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Re: Russia

Post by Alexis »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:Russia's Military Options in Ukraine
That is all fun and dandy a Kriegspiel - that German HQ training which Anglo-Saxons renamed a "war game".

However, it is but a spiel. Sorry, but on this Stratfor fellows are doing no more than armchair general work.

They have gamed many possibilities for Russian attack in Ukraine, they are explaining those with lists of pros and cons. They just forgot one thing... Political trumps Military, International Politics trumps concerns of Generals (especially of the armchair brand)... and they did not check whether any of this would make sense for Russia, politically speaking! :lol:

Minsk-2 agreements provide Russia with what it needed:
- Securize Ukraine out of Western block, because the separatist zone must be integrated back into Ukraine with special rights after Ukrainian constitution reform, which will prevent the whole of Ukraine from going too far within US and EU control
- Open up host of issues for Kiev, what with economic collapse sans civil war to explain it away, and greatly jeopardizes in the middle term the stability of the present Kiev power. With large probability, instable Kiev power will provide Russia with more opportunities in the future... not to enlarge separatist held territory, but to extend influence in the whole of Ukraine

Never forget that Ukraine as a whole has flip-flopped for many years between pro-US/EU and pro-Russia. 2004, 2010 and 2014 were swing years... and the list is not necessarily complete. It is in Moscow's interest to let Ukrainians within Kiev government reach taste the whole of the consequences of pro-Western alignment, especially economic ones. That's why people like George Soros are campaigning for US/EU... err especially EU financing of Ukraine. They have understood the danger. My prediction is that financial support to Ukraine by the West will be minimal to nonexistent.

For Russia, it is much more important to ensure that the whole of Ukraine remains outside of US firm control, than to enlarge this way or that other way the region under control of Ukrainian separatists. As it is, that region is large enough to play its intended role as a leverage. Any attempt by Russia-supported separatists to enlarge it would at best be useless, much more probably detrimental to Russia.
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Re: Russia

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News services reporting that Putino is back.

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Re: Russia

Post by YMix »

Alexis wrote:However, it is but a spiel. Sorry, but on this Stratfor fellows are doing no more than armchair general work.
People read Stratfor? :shock:
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Re: Russia

Post by Alexis »

Bored in meeting...

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Re: Russia

Post by Alexis »

In Crimea...


... Keeping an eye on all those NATO ships!
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Re: Russia

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Re: Russia

Post by Typhoon »

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Re: Russia

Post by Typhoon »

Best explanation/speculation that I've come across to-date for Putino's ten day absence from the public eye:

cosmetic/plastic surgery
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Re: Russia

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All the wit and subtlety of a rinocherous in turgid heat.
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Re: Russia

Post by Endovelico »


Our East Asian, with his usual subtlety and evenhandedness, seems to think that poor taste propaganda comes only from one side... That's why I don't bother discussing with him...
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Re: Russia

Post by Parodite »

I agree that depicting Putin as Hitler is tasteless and inaccurate. I more see him and his Novorossiya accomplices as arsonist thugs.

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Re: Russia

Post by Parodite »

Novaya Gazeta

Novaya Gazeta (Russian: Новая газета, translated as New Gazette) is a Russian newspaper well known in its country for its critical and investigative coverage of Russian political and social affairs.[2] Six Novaya Gazeta journalists, including Yury Shchekochikhin, Anna Politkovskaya and Anastasia Baburova, have been murdered since 2001, in connection with their investigations[3]

It is published in Moscow, in regions within Russia, and in some foreign countries. As of 2009, the print edition is published on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; English articles on the website are published more erratically. Businessman Alexander Lebedev and former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev own 39% and 10% of the newspaper, respectively, and the paper's staff controls the remaining 51% of shares. Since 2013, Lebedev is also the head of the "investigative department" of the newspaper.[4]

From their English version online newspaper:
“It seems right to initiate the annexation of the eastern regions of Ukraine to Russia”


Novaya Gazeta publishes a plan of alienating a range of Ukraine’s territories by Russia, which was drawn up at the time when Yanukovich was still the President of the country.

Novaya Gazeta got at its disposal a document that, presumably, was brought to the Administration of the President last year, within the period between February 4 and February 12, 2014.

