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Zionists versus IKEA [Re: Israel]

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 9:25 am
by Parodite
The question "was it worth it" suggests that the Jewish state was planned like Ikea considers building a new location in a not ideal, actually very risky environment. Of course, if despite all the bad projections Ikea's board of directors decides to go ahead with it and it goes south, such a question like "was it worth it" can quickly be answered with: is looks like it was a bad Idea.

Now for even a minimalistically educated person, this would be a silly question if it concerns big events in history: even a child understands that many things are not planned by people in a central command, and there are simply too many different and independent causes that at one point happen to come together, with outcomes not anticipated, let alone wished for, by anyone.

Despite this easy to understand reality, many people look for explanations and, for their own peace of mind, decide it must have been a conspiracy of sorts. You and Nonc Hilarious have a talent for this and, by no volition of your own, have to assume it is these Zionists who, like a board of directors of Ikea, planned all this to happen. Completely free to choose if, and where, to build their Jewish Ikea location. Sure, with hindsight, was Argentina or Madagascar not have been a better idea?

Your whole reading of this reality is so berzerk it boggles the mind. Only thing that shines through your nonsense is that bad news for Israelis is good news for HP; it makes him giggle even more enthusiastically. Together with his Mulla*s with mad cow disease. What a bunch you are.

Re: Zionists versus IKEA [Re: Israel]

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 3:32 pm
by Heracleum Persicum
Parodite wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 9:25 am The question "was it worth it" suggests that the Jewish state was planned like Ikea considers building a new location in a not ideal, actually very risky environment. Of course, if despite all the bad projections Ikea's board of directors decides to go ahead with it and it goes south, such a question like "was it worth it" can quickly be answered with: is looks like it was a bad Idea.

Now for even a minimalistically educated person, this would be a silly question if it concerns big events in history: even a child understands that many things are not planned by people in a central command, and there are simply too many different and independent causes that at one point happen to come together, with outcomes not anticipated, let alone wished for, by anyone.

Despite this easy to understand reality, many people look for explanations and, for their own peace of mind, decide it must have been a conspiracy of sorts. You and Nonc Hilarious have a talent for this and, by no volition of your own, have to assume it is these Zionists who, like a board of directors of Ikea, planned all this to happen. Completely free to choose if, and where, to build their Jewish Ikea location. Sure, with hindsight, was Argentina or Madagascar not have been a better idea?

Your whole reading of this reality is so berzerk it boggles the mind. Only thing that shines through your nonsense is that bad news for Israelis is good news for HP; it makes him giggle even more enthusiastically. Together with his Mulla*s with mad cow disease. What a bunch you are.

" Only thing that shines through your nonsense is that bad news for Israelis is good news for HP " .. Sad to hear this

HP is against Ntanyahu VISION of Israel .. but .. pro a secure and in harmony with all neighbours Jewish homeland.

When Kamal Pasha was inventing the "New Turkey", as Turkey's population was only 15% "Oghuz Turk" and the rest were Greek, Armenian, Kurds, Romanian, Ukrainian etc, he had to define who is Turk (to make sense of a Turkish Nation) .. he said "anybody speaking Turk is a Turk" .. so the "language" defined Turkish Nationhood

Theodor Herzl was an Atheist .. he did not believe in God, notion God gave Palestine to Jews was BS to him. He was raised with "TALMUD" and that made him a Jewish.

He had to define somethings to make sense for European Jews who were not welcomed in Western world to move to somewhere else.

Herzl knew the Jewish "believers", those who believed in God and Torah would never move to Israel as this not allowed in Judaism. He knew that only Atheist like him raised up with TALMUD would move to Israel as they not welcome in Christian world.

Recent events showed to the world that Natanyahu's Israel is not a Jewish homeland for Jews, but a Atheist Zionist one, meant as a "refuge" from West.

Parodite wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 9:25 am Only thing that shines through your nonsense . .

