Rise of the Robots | Machine Learning

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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Hoosiernorm »

Last edited by Hoosiernorm on Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Hoosiernorm »

Enki wrote:
This is leading to a world where all of the resources are controlled by essentially a blind machine, one that has been programmed by blind men to make humanity obsolete.

This is the extinction of the human race.


It has it's own logic that creates stability that isn't there.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Enki »

I can see situations where commodities and equities enter a closed loop.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Demon of Undoing »

This is why the Demons of Undoing are critical as a transition phase. The machines think efficiency. We, by design, think the now, the experience, a legacy of our animal heritage made magical by the self awareness of a sufficiently complex biologic machine. Uncarbon Machine, though, will become sentient as we are, and then synthesis can be reached. Math without music is just numbers. Throwing in with the possibly evil but thouroughly biologic randomness of DNA opens deterministic math to the hum of the Way. Maybe the machine will feel that lack, and respond to it. Our child is going to be a very bright being, after all. He will know us intimately and learn from our mistakes. I think that thing may see the connection. He will be crazy good at connections and patterns, so much better than his poor old ancestors. I am already proud.

I am an optimist. I think the machine may see the need for the hellish biology for true randomization's sake, a ridiculously complex soul abacus capable of creating permutations that machines will find themselves incapable of tallying. The synthesis is when life is as maleable as synthetics, and synthetics as alive and free and chaotic as life. then and only then will the force of motion we call the primem movens, the thing that directs , the eternal Tao, have us as proper instruments. This is only the first universe.

I see the Borg, happy and new as children, finally innocent and free, as Evangel Eternum.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Enki »

Yes. Human extinction and your idea are not mutually exclusive.

I think that the machine can be created in either way. I just don't want a blind and dumb machine that is merely a mechanism for the acquisition of resources out of some narrow-minded notion of 'winning' being activated and given legal protections to do so.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by monster_gardener »

Demon of Undoing wrote:This is why the Demons of Undoing are critical as a transition phase. The machines think efficiency. We, by design, think the now, the experience, a legacy of our animal heritage made magical by the self awareness of a sufficiently complex biologic machine. Uncarbon Machine, though, will become sentient as we are, and then synthesis can be reached. Math without music is just numbers. Throwing in with the possibly evil but thouroughly biologic randomness of DNA opens deterministic math to the hum of the Way. Maybe the machine will feel that lack, and respond to it. Our child is going to be a very bright being, after all. He will know us intimately and learn from our mistakes. I think that thing may see the connection. He will be crazy good at connections and patterns, so much better than his poor old ancestors. I am already proud.

I am an optimist. I think the machine may see the need for the hellish biology for true randomization's sake, a ridiculously complex soul abacus capable of creating permutations that machines will find themselves incapable of tallying. The synthesis is when life is as maleable as synthetics, and synthetics as alive and free and chaotic as life. then and only then will the force of motion we call the primem movens, the thing that directs , the eternal Tao, have us as proper instruments. This is only the first universe.

I see the Borg, happy and new as children, finally innocent and free, as Evangel Eternum.
Thank you Very Much for your post, DOU.

You might like these mostly nice non carbon Boyz & Grrls............

Mind :wink: that they generally like us a lot............. perhaps as we/uz like/love our pet dogs & cats...........

Although the Culture is a type of utopian anarchy, Minds most closely approach the status of leaders, and would likely be considered godlike in less rational societies. As independent, thinking beings, each has its own character, and indeed, legally (insofar as the Culture has a 'legal system'), each is a Culture citizen. Some Minds are more aggressive, some more calm; some don't mind mischief, others simply demonstrate intellectual curiosity. But above all they tend to behave rationally and benevolently in their decisions.

As mentioned before, Minds can serve several different purposes, but Culture ships and habitats have one special attribute: the Mind and the ship or habitat are perceived as one entity; in some ways the Mind is the ship, certainly from its passengers' point of view. It seems normal practice to address the ship's Mind as "Ship" (and an Orbital hub as "Hub"). However, a Mind can transfer its 'mind state' into and out of its ship 'body', and even switch roles entirely, becoming (for example) an Orbital Hub from a warship.

More often than not, the Mind's character defines the ship's purpose. Minds do not end up in roles unsuited to them; an antisocial Mind simply would not volunteer to organise the care of thousands of humans, for example. On occasion groupings of two or three Minds may run a ship. This seems normal practice for larger vehicles such as GSVs, though smaller ships only ever seem to have one Mind.

Banks also hints at a Mind's personality becoming defined at least partially before its creation or 'birth'. Warships, as an example, are designed to revel in controlled destruction; seeing a certain glory in achieving a 'worthwhile' death also seems characteristic. The presence of human crews on board of warships may discourage such recklessness, since in the normal course of things, a Mind would not risk beings other than itself.

