You are an intellectual prostitute


You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by AzariLoveIran »


Gaddafi, the man who came to dinner

Told you guys , told you

Shame on anybody saying western press is free .. utter garbage

Iranian press is free .. that is why so many Iranian papers are shut down, because they write what they believe in .. and .. if the rulers like what they write, they stay, when not, they shut down .. but .. they free to write what they believe in .. not so in America .. in America no paper is shut down, because they tow elite line

below the proof

this article not so much about Libya and Qaddafi .. American Joe knew this .. IMVHO this about free press in America .. I am pretty sure all of you guys, convinced, American press a free press, well, not so


Gaddafi, the man who came to dinner

December 09, 2011

John Swinton, the doyen of the New York press corps, upon his retirement, made the following speech :

There is no such thing, at this stage of the worlds history in America, as an independent press.

You know it and I know it.

There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print.

I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with.

Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job.

If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty four hours, my occupation would be gone.

The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.

You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting of an independent press ?

We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance.

Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men.

We are intellectual prostitutes.

I do understand that you have to eat like all of us and therefore must keep your mouth shut. You are Jewish and so am I. (Sephardic).

For the sake of truth, I will give you here another side to the Libyan story.

Just imagine a country where there is no electricity bill. Electricity is free to all its citizens. There is no interest on loans; banks were state owned and loans given at zero percent interest by law. Having a home was considered a human right. All newlyweds received US$ 50 000 from the govt to buy their first apartment and to help them start a family. Education and medical treatments were free. Before Gaddafi, 25% of the population were literate. Today this figure is 83 percent. Should Libyans want to take up farming, they would receive land, a farmhouse, equipments, seeds and livestock to kick start their operation, absolutely free of charge. If citizens could not find the education or medical facilities they needed, the govt would fund them to go abroad, free of charge, and would get some US$2,300 per month for accommodation and car allowance. Cars were government subsidized to the tune of 50%. Fuel prices were $0.14 per litter. The country had no external debt and its reserves amounted to some $170 billion, now frozen globally plus some 27 tons of gold, which the new regime found safely in the National Bank. Any graduate unable to find a job would get the average salary for the profession, as if he/she was employed, until employment found. A portion of oil sales were credited once a year to every citizen bank account. A mother who gave birth, immediately got some $5000. Forty loaves of bread cost $0.15. 25% of citizens have a university degree. An immense project bringing water from aquifers in the south made it available all over the country, free of charge.

That is what that tyrant Gaddafi gave to his people.

There are some 150 tribes in Libya and a strong hand was necessary if the country was to remain in one piece.

Every citizen was in possession of a military weapon. Gaddafi was not frightened of his own people. The so called rebels, who took over, so we are told, would not have lasted a few days without Nato air power, British and French commandos and thousands of mercenaries. Those are the winners.

Now another Karzai has been installed in Tripoli, and the country can be plundered at the victors whim and fancy. It takes $1 to extract a barrel of Libyan oil and todays price is over $100. Total the French company has already grabbed some 30% of the Libyan state oil company. BP is starting exploration. And of course massive contracts for the reconstruction of Libya will be handed over to US and European companies. Of the sovereign fund, only some 1.2 billion have been released out of the $170 billion. With the state of the European economy, I doubt very much if Libya will see the rest any time soon. Now Libyans are free as you say, but as Janice Joplin used to say freedom is just another word for nothing else to lose, as Libyan queuing for funds at their banks door are finding out.

Gaddafi is gone and so are the perks. What will be left is a terrible civil war. The price of democracy
It is the joyous jiggling dance Americans do USA USA- when their government slaughters someone illegally. It is primitive, but it is positively Libyan. Wrong. It is positively American Just saw a movie on the training of the US Army before going to Iraq. Soldiers running and singing:Kill the women Kill the children Then we are shown the results when civilians are gunned down in the streets by those braves. All on film. When they come back home, realising what they have done, they just commit suicide These are ordinary Sunday soldiers with families.

We can hide the truth with prison sentences, but the truth eventually come through, and unfortunately for us we cannot plug the dyke any longer.

shame on you Ibrahim .. shame on you badmouthing Qaddafi .. I do not believe you did not know the above .. you knew .. but you towing NATO and western line knowing fully the truth .. at least this American Jewish reporter has the decency to tell the truth

understand France, Brits , America attacking Qaddafi .. they thief

But Turkey ?

Is Turkey now a thief ?

Iran had a grudge with Qaddafi about Musa Sadre and has other agenda

but Turkey ?