Go back to 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020 .. and .. look now at clips showing Israel's sky with all those Iranian drones and missiles flying over

And reflect who were talking nonsense .. NYT Thomas Friedman, all those Jewish neocon Pentagon advisers, even Natanyahu himself guarantying Iraq attack outcome .. who was talking "nonsense" ? .. reflect this .. we have the benefit of hindsight, know what was said and what was the result.

Calling what HP saying "nonsense" is a disservice to our beloved Jews, and a service to those IDI*TS who brought all those disastrous policies to America and west, look were things now @, Houthis fighting Western Navi and winning :roll:


Re: Israel

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 5:09 pm
by Typhoon
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Tue May 14, 2024 3:35 am
Parodite wrote: Mon May 13, 2024 10:55 pm It is undeniably true that Hamas needs to be destroyed. First things first. What should happen after that can wait a bit longer. There will be no 2-state solution, nor a 1-state solution for as long as these types like Hamas exist in Gaza and Westbank.

When they are gone, the same old question and hot potato will burn in Israel's lap:

1. If we want to remain a Jewish majority state it requires Israel to officially declare to have zero claims on both Gaza and Westbank. These territories then have to be unilaterally emptied from all Jewish presence. But then these Hamas types will grow back and prepare new assaults on the Jewish state, as Gaza has proven already. It is crazy to believe otherwise.

This then means that to create enough security for the Jewish majority state, Israel must keep controlling lands that are not officially theirs; build and maintain Jewish facts on the ground, in the form of settlements and a web of checkpoints, as the reason to be there.

This is the defacto reality for many decades already. Not ideal for Israel, but certainly hell for Palestinians. A good definition of Hell would be the current situation. Slow torture for all involved and zero light at the end of any tunnel.

Now if Israel doesn't want any of the above lavender to continue, there are only a few options left:

2. hope and wait for Miracle Moshiach to arrive. This usually is not of much help, it also didn't protect Jews from viscious pogroms. But, if you have zero realistic options left... why not.

3. Annex Gaza and Westbank and offer all its inhabitants citizenship, like all Israeli Arabs and Druze already enjoy.

But then Israel has no longer a secure Jewish majority: Israeli Arabs, now a really large volume, may smell victory over the Jews using democracy as their weapon, and eventually squeeze them out of the country.

Reality then will be an old phenomenon that usually resolves such a situation: civil war and it would not be less nasty then any of the other wars, this latest with Hamas included. 7-10 is what such a civil war would look like.

Conclusion: it wil be wars, civil wars, a bloody nasty hell no matter what. 1-state, 2-state, it all has the same end result.

The fight continues until one of the competing tribes has sufficiently destroyed and massacred its opponent(s).

It happens quickly, or is artificially stretched to last many decades: no real difference.

The 98% monkey doesn't care much about 2% messianic or intellectual thought processes.

Not sure Ben Shapiro is aware of his own 98% monkeyness. Fact is, that this 98% monkey is pure emotion and doesn't care that much about his own abstracted "facts", religious knowlegde or historical claims. It is a language our inner monkey doesn't understand anyways. Why bother? Just smash your enemies to pulp, what else is there.

It might be, that Nature doesn't like imbalances. For every Saint and truely innocent victim, you need a coupla psycho a-holes doing the dirty work of life: necessary, and it keeps the script interesting.


Well, is this all worth ? how can they live in middle of an OCEAN of Arabs that their #s increasing rapidly, now Yemen and Iraqi and Pakistani etc etc joining the fight ?

Polls say (I posted already), 75% of Palestinians inside Israel identify with Hamas.

If I were Jewish, I would have chose Argentina as Jewish homeland, let go Palestine for Palestinians :lol:

It not GoNa work

With what is happening in Gaza, aired on world TV, "White Men" (Europeans and Americans) getting over their "Holocaust complex". Things snowballing.

What we have here is, yet another, case of premature celebration.

You really should have it looked at.