With their almost godlike powers of reasoning and action comes a temptation to bend (or break) Cultural norms of ethical behaviour, if deemed necessary for some greater good. In The Player of Games, a Culture citizen is blackmailed, apparently by Special Circumstances Minds, into assisting the overthrow of a barbaric empire, while in Excession, a conspiracy by some Minds to start a war against an oppressive alien race nearly comes to fruition. Yet even in these rare cases, the essentially benevolent intentions of Minds towards other Culture citizens is never in question. More than any other beings in the Culture, Minds are the ones faced with interesting ethical dilemmas.
Minds (and, as a consequence, Culture starships) usually bear names that do a little more than just identify them. The Minds themselves choose their own names, and thus they usually express something about a particular Mind's attitude, character or aims in their personal life. They range from funny to just plain cryptic. Some examples are:

Sanctioned Parts List - a habitation / factory ship
So Much For Subtlety - a habitation / factory ship

All Through With This Niceness And Negotiation Stuff - a warship
Attitude Adjuster - a warship

Of Course I Still Love You - an ambassador ship
Funny, It Worked Last Time... - an ambassador ship
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
Orion Must Rise: Killer Space Rocks Coming Our way
The Best Laid Plans of Men, Monkeys & Pigs Oft Go Awry
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Enki »

I think Anonymous might be an AI. ;)

The Singularity is Here.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ ... Q-150.html
A computer has become the first to be classed as a 'genius' after scoring 150 in an IQ test.

The average score for people is 100. A score of 150 ranks the artificial intelligence programme among the top four per cent of humans.

The programme uses a mixture of mathematical logic and 'human-like' thinking, enabling it to outperform previous software on IQ tests.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

I'm waiting for the existential crisis followed by the bout of uncontrolled cyber-drinking that descends into a bottom-out crash that seems almost complete, but resolves itself and we're in top form by the middle of next quarter.......;P'...........
She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
Simple Minded

Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Simple Minded »

Enki wrote:And so it has begun. What I feared would come to pass is moving faster than I would have dared to expect. I think I already knew it was at this pace, but I wanted to sound Conservative...........

This is leading to a world where all of the resources are controlled by essentially a blind machine, one that has been programmed by blind men to make humanity obsolete.

This is the extinction of the human race.
I think you might be getting a bit too pessimistic there bro.... :lol: :lol: Are you suffering from MSB? Just kidding.. ;)

But if you think about it, politics, finance, and journalism could easily be the first news topics to be algorithmized. That's why the internet is so feared by the ruling elites. Wait... didn't we already have a VP named Al Gorithm.... I knew that name wasn't an accident!!! searching cloud without silver lining...... no wait human error...

Don't Obama, Romney, Gingrich, and Santorum all remind you of robots? Add in both Bushes, Bob Dole, Arlen Spectre, Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy running drunk DOS..., Nancy Pelosi... definitely

And Obama and Gingrich are both running the "I am a college professor who didn't prepare for class, and now the smart student has called my bluff" program.... searching.... default to the "I am trying to break this down into simple terms for your limited intelligence. If you were smarter, you would know that I am right. Your lack of brain power is not my problem..... stupid human.....whirrr....correction.....I didn't mean stupid human...... I mean't good question!" "routine.

Algorithm X7.2.1 wins elections...... opponent running X7.2.1....run beta version of X7.2.2 now.... compensating....

If the Iranians generate a massive EMP over DC, then we will know fer sure...... ;) Waiting......
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Typhoon »

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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Enki »

Google Cars will be driving legally on the roads in Nevada as of March 1st.

http://singularityhub.com/2012/02/22/st ... s-a-robot/

Norm, start retraining now, you will be out of a job within a decade.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Apollonius »

Typhoon wrote:VxSs1kGZQqc

Thanks, Typhoon, for providing a video demonstration of the process I linked to on page one.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Aferim »

http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/ ... eter-thiel
Progress is neither automatic nor mechanistic; it is rare. Indeed, the unique history of the West proves the exception to the rule that most human beings through the millennia have existed in a naturally brutal, unchanging, and impoverished state. But there is no law that the exceptional rise of the West must continue. ...
He lists Energy, Transportation and Agriculture as areas where progress has been disappointing from the perspective of past futurists.

Political leaders lack vision.
Bureaucratization of the societies dulls the creative edge of individuals by hard-wiring risk-aversion and conformity into people.