Does Turkey really believe that Arabs durian and do not understand what game Turkey playing

Turkey was instrumental in fighting Qaddafi

and now the western tool to fight Syria, Assad

Last edited by AzariLoveIran on Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by Enki »

Oh man, what a ridiculous assertion. If the government shuts down the paper, it's free.

No...America has a free press, Iran does not. Things are exactly as they appear in this case. If the government is shutting down the's not free. If it is not, it is free.

In America we have more press than we can shake a stick at. The mainstream press is wholly owned, sure, but the mainstream press is not the whole press.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
-Alexander Hamilton

Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Enki wrote:.

Oh man, what a ridiculous assertion. If the government shuts down the paper, it's free.

No...America has a free press, Iran does not. Things are exactly as they appear in this case. If the government is shutting down the's not free. If it is not, it is free.

In America we have more press than we can shake a stick at. The mainstream press is wholly owned, sure, but the mainstream press is not the whole press.


"Enki" ,

with due respect,

If a press is free to write whatever they want, the truth, for or against ruling elite,

if so


when the elite does not want truth be published

those papers writing the truth are shut down

that is what happens in Iran

meaning press is free to write whatever they want, they free


in America

the press does not write the truth .. read the above article

journalist are paid to not write the truth

American journalist are paid to lie

that is their job, to not write the truth

that is not a free press

you have not read the article that is why you do not know what you talking

pls first read the article

the guy writing it is a respected Jewish American Journalist "the doyen of the New York press corps" ..

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Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by Sparky »

LOL - and worth moving to the Iran thread.

Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Sparky wrote:.

LOL - and worth moving to the Iran thread.


typical Sparky

the article , from a distinguished American JEWISH journalist, explicitly saying notion of Free Press in America rubbish and American journalist intellectual prostitutes being paid not to write the truth .. and .. saying truth about Qaddafi rule (what Azari was saying from the begin, only Azari and nobody else) .. and .. west stealing Libyan Oil and natural resources

all this

all this

should be moved to Iran thread

well, Sparky

you are a (probably not only morally) bankrupt man (maybe even woman or transgender)

respectfully, comment on the article or get out of here


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Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by Enki »

Azari You are mistaking the difference between mainstream publications that have a widespread distribution, and whether or not people can publish things that are unpopular. People publish things that are unpopular all the time. Whether or not the marketing machine really gets to that is another matter. But you can post what you want and generally, not get shut down.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
-Alexander Hamilton

Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by AzariLoveIran »

Enki wrote:.

Azari You are mistaking the difference between mainstream publications that have a widespread distribution, and whether or not people can publish things that are unpopular. People publish things that are unpopular all the time. Whether or not the marketing machine really gets to that is another matter. But you can post what you want and generally, not get shut down.


Tehran Taxi drivers are the most vicious, openly obscene and pervert critics of Islam, Islamic republic, mad mullahs and Ayatollahs

Ayatollahs don't care, nobody touching them

you, in Iran, can say on the street, publicly, what ever you want .. nothing happens

that not the issue

issue is , when widely read, mainstream media where Joe (the plumber) get's his info and mindset, when that media is lying and towing the ruler's rope

issue not whether university professors, historians, economist, elite know the truth .. or .. truth can be found after digging deep

issue whether Joe .. or .. German masses on the street @ Hitler's time, would know and realize game played, the true nature of the events and policy .. elite counts on fooling the mass .. and .. the media is the tool for fooling the mass

the mass is the one who goes to Iraq and Afghanistan and get killed and kill

if occupy wall street people are serious , they must first rectify American mainstream media, to write and say the truth


Joe still thinking bad bad Iranian media is the manipulated and not American free mainstream media


don't 4get folks .. free media is the main pillar of democracy .. media supposed to be the watchdog of wrong policy by elite .. if truth can not be told , you do not have democracy

in Iran, the media says the truth , and is banned .. that means the Iranian media is doing their job , reporting things the elite, the rulers don't want to be reported .. but in America, media does not report the truth .. that is what this article says


Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by crashtech »

John Swinton died in 1901. In the OT article, his quote is run into the rest of the article as if the entire text came from one person, which is most assuredly did not. I would be interested in the authorship of the pro-Qaddafi screed that follows John Swinton's over 100 year old quote.

Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by AzariLoveIran »

crashtech wrote:.

John Swinton died in 1901. In the OT article, his quote is run into the rest of the article as if the entire text came from one person, which is most assuredly did not.

