a theological, religious , racial, ethnicity issue

Zionism, is a political doctrine .. like Nazism, fascism, capitalism, communism, colonialism .. schools of that nature .. no need to be Jewish to be a Zionist

Christian-Zionism, not necessarily weirdos waiting for Rapture to happen .. you can be a Buddhist and be Christian-Zionist

If so, what is difference between Zionist and Christian-Zionist ?


Hitler knew killing all Ukraine population and settle with Germans is evil .. he did not care .. he said so "explicitly" (have posted his quote, must find and quote again).
Zionist too, know, the indigini, the Pali in Palestine, are innocent, but say genuflect them all (Ben Gurion says these people innocent but we have no other choice, it is, live or die for us) .. basically Zionist evil school

Christian-Zionist on the other hand, probably racist, fascist, or naive thinking they morally on the right side


Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:26 am
by monster_gardener
AzariLoveIran wrote:
Parodite wrote:.
Iran supplying Hizbollah, Hamas with very lethal rockets.. two groups not recognizing Israel's right to exist and in a formal state of war, with a known record of applying the most brutal violence by blowing up resaurants, school buses etc. 50.000 loaded rockets are now aimed at Israeli cities, included Tel Aviv. Don't behave as if it isn't true.
Lebanese Shia are armed not only because French faked Lebanese 1932 census giving power to Chritians (and Sunni) although Shias were the majority .. but .. becuase the "war criminal" Sharon rolled over their villages with tanks killing them and distroying their homes .. nobody helped the Shia except the Iranians .. what is wrong with it ? yes Shia getting Moral, Political, and Material Support from Iran since 1982, to defend agaisnt the beast, Zionist .. thanks G_d things not like B4.
Parodite wrote:.
And of course Iran wants nukes... why wouldn't they? Israel has them.. Pakistan, India.. the hated West, Russia... There is absolutely no reason at all why Iran would not think it needs them. Who are they fooling ?
Said many times on this fora and elsewhere, all Iranians, begining with Shah, Iranian people and Ayatollahs want nuclear weapon .. all Iranians want it .. and nobody can stop Iran .. either on friendly bases or unfriendly .. many foreign services say Iran already has nuclear weapon

Parodite wrote:.
One can reasonably expect bombs to go off in Iran any time, any place and anywhere. Conventional, nuclear... to help the Iranian monkeys understand it really is better to mind your own business. And not make same mistake as Americans, believing meddling around is good for business and peace.

Go tell AchmadineJo Azari. Tell him he should forget about Rhubarb, and stop supplying Hizbollah and Hamas with rockets and stuff. Talk peace in public, neutral position like the Swiss in WW2. Be wise Persian Princess... instead of rabid madman interfering with things not his business. Leave Rhubarb alone... he is a traumatised scorpion with very powerful people in the USA, its last ally. You play with mortal fire... and only because you are soooo stupid. And irresponsible, and and and...

Does not look good Achmamoshe...not good... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nobody, Iran, Russia, China, India or anybody else can stop you guys attacking Iran

You can start


when things said and done

you done like British empire after the WW2

a different world will emerge

guess who will win :lol: :D :)

Thank you Very Much for your post, Azari.
you done like British empire after the WW2
You are an optimist, Azari. ;) :( :( :(
a different world will emerge
If we/humans are lucky.........

Perhaps in the Southern Hemisphere.........
guess who will win :lol: :D :)
Nobody............ except.............

Chaos........Sickness.............. Famine...............Death...........


Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 2:04 am
by monster_gardener
You will/may like these links, Azari. ... ttack.html
The dispute over Iran’s nuclear programme is nothing more than a convenient excuse for the US to use threats to protect the 'reserve currency’ status of the dollar,” the newspaper, which calls itself the voice of the Islamic Revolution, said.

“Recall that Saddam [Hussein] announced Iraq would no longer accept dollars for oil purchases in November 2000 and the US-Anglo invasion occurred in March 2003,” the Times continued. “Similarly, Iran opened its oil bourse in 2008, so it is a credit to Iranian negotiating ability that the 'crisis’ has not come to a head long before now.”

Iran has the third-largest oil reserves in the world and pricing oil in currencies other than dollars is a provocative move aimed at Washington. If Iran switches to the non-dollar terms for its oil payments, there could be a new oil price that would be denominated in euro, yen or even the yuan or rupee.

