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In praise of collectivism (channeled by Xi Jinping)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 12:46 pm
by Parodite
There will always be a scary collective in one form or other that is facing the individual, charges him from behind and swallows him without even noticing it. That ugly collective of trees called a forest comes to mind.

Why do we often feel so relaxed, safe and welcomed in those nasty collectivist products of nature? Even in a desert, where as an individual you can feel sort of oneness in maximum solitude, the collectives of stars and galaxies and zillions of empty space pockets (that are not even empty let alone safe-spaces) are staring you right in the face. Not only that, you realize you are also in them, part of them. You are a member of those groups no matter how hard you try to stay out for the sake of being an "individual".

This new idolatry of the individual as the moral center and conscious creator always dancing on the lines between order and chaos is as toxic as it is idiotic. Air Jordan Peterson is the most eloquent voice of this idolatry and it is very seductive. But look how the man is suffering! He lives in a poison well of illusions.

Because you fail to be a truly independent individual even in a lonely desert, as a last resort the Divine has to come to your rescue. Take you to a different place where you can be totally you (and totally happy presumably) as in Heaven, or to a place where "you" stop being you, into a Nirvana without any "you(s)" or "me(s)" around in fact. A nothingness without features. Just pick your preferred final destination and hope for the best.

To deny the collectivist nature of reality is a bad idea. There is perhaps some room to travel and be part of different types of collectives; if you are happy by occasional choice, or else the forces of nature and chance push you around at will. You are an eye of many eyes, just pay attention. But you are never there just for "you".

You are nothing apart from the collective(s) you are a participating member of each and every moment. The Western psychology of the need to find out who or what you as an individual "really are", is at the core of why the West will weaken very soon. Not being able to resist the current collective forces that are pounding at everyone's doors and walls. To survive is to understand reality as a collection of collectives.

The US is in danger not because of bad economy or a military conflict, but because it is loosing its collective and organisational mind. Non-existing "individuals" will be spit out by the (any) collective, disposed off as dust and carried away by the wind.

Re: In praise of collectivism (channeled by Xi Jinping)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 3:40 pm
by Simple Minded
:D :D

Bravo Professor Parodite!!! You have outdone yourself with your latest essay. You could hold your own with any of the philosophy professors I had in college. I salute thee and wish to order a copy engraved on gold bar or stone tablet.

"In the long run, we're all dead!" Yep, even the individuals who comprised the group "we."

Unfortunately, even in nature, the concept of "we" is ephemeral.

The lion pride does not attack and kill the zebra herd, it is still one on one when it comes time to put food on the table or run for your life. No collective teeth crushing collective windpipes to be found. F**k the slow zebra and the slow lion.

The big tree steals sunlight and nutrients, not from the whole forest, but only from the small trees in the immediate vicinity. Even in death, when the big tree falls it often wipes out not the whole forest, but only a couple small nearby trees on the way to the ground.

Do all squirrels care when the bid tree bites the dust? Hell no, only the ones who lived in the big tree that fell.

The concept of "we" remains a religious ideal. Fun (and often profitable) to preach, but damn, fooking, hard to practice. Need more proof? Donate a few pairs of Mrs. Parodite's favorite shoes to the poor sometime.

"But honey, the concept of "your feet" and "your shoes" is selfish! What happened to the sweet selfless girl I married?"

Re: In praise of collectivism (channeled by Xi Jinping)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 6:13 pm
by crashtech66
I'd like to make a better study of Confucianism, which I think is at the core of the Chinese flavor of collectivism. It may be this Confucian cultural core that has allowed Chinese collectivism to be more durable and coherent compared to the old Soviet version, which ultimately was a caricature of an imagined utopia forced on the population at gunpoint. There are plenty of examples to show that the Chinese system does often act the same way, especially if you are not Han, but as far as I can tell, generally there is far more cultural receptivity to collectivist administration in China than in most other places that I can think of. The successful fusion of authoritarian collectivism with just enough free market capitalism to enable wealth creation looks to be a formidable formula.

Re: In praise of collectivism (channeled by Xi Jinping)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 6:29 pm
by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits
parodite wrote:This new idolatry of the individual as the moral center and conscious creator always dancing on the lines between order and chaos is as toxic as it is idiotic. Air Jordan Peterson is the most eloquent voice of this idolatry and it is very seductive. But look how the man is suffering! He lives in a poison well of illusions.
To be more fair to him, he has pointed out on several occasions that a theory of mind has difficulty taking into account anything outside itself. Human consciousness tends to be global and recognising a collective, even another mind or a lack of one altogether, requires putting a damper on this......

