The Great Reset

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Re: The Great Reset

Post by noddy »

thats driven by the fact that old, unpatched windows machines are the prime targets for botnets and ddos attacks - microsoft is being forced to take them offline before they ruin the internet.

so far, the only company which can actually disable your hardware is Apple , all the old windows machines can happily be reinstalled with a new OS.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Doc »

Yeah I have a perfectly good windows 8 machine that MS auto upgraded to Win 10 Brick, without asking me, a while back. I can to sell you cheap.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The Great Reset

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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Doc »

Build Back Better

"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by noddy »
Building Back Better (BBB) is a strategy aimed at reducing the risk to the people of nations and communities in the wake of future disasters and shocks.[1] The BBB approach integrates disaster risk reduction measures into the restoration of physical infrastructure, social systems and shelter, and the revitalization of livelihoods, economies and the environment.[2]
Governments, donors, and aid agencies must recognize that families and communities drive their own recovery.

Recovery must promote fairness and equity.

Governments must enhance preparedness for future disasters.

Local governments must be empowered to manage recovery effort
s, and donors must devote greater resources to strengthening government recovery institutions, especially at the local level.
Good recovery planning and effective coordination depend on good information.

The UN, World Bank, and other multilateral agencies must clarify their roles and relationships, especially in addressing the early stage of a recovery process.

The expanding role of NGOs and the Red Cross/ Red Crescent Movement carries greater responsibilities for quality in recovery efforts.

From the start of recovery operations, governments and aid agencies must create the conditions for entrepreneurs to flourish.

Beneficiaries deserve the kind of agency partnerships that move beyond rivalry and unhealthy competition.

Good recovery must leave communities safer by reducing risks and building resilience.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Doc »

noddy wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:55 am
I will get around to that when I have the time and/or also have the need for it.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Zack Morris »

Doc wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:17 am [Zack honestly you don't know me. You really don't. Did I ever mention after the Pulse nightclub massacre I explained to more than a few gay people how they really needed to buy guns and get properly trained with them for personal protection. As if one or two persons in that club that night had a gun the shooter would most likely be dead BEFORE he could nearly so many as he did. AND YOU SHOULD NOTE as far as the police response to the Pulse Nightclub massacre the police did not enter the building until AFTER THE SHOOTER KILLED EVERYONE HE WAS GOING TO KILL. The same thing with the shooting Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. The first responding police did not enter the building. It wasn't until another department minutes later and how knows how many more dead before police showed up that were willing to do their duty.
Bringing guns to nightclubs. Brilliant! That'll lend a whole new meaning to "taking shots."

Most of these disingenuous appeals to liberals to arm up or "move to Texas" are predicated on liberals abandoning their "problematic" beliefs and voting tendencies. I'm quite sure you would have been happy for gays to buy guns in exchange for dropping agitation for gay marriage and employment protection.
AS for denying contraception I don't know anyone that actively does that.
That's precisely what some employers have been trying to do: exclude contraception from their health care policies.
And for Abortion I object to it on the grounds that it is negative eugenics advertised as something else. Given the original idea that it was an American Progressive solution to "too many undesirable" foreigners and black people, you should be objecting to it on those grounds as well.
Bodily autonomy. Stay out of other people's wombs, mmkay?
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Doc »

Zack Morris wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 8:30 pm
Doc wrote: Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:17 am [Zack honestly you don't know me. You really don't. Did I ever mention after the Pulse nightclub massacre I explained to more than a few gay people how they really needed to buy guns and get properly trained with them for personal protection. As if one or two persons in that club that night had a gun the shooter would most likely be dead BEFORE he could nearly so many as he did. AND YOU SHOULD NOTE as far as the police response to the Pulse Nightclub massacre the police did not enter the building until AFTER THE SHOOTER KILLED EVERYONE HE WAS GOING TO KILL. The same thing with the shooting Stoneman Douglas High School shooting. The first responding police did not enter the building. It wasn't until another department minutes later and how knows how many more dead before police showed up that were willing to do their duty.
Bringing guns to nightclubs. Brilliant! That'll lend a whole new meaning to "taking shots."