Don't know who John Swinton is or was

all I know is,

what he said is right @ the money

today more so than 1901


if he said what he said 110 yrs ago, it makes things even much worst

it means, same game played on Joe since long long time

crashtech wrote:.

I would be interested in the authorship of the pro-Qaddafi screed that follows John Swinton's over 100 year old quote.


"The Nation" is a Pakistani paper .. makes it worst .. means truth must come from Pakistan

American meadia not fooling Paki or Iranians or Arabs .. they foolin American Joe


does it make a difference who the "authorship of the pro-Qaddafi screed" ?


Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by crashtech »

Yes, I believe the source of information matters when attempting to judge its truthfulness. Beyond that, the supposed virtues of the Qaddafi regime extolled in that little hagiography read mainly like the workings of of an authoritarian regime with too much oil money on its hands, engaging in a bit of social engineering. Freebies don't really say much about actual freedom.
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Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by cincinnatus »

AzariLoveIran wrote:.

Gaddafi, the man who came to dinner

Told you guys , told you

Shame on anybody saying western press is free .. utter garbage

Iranian press is free .. that is why so many Iranian papers are shut down, because they write what they believe in .. and .. if the rulers like what they write, they stay, when not, they shut down .. but .. they free to write what they believe in .. not so in America .. in America no paper is shut down, because they tow elite line

below the proof

this article not so much about Libya and Qaddafi .. American Joe knew this .. IMVHO this about free press in America .. I am pretty sure all of you guys, convinced, American press a free press, well, not so


Gaddafi, the man who came to dinner

December 09, 2011

John Swinton, the doyen of the New York press corps, upon his retirement, made the following speech :

There is no such thing, at this stage of the worlds history in America, as an independent press.

You know it and I know it.

There is not one of you who dare write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print.

I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with.

Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job.

If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my papers, before twenty four hours, my occupation would be gone.

The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread.

You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting of an independent press ?

We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance.

Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men.

We are intellectual prostitutes.

I do understand that you have to eat like all of us and therefore must keep your mouth shut. You are Jewish and so am I. (Sephardic).

For the sake of truth, I will give you here another side to the Libyan story.

Just imagine a country where there is no electricity bill. Electricity is free to all its citizens. There is no interest on loans; banks were state owned and loans given at zero percent interest by law. Having a home was considered a human right. All newlyweds received US$ 50 000 from the govt to buy their first apartment and to help them start a family. Education and medical treatments were free. Before Gaddafi, 25% of the population were literate. Today this figure is 83 percent. Should Libyans want to take up farming, they would receive land, a farmhouse, equipments, seeds and livestock to kick start their operation, absolutely free of charge. If citizens could not find the education or medical facilities they needed, the govt would fund them to go abroad, free of charge, and would get some US$2,300 per month for accommodation and car allowance. Cars were government subsidized to the tune of 50%. Fuel prices were $0.14 per litter. The country had no external debt and its reserves amounted to some $170 billion, now frozen globally plus some 27 tons of gold, which the new regime found safely in the National Bank. Any graduate unable to find a job would get the average salary for the profession, as if he/she was employed, until employment found. A portion of oil sales were credited once a year to every citizen bank account. A mother who gave birth, immediately got some $5000. Forty loaves of bread cost $0.15. 25% of citizens have a university degree. An immense project bringing water from aquifers in the south made it available all over the country, free of charge.

That is what that tyrant Gaddafi gave to his people.

There are some 150 tribes in Libya and a strong hand was necessary if the country was to remain in one piece.

Every citizen was in possession of a military weapon. Gaddafi was not frightened of his own people. The so called rebels, who took over, so we are told, would not have lasted a few days without Nato air power, British and French commandos and thousands of mercenaries. Those are the winners.

Now another Karzai has been installed in Tripoli, and the country can be plundered at the victors whim and fancy. It takes $1 to extract a barrel of Libyan oil and todays price is over $100. Total the French company has already grabbed some 30% of the Libyan state oil company. BP is starting exploration. And of course massive contracts for the reconstruction of Libya will be handed over to US and European companies. Of the sovereign fund, only some 1.2 billion have been released out of the $170 billion. With the state of the European economy, I doubt very much if Libya will see the rest any time soon. Now Libyans are free as you say, but as Janice Joplin used to say freedom is just another word for nothing else to lose, as Libyan queuing for funds at their banks door are finding out.

