On conservative and libertarian stupidity

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Mr. Perfect
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

It was for nothing. I was only in it for the policy goals.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

crashtech66 wrote: That's not the same thing as voting for the government to impose stricter moral standards. I wish you wouldn't move the goalposts.
What are you talking about.

Do you want more lenient murder laws, because the current ones are too strict an application of morality?
When pro choice vote for legal abortion they are legislating their strict morality on the unborn.

If you get to do it you have to let other people do it.
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Mr. Perfect
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Simple Minded wrote: It was not all for nothing, you enjoyed the hell out of it. I heard Limbaugh say the other day the whole reason the Repubs lost the house was McCain's vote not to repeal Obamacare. I think Trump signing the omnibus spending bill was another stake in the heart of the Repub party. He should have sent it back to the house. Refusal to address illegal immigration was probably the third stake in the heart.
FYI I doubt this is why we lost the House. Trump delivered more conservative governance than anyone since Reagan, despite whatever they didn't get done and could have in the next congress.

GOP turnout was high, the swing vote swung Democrat, they don't vote on the things you mentioned. They voted against Trump/GOP in classic vote splitting strategy.
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Mr. Perfect
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

And I did not enjoy it. Not at all.
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Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

Mr. Perfect wrote:
Simple Minded wrote: It was not all for nothing, you enjoyed the hell out of it. I heard Limbaugh say the other day the whole reason the Repubs lost the house was McCain's vote not to repeal Obamacare. I think Trump signing the omnibus spending bill was another stake in the heart of the Repub party. He should have sent it back to the house. Refusal to address illegal immigration was probably the third stake in the heart.
FYI I doubt this is why we lost the House. Trump delivered more conservative governance than anyone since Reagan, despite whatever they didn't get done and could have in the next congress.

GOP turnout was high, the swing vote swung Democrat, they don't vote on the things you mentioned. They voted against Trump/GOP in classic vote splitting strategy.

And I did not enjoy it. Not at all.
The whole republicans-dem debate, from the True Believers (on both sides) with their religious fervor of "WE are nothing like THEM!" reminds me of the quote "In theory, theory and practice are the same, in practice, they're not." Once again, Catholics and Protestants.

Out of office, the Dems and the Repubs are two opposite parties, in theory. In office, they are remarkably similar, in practice. (SimpleMinded TM)

I cast my first presidential election vote in 1980, and since that time, Republicans have done remarkably little to reduce the size, cost, or growth rate of government. So if one wants to make the argument that one party is headed towards the cliff at 60 mph, that's fine. But to think the other party is not headed towards the cliff at 50 mph is delusional in my opinion. But hey, I'm one person with a viewpoint that neither party wants to appeal to.

You say GOP turnout was high. The stat I saw was voter participation rate was about 49%. High turnout by historical standards is still most voters staying home. Above data comes from...... poling? Are we still listening to pollsters after the last 10 years?

Nationwide stat of turn out is meaningless. There are 435 representatives because "all politics is local." Turnout data in each district, especially in the districts where the seat turned over might be a bit more informative. But then again, why are we still listening to pollsters? It's like listening to "climate scientists."

49% turnout? See above post. Me thinks that Dems still don't get the message of their 2008 primary, and Repubs still don't get the message of their 2016 primary.

Now stop moping about and get back on that pony. It's not that the pony hates you, it just feels it does not need you on its back. One foot in front of the other soldier, one foot in front of the other..... :)
Mr. Perfect
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

I think you are wrong about almost everything you said.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Let's break this down.
Simple Minded wrote: The whole republicans-dem debate, from the True Believers (on both sides) with their religious fervor of "WE are nothing like THEM!" reminds me of the quote "In theory, theory and practice are the same, in practice, they're not." Once again, Catholics and Protestants.
I have no idea what this means.
Out of office, the Dems and the Repubs are two opposite parties, in theory. In office, they are remarkably similar, in practice. (SimpleMinded TM)
Completely fact free.