According to the information available to us and opinions of the experts whom we shared this policy brief with for their analysis, “orthodox businessman” Konstantin Malofeev* contributed (perhaps, directly) to its preparation.

The document we publish is interesting by the fact that, at the early stages of the Ukrainian political crisis – i.e. before Yanukovich escaped from Kiev and “Banderist junta” came to power, it spells out in detail, step by step, the justification as well as the political and PR logistics of Russia’s intervention in Ukraine’s affairs and the separation of the Crimea and eastern regions from Ukraine. And, even though the real course of the Ukrainian drama introduced some corrections, a basically high degree of coincidence between the “Malofeev’s project” and further activities of the Russian authorities is striking.

The text published was somewhat reduced. The original spelling and punctuation are mostly unaltered.

Comments of Novaya Gazeta’s editorial staff

This policy brief has several peculiarities.

1. As we mentioned, it was created before the escape of Yanukovich and prior to the time when new temporary authorities from among the “systemic opposition” came into power. Meaning that it happened before the time that in Moscow was characterized as a “take-over” and became the main justification of its further actions.

2. The policy brief is disparaging Yanukovich who later, in the public environment, will be presented by Russia as a victim of the take-over and the only legitimate leader of Ukraine.

3. The brief is made in a pragmatic – even cynical – style. It does not contain any “moral and historic” justifications of the Russian intervention in Ukraine. There are no thoughts about Novorossia, protection of Russian speaking citizens, about the Russian world and future Russian spring, but geopolitics and cold practicability only.

4. The authors of the document are preoccupied by the “legitimization” of introducing the Ukrainian territories into the “state and legal environment” of Russia. They, particularly, believe that the first step has a legal ground – mixed Russian-Ukrainian European Regions (for example, the European Region of Donbass includes Donetsk and Lughansk, as well as Rostov and Voronezh Regions) being members of the Association of European Border Regions. The authors are sure that using this legal instrument, the Ukrainian Regions with “stable pro-Russian preferences” can be dragged into the direct interstate and contractual relations, followed by “legitimate” referendums regarding self-determination.

5. The policy brief contains a number of gross falsifications of reality that had to show a responsive, forced nature of the Russian activities (the leaders of Maidan are recruited from among football fans and criminal world, they are controlled by Polish and British secret services; the USA and the European Union allow Ukraine’s disintegration, the European Union started the geopolitical intrigue to split Ukraine, etc.). Later, the Russian propaganda used all these reasons intensively.

6. The policy brief also contains many reasons of a geopolitical and economic nature, which had to convince the government in a necessity of immediate intervention into Ukraine and strengthening in such a way the Russia’s positions not only in Ukraine, but in Central and Eastern Europe, keeping its control over the gas pipeline systems through Ukraine, getting at its disposal the Ukrainian military-industrial complex located in the east of the country (to accelerate the re-equipping) and even substituting the “Central Asian” flow of migrants for the “Slavonic”, “western” one.

In general, one can state, that the recommendations of the policy brief authors with regard to the stepwise intervention of Russia into the Ukrainian affairs with the final purpose of capturing a range of territories of Ukraine were mostly implemented in the practical actions of Moscow:

- organization of the disobedience moves to Kiev regime in the regions with pro-Russian climate;

- “political legitimization” and “moral justification” of this process;

- statement by the rioters of demands to simplify the procedure of holding referendums in Ukraine;

- subsequent statement of demands of “federalization” and even “confederalization”;

- a demand of entry by the Crimea and south-eastern regions into the Customs Union independently of Kiev;

- holding “legitimate” and “honest” referendums regarding self-determination and uniting with Russia;

- active PR support of these processes in the Russian and Ukrainian media.

The authors of the document made a significant mistake in their determination of the regions tending more than others towards the integration with Russia: they mention the Crimea and Kharkov Region, believing that the “empire of Akhmetov”, Donetsk Region, is less promising. The reality brought its correctives into these considerations. But in general the scheme was implemented.