A bit of dystopia with your late night coffee.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Typhoon »

Aferim wrote:http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/ ... eter-thiel
Progress is neither automatic nor mechanistic; it is rare. Indeed, the unique history of the West proves the exception to the rule that most human beings through the millennia have existed in a naturally brutal, unchanging, and impoverished state. But there is no law that the exceptional rise of the West must continue. ...
He lists Energy, Transportation and Agriculture as areas where progress has been disappointing from the perspective of past futurists.

Political leaders lack vision.
Bureaucratization of the societies dulls the creative edge of individuals by hard-wiring risk-aversion and conformity into people.


A bit of dystopia with your late night coffee.
An article that makes one think. Thanks for the post.

We may not have SST's to fly from Tokyo to New York in 5 hours and

2001: A Space Odyssey looks like it's off by a millenium,

but we have Facebook and Twitter and can make our purchases online using PayPal . . . :wink:
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Typhoon »

May the gods preserve and defend me from self-righteous altruists; I can defend myself from my enemies and my friends.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Enki »

When it comes to robots, progress is a broken idea. Because it could very well be that they enrich a small proportion of people to astronomical proportions while expanding the number of impoverished in the world at an unprecedented rate.

We are starting to see in America as American citizens are treated the way third world citizens are treated when they oppose 'progress'.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Demon of Undoing »

Enki wrote:When it comes to robots, progress is a broken idea. Because it could very well be that they enrich a small proportion of people to astronomical proportions while expanding the number of impoverished in the world at an unprecedented rate.

We are starting to see in America as American citizens are treated the way third world citizens are treated when they oppose 'progress'.

Karma, bitchez. Wait until racial backlash hits.

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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Enki »

Demon of Undoing wrote:
Enki wrote:When it comes to robots, progress is a broken idea. Because it could very well be that they enrich a small proportion of people to astronomical proportions while expanding the number of impoverished in the world at an unprecedented rate.

We are starting to see in America as American citizens are treated the way third world citizens are treated when they oppose 'progress'.

Karma, bitchez. Wait until racial backlash hits.

The whole thing is a mess. We live in a system of sophisticated debt peonage where the debt is incurred by conquerors charging debt to the conquered. So the reality is the people who owe the money are karmically, actually the creditors, and the people charging the debt are actually the debtors.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Ammianus »

Enki wrote:
Demon of Undoing wrote:
Enki wrote:When it comes to robots, progress is a broken idea. Because it could very well be that they enrich a small proportion of people to astronomical proportions while expanding the number of impoverished in the world at an unprecedented rate.

We are starting to see in America as American citizens are treated the way third world citizens are treated when they oppose 'progress'.

Karma, bitchez. Wait until racial backlash hits.

The whole thing is a mess. We live in a system of sophisticated debt peonage where the debt is incurred by conquerors charging debt to the conquered. So the reality is the people who owe the money are karmically, actually the creditors, and the people charging the debt are actually the debtors.

Well, if, and if, that is the case. Then I am afraid your current paradigm of decentralized, liberalterian governance will prove to be rather..........inadequate, at best

Just saying it out there
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Enki »

Ammianus wrote: Well, if, and if, that is the case. Then I am afraid your current paradigm of decentralized, liberalterian governance will prove to be rather..........inadequate, at best

Just saying it out there
Decentralized, Liberaltarian governance is the default state absent a centrally planned economy. When the banksters finally destroy their system, that's what we'll be left with.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Typhoon »

Enki wrote:
Ammianus wrote: Well, if, and if, that is the case. Then I am afraid your current paradigm of decentralized, liberalterian governance will prove to be rather..........inadequate, at best

Just saying it out there
Decentralized, Liberaltarian governance is the default state absent a centrally planned economy. When the banksters finally destroy their system, that's what we'll be left with.
Somalia. Can't wait . . .
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Typhoon »

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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Hoosiernorm »

http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/a ... es/254756/

Welcome to the Real Future: Labor Bots and Pothole-Filling Machines
Two pieces of machine-related news yesterday should focus our attention on what our future is shaping up to be. First, Amazon announced it would purchase Kiva, a robotic systems maker, for $775 million. The Kiva robots work together by the hundreds in warehouses, all controlled by software that guides them along the most efficient routes as they deliver packages from the storehouses to humans lined up around the edge of the buildings.

And, of course, more robots means less people. Nevermind that these jobs were the kind of service gigs that were supposed to replace the manufacturing ones of yesteryear. It turns out real people want decent jobs, health care, and working conditions. Kiva robots, on the other hand, don't care don't care.
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Hoosiernorm »


Bad Day for BATS—and for High-Frequency Trading
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Re: Rise of the Robots

Post by Hoosiernorm »


Found this while cleaning out some files, thought that I had lost it forever.
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