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Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:39 am
by Enki
It's fundamentally anti-Democratic. It's fundamentally anti-Republican.

I understand that's the way it DOES work. Of course I understand that, everyone does. Corruption and bribery are the normal way of doing business in Haiti too. And the more prevalent it is, the less prosperous the nation.

In China they execute people for it, and look at them...capitalist miracle!

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:40 am
by Enki
My Father has drafted legislation for lawmakers for years. It's not such a horrible thing on the face of it. But when the representatives don't even read it, well, something is broken.

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:24 am
by Mr. Perfect
Enki wrote:It's fundamentally anti-Democratic. It's fundamentally anti-Republican.

I understand that's the way it DOES work. Of course I understand that, everyone does. Corruption and bribery are the normal way of doing business in Haiti too. And the more prevalent it is, the less prosperous the nation.

In China they execute people for it, and look at them...capitalist miracle!
You may understand it but the fleabaggers clearly do not. They are "Occupying" Wall Street by their own words, and not Washington DC. If you have two criminal organizations in town and you only take out one, the one left simply grows more powerful. But I think that is probably the goal anyway, so it just didn't quite work out.

The fleabagging was built on sand from the start.

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:31 pm
by monster_gardener
Mr. Perfect wrote:
Enki wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:
Enki wrote:Except the foxes have been making the laws.
No the farmer has been begging the foxes to make the laws for them.
No, he hasn't.

Sometimes you need to be punched in the face. This is one of those times.

The farmer has actually been fighting Monsanto tooth and nail. There is a class action suit with almost 300,000 plaintiffs against Monsanto.
The farmer is the government. The fox is the businesses. The plaintiffs are the chickens.

You guys had it all wrong from the beginning.

Fleabaggers see businesses giving politicians money and say that they see a john paying a prostitute.

What is really happening is you are watching two people passionately in love with each other making love, with energy of a dozen suns.

You can't solve a problem if you fundamentally misunderstand it.
Thank you Very Much for your post, Mr. Perfect.

I wondered if you meant something like that but your terms were a bit confusable given that real farmers are involved.............
You can't solve a problem if you fundamentally misunderstand it.
Think that IMVHO you may be "mis-underestimating" us/US including OWS people like our friend Tinker Enki and weird Rednecks/Redhats* :wink: like me.............

Have seen how the Banksters Killer Klowns have their alternate residence as regulators in Washington..... Robert Rubin...........

The party doesn't matter that much........ Dems may do more damage (see below)........ But Repubs defend it more: the system where the farmers get ground down is sacred to them.... Hannity............ Rush.............

So really to a significant degree the foxes and the humans are more than just lovers: they are one and the same.....shape-shifters....lycanthropes......... often greedy/malicious ones .......... Blankfein........... Toure ......... Citibank......... PAULSON! :evil:

BTW There was also an Occupy Washington.......... IIRC they even lobbed a smoke bomb at the Obama White House.......

Brave......... Like the feudal Japanese "Peasant Revolts" that consisted of a sacrificial peasant putting a petition for tax reduction in the sedan chair of a Samurai lord................

Now seeing how the BioPirate Killer Klown Foxes do likewise............... Beginning to sound like a Very Bad Fox Folktale from Japan or Korea where the Kitsunes/Foxes in the stories are even nastier

*Of late going to the Dawg oops I mean puppy :wink:

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:15 pm
by Enki
Mr. Perfect wrote:You may understand it but the fleabaggers clearly do not. They are "Occupying" Wall Street by their own words, and not Washington DC. If you have two criminal organizations in town and you only take out one, the one left simply grows more powerful. But I think that is probably the goal anyway, so it just didn't quite work out.
The only person confused is you.

1) Occupy Wall St happened and Occupy Washington DC formed within like a week.
2) Occupying the paymasters makes as much sense as occupying the employees.