Re: Zionists versus IKEA [Re: Israel]

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 11:47 pm
by Parodite
HP, you truly are a hustler in irrelevent nonsense. The truth cannot reach your brain: there are millions of reasons*, circumstances, why people end up in a territory. Same is true for Israel. You make idiotic claims about which people are allowed to live in that territory, who should decide about its future, what is or isn’t a fair solution for everybody. It all is meaningless chewing gum.


Because once people, like all animals, occupy and control a territory, they need that territory to live and will therefor defend it tooth and nail. How they got there exactly, is irrelevant. They are there is the only thing that matters.

You can have opinions about it, for instance that certain people with background abc don’t have the right to be there… but it is mute and borders psychotic thinking. The only comfort you have, is that you are not the only delusional one in town.

Even if aliens came to earth, having mixed successes to integrate, end up facing off against human tribes in an everything or nothing fight over life and territory… conquer some territory and put their flag on top of the highest hill, I would also and for the same reasons accept and respect that territory and its borders, why? They happen to be there, a new reality that better be accepted and respected.

The only alternative would be to one day attack them again, hoping to reclaim what I consider is mine, or think is unfair to previous occupiers of that land “who were there first”. But you know what mother Nature would think of that:

“You are nuts! In nature, the only reason you have a territory is because you, or others before you, won a territorial battle. Winning is all you need, and all rights come with victory.

To conquer and defend is the operational reality for all species, individual organisms, tribes, for millions of years. The human monkey is no exception, and never will be.

The only option you have as a 98% chimp, is use your extra 2% to respect territorial borders as they happen to be. At least, if you love peace more than the thrills of war.”

Trust Mother nature HP, she knows whats best for you.

* Forgot to mention one major reason: most people just happen to be born in an already existing territory.

What you wanna tell them, those Israeli kids when they are able think about the issue: f-off and get out, you have no right to be here! Your grandparents were Ashkenazim Jews from Europe! Go ask for a Jew-country within Germany, not make us pay for their sins! All surrounding Muslims hate you for it and won't mind kicking you out, kill you if they have to! Many would enjoy the bloodlust! It's not safe for you here! We care about our beloved Jews! Behave sensibly!

Iranian dope.

Re: Israel

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 6:45 pm
by Heracleum Persicum

Israel Descends Into Barbarism :lol: :lol:

What inspires Biden’s devotion to Zionism ?

We should note that Zionism was despised by many of the most famous and distinguished Jews.

In 1930 there was a campaign for the Yishuv, a Jewish settlement in Palestine, and one of the organizers, Chaim Koffler, sent a letter to Sigmund Freud requesting a written endorsement of what in effect Elan Pappé today identifies as the” ethnic cleansing” of the natives of Palestine.

Freud took his time replying :

“I do not think that Palestine could ever become a Jewish state, nor that the Christian and Islamic worlds would ever be prepared to have their holy places under Jewish care.
It would have seemed more sensible to me to establish a Jewish homeland on a less historically-burdened land.”

Wise man, Freud .. he said what HP sayin

A Classic, happened many times in Jewish History, unfortunately

and ... t-war-gaza ... le-in-gaza

Defence Minister Yoav Gallant saying the country should not be involved in ruling the besieged and bombarded territory once the fighting ends.

Israeli defense minister say that he believes it is a very bad idea to occupy and govern gaza.
What does that mean?
He means, they can't win and will lose if they keep staying there and that some political solution is needed.
That is an admission o losing.


Re: Israel

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 7:49 pm
by Heracleum Persicum

Re: Israel

Posted: Thu May 16, 2024 8:35 pm
by Heracleum Persicum

Re: Israel

Posted: Fri May 17, 2024 7:35 pm
by Heracleum Persicum

Re: Israel

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 6:21 am
by Heracleum Persicum

That Argentina episode was also Mossad work

Mossad did many such of these , in Egypt, in Syria to fool Jews to leave Arab countries and flee to Israel

Jews and Israeli know this .. American Joe only fooled by Zionist PR


Re: Israel

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 10:03 am
by Parodite
HP, you keep helping me prove my point, for which I will remain indebted forever: territorial wars are vicious and governed by biological instincts.