Gaddafi is gone and so are the perks. What will be left is a terrible civil war. The price of democracy
It is the joyous jiggling dance Americans do USA USA- when their government slaughters someone illegally. It is primitive, but it is positively Libyan. Wrong. It is positively American Just saw a movie on the training of the US Army before going to Iraq. Soldiers running and singing:Kill the women Kill the children Then we are shown the results when civilians are gunned down in the streets by those braves. All on film. When they come back home, realising what they have done, they just commit suicide These are ordinary Sunday soldiers with families.

We can hide the truth with prison sentences, but the truth eventually come through, and unfortunately for us we cannot plug the dyke any longer.

shame on you Ibrahim .. shame on you badmouthing Qaddafi .. I do not believe you did not know the above .. you knew .. but you towing NATO and western line knowing fully the truth .. at least this American Jewish reporter has the decency to tell the truth

understand France, Brits , America attacking Qaddafi .. they thief

But Turkey ?

Is Turkey now a thief ?

Iran had a grudge with Qaddafi about Musa Sadre and has other agenda

but Turkey ?

Does Turkey really believe that Arabs durian and do not understand what game Turkey playing

Turkey was instrumental in fighting Qaddafi

and now the western tool to fight Syria, Assad

Bull f-cking lavender to the bolded part. Do we have our fair share of sociopaths, just like American society as a whole? Sure....but it sure as hell ain't official TTPs.

As to major disagreement on my part about the winners and losers. I have to be careful even broaching the subject in my home, as my Italian wife will fly off the handle with obscenities at Sarkozy and the French for instigating merely to cancel contracts between Libya and Italia before the war.
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Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by monster_gardener »

crashtech wrote:John Swinton died in 1901. In the OT article, his quote is run into the rest of the article as if the entire text came from one person, which is most assuredly did not. I would be interested in the authorship of the pro-Qaddafi screed that follows John Swinton's over 100 year old quote.
Thank you VERY MUCH for your post, crashtech.

Thank you VERY MUCH for doing due diligence.

Your action here is commendatory and exemplary.

Wikipedia is rather brief about Swinton:
John Swinton (December 12, 1830- December 15, 1901[1]) was a notable journalist, economist, and orator.

Swinton became the chief editorial writer at The New York Times[1] from 1860 to 1870 and an editorial writer for The New York Sun from 1875 to 1897 [1].

His brother, William Swinton, was also a famous journalist. ... rnalist%29

and the quote is pretty much what it has except for a list of works & a very few refs/links.

That's all I have time for right now.

Thanks again.
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Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by AzariLoveIran »

crashtech wrote:.

Yes, I believe the source of information matters when attempting to judge its truthfulness.
Beyond that, the supposed virtues of the Qaddafi regime extolled in that little hagiography read mainly like the workings of of an authoritarian regime with too much oil money on its hands, engaging in a bit of social engineering. Freebies don't really say much about actual freedom.


"crashtech" ,

the circumstances in Libya , free this and that and all the rest are well known outside of America , in Europe, in Arab world and Africa .. whether electricity free in Qaddafi Libya not something that can be hidden

meaning, there is no ambiguity to be checked for truthfulness .. I even posted them in DG fora a few months ago

the article is much more than about "Freebee" .. the article stipulates that overwhelming of Libyans supported Qaddafi and foreign force and mercenaries did what happened

probably that is the case

if so

this thing not done yet .. people of Libya will hit back .. same things as in Iraq , daily bombs going off with 100s of causality will be order of the day


west has sent the mercenaries to Syria .. to do what they do best


American media in tandem with establishment

Assad a murderer and and and

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Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by Sparky »

AzariLoveIran wrote:
Sparky wrote:.

LOL - and worth moving to the Iran thread.


typical Sparky

the article , from a distinguished American JEWISH journalist, explicitly saying notion of Free Press in America rubbish and American journalist intellectual prostitutes being paid not to write the truth .. and .. saying truth about Qaddafi rule (what Azari was saying from the begin, only Azari and nobody else) .. and .. west stealing Libyan Oil and natural resources

all this

all this

should be moved to Iran thread

well, Sparky

you are a (probably not only morally) bankrupt man (maybe even woman or transgender)

respectfully, comment on the article or get out of here


Typical you, I'm afraid - start random thread to bang on about Iran, make ridiculous claims that would insult an infant's intelligence, loudly protest that thread is not about Iran whilst banging on about Iran. genuflect indeed.

Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by crashtech »

While also asserting the article is written by a "Jewish American journalist," when the authorship of the piece remains unknown, aside from the quote spliced onto the beginning.

Here's a bit more regarding John Swinton:

So far, nothing about him being Jewish.