India is already in talks with Iran over how it can pay for its oil in rupees.

Even more surprisingly, reports have suggested that India is even considering paying for its oil in gold bullion. However, it is more likely that the country will pay in rupees, a currency that is not freely convertible.
Don't agree that the nuke program is a pretext, Uranium 235 beats gold unless gold is the casing on the bomb :shock: :(

Hat tip to Higher Game & Jim the Moron ;) who post More On :wink: this subject below at the Spengler Forum. ... 4654faa206
This sort of thing is far more serious and dangerous than any silly nuclear toys. Expect far more aggression from the West. Bankers are the top of the food chain in modern geopolitics, and they'll remind us of it very soon.

Buy gold.

Higher Game
Clever folks, these Pomegranates, seeking to trade their crude in currencies other than the almighty US dollar. Consider the implications -

Jim the Moron
"Iran Stops Oil Sales to UK, French Companies"
". . . we will sell our oil to new customers."
But it's off to a slow start.............

Upon being apprised of this development, Jim the Moron launched another of his famed, in-depth inquiries regarding the facts of the matter. Here are the results, posted here as a public service.

New customers for Persian crude -
1. St. Vincent - contract for 32 barrels monthly, to be paid for in EC$
2. Bhutan - contract for 19 barrels monthly, to be paid for in ngultrums

And you thought the incumbent Persian government was inept? Shame.

Slow perhaps but mighty oaks from little acorns grow..............

If the squirrels don't get them first............*

*Or people driven squirrelly by Hitler and mad mad mullahs like Khomeini etc...........


Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:51 am
by AzariLoveIran
monster_gardener wrote:You will/may like these links, Azari. ... ttack.html
The dispute over Iran’s nuclear programme is nothing more than a convenient excuse for the US to use threats to protect the 'reserve currency’ status of the dollar,” the newspaper, which calls itself the voice of the Islamic Revolution, said.

“Recall that Saddam [Hussein] announced Iraq would no longer accept dollars for oil purchases in November 2000 and the US-Anglo invasion occurred in March 2003,” the Times continued. “Similarly, Iran opened its oil bourse in 2008, so it is a credit to Iranian negotiating ability that the 'crisis’ has not come to a head long before now.”

Iran has the third-largest oil reserves in the world and pricing oil in currencies other than dollars is a provocative move aimed at Washington. If Iran switches to the non-dollar terms for its oil payments, there could be a new oil price that would be denominated in euro, yen or even the yuan or rupee.

India is already in talks with Iran over how it can pay for its oil in rupees.

Even more surprisingly, reports have suggested that India is even considering paying for its oil in gold bullion. However, it is more likely that the country will pay in rupees, a currency that is not freely convertible.
Don't agree that the nuke program is a pretext, Uranium 235 beats gold unless gold is the casing on the bomb :shock: :(

Hat tip to Higher Game & Jim the Moron who post More On :wink: this subject below at the Spengler Forum. ... 4654faa206
This sort of thing is far more serious and dangerous than any silly nuclear toys. Expect far more aggression from the West. Bankers are the top of the food chain in modern geopolitics, and they'll remind us of it very soon.

Buy gold.

Higher Game
Clever folks, these Pomegranates, seeking to trade their crude in currencies other than the almighty US dollar. Consider the implications -

Jim the Moron
"Iran Stops Oil Sales to UK, French Companies"
". . . we will sell our oil to new customers."
But it's off to a slow start.............

Upon being apprised of this development, Jim the Moron launched another of his famed, in-depth inquiries regarding the facts of the matter. Here are the results, posted here as a public service.

New customers for Persian crude -
1. St. Vincent - contract for 32 barrels monthly, to be paid for in EC$
2. Bhutan - contract for 19 barrels monthly, to be paid for in ngultrums

And you thought the incumbent Persian government was inept? Shame.

Slow perhaps but mighty oaks from little acorns grow..............

If the squirrels don't get them first............*

*Or people driven squirrelly by Hitler and mad mad mullahs like Khomeini etc...........