So you're really clueless on this. Occupy DC has been one of the biggest occupations, and Occupy Congress two weeks ago was one of the biggest actions in the movement thus far.
The fleabagging was built on sand from the start.
Nah, you don't really understand, and you're not going to. I tell you straight to your face, and you still don't get it. *shrugs* Occupy is about Direct Action first and foremost. So there are a lot of moves that have been made that are not about appealing to the psyche, they aren't about lobbying Congress or getting Wall Street to amend their ways, they are about showcasing ways that individuals can change the system directly and immediately. You know, like Bank Transfer Day.

Me and my people are moving on teaching people in the hood about 3D printing, and we're going to be moving on urban gardening.

You see seeds being planted and you're like, "Look a 500 year old redwood didn't spring forth from the initial sowing...failures.", when the reality is much different, it's that you have near perfect ignorance because you think that Occupy is just another Democratic party initiative, when it's not. The most conflict has been between Democratic officials and Occupy.

I just don't think you are capable of understanding, because your preconceived notions that are completely wrong, I correct them, and then you still repeat them.

Occupy DC was, I believe, the first occupation outside of NYC.

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:18 pm
by Enki
It's actually funny that you are so down on Occupy considering its so in line with Libertarian principles. Occupy has been busily building private institutions that rely on almost no money, and certainly no public money.

You know when Ron Paul says that services should be provided by local community organizations? Like your church or something? Well, that's what Occupy is doing.

And still you hate.

Meanwhile the Tea Party went directly for occupying government, they went straight to a 'state sponsored solution'. And yet you hate. Ironic no? Are you capable of recognizing irony?

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:28 pm
by Mr. Perfect
The movement calls itself "OWS", not ODC. I'm sure that is for a reason.

Libertarians do not concern themselves with 1%, or 99%. That is Us vs. Them politics.

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:57 pm
by Enki
Mr. Perfect wrote:The movement calls itself "OWS", not ODC. I'm sure that is for a reason.
OWS is an organization in New York City. The movement is 'Occupy Together'.
Libertarians do not concern themselves with 1%, or 99%. That is Us vs. Them politics.
Us vs them politics is the natural response when some people have more power than others. That's what you don't get about class obsession. As long as there is a boss, and a worker, there can be no liberty.

But if you'd actually decide you have love for the Constitution and allow people who are politically opposed to you to have their free speech and Democratic voice, then I'm willing to accept the American compromise of partial liberty.

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:19 pm
by Mr. Perfect
Enki wrote: OWS is an organization in New York City. The movement is 'Occupy Together'.
I did a google and OWS got while 24 million hits, OT returned "Occupational Therapy".

That's not because of me.
Us vs them politics is the natural response when some people have more power than others. That's what you don't get about class obsession. As long as there is a boss, and a worker, there can be no liberty.
Libertarians do not believe that. Marxists do.
But if you'd actually decide you have love for the Constitution and allow people who are politically opposed to you to have their free speech and Democratic voice, then I'm willing to accept the American compromise of partial liberty.
You don't see me denying anybody their speech. I hope the fleabaggers go on forever.

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:24 pm
by Enki
Mr. Perfect wrote:I did a google and OWS got while 24 million hits, OT returned "Occupational Therapy".
Yes, but look up the various Occupies, Occupy Oakland, Occupy Cincinnati, Occupy Nashville. Obviously they are not occupying Wall Street. I mean, that should be obvious shouldn't it? That you need to be AT Wall Street to be occupying Wall Street. Is that part confusing to you?
That's not because of me.
Sure, OWS was the first.
Libertarians do not believe that. Marxists do.
Yes, Libertarianism is an incremental step toward Liberty.
You don't see me denying anybody their speech. I hope the fleabaggers go on forever.
You just celebrate the systematic destruction of it and the creation of massive Federal bureaucracies meant to enforce right-wing standards on the US populace.