Editor of the Novaya Gazeta’s Politics Department


Multi-millionaire Malofeev – a founder and “managing partner” of Marshall Capital Partners equity investment foundation, the largest minority shareholder of Rostelecom (about 10% of shares), a member of the Supervisory Board of the Safe Internet League (he is regarded as an initiator of creating black lists of websites), the Chairman of Basil the Great Sanctifier Charity Fund, as well as the person known for his active support of separatists in the Crimea and the east of Ukraine – with his ideas, money, and staff (particularly, Girkin-Strelkov and Boroday are the persons working in his structures). Actually, Malofeev did a great favour to the Kremlin: his PR experts and “reenactors” sparked and heated up a conflict in the Crimea and Donbass, having handed the baton to volunteer soldiers and “vacationists”, and saved Russia from having a status of “a party to a conflict”, at least, an official one.

But Malofeev is known for other things, too. He is involved in a range of scandals that became a subject of consideration by judicial bodies and came into possession of mass-media. Here are the loudest of them. At the end of 2012 – beginning of 2013, the Russian law enforcement bodies made searches at Konstantin Malofeev’s house and the Marshall Capital’s office since the Investigation Department of the Ministry of the Interior initiated a criminal case under Art. 159 Part 4 (fraud) with regard to stealing more than $200 mln from VTB Bank. VTB accused Malofeev of his failure to return the loan granted to Russagroprom in 2007 to buy Nutritek company (Marshall was its major shareholder at that time). Earlier, in 2009, VTB Capital plc had already filed a lawsuit with the London Court against Konstantin Malofeev as a former co-owner of Nutritek, supposing that it had become a victim of fraud. In August 2011, the High Court of London decided to freeze Malofeev’s assets. Later on, the parties settled the case amicably. Consequently, the VTB’s claim submitted to the Ministry of the Interior was also withdrawn.

The day before the searches, Konstantin Malofeev was removed from elections of deputies to Znamensky Rural Council in Smolensk Region by resolution of Vyazemsky District Court. He intended to become a senator as a result of this election, but the court found him involved in vote buying.
Something for Endo to consider.
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Re: Russia

Post by Typhoon »

Endovelico wrote: ... itler1.jpg

Our East Asian, with his usual subtlety and evenhandedness, seems to think that poor taste propaganda comes only from one side... That's why I don't bother discussing with him...
As evil villains go, Putino is still something of an amateur when compared to world-class evil such as the psychopaths Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

A "half sh*t" in Švejk's taxomony of assholes.

So you're quite correct, such a Godwin-invoking comparison only dilutes the memory of the evil that Hitler did.

It also lacks the sense of tradition, context, and gob-smacking turgidity of the Russian agitprop poster.
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Re: Russia

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Re: Russia

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Lots of non-penetrating cannon damage on the outside. This BUK-fukked conspiracy theory accounts for only a 'fragment' of the evidence at best.
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Re: Russia

Post by Parodite »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Lots of non-penetrating cannon damage on the outside. This BUK-fukked conspiracy theory accounts for only a 'fragment' of the evidence at best.
How so? Maybe an exploding BUK produces penetrating and non-penetrating cannon-like impacts. I would say, why not use an old boeing 777 on remote autopilot and test what that type of BUK does if you shoot a 777 down with it?
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Re: Russia

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Parodite wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Lots of non-penetrating cannon damage on the outside. This BUK-fukked conspiracy theory accounts for only a 'fragment' of the evidence at best.
How so? Maybe an exploding BUK produces penetrating and non-penetrating cannon-like impacts. I would say, why not use an old boeing 777 on remote autopilot and test what that type of BUK does if you shoot a 777 down with it?
I would enjoy that, but my uneducated guess is there would need to more than one fragment to make all those holes. There should be a plethora of fragments found, not just one. Many round shaped fragments too.

This particular conspiracy theory is not going to be easy to sell to the public.
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Re: Russia

Post by Endovelico »

Parodite wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Lots of non-penetrating cannon damage on the outside. This BUK-fukked conspiracy theory accounts for only a 'fragment' of the evidence at best.
How so? Maybe an exploding BUK produces penetrating and non-penetrating cannon-like impacts. I would say, why not use an old boeing 777 on remote autopilot and test what that type of BUK does if you shoot a 777 down with it?
I'm a lot more interested in knowing why the Dutch refuse to release their report on this incident... Presumably it isn't released because it proves the Russians are not responsible or, even better, that the Ukrainians actually shot down the plane, as some independent reports seem to indicate.
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Re: Russia

Post by Parodite »