Thanx Monster


Iranian Oil will sell no matter what .. and .. oil price is fixed no in NY, but Iranian revolutionary guard fixes world Oil prices .. so, if Iranian Oil sells is halved, price can will be pushed to 2fold to compensate

re U$, said B4, American FED is short Dollars since Nixon nixed Gold backing of $, downhill since .. am sure tribe is short $ no matter what, since Nixon

re "Mad Khomeini", an interesting phenomena : 1979, when Khomeini started his speeches, educated and western Iranians were amused by his vocabulary, sentencing, logic etc .. after many yrs we realized he not talking to us (and you), he talking to Middle Eastern mass, to Arab street and central Asian and and and .. we realized how clever he was and how dumb we were


Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:04 am
by AzariLoveIran


. . Westerners have an “arrogant” nature, and “have not yet learned to take steps regarding their political interactions with logic and tact.”


Funny.png (138.77 KiB) Viewed 1996 times


Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:25 am
by AzariLoveIran
Parodite wrote:.

Don't play the innocent sissy here. Looks pathetic.




Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:51 am
by AzariLoveIran

Iranian American demonstrate against Zionist conspiracy to ruin our beloved America



Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:19 am
by Ibrahim
I'm starting to think Iran might be hoping for an Israeli/US attack to bolster support for the regime and drive up the price of oil (which the Iranians would resume selling right after the initial smoke cleared). There is no way anybody could actually occupy Iran or do anything besides a little air force vandalism and toy-plane murders. The US is occupied out at the moment and Israel could barely occupy southern Lebanon for a few weeks, so there really isn't anything for Iran to be afraid of.

Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:21 pm
by AzariLoveIran
Ibrahim wrote:.
I'm starting to think Iran might be hoping for an Israeli/US attack to bolster support for the regime and drive up the price of oil (which the Iranians would resume selling right after the initial smoke cleared).

You @ the money Ibrahim

Yes, mad mullahs love specially an Israeli attack .. they looove it

mad mullahs have some "fake" nuclear sites, Natanz etc (real stuff might be somewhere else), a few bombs dropped here and there, maybe even a few planes downed and even maybe a few Izzi pilots in Mullah hands


Oil @ 250 $/b


best scenario for the mad mullahs

would bring Iranians, in Iran and in all the world, 1000% backing the mad mullahs .. no matter what

even Shah (Pahlavi) Junior will volunteer for war (he volunteered when Saddam attacked Iran)

Not a single Iranian will dare voice decent

4get Green

Even now under house arrest Green opposition leaders Mussavi & Karrubi will volunteer to go to front

welcome to 100 more yrs Ayatollah rule

Ibrahim wrote:.
There is no way anybody could actually occupy Iran or do anything besides a little air force vandalism and toy-plane murders. The US is occupied out at the moment and Israel could barely occupy southern Lebanon for a few weeks, so there really isn't anything for Iran to be afraid of.

Nobody can occupy Iran .. extremely difficult terrain (NASA trained their astronaut for simulation of moon landing in Iran) .. extremely patriot and nationalist population .. 5 million armed to teeth Militia .. waiting for you to come

After disaster in Iraq and Afghanistan, America, wisely, had it


If Zionist attack Iran, when dust settles, there will be no Israel, one way or other

what does all this means ?

It means there will be no attack on Iran .. ZERO


Issue not attack on Iran, as Friedman in Stratfor video correctly says, but how far Iran will go taking what Iran considers legit (and West is powerless to stop)

Said many times, time for the "Grand Bargain"

America/west should drop that "animal kingdom" Wahhabi lavender and clime in bed with Iran

Don't worry about Rhubarb .. Iran will grandfather him, Iran friends with Rhubarb since 2600 yrs


When Nukes are involved.............

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:34 pm
by monster_gardener
Ibrahim wrote:I'm starting to think Iran might be hoping for an Israeli/US attack to bolster support for the regime and drive up the price of oil (which the Iranians would resume selling right after the initial smoke cleared). There is no way anybody could actually occupy Iran or do anything besides a little air force vandalism and toy-plane murders. The US is occupied out at the moment and Israel could barely occupy southern Lebanon for a few weeks, so there really isn't anything for Iran to be afraid of.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Ibrahim.

You may be right............

Not so much US/uz............. IMVVHO..........

But when nukes are involved............

Good to be afraid.............

Who would have thought that an ArchDuck :wink: being shot would have caused a world war...............

Re: When Nukes are involved.............