One party puts up Kavanaugh, the other RBG. One party passes tax cuts, the other party passes tax increases. One party prosecutes Islamic terror, the other refuses to say it's name.

You simply have a fact free narrative.
I cast my first presidential election vote in 1980, and since that time, Republicans have done remarkably little to reduce the size, cost, or growth rate of government.
It usually grows much much much faster when Democrats are in charge. So obviously if you wanted smaller government Democrats are never ever ever ever an option.
So if one wants to make the argument that one party is headed towards the cliff at 60 mph, that's fine. But to think the other party is not headed towards the cliff at 50 mph is delusional in my opinion. But hey, I'm one person with a viewpoint that neither party wants to appeal to.
50 mph gives you extra time to turn away. Very simple to understand.

Having read your material for a number of years I can say honestly I have no idea what your viewpoints are and would have no idea how to appeal to you.
You say GOP turnout was high. The stat I saw was voter participation rate was about 49%. High turnout by historical standards is still most voters staying home. Above data comes from...... poling? Are we still listening to pollsters after the last 10 years?
This is where not following politics hurts you. If you want to chase people who have no interest in politics of voting, be my guest. I do not chase such people around.

I live in reality. I did a lengthy post on my demographic analysis. I check trends from actual voting results over the last few elections. Turnout was high in all segments but the swing vote swung against us in classic ballot splitting. A certain portion of the population will vote for a Republican for one spot and a Democrat for another in order to pit one side against the other. The question is why they swung away from the GOP this time, which is not currently clear. But I have some guesses.
Nationwide stat of turn out is meaningless. There are 435 representatives because "all politics is local."
All politics is not local.
Turnout data in each district, especially in the districts where the seat turned over might be a bit more informative. But then again, why are we still listening to pollsters? It's like listening to "climate scientists."
I don't listen to pollsters much, but I study election results fastidiously. They tell you a lot.
49% turnout? See above post. Me thinks that Dems still don't get the message of their 2008 primary, and Repubs still don't get the message of their 2016 primary.

Now stop moping about and get back on that pony. It's not that the pony hates you, it just feels it does not need you on its back. One foot in front of the other soldier, one foot in front of the other..... :)
I don't think you understand what's going on. This was the last chance in my lifetime to reduce the government by 75%. It came and went. The whole purpose of my life has been voided. It was all for nothing.

Having all 3 branches of government with a bit of mandate at your back only happens a couple of times in your life, this was probably the last. It's over.
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Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

If you say so Mr. P..... :roll:

If the Republicans were the party of your ideals in reality, I'd be one of their biggest cheerleaders. I have not seen anything in my lifetime that leads me to believe they are the party of smaller government and fiscal responsibility. I did believe that a couple decades ago though.

They controlled all three branches for 6 years under W, and two years under Trump. Look at the budgets for those years. Maybe if they had allied themselves with the Tea Party rather than view the Tea Party as an existential enemy, they might still be in the majority.

Damn shame the Republicans can't articulate the ideals you express. They just might have a bigger tent.

I can't count the number of times I've heard Mark Steyn, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Star Parker, Victor Davis Hanson, Rush Limbaugh, George Will, Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter, or any other number of conservative commentators (even comedians) articulate a problem, layout a solution, and then thought "Where the hell are the Republicans? Why are they saying the same thing? If they just shut the hell up and called up the above commentators above each Friday and asked What should I say next week?, they'd be a lot better off."

Instead someone calls them racist, sexist, homophobe, or mean-spirit and they sulk off the stage. Or the subject of bathrooms or sex change operations comes up and boom, they are off message.

If they quit responding to the above insults, and quit taking about bathroom usage, and gender types, and talked about budgets and existing problems, it would be a lot easier to take them seriously.

Recent points: Tucker Carlson asked George Ramos how many illegals he was taking into his house. Every Republican should be asking this question every time a microphone gets within 10 feet of his face. Doc put together a great meme about the govt controlling at the border or homeowners controlling it at their front doors. Use memes as talking points and stay on message.