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:30 pm
by Mr. Perfect
Enki wrote:[
Yes, but look up the various Occupies, Occupy Oakland, Occupy Cincinnati, Occupy Nashville. Obviously they are not occupying Wall Street. I mean, that should be obvious shouldn't it? That you need to be AT Wall Street to be occupying Wall Street. Is that part confusing to you?
I don't think I'm confused at all. The fleabaggers may be confused because at any given city the placards are supposed to be about the 1-99% and WS banks, and then assorted other paraphernalia. OWS is a nice umbrella term they all seem to embrace, compared to say ODC. Which I haven't really seen anywhere as a national placard. I think there is a reason for that.
Yes, Libertarianism is an incremental step toward Liberty.
And Marxism ends up going the other direction.
You just celebrate the systematic destruction of it and the creation of massive Federal bureaucracies meant to enforce right-wing standards on the US populace.
I don't think I've supported the creation of a single Federal bureaucracy in my life. Can't think of any. I can list several dozen bureaucracies I would love to destroy, given enough time and motivation. I made a short list here the other day.

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:37 pm
by Enki
Mr. Perfect wrote:I don't think I'm confused at all. The fleabaggers may be confused because at any given city the placards are supposed to be about the 1-99% and WS banks, and then assorted other paraphernalia. OWS is a nice umbrella term they all seem to embrace, compared to say ODC. Which I haven't really seen anywhere as a national placard. I think there is a reason for that.
Yep, just as I thought, you are still thinking in terms of corporate hierarchical branding models. Sorry you are confused. Occupy is locally based, it's about Occupying WHERE YOU ARE. Occupy Wall Street is quite simply ONLY the people occupying WALL STREET. People in Occupy Oakland are not a NATIONAL movement, they are a LOCAL one. Same as Occupy DC. In New York people Occupy by neighborhood, so you don't hear about Occupy Sunset Park at all.
And Marxism ends up going the other direction.
No. Marxism is a critique of capital. Communism is a system of complete freedom and total Democracy without a government at all. It's funny how you talk about hating Government, but then you passionately oppose the people who truly hate Government. You're a dutiful slave.
I don't think I've supported the creation of a single Federal bureaucracy in my life. Can't think of any. I can list several dozen bureaucracies I would love to destroy, given enough time and motivation. I made a short list here the other day.
You think the Cold War was glorious right? The Cold War was the rise of the military industrial complex and the domestic surveillance state. Literally it was NOTHING AT ALL ELSE. It was systematic state sponsored murder. It was ALL big Government ALL the time. You LOVE the Government. You pretend to hate it, but you love it. You love it with all your heart.

One day, I will undermine your bourgeois false consciousness. I will turn you against the Government and toward Liberty. One day comrade. ;)

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:53 pm
by Mr. Perfect
Enki wrote: Yep, just as I thought, you are still thinking in terms of corporate hierarchical branding models. Sorry you are confused. Occupy is locally based, it's about Occupying WHERE YOU ARE. Occupy Wall Street is quite simply ONLY the people occupying WALL STREET. People in Occupy Oakland are not a NATIONAL movement, they are a LOCAL one. Same as Occupy DC. In New York people Occupy by neighborhood, so you don't hear about Occupy Sunset Park at all.
I'm more referencing the message, which is WS and the 1% (income earners). Not DC and the politicians. I'm sure it is that way quite on purpose.

A movement that had a clue would emphasize both equally, and make sure everyone got the message and that both campgrounds received equal emphasis. The emphasis has been Zucotti though, so...
No. Marxism is a critique of capital. Communism is a system of complete freedom and total Democracy without a government at all. It's funny how you talk about hating Government, but then you passionately oppose the people who truly hate Government. You're a dutiful slave.
Well correct me if if I'm wrong but my understanding is that on the way to C"omplete freedom and total Democracy" you go through a stage that looks a lot like the SU, Cuba and North Korea.

Funny how they never made it past that. Wonder why that happens.
You think the Cold War was glorious right? The Cold War was the rise of the military industrial complex and the domestic surveillance state. Literally it was NOTHING AT ALL ELSE. It was systematic state sponsored murder. It was ALL big Government ALL the time. You LOVE the Government. You pretend to hate it, but you love it. You love it with all your heart.
I love government in it's proper bounds, which would be the military and Law enforcement, who have always been tasked with surveillance. In fact, right from the start we tasked them with that, but gave them rules to live by (4th amendment). I like those rules.