Most of these disingenuous appeals to liberals to arm up or "move to Texas" are predicated on liberals abandoning their "problematic" beliefs and voting tendencies. I'm quite sure you would have been happy for gays to buy guns in exchange for dropping agitation for gay marriage and employment protection.
As I recall 45 people were shot to death inside that Nightclub. The police waited outside and did nothing. So you figure they should die for their "problematic beliefs?
AS for denying contraception I don't know anyone that actively does that.
That's precisely what some employers have been trying to do: exclude contraception from their health care policies.
Outside of religious organizations I don't know of any that are against contraception. Being sexually active is a choice. It is not expensive and even it is not affordable county health departments give it away FOR FREE . Now if you are talking about abortion of contraception that is not only a choice it is a poor choice. You can't make an argument for abortion that reflects the huger part of reality. [/quote]
And for Abortion I object to it on the grounds that it is negative eugenics advertised as something else. Given the original idea that it was an American Progressive solution to "too many undesirable" foreigners and black people, you should be objecting to it on those grounds as well.
Bodily autonomy. Stay out of other people's wombs, mmkay?

Exactly !!! So what do we need a for profit planned parenthood for?
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Doc » ... nequality/

Christine Lagarde on how to address COVID-19, climate change and inequality
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Doc »

From almost a year ago but well worth the read

The Great Reset for Dummies
Where do we go from here?
Tessa Lena
Oct 28, 2020


The peasants are getting fat, and they are breeding!
Oh no.

What is “the Great Reset”?

The Great Reset is a massively funded, desperately ambitious, internationally coordinated project led by some of the biggest multinational corporations and financial players on the planet and carried out by cooperating state bodies and NGOs. Its soul is a combination of early 20th century science fiction, idyllic Soviet posters, the obsessiveness of a deranged accountant with a gambling addiction—and an upgraded, digital version of “Manifest Destiny.”

The mathematical reason for the Great Reset is that thanks to technology, the planet has gotten small, and the infinite expansion economic model is bust—but obviously, the super wealthy want to continue staying super wealthy, and so they need a miracle, another bubble, plus a surgically precise system for managing what they perceive as “their limited resources.” Thus, they desperately want a bubble providing new growth out of thin air—literally—while simultaneously they seek to tighten the peasants’ belts, an effort that starts with “behavioral modification,” a.k.a. resetting the western peasants’ sense of entitlement to high life standards and liberties (see awful “privilege”).

The psychological reason for the Great Reset is the fear of losing control of property, the planet. I suppose, if you own billions and move trillions, your perception of reality gets funky, and everything down below looks like an ant hill that exists for you. Just ants and numbers, your assets.

Thus, the practical aim of the Great Reset is to fundamentally restructure the world’s economy and geopolitical relations based on two assumptions: one, that every element of nature and every life form is a part of the global inventory (managed by the allegedly benevolent state, which, in turn, is owned by several suddenly benevolent wealthy people, via technology)—and two, that all inventory needs to be strictly accounted for: be registered in a central database, be readable by a scanner and easily ID’ed, and be managed by AI, using the latest “science.” The goal is to count and then efficiently manage and control all resources, including people, on an unprecedented scale, with unprecedented digital anxiety and precision—all while the masters keep indulging, enjoying vast patches of conserved nature, free of unnecessary sovereign peasants and their unpredictability. The king’s world feels far more predictable and relaxed when the chaos of human subjectivity is contained for good.

Plus, as a potentially lucrative aside, a bunch of these tightly managed “assets” can be also turned into new financial instruments and traded. Game on!

In other words, it’s an “efficient” global feudalism that goes much farther than its medieval brother since the scanner is all-seeing: every person, every mineral, and every berry is digitally tagged and tracked. Under that framework, every peasant has a function that is derived not from the mystery of life, and not from their inner calling—but from AI, the master of efficiency and the servant of the king. Ideally, the peasants can be convinced that it’s good for them (or necessary to be safe, see “contact tracing”) and that this is what progress and happiness are like—but if not, there are other ways, from classic violence to virtual prisons to “morality pills.”

Much more at the site
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Doc »

How The Great Reset Is Accelerating Into Global Tyranny

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola September 30, 2021
Please Share This Story!