I'm not the one you need to convince, listen to the above commentators sometime.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by crashtech66 »

Mr. Perfect wrote: It usually grows much much much faster when Democrats are in charge. So obviously if you wanted smaller government Democrats are never ever ever ever an option.
By SColombo (based on style and sources of Ninjatacoshell's previous version) - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.p ... d=11701263

As of 2014, Republican Presidents are two out of four on debt reduction, but even counting WWII, Democrats are 3 out of 5. Leaving out WWII puts Dems at 3 out of 4.

Obviously the truth is more complicated than your dubious statement or my overly simplified graph. For some reason I still believe that the Rs represent the best chance to rein in government, though never in my lifetime have they actually delivered.
Mr. Perfect
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Democrats were in charge of Congress during the Reagan years. Republicans were in charge of Congress during Clinton.

Anything else?
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Nonc Hilaire
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Nonc Hilaire »

I say we put voting on a blockchain and eliminate parties entirely.
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Mr. Perfect
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Simple Minded wrote:If you say so Mr. P..... :roll:

If the Republicans were the party of your ideals in reality, I'd be one of their biggest cheerleaders. I have not seen anything in my lifetime that leads me to believe they are the party of smaller government and fiscal responsibility. I did believe that a couple decades ago though.
Look at any Republican state vs any Democrat state. Look at obama's fiscal record vs any Republican.

This is very simple stuff.
They controlled all three branches for 6 years under W, and two years under Trump. Look at the budgets for those years. Maybe if they had allied themselves with the Tea Party rather than view the Tea Party as an existential enemy, they might still be in the majority.
We were in the majority just a few weeks ago.

We are out of the majority because of swing voters, not the Tea Party base.

You live in alternate universe.
Damn shame the Republicans can't articulate the ideals you express. They just might have a bigger tent.
When the MSM paints all those ideals as racist before you get out of the gate.

I would love to see what you would do with that.
I can't count the number of times I've heard Mark Steyn, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Star Parker, Victor Davis Hanson, Rush Limbaugh, George Will, Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter, or any other number of conservative commentators (even comedians) articulate a problem, layout a solution, and then thought "Where the hell are the Republicans? Why are they saying the same thing? If they just shut the hell up and called up the above commentators above each Friday and asked What should I say next week?, they'd be a lot better off."
You act as thought there is no opposition party painting everything you do as racist and inbred, and that just saying words overcomes facts like not having 60 Senators or control of both chambers and the WH.

It's like you guys don't understand politics, at all.
Instead someone calls them racist, sexist, homophobe, or mean-spirit and they sulk off the stage.
Let's see what you do.
Or the subject of bathrooms or sex change operations comes up and boom, they are off message.

If they quit responding to the above insults, and quit taking about bathroom usage, and gender types, and talked about budgets and existing problems, it would be a lot easier to take them seriously.
Let's see what you would do.
Recent points: Tucker Carlson asked George Ramos how many illegals he was taking into his house. Every Republican should be asking this question every time a microphone gets within 10 feet of his face. Doc put together a great meme about the govt controlling at the border or homeowners controlling it at their front doors. Use memes as talking points and stay on message.

I'm not the one you need to convince, listen to the above commentators sometime.
Cool story, however your theme seems to be until we have whip smart Tucker Carlson type firecrackers in every position then we have to self flagellate with Democrat ruin.

That's crazy.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by crashtech66 »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Democrats were in charge of Congress during the Reagan years. Republicans were in charge of Congress during Clinton.

Anything else?
Oh, only that you are pretty predictable. I guess that makes you the perfect conservative. Congratulations!
Mr. Perfect
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

So you couldn't rebut my points?
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Mr. Perfect
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Do you guys ever wonder what things would be like if you fought the Democrat party half as hard as you do the Republican party?

