Computer Games

A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants.
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Re: Computer Games

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

The people who I've seen try Slay the Spire become obsessed with it.
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Re: Computer Games

Post by noddy »

as far as strategy games go, its got an excellent mix of plans you can make based on the random luck of the system.

once you get the hang of its mechanics, it hides the spreadsheet and the "meta" better than any other game I think Ive played.

you get the cards you get, you can remove some, you can add some, they all have different synergies (or lack thereof) .. and its different all the time.
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Re: Computer Games

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

I played Shadows over Loathing which I thought was excellent. The humor isn't as surprising because its still within the range of "West of Loathing" but the game seems more focused and directed as a game while remaining well written and funny.

I've not played it multiple times as the different classes (warrior& rogue- I played as the mage class) and people still say it was not really balanced between the three; but it was better than the previous imbalance where it wasn't worthwhile to play as anything other than warrior, even if one wanted to unlock the other sidequests partners and routes.

Shadows Over Loathing Launch Trailer
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Re: Computer Games

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Sony showed off its late generation upgraded console: the PS5 Pro and then proceeded to make it 700 dollars/euros/pounds globally.

While I understand it is for the fanatical set; that's a ridiculous price point considering the current economic conditions and Sony's inability to produce games this console generation.

Once anyone is in that territory, may as well just go big on a gaming-geared pc.

Rumor is that now that Sony has gone; Nintendo will not be far behind with their next gizmo.


Meanwhile, I've been busy turning everything into soft mod retro machines. As the crack down on ROMS is starting to get effective, it's becoming more tempting to download everything not nailed down and sit on a pile of 40 years of games.
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Re: Computer Games

Post by noddy »

I have several GB of roms.. somewhere.. im sure.. on one of those drives in the cupboard which may or may not still work :/

the discipline required to keep moving that kind of thing from new storage to new storage every N years gets harder over the years.

specially since we arent very far away from windows or mac reporting you back to base for illegal material.

steam/gog on linux is probably safest, for longest. maybe.
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Re: Computer Games

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

No doubt we're at the precipice of open tattle telling.

Making sure to preserve a collection is very low priority but stuffing a Wii I was recently gifted with the Atari&up library and running that till it dies is not a bad deal.
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Re: Computer Games

Post by noddy »

I believe we are post precipice in terms of them knowing, but for now, they understand with both the phones and the computers they are only getting access to the "good stuff" because we still trust those devices.

this creates an environment that they sit of the data and only use it in the aggregate, with plausible deniability about the murky details.

.. which reminds me to download all my gog installers. one day. maybe.
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Re: Computer Games

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Right. I meant that we are at that edge where there'll be no looking the other way.

Similar mistakes made by the music business will be repeated.

Some markets will be encouraged to continue in piracy (more likely they'll have little way to enforce it) and they'll be extra draconian to the places they do control to make up the loss.
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