Culture and Voting

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Mr. Perfect
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Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

We'll take another crack at it. As an American who came from the Founders/Goldwater/Rand/Reagan tradition, something a of a Christian libertarian Conservative bent, natural rights were something we recognized in all people, for all people. Natural rights applied to the Guatemalan, to the Nigerian, to the Soviet. Happily, we supported everyone to have the right of speech, conscience (religious or otherwise), ownership of property and fruit of their labor. While happy to work with other countries, we were also happy to let those countries structure their own affairs as they saw fit.

Self Government.

Much is made of Democracy, but nobody practices it. It's a terrible way to run things and leads to murder and tyranny. In the US we created a Constitutional Republic, most other "developed" countries created Parliamentary Republics of various sorts. All fine.

But Republics and Democracy, as different as they are, have things in common. Namely voting.

In a Democracy citizens vote directly on policy, in a Republic we vote for representatives, so there is a natural filter. In a Democracy the citizens are the state, in a Res Publica the state is a separate entity owned as it were by the people. A significant difference. And then, in America we added different elements that checked each other and a Bill of Rights. The greatest system of all time. Probably given to us by the hand of God.

But at the end of the day, when you have a system where people vote, the will of the people will come through into the government.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

As a young freedom fighter, I gave little thought to culture. Whether you use toilet paper or your hand, or a bidet. What side of the road you drive on. The type of cloth you adorn yourself with. Which language you spoke even. The market will figure that out. I was not that attuned to it. It seemed like trivialities and superficialities. However, over the last 15 years or so I have had to address the fact that everybody else does. People care a great deal about their culture.

So the great question of the Globe at the moment is Culture, Voting, and societal structure. Leftists in the US have been screaming bloody murder for generations that white Christians cannot vote their culture as it would be racist and oppressive, and that other cultures have to be imported for some nebulous reason, and then they can vote their culture. I sort of only paid half attention to it. Something similar appeared to be happening in Europe.

It was foreign to me because I never voted culture, I always voted rights.

However, other people clearly do.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

So what we are witnessing in Europe is mesmerizing. One of the major world cultures committing suicide through the ballot box. Trying to do it as fast as it possibly can. France can be considered an Islamic Republic now, and I imagine others will follow suit shortly.

No matter that the writing has been on the wall for 20 years, it is like the Titanic, it is a true spectacle to watch even though the crew knew it would happen ahead of time.

After Europe sold us out over the Iraq War, I wrote them off as dead to me, and paid them little mind. It hasn't been until the terror problems of the last couple of years that my curiosity returned. There is a malignant tumor in the body, and they are trying to feed it rather than rip it out. It is truly fascinating.

But surprisingly, watching France die has been sad. And before you get on the race wagon, to me it is sad as the Maya dying, ancient Egypt disappearing, or any other once flourishing culture withering to dust. So much human accomplishment diminished.

It seems like if you go to China, it should seem like China, and not Zimbabwe. I'm not sure how we are served by moving Zimbabwe to displace China. I'm happy to visit Egypt or Jordan, but I have no idea why we need to move Egypt or Jordan to Mexico. I'm fine with Mexico being Mexico.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

I was in Europe last month, for the first time in probably over 15 years. I did my globetrotting mostly in the late 90's and early 2000's, although have been to Asia a number of time since then.

When I was globetrotting, America was "popular", everybody was happy for us to be world leader and admired our systems and wanted to emulate them. Since then the world hates America and now thinks there way of doing things is better, we are backward, redneck, killers, etc.

So I was heavily attuned to these new ideologies this trip. The Europe I returned to is dead inside. Children are hard to find, the secularization is deep, I toured Churches that were completely empty, the people are zombies with nothing to live for apparently. Almost apologizing for existing. Friendly and lovely to be sure, but Europe is dead. I was even in very white Europe and everywhere was a walking death. Once you get past the pretty buildings and fashion strutting, dead people inside.