I do.
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Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

Mr. Perfect wrote:I think you are wrong about almost everything you said.
I wear the badge of hemorrhoid with pride! ;)
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

Nonc Hilaire wrote:I say we put voting on a blockchain and eliminate parties entirely.
I'm in.

Based on the 2008 Dem POTUS primary, and the 2016 Repub POTUS primary, I'm betting neither party floats this idea. Too big a potential market. What would they do with all the business cards they have printed?

During the Clarence Thomas hearings, I recall a conversation with an elderly Jewish friend. he noted: "If the NAACP had a magic wand, and they could make either the Ku Klux Klan disappear, or Clarence Thomas disappear, they would make Clarence Thomas disappear. They need the a healthy KKK to justify their existence."

As another friend has noted: "The Protestants have made a religion out of not being Catholic." Mr. Perfect's posts and the statements of many Dem's and Repub's often remind me of that quote.
Last edited by Simple Minded on Sat Nov 17, 2018 4:48 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

Mr. Perfect wrote:Do you guys ever wonder what things would be like if you fought the Democrat party half as hard as you do the Republican party?

I do.
Do you ever wonder what things would be like if the Republican Party that exists in reality was the Republican Party of your ideals?

Imagine if you spent as much time whipping the existing members of the Republican Party into "ideological shape" as you did castigating hemorrhoids and those who are not in lockstep with your ideas.........


No RINO's, no squishies, no deserters, no contrarians sabotaging the Republican Party during the voting process ....a party that acts like a majority when it is a majority...... it would be glorious!

Sweep in front of your own door..... get the beam out of your own eye first.
Last edited by Simple Minded on Sat Nov 17, 2018 5:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

crashtech66 wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:Democrats were in charge of Congress during the Reagan years. Republicans were in charge of Congress during Clinton.

Anything else?
Oh, only that you are pretty predictable. I guess that makes you the perfect conservative. Congratulations!

Do you consider yourself more deplorable, more hemorrhoid, or maybe a hybrid? Deplorehoid or Hemplorable? ;)
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by crashtech66 »

Mr. Perfect wrote:So you couldn't rebut my points?
Why would I want to waste time like that.
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by crashtech66 »

Simple Minded wrote:crashtech66,

Do you consider yourself more deplorable, more hemorrhoid, or maybe a hybrid? Deplorehoid or Hemplorable? ;)
I have no idea. I don't really identify with or feel welcome in any political party at this point. Call me Disgustable maybe.
Simple Minded

Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Simple Minded »

crashtech66 wrote:
Simple Minded wrote:crashtech66,

Do you consider yourself more deplorable, more hemorrhoid, or maybe a hybrid? Deplorehoid or Hemplorable? ;)
I have no idea. I don't really identify with or feel welcome in any political party at this point. Call me Disgustable maybe.
I understand completely. I think that may be why voter participation never gets above 50%.

I call this group the deplorable hemorrhoids.
Mr. Perfect
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Simple Minded wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:I think you are wrong about almost everything you said.
I wear the badge of hemorrhoid with pride! ;)
Indeed. That word really triggered you. It's been fascinating to watch.
Last edited by Mr. Perfect on Sun Nov 18, 2018 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mr. Perfect
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Simple Minded wrote: Do you ever wonder what things would be like if the Republican Party that exists in reality was the Republican Party of your ideals?
I asked you first.
Imagine if you spent as much time whipping the existing members of the Republican Party into "ideological shape" as you did castigating hemorrhoids and those who are not in lockstep with your ideas.........


No RINO's, no squishies, no deserters, no contrarians sabotaging the Republican Party during the voting process ....a party that acts like a majority when it is a majority...... it would be glorious!

Sweep in front of your own door..... get the beam out of your own eye first.
Ok. So what's your plan.
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Mr. Perfect
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Re: On conservative and libertarian stupidity

Post by Mr. Perfect »

crashtech66 wrote:
Mr. Perfect wrote:So you couldn't rebut my points?
Why would I want to waste time like that.
I dunno, you brought it up.
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