Love that stuff.

Social Security and Obamacare, etc, not so much.
One day, I will undermine your bourgeois false consciousness. I will turn you against the Government and toward Liberty. One day comrade. ;)
I would love to see what part of the government you would like to get rid of.

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:44 am
by Enki
Mr. Perfect wrote:I'm more referencing the message, which is WS and the 1% (income earners). Not DC and the politicians. I'm sure it is that way quite on purpose.
Umm...the message has always been equally about both. You're mistaking us for the Tea Party that subdivided the message of the Boston Tea Party. The message of OWS is the exact same message of the Boston Tea Party. No corporate monopolies enriching private interests off of taxation while dictating terms to us about how we can govern ourselves. Same as the Boston Tea Party.
A movement that had a clue would emphasize both equally, and make sure everyone got the message and that both campgrounds received equal emphasis. The emphasis has been Zucotti though, so...
We do emphasize both equally. It's you who doesn't have a clue. Look, if you're not going to pay attention, even when I say things to you directly, what's the point?
Well correct me if if I'm wrong but my understanding is that on the way to C"omplete freedom and total Democracy" you go through a stage that looks a lot like the SU, Cuba and North Korea.
Only if you are adopting that model. Most of us find that model repulsive. You think about that model a lot more than I do. Based on how much you think about Marxism, you are more of a Marxist than I am. You're the one who is absolutely obsessed with Karl Marx. I don't think about Karl Marx much at all except when I am chatting with Republicans who can't seem to stop thinking about him.
Funny how they never made it past that. Wonder why that happens.

I would explain it, but we're still working on getting you to understand that OWS is about MONEY in POLITICS, and you keep saying it's only about the money and not about politics. So lets not confuse you with much more complex subjects. It's an easy answer, but since so much of this really easy stuff is going over your head, I don't feel like typing the paragraph.
I love government in it's proper bounds, which would be the military and Law enforcement, who have always been tasked with surveillance. In fact, right from the start we tasked them with that, but gave them rules to live by (4th amendment). I like those rules.
Like I said, you love the actual nannies. Ron Paul would be disgusted by this, and he would disagree with you passionately. He has made some very eloquent arguments about it in the recent debates. You should look into Ron Paul and listen to what he has to say. Foreign Imperialism is not 'National Defense' and forming a national bureau specifically to attack the left is not the same as 'having police'.
Love that stuff.
I know you do. Loving that stuff is hating freedom. You can't do both.
Social Security and Obamacare, etc, not so much.
We know, taking care of old people with a pension fund they paid into and actually reducing the cost of healthcare across the board chaps your hide. But stormtroopers beating leftists and spraying them with chemical weapons, turns you on. I know.
I would love to see what part of the government you would like to get rid of.
In the long-term or the short-term?

In the long-term: all of it.

In the short-term: any agency that serves no other purpose than to tell people how to live their day to day lives.

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 9:53 am
by Mr. Perfect
Enki wrote: Umm...the message has always been equally about both. You're mistaking us for the Tea Party that subdivided the message of the Boston Tea Party. The message of OWS is the exact same message of the Boston Tea Party. No corporate monopolies enriching private interests off of taxation while dictating terms to us about how we can govern ourselves. Same as the Boston Tea Party.
No, your own words refute you. Whenever you type "OWS" you only confirm that it is about Wall Street and not DC. With your own fingers you type "OWS". Self refuting typing on your part.