Endovelico wrote:
Parodite wrote:
Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Lots of non-penetrating cannon damage on the outside. This BUK-fukked conspiracy theory accounts for only a 'fragment' of the evidence at best.
How so? Maybe an exploding BUK produces penetrating and non-penetrating cannon-like impacts. I would say, why not use an old boeing 777 on remote autopilot and test what that type of BUK does if you shoot a 777 down with it?
I'm a lot more interested in knowing why the Dutch refuse to release their report on this incident... Presumably it isn't released because it proves the Russians are not responsible or, even better, that the Ukrainians actually shot down the plane, as some independent reports seem to indicate.
It is not true that the Dutch refuse to release their report: the official investigation group consisting of many experts (not only Dutch) will release their report end 2015. Dutch journalist Jeroen Akkermans of RTL-nieuws handed over his material to them just today. The group said they don't endorse his conclusions yet and want to do their own research first. They have retrieved quite a lot more material from the crash site.. so let's wait and see.

Nonc.. the BUK theory is not a conspiracy, it is just a good candidate under investigation.
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Re: Russia

Post by Parodite »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Parodite wrote:How so? Maybe an exploding BUK produces penetrating and non-penetrating cannon-like impacts. I would say, why not use an old boeing 777 on remote autopilot and test what that type of BUK does if you shoot a 777 down with it?
I would enjoy that, but my uneducated guess is there would need to more than one fragment to make all those holes. There should be a plethora of fragments found, not just one. Many round shaped fragments too.
I don't know how many fragments can be expected to be found at the crash site. My uneducated guess is that a lot of the fragments that hit the plane went in, through and out.. and are unlikely to be found in proximity of the bigger leftovers of the plane on the ground. Fragments that went only in.. but not through-out.. how likely are they to end up in proximity of the bigger leftovers on the ground? It is a long and violent way down for the bigger leftovers after the impact.. that themselves were pretty much dispersed over a very big area. So I'm not convinced that a plethora of fragments ought to be found; maybe if a huge area of 500 square miles would have been scanned meticulously with metal detectors.. which was not possible as we all know because of the civil war.
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Re: Russia

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Parodite wrote: Nonc.. the BUK theory is not a conspiracy, it is just a good candidate under investigation.
No, it's a conspiracy theory. A good candidate under investigation would have a motive. Cui bono?

Still, could be true. Sometimes conspiracy theories end up being true.
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Re: Russia

Post by Parodite »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Parodite wrote: Nonc.. the BUK theory is not a conspiracy, it is just a good candidate under investigation.
No, it's a conspiracy theory. A good candidate under investigation would have a motive. Cui bono?
It's a good "candidate" as for the projectile that downed the airplane. Who launched it and if they had a motive, maybe it was an accident, is the next chapter.
Still, could be true. Sometimes conspiracy theories end up being true.
It occurs to me that when it concerns issues within the USA you are as sharp as a razor blade. Outside... spin and fog take over. :P Americans... :|
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Re: Russia

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

Parodite wrote:It occurs to me that when it concerns issues within the USA you are as sharp as a razor blade. Outside... spin and fog take over. :P Americans... :|
I agree with your assessment. America is cloaked in an intellectual distortion field, and I am not exempt.
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Re: Russia

Post by Endovelico »

We may as well forget the whole thing. All the anti-Russia propaganda that could be extracted has been used, not very convincingly, so the whole incident has become utterly irrelevant. Except for the families of the victims. Whatever happens now in Eastern Ukraine will have nothing to do with the incident. That's maybe why the Dutch investigators are in no hurry to publish a report nobody will read. So, now on to the next false flag...
Simple Minded

Re: Russia

Post by Simple Minded »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:
Parodite wrote:It occurs to me that when it concerns issues within the USA you are as sharp as a razor blade. Outside... spin and fog take over. :P Americans... :|
I agree with your assessment. America is cloaked in an intellectual distortion field, and I am not exempt.
This would be a great thread to start in the philosophical list. Very theological.

Do Intellectual Distortion Fields exist?

Are they benign?

Did they create us, or do we create them?

Do we have the free will to choose the Intellectual Distortion Fields to which we subscribe? Are they forced upon us by society, the oligarchs, intellectuals, Zionists, mad mullahs, priest, liberals, conservatives, etc.?

Who has the best intellectual distortion field?

Who are the best, current prophets of the contemporary Intellectual Distortion Fields?
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