A better man to talk to re. human consciousness and self awareness:


An example lecture.........

Re: In praise of collectivism (channeled by Xi Jinping)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 8:04 pm
by Parodite
Thor Trump will be channeled soon with a smashing reply to Xi. :P

Re: In praise of collectivism (channeled by Xi Jinping)

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 10:59 am
by Parodite
Dear friend Xi,

Thank you for your thoughts. The reason we get along so well is because we think the same! I'm usually not that philosophical because it is not part of my brand. I speak from the gut, use simple language and trust my instincts which usually is enough. But will try.

Of course we are all part of a collection of collectives! I for instance am part of a wonderful collection of collectives called the United States of America. The collective is even in the word! And am its President. China is no different. A big collection of collectives too but held together mainly by centralized force, which makes it somewhat different than our beloved USA. But that is OK. Our collections of collectives are necessarily different because they have different histories. All I want is dealing and trading with China in a fair and reciprocal way. We use our massive economic force to that aim and am sure in the end a good win-win deal is waiting for both of us. Economic warfare cannot continue indefinitely which is exactly why I chose that path to enforce a solution. There simply is no other way. I don't want my collective to be ripped of forever.

You mention weaknesses that will bring down the USA. You say we are loosing our collective mind because we idolize the individual. The simple answer is: No. We idolize and love some major collectives! The most important one is called the free market, which is a huge collection of collectives with incredible powers of generating wealth and well-being for our USA. It is not that we idolize the individual, we just want him to be as free as possible. For his own sake, but also to patriotically and proudly serve our cherished collection of collectives the USA! In as far as our collective mind has been weakening, I have pushed for an agenda that wants to make America great again. Not idolize any individual in particular, except for myself of course.

Ironically, you are right about Americans loosing their collective mind, or loosing their minds collectively to be more precise: it is the Democrats!

They do claim to represent collective goods and universal values, but have no pragmatic and responsible agenda to achieve any of that! Instead, and I enjoy watching their decay continue every morning, they are becoming lost crazy individuals without a collective to be part of. And soon be that dust you talk about, carried away by the wind! And nobody else wants them, for good reasons. They'd die in any Islamic state, they'd have to wipe the streets with a broom stick in Russia. In your China, well perhaps they'd love to become Communists and specialize in crowd control. I would offer them for free to you! Here they are becoming useless.

You mention Air Jordan Peterson. He is a good guy and a motivational speaker who empowers people to take responsibility and make something of their lives. For themselves, their families, friends and wider communities. Empowered free agents are good for our collective, perhaps less good for yours because they form a long-term risk. How your resolve that issue is not my concern but can see that no-one can forever rob individuals from their primal need for basic freedom. See what happens to a lion, or a dragon for that matter, caged and chained. They either die or they break free. You can't win from biology. Keep that in mind my friend.

With highest and our collective regards,
Thor Trump

Re: In praise of collectivism (channeled by Xi Jinping)

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 11:58 am
by Simple Minded
from the ancient wisdom of "the more things change, the more they remain the same-same." ... an-himself


Somewhere, maybe, lives a root language of theater for us to speak with one another. Somewhere, maybe, is a tongue with words for what we do, how it lands on the human spirit, how we share space and time, story, myth, intention, and feeling. Somewhere there’s an idiom of our being together—a dialect of presence. I wish we could pledge allegiance to an ever-new coinage: the shaky, groping, overheated, imprecise, exuberant, vulnerable, earnest diction of mid-discovery.


for more clarification, I consulted the ancient scrolls of ancient wisdom written in antiquity by the ancient ones. Can't argue with them, they're all dead.

"We all love the concept of we, we just can't agree upon who should be included. Or for that matter, when, or why or how. But not to worry, we'll handle it." (tm)

"We all love language. We just can't agree on what the words mean." (tm)

Re: In praise of collectivism (channeled by Xi Jinping)

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:40 pm
by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits
I tried Vervaeke for Xi Jinping, let's try Prager for Thor Trump....'>.......
"Socialism appeals to human nature and this is because liberty is not what people yearn for. People most yearn to be taken care of. Socialism promises people what human nature wants most…and most human do not yearn for freedom they yearn to be taken care of." - Dennis Prager

Re: In praise of collectivism (channeled by Xi Jinping)

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:55 am
by noddy
the more people their are, the more heavy handed the authority needs to be and the more disposable you are as an indivual.

in praise of endless growth, 1 in a million slaves dont grow on trees, you need the numbers if you want the good stuff.