Mossad organises campaigns to make sure as many as possible Jews move to Israel and able to serve in the Army. Iran pressured if not coerced children to walk into Iraqi mine fields as cannon fodder. Stalins troops made sure Russian soldiers could only move forward or be shot in the back by their own people. Hamas and its religious wings brainwash children to make sure they love to kill Jews and see it as an honor to be killed in the process. Hitler sent hundreds of thousands of German youth into an insane war of conquest.

In all territorial confrontations worldwide throughout history, the patterns are similar. People sacrifice themselves voluntarily (if the brainwashing is done effectively) or are forced into war having no alternative but fight, or join ranks by something like the draft in the West. It is made very clear that to not fight for God and Country, means you are a coward, a traitor even.

It doesn't matter if one considers the cause justified, legitimate or not: once the blood starts flowing and the fight is over territory, don't expect reason, compassion, fairness.. any of our better angels, to play a role.

Mother Nature, in her infinite wisdom, seems to have made sure that if you have to fight and kill to survive... empathy, sympathy, noble thoughts about rights and justice, are all switched off; you'd die if they weren't. From civilized to killer psycho in 5 seconds.

Israeli Jews now find out the hard way, that conquering and keeping your own territory is a tough and dirty business. You get your hands bloodied: welcome to Monkey town!

Noble ethics, spiritual musings about Chosenness are worthy hobbies and help to psychologically survive being refugees as diaspora Jews, but are meaningless when you have to do business with other monkies in the neighborhood.

Jews are not better nor worse than anybody else when it comes to territorial needs and the associated behaviors to conquer and keep it.

Downside for Jews using legalese righteousness arguments to make their case for holding on to their territory is also that you give your competing adversaries a marketing tool to play the victim card with which they extract sympathy, money and weapons from sponsors around the world to fight you with.

As Jews and Israelis, better be bluntly honest and clear:

"We now live here, bad luck for those who don't like it. We conquered it with weapons, money, arm twisting and with our own blood on the battlefield in various wars; like all the rest of you did, now happily living in countries that came about in very similar ways, if not more bloody. Endless wars and civil wars.

He who is without sins, throw the first stone please. Or just shut the f up. Thanks!

You seem to be willingly and knowingly wanting to forget your own history, at least when you start judging the Jewish state and the plight of the Palestinians.

Why you hold us to much higher standards than yourself or your countrymen in the past, that you remember so proudly, but who behaved like monkey beasts from start to finish as well? And why you hold Arab Muslims to much lower standards respectively?

Just as a thought to chew on: Christians look up to Jews but look down on Muslims, and configure their expectations or demands accordingly. (Ask Dr Phil for the psychological mechanics of this phenomenon)

We don't feel obliged to behave better than any of you apes do or did, nor do we want to be the noble exception. Not even as a chosen people. We are exactly like you when it comes to territory.

The rest of you can get our monkey middle finger, and it is a huge one. We are not your parents, nor a pet you can kick around as you please."

Re: Israel

Posted: Sat May 18, 2024 4:19 pm
by Heracleum Persicum
Parodite wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 10:03 am HP, you keep helping me prove my point, for which I will remain indebted forever: territorial wars are vicious and governed by biological instincts.

Mossad organises campaigns to make sure as many as possible Jews move to Israel and able to serve in the Army. Iran pressured if not coerced children to walk into Iraqi mine fields as cannon fodder. Stalins troops made sure Russian soldiers could only move forward or be shot in the back by their own people. Hamas and its religious wings brainwash children to make sure they love to kill Jews and see it as an honor to be killed in the process. Hitler sent hundreds of thousands of German youth into an insane war of conquest.

In all territorial confrontations worldwide throughout history, the patterns are similar. People sacrifice themselves voluntarily (if the brainwashing is done effectively) or are forced into war having no alternative but fight, or join ranks by something like the draft in the West. It is made very clear that to not fight for God and Country, means you are a coward, a traitor even.