Since 1978, I have stated that the global elite’s goal is to grab all of the resources of the world, leaving no private ownership for anyone else. When I discovered historic Technocracy, it was clear that it was the means used to do so. Today, it is in-your-face obvious. If they are successful, it will represent the greatest heist in the history of the world. ⁃ TN Editor


> The World Economic Forum’s 2030 agenda includes the dictum that you will “own nothing and be happy.” The unstated implication is that the world’s resources will be owned and controlled by the technocratic elite, and you’ll have to pay for the temporary use of everything

> The WEF’s 2030 agenda is part of what is now advertised as The Great Reset

> Also part of The Great Reset is the transition from shareholder capitalism to “stakeholder capitalism,” which world leaders claim will provide “equity” for all

> In reality, stakeholder capitalism destroys freedom and shifts power over nations from elected governments to private corporations and other unelected “stakeholders” such as the WEF

> Since the first quarter of 2020, we’ve already gotten a taste of what The Great Reset will mean for public health. The basic premise is that of a biosecurity state, where unelected “stakeholders” decide what is best for everyone
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by noddy »

the only countries which will remain sovereign and have land owning citizens will be the small countries that dont follow global neo liberal rules, as pushed by the american government - free global movement of people and capital only suits the corporate class, not the disposable worker class.

give me economics stagnation or give me death! should be the new motto.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Doc »

noddy wrote: Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:05 am the only countries which will remain sovereign and have land owning citizens will be the small countries that dont follow global neo liberal rules, as pushed by the american government - free global movement of people and capital only suits the corporate class, not the disposable worker class.

give me economics stagnation or give me death! should be the new motto.
They'll get around to the small countries sooner or later. Switzerland only remained independent in WWII because the Germans were afraid they would blow up the train tunnels between Germany and Italy. The only protection small countries will have is time for the vultures of humanity to get around to them.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by noddy »

not in my lifetime, so that will be the futures problem.

I doubt neoliberalism is going to end up dominant anyway, it will remain a potent force in the anglosphere but the shine has come off it heavily in the last few years.

neither europe nor asia ever went as hard on the corporate controlled, global free market as our countries did and im not seeing any political appetite to change that.

covid has really shown which systems can deal with shocks and which are fragile, its always interesting when dogma confronts reality.

just in time supply chains from global corporates were the first things to fall apart - local production and ownership has value again.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by noddy »

from napster in the australia thread.
Ecology isn’t just the logic of total economy, it’s also the new morality of Capital.
The system’s state of internal crisis and the rigorous selection going on are such
that we will need a new criteria to operate such sorting with. From one era to the
next, the idea of virtue was never more than an invention of vice. Without ecology,
how could we have today the existence of two different food channels, one “healthy
and organic” for the rich and their children, and the other notoriously toxic for the
plebes and their offspring, damned to obesity. The planetary hyper-bourgeoisie
couldn’t make their ordinary lifestyle look respectable if its latest caprices weren’t so
scrupulously “respectful of the environment.” Without ecology, no one would have
enough authority anymore to shut up any and all objections to the exorbitant
progress of control.
Tracking, transparency, certification, eco-taxes, environmental excellence, water
police, all give us an idea of the coming state of ecological emergency. Everything
is permitted to a power structure that authorizes itself to act as the representative of
Nature, health, and well-being.
“Once the new economic and behavioral culture has passed into common morality,
coercive measures will doubtless fall into disuse of their own accord.” You’d have to
have all the ridiculous aplomb of a television adventure show host to have such a
frozen perspective and at the same time to call upon us to feel “sorry for the planet”
enough to get mobilized about it and yet remain sufficiently anesthetized to watch
the whole thing with restraint and civility. The new eco-asceticism is precisely that
self-control that is required of us all to negotiate the rescue operation for what the
system itself has taken hostage. In the name of ecology, we must all now tighten
our belts, as yesterday we did so in the name of the economy. The roads could
certainly be transformed into bicycle paths, we ourselves could perhaps within a
certain scope be one day gratified with a guaranteed income, but only at the price of
an entirely therapeutic existence. Those who claim that generalized self-control will
spare us from an environmental dictatorship are lying: the one will make the other’s
bed, and we’ll have both.
most of the middle class enviromental stuff is just lies to maintain current lifestyle while pretending to make a difference.

the consequences of that are whats fueling this paranoia about the great reset.

deep down, we all know what happens when 10 billion humans all share whats currently going to 2 billion humans.