Re: In praise of collectivism (channeled by Xi Jinping)

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:32 pm
by Parodite
Dear "Thor" Trump,

It is good know we are in some agreement about reality. I think I did not make myself clear enough when I talked about American individualism. It is not that individual freedom doesn't matter to us. In fact recognizing the importance of individual liberty and free markets created our unprecedented success story raising hundreds of millions Chinese out of poverty in record speed.

We don't consider CPC+CCCP a political structure in the classical sense anymore; rather as the controlling management layer of a capitalist corporation called China. We are not much different from any capitalist entity in how we are hierarchically structured and how we make decisions. We do care about the well-being of our citizen-employees and therefor like to know whats happening in all layers of the corporation. Not because we get off on power but because we care like parents do. As any business we have rules that try to maximize corporate and individual well-being. Individuals that want to sabotage the family life cannot be tolerated because they will cost everybody in the end. To you that is authoritarian, but so are your own criminal codes that want to stop those who do harm to others. We recognize a spade when it is a spade.

You will be surprised how many Chinese people understand all this and are actually quite happy we started monitoring everybody and implemented a social credit system. It means that if you live morally and ethically sound you have nothing to fear and will be much better off. It is the right incentive. The practice of punishing sinners and rewarding those who are loyal is very old. There are differences in detail, not in principle. We know the average American loves the idea of living a virtuous good life and expects the rewards if not now already then certainly in some after life. That is also basic biology and we never want to fight it; we do our best to serve that need! If you do good to the community, the community will do good to you. Reciprocity is at the core of our enterprise.

The idolizing of the individual also entails the dream and hope of becoming a King. The American dream is hence also the illusion that there will be a kingdom for everybody. That everybody can be at the top. It is a typical American delusion. The room gets smaller and smaller when you reach for the top. What you call democracy is at best a compromise between the very powerful and the much less powerful. In most cases it is the powerful that will decide how much power is given to others lower in rank. And money equates power, lets not be sissies and deny it.

It is clear that also the USA is catching up with this new reality: monopolized and global corporate power calls the shots and decides how much power will be given to the lower levels in the hierarchy. Here in China we just like to skip the bullshit and simply apply power where power exists. Without silly excuses or shame. US-corporations and its political class sell technologies and childish stories that keep everybody distracted from the fact that there is actually very little to vote for or against in your democracy. The experience of being "a free individual" will be produced and sold by virtual reality technology and AI that will cover your reality with a warm cloth of fakery. While you eat from the hand that feeds and rules you.

Your corporate friend Xi

Re: In praise of collectivism (channeled by Xi Jinping)

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 12:08 pm
by Parodite
Dear Pooh Bear Xi,

I think we understand each other. We are very similar. You tasted the sweet honey of power and money... and it tastes good, very good eh? It is an important reminder that we all reach for the honey pot. A small honey pot at first, and it always makes you wanna dig for more. But you misunderstand the American people.

The American dream is not the delusion of everybody being able to reach the top, but the freedom to hunt for honey in the pursuit of happiness. We don't mind not ending at the top. We find honor in being 2nd, 3rd or even 1267th. He who gave his best is already a winner and hero. We also believe we can do better tomorrow. This is a drive that comes from within the individual, not at gun point of a dictator.

We want to be a collective of proud adults, of free agents. Not a tribe with a few empowered adults who control herds of children and slaves. Whipped around, kept quiet with sweets and free handouts. We have been there and done that. It won't last.

Children will grow up, slaves will unite and revolt. You seem to be missing that reality completely. Read some history! You are blind to the fact that your collective is becoming more and more tyrannical - which is a sign that you are dreaded with fear of the explosive potential for revolt of your own children and slaves. It is waiting around the corner. Your hi-tech surveillance, your extortionist social credit system - which you use as a self-defense against your future internal enemies - is making the inevitable implosion of Pooh China more bloody and more complete. A big war with other countries may seem like a solution, but history shows you won't be the same anymore afterwards. Ever.

In the mean time, for as long as your China survives, I'm happy to do fair trade with you. It will extend your life expectancy somewhat. As would not overreaching in Hong Kong. But you are so obsessed with power and the fear of loosing it that there is no doubt in my mind that your days are basically numbered. 5 decades top. Probably with a big war at the end.

History shows you will be history too one day, and not in control of when that happens.

Your friend Thor Trump