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 6:30 pm
by AzariLoveIran
monster_gardener wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:I'm starting to think Iran might be hoping for an Israeli/US attack to bolster support for the regime and drive up the price of oil (which the Iranians would resume selling right after the initial smoke cleared). There is no way anybody could actually occupy Iran or do anything besides a little air force vandalism and toy-plane murders. The US is occupied out at the moment and Israel could barely occupy southern Lebanon for a few weeks, so there really isn't anything for Iran to be afraid of.
You may be right............

Not so much US/uz............. IMVVHO..........

But when nukes are involved............


MG , how can be nuke involved ?

nuke what ?

you can not nuke knowledge neither people

If nuke is used against Iran, you guys will be at receiving end in a yr or two .. even, not necessarily by Iran


Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:00 pm
by Parodite
It is unlikely that little will change after a really escalating war with Iran. Azari is happy enough to remind people that Iran can be hurt, but that so can the Zio-West.

Hard to predict though how much pain will be inflicted on either side...the structural damage, the consequences, and if things escalate into a WW3 type of conflict. It can turn very ugly with a totally different world emerging afterwards.

Will Azari have his orgasm and see Ahmadinejad smiling in the cameras as the great winner in the told-you-so Olympics? Well, we will have to wait and see. Most people will not know where to bet their money on - and rightly so. However... they haven't looked yet into Azari's crystal ball, where things are much more clear already..


Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:09 pm
by AzariLoveIran
Parodite wrote:It is unlikely that little will change after a really escalating war with Iran. Azari is happy enough to remind people that Iran can be hurt, but that so can the Zio-West.

Hard to predict though how much pain will be inflicted on either side...the structural damage, the consequences, and if things escalate into a WW3 type of conflict. It can turn very ugly with a totally different world emerging afterwards.

Will Azari have his orgasm and see Achmadinejad smiling in the camera's as the great winner in the told-you-so Olympics? Well, we will have to wait and see. Most people will not know where to bet their money on - and rightly so. However... they haven't looked yet into Azari's crystal ball, where things are much more clear already..


The problem is that many of the Iranian targets – buried deeply underground – would be beyond the reach of the Israeli military, in what Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey calls a “zone of immunity.”

Said B4, best for mad mullahs would be an Israeli attack

- Would terminate the silly Zionism adventure

- rearrange the ME border to Iranian liking

- bring back the lost provinces


- icing on the cake would be wiping out Wahhabi rubbish from Arabia

"Greater Iran" , here we come


Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:26 pm
by Parodite
Azari, I know what you hope for. But it doesn't need be the case. That is the whole point. You seem to miss it. Maybe world economy will collapse. Maybe a number of wars will then rage over the planet where people, countries, power blocks will fight for resources. Nukes may or may not fly. Not so relevant.

Point being: world very different afterwards. There will be not-anticipated events, the results uncertain. Don't also forget Murphy.

Take another look into that crystal ball of yours... what you see? A smiling Ahmadinejad? Come on...You'll see millions and millions of crying and desperate people, and many.... many corpses. All piled up like brothers and sisters who died in the same disaster. Rhubarb, AhmaJo, Uncle Sam and family, aunty Euro and lots of starving Asians. To some this is justice.

When Nukes are involved....... Rubble may Result

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:33 pm
by monster_gardener
AzariLoveIran wrote:
monster_gardener wrote:
Ibrahim wrote:I'm starting to think Iran might be hoping for an Israeli/US attack to bolster support for the regime and drive up the price of oil (which the Iranians would resume selling right after the initial smoke cleared). There is no way anybody could actually occupy Iran or do anything besides a little air force vandalism and toy-plane murders. The US is occupied out at the moment and Israel could barely occupy southern Lebanon for a few weeks, so there really isn't anything for Iran to be afraid of.
You may be right............

Not so much US/uz............. IMVVHO..........

But when nukes are involved............


MG , how can be nuke involved ?

nuke what ?

you can not nuke knowledge neither people

If nuke is used against Iran, you guys will be at receiving end in a yr or two .. even, not necessarily by Iran


Thank you Very Much for your post, Azari.
MG , how can be nuke involved ?
Esteemed Azari.

I may be wrong............ I HOPE I AM WRONG!

AIUI, Iran has so hardened & dispersed its nuclear program that conventional "bunker busters" are not guaranteed to work like they did against SadDam/Iraq and the NORKs in Syria..........