BTW, hilarious on the Boston Tea Party. The Tea Partiers were rejecting taxes, the fleabaggers want to raise taxes.
We do emphasize both equally. It's you who doesn't have a clue. Look, if you're not going to pay attention, even when I say things to you directly, what's the point?
You are free to practice poor PR, and I am free to make fun of you guys for it. It has been an enjoyable relationship for me so far.
Only if you are adopting that model. Most of us find that model repulsive. You think about that model a lot more than I do.
I enjoyed defeating it.
Based on how much you think about Marxism, you are more of a Marxist than I am.
That's like saying a cancer dr has cancer or is cancer. Very good comedy material on your part.
You're the one who is absolutely obsessed with Karl Marx.
No doubt about it. It has paid off in spades.
I don't think about Karl Marx much at all except when I am chatting with Republicans who can't seem to stop thinking about him.
That's how you win. Really study the opponent.
I would explain it, but we're still working on getting you to understand that OWS is about MONEY in POLITICS, and you keep saying it's only about the money and not about politics.
Other fleabaggers tell me it's about the 1% and banks. I'll let you guys work all of that out.
So lets not confuse you with much more complex subjects. It's an easy answer, but since so much of this really easy stuff is going over your head, I don't feel like typing the paragraph.
Fine with me. I will stick with subjects I know about. Like crushing Marxists. :)
Like I said, you love the actual nannies. Ron Paul would be disgusted by this, and he would disagree with you passionately.
Ron Paul isn't right about everything. :)
He has made some very eloquent arguments about it in the recent debates. You should look into Ron Paul and listen to what he has to say. Foreign Imperialism is not 'National Defense' and forming a national bureau specifically to attack the left is not the same as 'having police'.
Whatever you say. Foreign policy comes and goes, big government tends to stick around. RP will be very helpful with the latter, the former doesn't really bother me one way or the other.
I know you do. Loving that stuff is hating freedom. You can't do both.
Yes I can.
We know, taking care of old people with a pension fund they paid into and actually reducing the cost of healthcare across the board chaps your hide. But stormtroopers beating leftists and spraying them with chemical weapons, turns you on. I know.
Social security screws old people in a profound way and Obamacare does not reduce the cost of healthcare. The chemical weapon stuff is in Democrat cities, that is out of my hands.
In the long-term or the short-term?

In the long-term: all of it.

In the short-term: any agency that serves no other purpose than to tell people how to live their day to day lives.
Why do you think that after all this time you've never found a way to affiliate with a political movement that will even remotely reduce government? Why is that, do you think?

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:55 am
by monster_gardener
Mr. Perfect wrote:
Enki wrote: Umm...the message has always been equally about both. You're mistaking us for the Tea Party that subdivided the message of the Boston Tea Party. The message of OWS is the exact same message of the Boston Tea Party. No corporate monopolies enriching private interests off of taxation while dictating terms to us about how we can govern ourselves. Same as the Boston Tea Party.
No, your own words refute you. Whenever you type "OWS" you only confirm that it is about Wall Street and not DC. With your own fingers you type "OWS". Self refuting typing on your part.

BTW, hilarious on the Boston Tea Party. The Tea Partiers were rejecting taxes, the fleabaggers want to raise taxes.
We do emphasize both equally. It's you who doesn't have a clue. Look, if you're not going to pay attention, even when I say things to you directly, what's the point?
You are free to practice poor PR, and I am free to make fun of you guys for it. It has been an enjoyable relationship for me so far.
Only if you are adopting that model. Most of us find that model repulsive. You think about that model a lot more than I do.
I enjoyed defeating it.
Based on how much you think about Marxism, you are more of a Marxist than I am.
That's like saying a cancer dr has cancer or is cancer. Very good comedy material on your part.
You're the one who is absolutely obsessed with Karl Marx.
No doubt about it. It has paid off in spades.
I don't think about Karl Marx much at all except when I am chatting with Republicans who can't seem to stop thinking about him.
That's how you win. Really study the opponent.
I would explain it, but we're still working on getting you to understand that OWS is about MONEY in POLITICS, and you keep saying it's only about the money and not about politics.
Other fleabaggers tell me it's about the 1% and banks. I'll let you guys work all of that out.
So lets not confuse you with much more complex subjects. It's an easy answer, but since so much of this really easy stuff is going over your head, I don't feel like typing the paragraph.
Fine with me. I will stick with subjects I know about. Like crushing Marxists. :)
Like I said, you love the actual nannies. Ron Paul would be disgusted by this, and he would disagree with you passionately.
Ron Paul isn't right about everything. :)
He has made some very eloquent arguments about it in the recent debates. You should look into Ron Paul and listen to what he has to say. Foreign Imperialism is not 'National Defense' and forming a national bureau specifically to attack the left is not the same as 'having police'.
Whatever you say. Foreign policy comes and goes, big government tends to stick around. RP will be very helpful with the latter, the former doesn't really bother me one way or the other.
I know you do. Loving that stuff is hating freedom. You can't do both.
Yes I can.
We know, taking care of old people with a pension fund they paid into and actually reducing the cost of healthcare across the board chaps your hide. But stormtroopers beating leftists and spraying them with chemical weapons, turns you on. I know.
Social security screws old people in a profound way and Obamacare does not reduce the cost of healthcare. The chemical weapon stuff is in Democrat cities, that is out of my hands.
In the long-term or the short-term?