nobody has the politics to deal with the other 8 billion, so we get cognitive dissonance.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Doc »

noddy wrote: Sun Oct 03, 2021 1:48 am from napster in the australia thread.
Ecology isn’t just the logic of total economy, it’s also the new morality of Capital.
The system’s state of internal crisis and the rigorous selection going on are such
that we will need a new criteria to operate such sorting with. From one era to the
next, the idea of virtue was never more than an invention of vice. Without ecology,
how could we have today the existence of two different food channels, one “healthy
and organic” for the rich and their children, and the other notoriously toxic for the
plebes and their offspring, damned to obesity. The planetary hyper-bourgeoisie
couldn’t make their ordinary lifestyle look respectable if its latest caprices weren’t so
scrupulously “respectful of the environment.” Without ecology, no one would have
enough authority anymore to shut up any and all objections to the exorbitant
progress of control.
Tracking, transparency, certification, eco-taxes, environmental excellence, water
police, all give us an idea of the coming state of ecological emergency. Everything
is permitted to a power structure that authorizes itself to act as the representative of
Nature, health, and well-being.
“Once the new economic and behavioral culture has passed into common morality,
coercive measures will doubtless fall into disuse of their own accord.” You’d have to
have all the ridiculous aplomb of a television adventure show host to have such a
frozen perspective and at the same time to call upon us to feel “sorry for the planet”
enough to get mobilized about it and yet remain sufficiently anesthetized to watch
the whole thing with restraint and civility. The new eco-asceticism is precisely that
self-control that is required of us all to negotiate the rescue operation for what the
system itself has taken hostage. In the name of ecology, we must all now tighten
our belts, as yesterday we did so in the name of the economy. The roads could
certainly be transformed into bicycle paths, we ourselves could perhaps within a
certain scope be one day gratified with a guaranteed income, but only at the price of
an entirely therapeutic existence. Those who claim that generalized self-control will
spare us from an environmental dictatorship are lying: the one will make the other’s
bed, and we’ll have both.
most of the middle class enviromental stuff is just lies to maintain current lifestyle while pretending to make a difference.

the consequences of that are whats fueling this paranoia about the great reset.

deep down, we all know what happens when 10 billion humans all share whats currently going to 2 billion humans.

nobody has the politics to deal with the other 8 billion, so we get cognitive dissonance.

I am about the last person to buy into conspiracy theories. But I also recognize everyone has an authoritarian streak Some much more than others.

"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros

The WEP apparently thinks it does have the politics to deal with the other 99.9% ... 77#p154977
Christine Lagarde on how to address COVID-19, climate change and inequality

Conspiracies mostly are accidental in their beginnings. They just happen out of human nature

When Teddy Roosevelt was NYC police commissioner there was a raging crime spree being reported in the city. Daily stories of all kinds of crimes.Greatly alarming the population of the city. People were demanding action be taken. That something must be "NOW!!" Roosevelt knowing that there was actually no change in the crime rate, called one of the two reporters at competing newspapers Lincoln Stephens in and asked him point blank why has was helping in creating the hysteria and what did Roosevelt have to do to get it to stop?

Stephens answered that he was trying to sell more newspapers than the other guy. And the way to stop it was to take the crime log books out of the hall way of the NYC police quarters where anyone could see it, Including himself and the other report reporting on the raging crime spree.

At the beginning of the last century there was another pandemic. One that raged through WWII and is still cycling through human affairs because it is human nature to fear what we do not understand that we want simple solutions for.

Sexually Insatiable Female Morons.
Progressive genocide
Less than 100 years ago, America's finest minds were convinced the nation was threatened by sexually insatiable female morons. A new history of the eugenics movement sheds light on a bizarre chapter in U.S. history.
By Farhad Manjoo
Published March 4, 2006 1:45PM (EST)

Among the many concerns that captivated the American educated class early in the last century, few were thought to be as urgent as the threat posed to the nation by sexually insatiable female morons. This may sound silly; today, our fear of morons is rather abstract, and on a national scale confined mostly to whomever is the current resident of the White House. But a hundred years ago, morons were public enemy No. 1, seen as a drain on the nation's resources and a grave danger to its stability. The situation was most keenly appreciated by progressives -- scientists, businessmen, feminists and liberal politicians -- who, as even the best of us sometimes do, feared that within a short time, the nation would be overrun by simpletons.