It doesn't matter if one considers the cause justified, legitimate or not: once the blood starts flowing and the fight is over territory, don't expect reason, compassion, fairness.. any of our better angels, to play a role.

Mother Nature, in her infinite wisdom, seems to have made sure that if you have to fight and kill to survive... empathy, sympathy, noble thoughts about rights and justice, are all switched off; you'd die if they weren't. From civilized to killer psycho in 5 seconds.

Israeli Jews now find out the hard way, that conquering and keeping your own territory is a tough and dirty business. You get your hands bloodied: welcome to Monkey town!

Noble ethics, spiritual musings about Chosenness are worthy hobbies and help to psychologically survive being refugees as diaspora Jews, but are meaningless when you have to do business with other monkies in the neighborhood.

Jews are not better nor worse than anybody else when it comes to territorial needs and the associated behaviors to conquer and keep it.

Downside for Jews using legalese righteousness arguments to make their case for holding on to their territory is also that you give your competing adversaries a marketing tool to play the victim card with which they extract sympathy, money and weapons from sponsors around the world to fight you with.

As Jews and Israelis, better be bluntly honest and clear:

"We now live here, bad luck for those who don't like it. We conquered it with weapons, money, arm twisting and with our own blood on the battlefield in various wars; like all the rest of you did, now happily living in countries that came about in very similar ways, if not more bloody. Endless wars and civil wars.

He who is without sins, throw the first stone please. Or just shut the f up. Thanks!

You seem to be willingly and knowingly wanting to forget your own history, at least when you start judging the Jewish state and the plight of the Palestinians.

Why you hold us to much higher standards than yourself or your countrymen in the past, that you remember so proudly, but who behaved like monkey beasts from start to finish as well? And why you hold Arab Muslims to much lower standards respectively?

Just as a thought to chew on: Christians look up to Jews but look down on Muslims, and configure their expectations or demands accordingly. (Ask Dr Phil for the psychological mechanics of this phenomenon)

We don't feel obliged to behave better than any of you apes do or did, nor do we want to be the noble exception. Not even as a chosen people. We are exactly like you when it comes to territory.

The rest of you can get our monkey middle finger, and it is a huge one. We are not your parents, nor a pet you can kick around as you please."


Well, Parodite, you got HP

Yes, true what you say above, very well said and appreciate your honest, unbiased analysis of where things are @ this time and point.


You don't mention the reality of what next

True with "We now live here, bad luck for those who don't like it.", but what is the chance Jews can keep the territory for long ? This happened in history many times, but disappeared soon as could not keep the bounty.

" We now live here, bad luck for those who don't like it. " was achieved only because West, Europe and US , wanted so , financed and looked the other way for all atrocities inflicted on indigini.

What HP sayin and sayin is West now retreating, Natanyahu's Israel costing West too much money, politically (within US and Europe AND internationally), worldwide prestige, strategically (even tactically when Ukraine war considered, draining western military).

What HP sayin, Wise Jews know conquering was the easy part, holding to it (long term) is what counts, key is who laughs last.

Israel in present shape has ZERO change to still be around in 30 yrs, let alone 50 yrs .. Western Asia, Muslims now gaining rapidly strength, militarily and (geopolitical) strategically and economically, Iran just announce program for sending astronaut .. when at the same time West, Europe and America retreating from all fronts, economically and militarily, and losing geopolitical advantages they had, Houthis pretty much beat NATO Navy and closed down Bab-Al-Mandab .. many such "weaknesses".

In that kind of situation, Natanuahy's Israel has no chance .. what we saw last 8 months was just a small sample

Only power who can guaranty a "Jewish Homeland" for the Ashkenazim are the Middle Eastern people, the mass (not the Sheikhs).

More important than raising the bet, is to know when folding the hand.