In the long-term: all of it.

In the short-term: any agency that serves no other purpose than to tell people how to live their day to day lives.
Why do you think that after all this time you've never found a way to affiliate with a political movement that will even remotely reduce government? Why is that, do you think?
Thank you Very Much for your post, Mr. Perfect.
Why do you think that after all this time you've never found a way to affiliate with a political movement that will even remotely reduce government? Why is that, do you think?
IMVHO Tinker Enki has approached doing that with his sympathy for Ron Paul.

He may have done it already, but all he/we/US have to do is pledge to vote for Ron Paul against Obama.

For Repubs, the bar is a bit higher: Vote for Ron in the Primary which I plan to do..........

Will not vote for Newt despite Mooning* :wink: for him (or is it at him :wink: ) UNLESS he pledges Ron, Rand or Gary as Veep.

*Or is it Moonbasing :wink:

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:20 am
by Enki ... cafeteria/

Monsanto's caterer does not serve Monsanto's product in the cafeteria.

Re: Monsanto and American Foreign Policy

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:31 am
by Enki ... rget-amish
CREDO, a publication of Working Assets, today began a campaign to educate consumers and ignite outrage about a former Monsanto lobbyist and his leadership in FDA food safety. CREDO asks:

Why is a former Monsanto lobbyist currently serving as the FDA's food safety czar waging war on small dairy farms that produce fresh milk?

Credo asserts that the the focus of the FDA has shifted under the leadership of former Monsanto lobbyist turned government regulator.

While factory farm operators are getting away with serious food safety violations, raw milk dairy farmers and distributors across the country have been subjected to armed raids and hauled away in handcuffs.

Not surprisingly, the person responsible for prioritizing armed raids on small dairies over holding agribusiness accountable is a former Monsanto attorney and chief super lobbyist. Monsanto's Michael Taylor is the second highest-ranking official at the FDA, and as Food Safety Czar is responsible for implementing the day-to-day policies that govern the food safety laws for the U.S.


Taylor has been leading a departmental crusade against small raw milk dairy producers. So far several dairy farmers have been subject to a year-long undercover sting operation from the East Coast to California.

No fines for factory farms with Salmonella-tainted eggs, instead the Amish are under attack

Incredibly, Michael Taylor and FDA inspectors have not arrested or fined the Iowa agribusinessman -- Jack DeCoster -- who was wholly responsible for the more than 500 million eggs that were recalled in 2010 salmonella-tainted egg recall Though this industrial agribusinessman endangered the health of millions. Michael Taylor actions show that he thinks Amish farmers producing fresh milk are more deserving targets. Under his leadership the FDA performs enforcement raids (with guns drawn) on the Amish .

While CREDO recognizes the inherent risks that are involved in food production, they assert that the FDA’s target is misplaced under direction of Monsanto’s Michael Taylor.