Ottoman Empire - II

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Heracleum Persicum
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Ottoman Empire - II

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Erdugan wears Arab outfits to revive Ottoman Empire

Hans, they foolin Arabs AGAIN


. . a new populist ploy: he appeared in Arab outfit instead of his formal attire, in contrast to the convention. Accompanied by his wife, Erdoğan talked to refugees, visited a women who had recently given birth to twins, while he was wearing Arab outfit of Saudi Arabian Wahhabists.


Erdoğan also was wearing a shoal bearing the FSA flag, and in quite interventionist remarks, he said that he had no doubt that Syrian government will collapse, and that the birth of new Syria is sacred, but like other births, it might be painful.


Erdoğan has recently posed as anti-Israel, but Yeni Asya, a Turkish daily, had reported that Turkey continues its relations with Israel secretly in security and diplomatic levels. This Turkish daily had it in its report a 58-per cent rise in Israel’s exports to Turkey, and Turkey’s export to Israel rise 42 per cent,making Turkey fourth largest exporter of goods to Israel.


poor Arabs, poor Arabs

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Re: Ottoman Empire - II

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poor Kamal Pasha .. poor kamal Pasha .. am sure he turning in his grave .. Plan is to wipe out any "secular" forces in Turkey , excuse (anf tool) is democracy :lol: .. replacing secualrism with islamist brings democracy :lol:

what a disaster
“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.”
To be sure, the decision to go for Karadayi can be attributed one hundred percent to Prime Minister Recep Erdogan. Erdogan is not only asserting the supremacy of civilian rule but is putting the fear of god into the minds of the Turkish Pashas that if ever they dared again to subvert the constitutional rule, there will be a price to pay.

A big slice of Turkey’s current history is breaking loose and drifting away. Karadayi was a four star general and a legend in his time. He had just retired from the army when I took up my diplomatic assignment as ambassador in Ankara in October 1998. Those were the halcyon days of Turkey’s Pashas.

don't know to cry or laugh

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Re: Ottoman Empire - II

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Caliphula Has Risen from his Grave!

Post by monster_gardener »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

poor Kamal Pasha .. poor kamal Pasha .. am sure he turning in his grave .. Plan is to wipe out any "secular" forces in Turkey , excuse (anf tool) is democracy :lol: .. replacing secualrism with islamist brings democracy :lol:

what a disaster
“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.”
To be sure, the decision to go for Karadayi can be attributed one hundred percent to Prime Minister Recep Erdogan. Erdogan is not only asserting the supremacy of civilian rule but is putting the fear of god into the minds of the Turkish Pashas that if ever they dared again to subvert the constitutional rule, there will be a price to pay.

A big slice of Turkey’s current history is breaking loose and drifting away. Karadayi was a four star general and a legend in his time. He had just retired from the army when I took up my diplomatic assignment as ambassador in Ankara in October 1998. Those were the halcyon days of Turkey’s Pashas.

don't know to cry or laugh


Thank You Very Much for your post, Azari.

Quite right..........

Kemal who wanted all religion to take a "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" ;)

But without a submarine...... ;)

Is probably rolling in his grave.........

This reminds me of what David Goldman Spengler wrote long ago far away in a different message board galaxy........... ;) :roll:

Caliphula Has Risen from his Grave!

Or at least is trying real hard.......... ;) :roll:

Probably Best to cry.........

And prepare some stakes........

Persia & the MADhi may have a competitor for Caliph/Heap Big Undead Muslim Monarch

And Infidels may have to face off against a Caliphate Kali Fate

Even though that is a Mixed Muslim Hindu Metaphor bad enough to make one Sikh....... ;) :lol: :shock: :roll:
For the love of G_d, consider you & I may be mistaken.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Caliphula Has Risen from his Grave!

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

monster_gardener wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

poor Kamal Pasha .. poor kamal Pasha .. am sure he turning in his grave .. Plan is to wipe out any "secular" forces in Turkey , excuse (anf tool) is democracy :lol: .. replacing secualrism with islamist brings democracy :lol:

what a disaster
“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.”
To be sure, the decision to go for Karadayi can be attributed one hundred percent to Prime Minister Recep Erdogan. Erdogan is not only asserting the supremacy of civilian rule but is putting the fear of god into the minds of the Turkish Pashas that if ever they dared again to subvert the constitutional rule, there will be a price to pay.

A big slice of Turkey’s current history is breaking loose and drifting away. Karadayi was a four star general and a legend in his time. He had just retired from the army when I took up my diplomatic assignment as ambassador in Ankara in October 1998. Those were the halcyon days of Turkey’s Pashas.

don't know to cry or laugh


Thank You Very Much for your post, Azari.

Quite right..........

Kemal who wanted all religion to take a "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea" ;)

But without a submarine...... ;)

Is probably rolling in his grave.........

This reminds me of what David Goldman Spengler wrote long ago far away in a different message board galaxy........... ;) :roll:

Caliphula Has Risen from his Grave!

Or at least is trying real hard.......... ;) :roll:

Probably Best to cry.........

And prepare some stakes........

Persia & the MADhi may have a competitor for Caliph/Heap Big Undead Muslim Monarch

And Infidels may have to face off against a Caliphate Kali Fate

Even though that is a Mixed Muslim Hindu Metaphor bad enough to make one Sikh....... ;) :lol: :shock: :roll:


Turkic tribes (over-running and) taking over Byzantine and (Baghdad) Muslim Khalifaat, derailed the history of that space, to the worst .. key reason for disaster befalling all that space is because of Turkic tribe overrun of all that space, unfortunately .. it was, Tchingiz Khan taking over a high civilization and holding it hostage when the western world was crossing the bridge of enlightenment into modernity

(Ossama) Islam was in decline before Turkic tribes broke out of central Asia into Persia .. Persian "Islamic philosophers" were reforming, transforming "Arab Islam" to Persian Islam, meaning reforming Islam by giving it a spiritual and philosophical DEPTH, making Islam rather a SPIRITUALITY than a primitive Arab tribal "ism"

That process was interrupted by Turkic tribes, lacking any higher civilization and culture (or ability of), taking over, AND, enforcing, "Ossama" Islam .. catering to Harems etc

The disastrous result (for that space) was : Arab Islam, Ossama Islam, was rejuvenated, strengthened .. and .. spiritual Persian Islam was weakened

The next 500 yrs, Ottoman Sultans were busy plundering other people's wealth and homes, and, use Ossma Islam as anchor of legitimization

Result was, that space, Persia , Central Asia, Damascus, Cairo, Andalusia and and and, centers of civilization and culture, were sidelined and lost the window to cross to modernity .. Ottomans fought Persian all that 500 years, considering Persia their competitors, a grave mistake .. West destroyed Ottoman empire and weakened Persia .. that lead to present situation, Arabs falling from Ottoman-sh*t-pit to "British-sh*t-pitt and all the rest


The resurrection of Iran

lead Turks thinking, they again must "counter Persia"

Same stupid mistake Turks made when they took over Byzantine .. instead of allying with Persia of Safavid .. instead of allying with Persia of today, they chose to confront Iran, like Ottoman Sultans did

a mistake, as ottomans found out

the nature of present struggle in that space is not military, it is civilization and culture .. Arab spring is a "cultural renaissance"

Present Turkic mindset, 2B an ``European with headscarf`` rather than be part of ``superior`` civilization and culture of that space, a grave mistake that could be existential for Turks and Turkey

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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Ottoman Empire - II

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