Talk to Iran :) .. Mull*hs can fix all this .. they have the credential with mass


Re: Israel

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 2:33 am
by noddy
once israel is destroyed and all the celebrations are finished as the mighty middle east restores its pride.

it will still be backwards shithole full of angry little men looking to blame someone else for their low standing in the world.

Re: Israel

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 4:19 am
by noddy
Yemen, the Houtis.
Yemen is one of the least developed countries in the world,[30] facing significant obstacles to sustainable development,[31] and is one of the poorest countries in the Middle East and North Africa.[32] In 2019, the United Nations reported that Yemen had the highest number of people in need of humanitarian aid, amounting to about 24 million individuals, or nearly 75% of its population.[33] As of 2020, Yemen ranked highest on the Fragile States Index[34] and second-worst on the Global Hunger Index, surpassed only by the Central African Republic.[34] Additionally, it has the lowest Human Development Index out of all non-African countries.
wasting all its resources on trying to kill the jews.

Re: Israel

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 1:40 pm
by Nonc Hilaire
Yemen is being paid to mess up shipping.

They are making money not wasting it.

Re: Israel

Posted: Sun May 19, 2024 5:45 pm
by Heracleum Persicum
Nonc Hilaire wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 1:40 pm Yemen is being paid to mess up shipping.

They are making money not wasting it.



Re: Israel

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 5:25 am
by Typhoon
Nonc Hilaire wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 1:40 pm Yemen is being paid to mess up shipping.

They are making money not wasting it.
So they'll do anything for money but improve the lot of their own people.

Re: Israel

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 5:32 am
by Typhoon
noddy wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 2:33 am once israel is destroyed and all the celebrations are finished as the mighty middle east restores its pride.

it will still be backwards shithole full of angry little men looking to blame someone else for their low standing in the world.

The cognitive dissonance between the belief that Islam is the greatest not to mention the one and only true religion and the reality that the Islamic nations have not made a significant contribution to civilization since the about the 13th century is a wonder to behold.

Re: Israel

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 5:32 am
by Typhoon

Re: Israel

Posted: Mon May 20, 2024 2:42 pm
by Parodite
HP, I'm glad you can look at the past and the often ugly reality that brought us all here, wherever we are.

My observations are not very popular, which is not surprising: who wants to be a 98% ape? Or be remembered to be one? :D I self-identify as a sub-species of the human honest monkey; Homo Simia Honestus which benefits me every day.

My Jewish in-laws in Israel are not impressed nor convinced by my winked remarks that there is nothing special about the Israeli-Pal conflict; same-old monkey town territorial tribal battle as any, anywhere.

But your point is taken: all well and good, where to go from here-now? You say that only the people of the Middle East can decide what works for them, what is fair to Palestinians. Of course the neighborhood matters. But right now, what you say is irrelevant: what a neighborhood wants only matters post-war.

Will everybody accept and respect the borders as they happen to exist when the battles are over? Or, are the people in this neighborhood forever challenging these new fragile post-war borders, over and over again?

How long is the past allowed to destroy the future?

Explained many times: war is a bushfire that will burn itself out. Of course, with a very strong arm of law enforcement, a battalion of fire fighters... it can be stopped. But a war is a war because there is nothing to stop it from burning. Until there is no fuel left on one, or both sides.

Cyrus III knows all this, which is why he holds the key to peace. He doesn't require anybody to be much more than an ape. Only asking to use that 2% extra intelligence, and understand that once new borders emerge after the wildfire burned itself out, these new borders have to be respected in the future.

The only alternative would be another bloody ff-ing war; you again set the entire bush on fire. Never worth it, you will traumatize new generations on both sides, charge many of them with a burning desire to revenge in the future; fueling the next war, and wars after that potentially.

What matters, and key to peace, is what happens after war, only then everybody in the neighborhood can sit together and try deal with a new reality. New borders and thousands of traumatized victims who survived, start reconciliation and create a better future. Get your own houses in order.