But how do you solve a problem like the moron? These poor people, for one, weren't easy to spot. "Feeblemindedness," the medical condition from which morons suffered, was chiefly manifested by subtle, difficult-to-diagnose symptoms, such as poor judgment and a susceptibility to deviance. The only way to tell if you were dealing with a certifiable moron -- an actual medical term -- was by administering an intelligence questionnaire (an early version of the IQ test), which scientists believed could accurately assess a patient's "mental age." Unlike idiots and imbeciles (who were characterized by significant, obvious mental defects), morons, who were grown-ups who showed mental ages that were far below their physical maturity, might do well in school, they might hold down jobs, and they might even manage to raise children -- but all this was to be thought of as a ruse, because sooner or later, they'd go astray.

If you read on down at the link you will see that Hitler and the Nazis fully embraced American progressive eugenics To the point they murdered 12 million "inferior" people.

Eugenics basically is "Whatever kills you makes me stronger"

Some people claim that the holocaust is just a conspiracy theory.

Some conspiracies are planned. They often involved politicians being bribed in one way or another. As was the case with the robber barons. Who have nothing on our current germination of robber barons.

When you buy software from Microsoft. Microsoft still owns it Just like the French business girl walking down the street. She sells her product but still has it. Only she does not have an office, MS or otherwise.

Apple has a no customer repairs policy. The same with John Deere.

If their product happenes to break, you have to basically buy the product again. Same goes for pretty much all cloud Based applications.

My calls to MS customer support have generally gone something like this


Some people claim that the Mafia is just a conspiracy theory.

"You will own nothing And you will be happy" Could easily work out to "The only happy peasants are dead peasants"


These days the big tech companies seem to think they own your life and have a right to know everything you do with it.

Until COVID hit the world was advancing in elevating the poor. African actually has a been increasing its medical system for example. Plus we are the brink of going off planet for resources and manufacturing. IE the pie is about to get a lot bigger.

Though the head of Russia's rocket agency just claimed today that Venus was the property of Russia as it was the first to successfully land on that planet. :roll: Maybe they will rename it "Crimea" and they will send little green men there, claim they are aliens, and hold a referendum on whether or not they want to be part of Russia.
"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Mr. Perfect »

Zack Morris wrote: Sat May 01, 2021 8:30 pm Bringing guns to nightclubs. Brilliant! That'll lend a whole new meaning to "taking shots."

Most of these disingenuous appeals to liberals to arm up or "move to Texas" are predicated on liberals abandoning their "problematic" beliefs and voting tendencies. I'm quite sure you would have been happy for gays to buy guns in exchange for dropping agitation for gay marriage and employment protection.
That's precisely what some employers have been trying to do: exclude contraception from their health care policies.
Lol like 2 employers, that are Catholic.
Bodily autonomy. Stay out of other people's wombs, mmkay?
Lol did that ship ever sail
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Parodite »

Deep down I'm very superficial
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Parodite »

Deep down I'm very superficial
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

We're looking at a new concept. We've basically outsourced our brains and cognitive abilities to our devices with fateful consequenses to our society and future lives as human beings.....
We’re building a hell of a lot of roads these days, and anyone going by the 1990s road navigation method would have to get an updated road atlas every few years. One of the greatest advantages of Google Maps is that it updates on the feed, so quickly in fact it can tell you where the accidents, traffic jams, and cops are. This feed update mechanism is simply too useful to live without. What we’re seeing with 21st century cultures, is that the culture portions of our brains have also been outsourced to the smartphone, and the cultures are updating as fast as Google Maps is. Google Maps is updated based on data about reality. Cultures, being purely social constructs, are not. ... e-maps?s=r

The concept we're talking about is an egregore........
The concept of the “egregore” traces its roots back to eastern and western occultism, the Book of Enoch, the Rosicrucians, and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Cultists. Magic users. When a group of like-minded people come together and their group behavior gives rise to an entity of higher order than they, a conceptual demon materializes and wields the group to do the demon’s bidding. I knew a fellow a while back named Al, who was deep into the Ordo Templi Orientis, a modern offshoot of Aleister Crowley’s Order of the Golden Dawn. When Al spoke of demons he spoke in these terms. He considered the modern American criminal justice system to be a demon. I lost touch with Al a few years back. I would describe him as at least half crazy, but his insights were profound.
Think of a conspiracy that works by a coordinated agenda between players and instead posit a distributed agenda - that's how an egregore works......
In Nawaz’s formulation, a conspiratorial cabal influences government, the government influences both policy and the media, and then policy and the media influences individual behavior (such as masks). This is wrong, because the low and mid-level clock punchers are not beholden to the cabal. They are beholden to their smartphones. And their smartphones are beholden to the media, which in turn are beholden to the pay per click traffic incentive, which is derived by feeding an echo chamber what it wants to hear. The groupthink entity at the bottom of the echo chamber is the actual power. The egregore. ... -nawaz?s=r
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Parodite »

From your link ... -nawaz?s=r

"The groupthink entity at the bottom of the echo chamber is the actual power. The egregore."