So they appear to be turning over their lands to Arab invaders. That is their prerogative. They are free to do what they want.

But it raised new questions for me. Cultures appear to exist. What does it mean when a culture commits suicide.

That is my question for all of you.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by noddy »

world war 2 sucked alot of life out of europe, also japan - both had too many of their fittest young men slaughtered and left the culture skewed towards angry old folks who are bitter at the senseless destruction of war.

australia and america had the same but less so, the worst of the destruction happened elsewhere and the deaths were not so great.

its not end times yet, with each new generation the distance to the war gets furthur away and some are predicting gen z as being quite a backlash.

americas bad rep is possibly not going anywhere for a while yet, you have been involved in middle east wars for too long now, its endless and you always find reasons to escalate.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

After WWII we had a baby boom. Middle East wars are an excuse to hate America, not a reason. I'm interested in examining how culture filters through the voting booth. Sometimes it is hailed as racist and oppressive, sometimes as enlightened.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Zack Morris »

Conservative Americans have certainly developed a culture of failure. One need only to look at conservative states and cities vs. liberal ones. American exceptionalism is now alive only in the blue states. The red districts have regressed back to the same tribalist mindset that plagues less remarkable countries. They are not exceptional people -- and they are certainly no standard bearers of American culture. With the Trump administration, they've traded American ideals for greed and naked bigotry. They know nothing of natural rights. Heck, you've never even been able to correctly articulate the concept here after posting for years.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Zack Morris »

Mr. Perfect wrote: When I was globetrotting, America was "popular", everybody was happy for us to be world leader and admired our systems and wanted to emulate them. Since then the world hates America and now thinks there way of doing things is better, we are backward, redneck, killers, etc.
According to Trump, the Europeans are apparently right. Everything here is worse, including our healthcare, he says.
So I was heavily attuned to these new ideologies this trip. The Europe I returned to is dead inside. Children are hard to find, the secularization is deep, I toured Churches that were completely empty, the people are zombies with nothing to live for apparently. Almost apologizing for existing. Friendly and lovely to be sure, but Europe is dead. I was even in very white Europe and everywhere was a walking death. Once you get past the pretty buildings and fashion strutting, dead people inside.
Psychological projection. You're projected Washington state east of Issaquah onto the reality you observed in Europe. The cognitive dissonance probably nearly destroyed you.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol that is how we attained supermajority status, by dying, right? More dying please.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Zack Morris »

You attained "supermajority" status through an archaic system of representation and gerrymandering. The more of America you decimate, the larger and more populous the liberal enclaves grow, but their voting power does not increase proportionally. Duh. At the end of the day, all you will accomplish is being malicious pricks (which all conservatives seem to stand for these days). The neo-Nazi/Confederate memorials will slowly be torn down. Gay marriage will remain the law of the land. Immigration will continue largely unimpeded. Coal and steel will never make a come back. Manufacturing will not return to the rust belt. New York financiers and Left Coast tech billionaires will not be chased from the halls of power. But you will succeed at creating an enormous amount of ill will and future crises of corruption that will leave people wondering why harmless regulations were ever rolled back in the first place.

Your states are dying. We've been running a great economic experiment the past few years: Kansas, Louisiana, and Texas have lowered government spending and taxes while maintaining lightly regulated business environments. And they're going down the crapper while California is booming. That's the economic gradient field of America for you in a nutshell: red -> -, blue -> +.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Cool stories bro. But why you so mad? Also, and please answer this question, can you tell us which part of democrat controlled black America or millennials still living at home are booming. Please be precise nd I'll wait.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Still waiting.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

noddy wrote:world war 2 sucked alot of life out of europe, also japan - both had too many of their fittest young men slaughtered and left the culture skewed towards angry old folks who are bitter at the senseless destruction of war.

australia and america had the same but less so, the worst of the destruction happened elsewhere and the deaths were not so great.

its not end times yet, with each new generation the distance to the war gets furthur away and some are predicting gen z as being quite a backlash.