The point of all this ALI, is that you will never convince us of anything as long as we know that you uncritically swallow bullshit articles like this, then foist them upon us like they are some revealed truth.
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Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by Hans Bulvai »

Its funny how the claim of "being Jewish" can go both ways. Either 100% biased or 100% telling the truth depending on the story being presented.

Fact is that there is a strong bias in the US mainstream media to promote certain agendas; depending on the order of the day. There is much danger in the consolidation of media when a free media is supposed to be the vangaurd of a functioning democracy.

Bias works both ways however.

Gaddafi made the news as needed. When he made mends with the US, he pretty much dropped off the news. Mubarak never really made the news until now. All of a sudden, the American people know all about Egypt except that what they have been witnessing for the last year is nothing new as if Mubarak just now became a dictator. So bias works in NOT reporting as much as it does as reporting with a slant.

But it is also rediculous to say the ALL US/Western media is junk... Nothing could be further fromt he truth. There are plenty of western reporters that carry more integrity and honesty beyond what many big name corporations can muster together. Some get retaliated against. Sure not the same as say being a reporter in Syria, but if the point is silencing the truth, many methods work. Especially when justice does not get served.
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Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by crashtech »

Any comment on the OT article, Hans?
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Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by Hans Bulvai »

I have heard of all the things mentioned in the article that Gaddafi did for Libya.
To be honest, the only dictator that I liked in the Middle East was Saddam (Here is where Azari spits on me ;) ). He too did a lot of good things for Iraq. But as Iraq is proving today, it needs a Strongman to run it. Saddam did good things and horrible things; same as Gaddafi. Can't say the same about Mubarak, Ben Ali, Al-Khalifa's etc... but for sure the MSM played a role in moving public opinion against him (them). My opinion is that Libya will be worst after Gaddafi but every dog has his day. I only wished the Libyans showed some, just some, class in ending his rule when they ended his life. For anything, just to at least prove that they are better than him. Parading him around the town dead did nothing for their image in my view. But I was not surprised and what goes around comes around I guess.

The Middle East will continue to spiral downwards i am afraid. From a religious standpoint, it is prophecy.
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Jnalum Persicum

Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by Jnalum Persicum »

crashtech wrote:.

While also asserting the article is written by a "Jewish American journalist," when the authorship of the piece remains unknown, aside from the quote spliced onto the beginning.

Here's a bit more regarding John Swinton :

So far, nothing about him being Jewish.

The point of all this ALI, is that you will never convince us of anything as long as we know that you uncritically swallow bullshit articles like this, then foist them upon us like they are some revealed truth.


look guys

does it make a difference, whether John Swinton was Jewish, or whether he (supposedly) said what he said in 1901 ?

this guy Jewishness, or when he said it, not the issue here

rather what he (supposedly) said is the issue


2 issues in that Paki article

1 ) nature of free media in west

2 ) Libya , Qaddafi

one guy says John Swinton said this long ago .. the other guy says John Swinton not sure Jewish .. Liz says Qaddafi
this and that .. one other says freebee


Not here to convince Joe of anything

just bringing things to your attention

whether you grab or not is your gain or loss

that Paki article in THE NATION says free media in west is rubbish .. and .. all Libyans were supporting Qaddafi, western commandos with criminal gangs overthrow Qaddafi .. that is what the article says

both arguments pretty much obvious .. don't understand confusion of you guys part

so far, not a single post arguing American Media a free Media .. seems everybody agrees in essence with John Swinton but too shy to admit.


Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by crashtech »

It matters because the article appears to be intentionally misleading. That casts doubt over its entirety, in my view.
Jnalum Persicum

Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by Jnalum Persicum »

crashtech wrote:.

It matters because the article appears to be intentionally misleading.

That casts doubt over its entirety, in my view.


makes sense


Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by crashtech »

I would hope you could locate an article to help make your point that does not contain the obvious shortcomings of the first, one that contains some links or citations to help bolster its claims.

Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by AzariLoveIran »

crashtech wrote:.

I would hope you could locate an article to help make your point that does not contain the obvious shortcomings of the first, one that contains some links or citations to help bolster its claims.


where is your doubt, CrashTech

you thinking American Media free & fair

or you thinking Libyan people overthrow Qaddafi

where are the shortcomings of the article

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Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by Hans Bulvai »

Can't the term "free press" also apply to a press that can write anything they want regardless of accuracy or obvious bias?
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Re: You are an intellectual prostitute

Post by Enki »

Hans Bulvai wrote:Can't the term "free press" also apply to a press that can write anything they want regardless of accuracy or obvious bias?
That was the point I was trying to make above.
Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
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