Since I don't think non-personal entities can even exist... maybe somebody begs to be known. So I consulted Ana for a nice pseudonym: Egregore :: Roger Gee. A fitting public alias for that powerful demon at the bottom? Roger Gee the Egregious. Sounds perfect. :)

As is usually the case, unknowns hiding in shadows at bottoms of ill defined echo chambers that are however believed to possess actual powers in doing great and evil things in the world... beg for some questions to be answered first.

A self-replicating meme-virus that distributes not because it has overlords conspiring and telling Roger Gee what to do.. but because it is Roger Gee's innate nature to distribute, err.... to replicate? Where we are just his slavish hosts, not even aware it is actually Roger Gee who makes us say, do and believe things? This is of course a serious transfer of agency of the human self/ego to Roger Gee. No, no, it is not "you" thinking those thoughts and choosing your actions... it is Roger Gee and probably hordes of other invisible entities that drive you to do what you do, make you think what you think and believe what you believe. You are nothing, in fact! You can take Roger Gee's word for it.. of course. :P

I will send Roger Gee to Joe Rogan one day and be down drilled. I'm pretty sure Roger is just another anonymous guy who finally wants to be heard. Maybe a conversation with Air Jordan Peterson would be even better. If indeed at the beginning (and at the bottom...) was The Word, what Roger Gee has to tell us might be quite revealing about the Great Reset that is looming on the horizon, clearly.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Miss_Faucie_Fishtits »

Add to the backstory that by current neuroscience, our consciousness is located in the midbrain and cerebellum and not in the cerebral hemispheres. Rational thought, motor action and language is superimposed on emergent response initiatives to be deliberated between, if not already decided by the Main Office. Our animal natures are still intact but we're using the virtual world our devices create to mitigate our cognition or circumvent our forebrains altogether......

What does that leave Roger Gee to work with? As an avatar in our cyborg brains in the space between our consciousness and our cognition? Which we outsourced to our smartphones. Going down the millrace with a foot on each log, Roger may control us but we also conjure him into existence....'>....
She irons her jeans, she's evil.........
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Parodite »

No offense to anybody, but I still can't take the AI / IT crowd very seriously. Asperger syndrome on steroids in most cases. Elon Musk keeps warning us for the Evil Coming of AI and that it is time to escape earth. I don't buy it one bit.

Autists see the world in specific ways, included things that are a threat to their world such as the ever pending chaos just around the corner. Obsessive compulsive orderliness, the need to develop control and special cope mechanisms such as rituals.. not surprising an idea like "programming the global brain" finds fertile ground on Planet Autism.

To understand the China-WEF syndrome where Control-Is-All, the duopoly of psychopathology + autism suffices as the explanatory framework IMHO.

Me would say, the bad news for the control-is-all crowd is The Great Reset. I would define TGR as the normal process by which all things change continuously. No monopoly is absolute or forever. What is, can't stay. All patterns exist for only a limited amount of time. The control junkies know this of course... which is why their state of mind can be best described as a Persistent Paranoia.
Deep down I'm very superficial
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by noddy »

While I totally agree with the limitations and realities of AI - its actually the earnest autistic pattern matching which makes it scary :)

this is not a nuanced system which can tell the difference between black humour/irony and psychotic behaviour - it lumps all those together, so its those consequences which are the most worrying.

as for the great reset - happened 20 or 30 years ago

if you wanted kids to believe in private property and capitalist ownership you would believe in minimum wages and rules that let them purchase homes and become invested in that kind of thinking.

because we believe in ruthless bottom dollar globalist capitalism and wage slavery, the outcomes are pre baked into the system, no avoiding it now.
generational-home-ownership.jpeg (58.02 KiB) Viewed 2430 times
TLDR; great reset happened a generation ago, private property is already dead, its all just kicking the skeleton around now and waiting for the boomers to die.
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