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"Garfield with Guns" Chan Akya on the Bush administration

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:41 am
by Azrael
Garfield with Guns
Chan Akya wrote:America's backward leap

A wealthy family that got rich on oil co-opts religious extremists to maintain its stranglehold on power. Western readers of that statement would immediately assume that I am referring to the Saudi royal family, while at least some non-Western readers would surmise that my reference is to the Bush White House.

For neutral observers, the comparison is quite compelling. Much as the Saudi royal family signed away its role in society to Wahhabi leaders in return for political patronage, US Republicans have coasted to electoral victory on a combination of support for the rich that is balanced with concern for society's morals, as defined by the religious right. In other words, it is the politics of fear that is used to put harried middle-class voters into submission. This is very similar to the politics of fear that Muslim countries use to keep their populations in line, often engaging in lectures on threats to the religion.

There are many other similarities. Muslim governments often change education syllabi to accommodate the demands of religious authorities. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is virtually unknown in Muslim schools, as Islamic scholars object to the idea of human beings descending from monkeys. The religious right in the United States has adopted similar tactics of late, pushing notions such as "intelligent design" back on to campuses. The generation of Americans growing up in such schools could well approach the world with the same narrowness of mind and rigidity of purpose that Islamic countries produce.

Middle Eastern dictators need Israel as an available excuse so that they can themselves stay in power. Being portrayed as an opponent of Israel in Arab media carries with it a decided advantage, as any political opponent would immediately be labeled as pro-Israeli. In much the same way, US President George W Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney probably need the Middle East to remain the sorry mess that it is for their own selfish reasons. This week, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld indulged in name-calling of Americans opposed to the Iraq war, likening them to Nazi-era sympathizers. In doing this, he has pulled a page straight out of the "Arab Despot Book of Governance". Before you ask, the tome is available for members and their friends only.

Chan Akya wrote:Americans who like to portray the conflict in the Middle East in civilizational terms need to confront the notion that they are attacking Islamic fascism not because it represents anything different from their own values, but because it possibly represents the future of their own culture. Like poles repel, after all.

Re: "Garfield with Guns" Chan Akya on the Bush administratio

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:02 pm
by Mr. Perfect
Fighting the last wars Az.

Re: "Garfield with Guns" Chan Akya on the Bush administratio

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:16 pm
by Azrael
The Reality forum is for discussing, among other things, history. I thought that people would find the article interesting.