americas bad rep is possibly not going anywhere for a while yet, you have been involved in middle east wars for too long now, its endless and you always find reasons to escalate.
we find the best reasons to escalate....everything. :D
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Theresa May= no children
Mark Rutte= no children
Emmanuel Macron= no children
Angela Merkel= no children
Shinzo Abe= no children
Jean Claude Juncker= no children
Paolo Gentiloni= no children

anyone missing from this list of world leaders who haven't had offspring?

it's not unusual in and of itself, and of course all cases are personal; but it seems like a lot of "no child" names all at one time, especially in the parliamentary era.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:Theresa May= no children
Mark Rutte= no children
Emmanuel Macron= no children
Angela Merkel= no children
Shinzo Abe= no children
Jean Claude Juncker= no children
Paolo Gentiloni= no children

anyone missing from this list of world leaders who haven't had offspring?

it's not unusual in and of itself, and of course all cases are personal; but it seems like a lot of "no child" names all at one time, especially in the parliamentary era.
Yet the Bushes and Clintons keep procreating.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Zack Morris »

Haha! Where are millennials and minorities most gainfully employed? And where do they have the least opportunity? The picture isn't flattering for your team.

Things are going to get much worse for minorities under Grand Wizard Jeff Sessions

After years of trying to blame Democrats for tough law enforcement (not that anyone bought it) whenever the issue of incarceration rates was raised, we now see the clear contrast in philosophy and approach between the inherently authoritarian GOP and freedom-loving Democrats. :)
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Another fact free post from Zack Morris. Thanks bro. Move home to Europe and become a Muslim, have the courage of your convictions.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Zack Morris »

You never post facts. If you're going to make an allegation about Millennials and blacks having less economic success and opportunity in blue districts, it's up to you to prove it. The fact of the matter is, life seems to really suck in Trump's America and no amount of backwards-looking policies can fix it. Rural America is dead. Rural Americans' lives are without meaning or purpose now. That's why they pinned their hope on a clown.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Lol. Here are some facts.

Under obama

1. record low growth
2. record collapse of labor force participation
3. record income inequality
4. record debts
5. record government dependency
6. record collapse of income for lower 80%
7. record homelessness

It doesn't really matter what you believe in, any party that delivers these results will cease to exist.

See ya. We hardly knew you.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Zack Morris »

Another evidence-free post from Mr. Perfect trying to blame the aftermath of the financial crisis on a subsequent administration. And once again, no evidence that Millennials and minorities are doing worse in blue districts than red ones.

Whatever happened to Kansas and Louisiana by the way? They implemented the conservative formula for growth for the last several years under Brownback and Jindal. Funny how no one wants to talk about the disaster that ensued. Now the GOP congress is gearing up for deficit spending.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

No, those are all broad based well established facts that destroyed your party. The less you know about it the better. Thanks for dying so easy. I thought we might have and to fight it a little.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Zack Morris »

Mr. Perfect wrote:No, those are all broad based well established facts that destroyed your party. The less you know about it the better. Thanks for dying so easy. I thought we might have and to fight it a little.
Whatever you say, Brownbacker. Have fun re-implementing liberal policies to save Flyover Country and fending off pitchfork-bearing mobs who want their Obamacare :)
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Oddly those pitch fork mobs go to the voting booth and vote overwhelmingly Republican. So yes we will repeal Obamacare for them as they have asked.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Zack Morris »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Oddly those pitch fork mobs go to the voting booth and vote overwhelmingly Republican. So yes we will repeal Obamacare for them as they have asked.
After 8 years of living in a low info media landscape, they sure did. After being fed insanely stupid lies about death panels for years, denial of coverage and loss of insurance will snap them back to reality really hard.
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Re: Culture and Voting

Post by Mr. Perfect »

I know. Having won 3 out of 4 of the last elections on that issue alone has me quaking in my boots :) .
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