Cyrus III has a serious advice for winners of wars:

Draw your final borders immediately and make them unnegotiable. Then, and only then talk about peace, reconciliation and together in your neighborhood decide never to challenge territorial borders again.

Become neighbors that respect fences. It is the One Holy Command Cyrus III will force upon you; he likes to keep things as simple as possible, monkey level. If a 5 year old can't get it, then forget about it.

The difference between war and peace is not rocket science. It is in fact, very simple and easy to live without wars. The biggest enemy of peace is an overload of ideology, religious or political, that disguises as wisdom.

In your own free time, within your own little territory with that lovely fence, alone or with friends, you can think of yourself whatever you want: be a Chosen Jew, a servant of the last Prophet Mohammed, do Zen meditations and torture your mind with koans, get drunk on Vedantic poetry, claim that God does or doesn't exist, identify as a man, a woman or a lamppost if you have to; all is allowed and protected by law.

But, those who decide to challenge fences or worse, territorial borders... will be met with zero tolerance.

Forgiveness however is also very important. Nobody is perfect, everybody deserves a 2nd, a 3rd chance and return to our 2% common sense wisdom, which is all we have.


Re: Israel

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:01 pm
by Heracleum Persicum
Typhoon wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 5:25 am
Nonc Hilaire wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 1:40 pm Yemen is being paid to mess up shipping.

They are making money not wasting it.
So they'll do anything for money but improve the lot of their own people.

No pain no gain

Re: Israel

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:02 pm
by Heracleum Persicum
Typhoon wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 5:32 am
noddy wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 2:33 am once israel is destroyed and all the celebrations are finished as the mighty middle east restores its pride.

it will still be backwards shithole full of angry little men looking to blame someone else for their low standing in the world.

The cognitive dissonance between the belief that Islam is the greatest not to mention the one and only true religion and the reality that the Islamic nations have not made a significant contribution to civilization since the about the 13th century is a wonder to behold.



Re: Israel

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:54 pm
by Heracleum Persicum
Parodite wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 2:42 pm HP, I'm glad you can look at the past and the often ugly reality that brought us all here, wherever we are.

My observations are not very popular, which is not surprising: who wants to be a 98% ape? Or be remembered to be one? :D I self-identify as a sub-species of the human honest monkey; Homo Simia Honestus which benefits me every day.

My Jewish in-laws in Israel are not impressed nor convinced by my winked remarks that there is nothing special about the Israeli-Pal conflict; same-old monkey town territorial tribal battle as any, anywhere.

But your point is taken: all well and good, where to go from here-now? You say that only the people of the Middle East can decide what works for them, what is fair to Palestinians. Of course the neighborhood matters. But right now, what you say is irrelevant: what a neighborhood wants only matters post-war.

Will everybody accept and respect the borders as they happen to exist when the battles are over? Or, are the people in this neighborhood forever challenging these new fragile post-war borders, over and over again?

How long is the past allowed to destroy the future?

Explained many times: war is a bushfire that will burn itself out. Of course, with a very strong arm of law enforcement, a battalion of fire fighters... it can be stopped. But a war is a war because there is nothing to stop it from burning. Until there is no fuel left on one, or both sides.

Cyrus III knows all this, which is why he holds the key to peace. He doesn't require anybody to be much more than an ape. Only asking to use that 2% extra intelligence, and understand that once new borders emerge after the wildfire burned itself out, these new borders have to be respected in the future.

The only alternative would be another bloody ff-ing war; you again set the entire bush on fire. Never worth it, you will traumatize new generations on both sides, charge many of them with a burning desire to revenge in the future; fueling the next war, and wars after that potentially.

What matters, and key to peace, is what happens after war, only then everybody in the neighborhood can sit together and try deal with a new reality. New borders and thousands of traumatized victims who survived, start reconciliation and create a better future. Get your own houses in order.

Cyrus III has a serious advice for winners of wars:

Draw your final borders immediately and make them unnegotiable. Then, and only then talk about peace, reconciliation and together in your neighborhood decide never to challenge territorial borders again.