What could be used........ NukeBusters ;) :shock: :twisted: :evil: :( :( :(

Only bombs guaranteed to have a Ghost :wink: :twisted: :evil: of a chance to do the job..........

And not just against the bunkers.........

As you & others have pointed out, an attack will likely unify the Iranians behind the mad mullahs.........

Applies to a especially to a failed "surgical" strike......... you have enraged the bull without removing his ability to harm you.........

So an Awful probably Evil :wink: :twisted: but logical option.......... Do at least enough damage to disorganize Iran as a functional advanced modern society......... Could even be collateral/soft kill ...........

What I suspect and fear the Iranian mad mullahs are up to for US/uz with EMP or worse as I vote against my fears for peace and Ron Paul.....

Would be harder to do this to Iran than US/uz (Katrina) but IMVVVHO doable by Israel if the alternative is Madhi Madness Chaos mad mullahs nuking the Satans..........

Or at best using Iranian nukes to slowly get the saner Jews to self deport from a demoralized Israel under threat of same.........

If nuke is used against Iran, you guys will be at receiving end in a yr or two .. even, not necessarily by Iran
You may be quite right, Azari..........

Could even be back blast from ourselves (Israel &/or US)....... Fallout, Nuclear Winter etc.........

At best will have to/should finance Iodide pills for India and further east............

Against my better (worser) :wink: :twisted: :evil: :( :( judgment, I am working against this and for peace..........

Lord G_d Almighty/Holy Lady Kwannon help & have mercy on US/UZ ...............

As I write this, on the host on the best local talk show..........** Need to do a quick Google to "confirm".......

Negotiation positions of US/Uz & Iran..........

US/Uz: Iran needs to delay enriching uranium

Iran: stop domination of world by Great Satan.......... remove the cancer of Israel from the world..........

Really Great way to negotiate with people who have a Masada meme or Jacksonian tendencies............. NOT!!!!

Trying to be As A Tru :wink: as I can be but I feel like Thor/Fred Flintstone trying to put off the evil Day of the Lord as long I can......

Ideally till we/humanity can get viable off-world/undersea colonies............

But Raganorak seems to be roaring its approach.......... Rubble* ;) :twisted: :( may well be the result..

*Not Barney :wink: the Dinosaur love.....

**Probably/may not be what he quoted but seems relevant......... ... 328555876/
WASHINGTON, Feb. 6 (UPI) -- World concern that Israel could soon launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities is rising amid new bellicose statements from Tehran.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said a "great event" was coming that would demonstrate Iran's power, and that "the Zionists and the Great Satan" would soon be defeated.

Israel, he added, was a "cancer" that "should be cut and will be cut."

Israeli Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Strategic Affairs Rhubarb Yaalon said Tehran is building a missile with a distance of 6,000 miles "aimed at America," while Defense Minister Ehud Barak warned that Iran is moving steadily to place its facilities in so-called "immunity zones" -- areas such as underground bunkers and within mountains where they cannot be hit by missiles and bombs.

"The world has no doubt that Iran's nuclear program is steadily nearing readiness and is about to enter an immunity zone," Barak said at a conference in Tel Aviv. "If the sanctions (by the West) don't achieve their goal of halting Iran's nuclear weapons program, there will arise the need of weighing operations."
Read more: ... z1mwqRn6VU

Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 7:55 pm
by AzariLoveIran

.. assurance that Tehran would be allowed to continue enriching uranium in any quantity, provided it promised not to build an Iranian nuclear weapon . .

The prime minister charged that this permit contravened US administration guarantees to Israel on the nuclear issue and, moreover left Tehran free to upgrade its current 20 percent enrichment level to 90 percent weapons grade.

Come on Rhubarb , come on ..

American military slowly but surely tilting other-way .. don't bother our beloved America before that RedNeck really gets pissed off :D


Re: The Iran Thread

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:19 am
by AzariLoveIran

The Times cited Michael V. Hayden, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 2006 to 2009, who explicitly declared that pulverizing Iran’s nuclear facilities is “beyond the capacity” of Israel.

Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula told the Times that, “All the pundits who talk about ‘Oh, yeah, bomb Iran,’ it ain’t going to be that easy.”

Deptula, served as the US Air Force’s top intelligence official until last year, and oversaw the air military strikes conducted in the 2001 Afghanistan War theater in 2001, and during the first Gulf war in 1991 in Iraq.