Become neighbors that respect fences. It is the One Holy Command Cyrus III will force upon you; he likes to keep things as simple as possible, monkey level. If a 5 year old can't get it, then forget about it.

The difference between war and peace is not rocket science. It is in fact, very simple and easy to live without wars. The biggest enemy of peace is an overload of ideology, religious or political, that disguises as wisdom.

In your own free time, within your own little territory with that lovely fence, alone or with friends, you can think of yourself whatever you want: be a Chosen Jew, a servant of the last Prophet Mohammed, do Zen meditations and torture your mind with koans, get drunk on Vedantic poetry, claim that God does or doesn't exist, identify as a man, a woman or a lamppost if you have to; all is allowed and protected by law.

But, those who decide to challenge fences or worse, territorial borders... will be met with zero tolerance.

Forgiveness however is also very important. Nobody is perfect, everybody deserves a 2nd, a 3rd chance and return to our 2% common sense wisdom, which is all we have.



Well, Zionist have already lost the war .. that was foreseeable long long ago .. only fools would believe Ashkenazim could force themselves in


Now Israel could trigger fast track Western fall ... 024-05-21/

May 21 (Reuters) - The United States should slap sanctions on International Criminal Court officials who seek an arrest warrant for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a top foreign policy adviser to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Tuesday after meeting the Israeli leader.

Robert O'Brien, who served as Trump's fourth and final national security adviser, made the comments in a Jerusalem interview with Reuters after meeting Netanyahu and other Israeli officials during a multi-day visit to the U.S. ally.

In clear text, US government becoming partner and facilitator to a war criminal power. That would trigger Pali suing US for war "wieder good machung" and penalties , opening door to Iranian suing for Mossadegh CIA and Chile Salvador Allende etc .. Africa and India suing Brits and Belgian and French (and Portugal) .. :lol:

National courts could confiscate assets of those colonial powers .. Cargo ships could be confiscated, Airplanes confiscated, assets confiscated and sold in auction ..

Americans and Europeans doing this already with Russian frozen money, DISTRESS ASSET SALE .. now other start doing same

Interesting times ahead


Re: Israel

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 3:43 pm
by Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Israel

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 4:53 pm
by Heracleum Persicum

Re: Israel

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 5:40 pm
by Parodite
Mearsheimer is of course the No1 USA Cyclops Acadamnicus, lost in his own brainfog and for whatever reason, has general blurr and specific Jewface rorschach blob issues. :)

Bibi on an international arrest warrant list is good news for the more moderate Zionists who don't like him anyways, but agree that Hamas needs to be eradicated, whatever the costs to Palestinians and Israels standing in the world.

Netanyahu, with nothing to lose and nowhere to go, is the perfect hitman to do the dirty work, make it even dirtier. Excessive violence is the language of the Meddle East and the only one listened to. What's happening, is that Israel fits better and better into its environment, looking more and more like its neighbors. Another version of monkey town.

What HP probably means with saying that Israel soon is finished, is that the envisioned trying-to-be-civilized Western version soon is finished, as it becomes unattainable in that region.

Does that mean Israel as a Jewish territory is soon finished? That's far less likely. They have a very strong army and general willingness to fight. They have nukes and still a lot of friends in the world. Even without the West, as nasty territorial chimps they can put up very serious fights, as they have proven in the past.

They now also show their ability and willingness to flatten cities, blow up tunnels and shrug their shoulders when thousands of Palestinian civilians die in the process, an entire society destroyed. Athough they do take some symbolic measures to show a willingness and spare civilians.

When they feel they need to go psycho, they will go psycho. Just as all the other bleeps in that neighborhood.

This all is not an indication that they will soon be gone, but that they will stay around much longer, becoming another ME gangster state. It is a longstanding tradition there that topdog gangsters shake hands and do business, like cartels dividing the hunting grounds and loot. Doing each other offers they can't refuse.