Muslim vs the rest of the world.

Is the Muslim World at war with the west?

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Re: On blow back

Post by Endovelico »

Parodite wrote:But, which is my point, you can choose the sides of people who just end up in the cross fire, notably children. If thousands are raped, killed...not all can be saved. But maybe 50, 200, 2500? When is it worthwhile in your opinion to move in with an international military force and go save them? If a tsunami certain will kill 40.000+ people.. going into the disater area and help out people in serious need who would otherwise perish too is never worth it I suppose.
Did we move into Cambodja at the time of Pol Pot? No. The Vietnamese did. Are we moving into Northern Nigeria, Chad, Niger or Cameroon, to stop Boko Haram? Did we move into Sudan when the Sudanese were slaughtering southern Sudanese? Are we stopping Israel killing Palestinians in Gaza?... It is amazing that concern for women and children only applies to certain countries, usually where oil exists in large quantities...
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Re: On blow back

Post by HAL 10000 »

Endovelico wrote:
Parodite wrote:But, which is my point, you can choose the sides of people who just end up in the cross fire, notably children. If thousands are raped, killed...not all can be saved. But maybe 50, 200, 2500? When is it worthwhile in your opinion to move in with an international military force and go save them? If a tsunami certain will kill 40.000+ people.. going into the disater area and help out people in serious need who would otherwise perish too is never worth it I suppose.
Did we move into Cambodja at the time of Pol Pot? No. The Vietnamese did. Are we moving into Northern Nigeria, Chad, Niger or Cameroon, to stop Boko Haram? Did we move into Sudan when the Sudanese were slaughtering southern Sudanese? Are we stopping Israel killing Palestinians in Gaza?... It is amazing that concern for women and children only applies to certain countries, usually where oil exists in large quantities...
Are you trying to establish a certain moral equivalence between Israel and Boko Haram and/or Pol Pot? Given your intellectual and academic background, so much lack of precision does not suit you. Israel kills just enough to survive, or in the case of the right wing elements in Israel maybe also to keep the illegal settlements in West Bank, but your accusation that Israel intentionally targets civilians in Gaza is rather incorrect.
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Re: On blow back

Post by Parodite »

Endovelico wrote:
Parodite wrote:But, which is my point, you can choose the sides of people who just end up in the cross fire, notably children. If thousands are raped, killed...not all can be saved. But maybe 50, 200, 2500? When is it worthwhile in your opinion to move in with an international military force and go save them? If a tsunami certain will kill 40.000+ people.. going into the disater area and help out people in serious need who would otherwise perish too is never worth it I suppose.
Did we move into Cambodja at the time of Pol Pot? No. The Vietnamese did. Are we moving into Northern Nigeria, Chad, Niger or Cameroon, to stop Boko Haram? Did we move into Sudan when the Sudanese were slaughtering southern Sudanese? Are we stopping Israel killing Palestinians in Gaza?... It is amazing that concern for women and children only applies to certain countries, usually where oil exists in large quantities...
There is no specific concern for women and children in the ME and oil rich countries... where did you get that impression from? US concern and aim was regime change in Iraq with the result that many children were (collateral) victim of American violence and victim (most of them) of ethno-religious communities and their dictators that went after each others throat once pandoras box was opened.

But yes.. I would make women and children anywhere in the world the ones to fight for. Rescue them from the fire.. create corridors and safe havens. Of course the US, NATO, Russia and others could together do a lot in many places in the world where children and women have nobody who defends them and are in dire need to be rescued from the gates of Hell.
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Re: Muslim vs the rest of the world.

Post by Torchwood »

Well, the West created Jihadism, when it trained the Mujaheddin to defeat the USSR and set off the collapse of Communism. Oh the irony.
The conservative version of Islam is of course at war with the West, because it holds values and mores which are at complete variance to the West's, which dominate the rest of the world. Because of this Islam ends up fighting everybody, including Russians and Chinese, and of course Indians. That is why it will eventually lose, despite victories to date, and given that the faith is so committed to the political, will either implode and disappear, or modify itself into a more harmless Westernised form. Let us not be under the delusion that the West is tolerant, the human rights that we preach are universal, whether the target culture wants them or not.

I have a renewed respect for Hobbes. Leviathan aka Ghadaffi or even Saddam was far superior to the anarchy and civil war that reign now. Bush was naive as well as cynical in Iraq, and condemned and laughed at in Europe. So what did Europeans do? lead the charge into Libya...
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Re: The West vs the rest . . .

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 10:01 pm
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 8:09 am
What can he do ?

Not much

Birth rate.png
We have to start think out of the box. Obviously, societies and their economies need to breath; be able to shrink, increase, shrink...increase. Natural rythms.

"Straight line economics" is delusional. There is no straight line going up, down or flat...forever. Old wisdom is to save for times of need.

There are probably more ways to make the economy breathing, adapting, proactively anticipating. It should have shock absorbers, have elasticity.

Immigrants on work visa can be helpful, of course. But it doesn't mean these workers suddenly should become citizens with voting rights.

As for the hot potato of Muslim immigration: we could just only allow for female Muslims to immigrate and make polygamy the preferred legal form of marriage here. Dutch native men can then marry some extra females of Muslim background, boosting the average off spring to two digit figures. It is good for the general gene pool to mix diversity.

The other dirty secret is that not only do native Dutch people want less Muslims (because there always is a solid 10% of medieval Islamo fascists among them), also a majority of Muslim females have had it with their obnoxious, violent male husbands and prefer a decent European male less obsessive about Islaaaam or any other religion. Females prefer moderation and reject war.

Theo van Gogh was murdered by a bearded orthodox Islamofascist, but was friends with many female Muslims, like his neighbor who he helped protecting herself from violent abuses and threats from her Muslim husband.

Young Muslim females here out-perform the males by a big margin in education and jobs. Like I said: the problem with Muslims comes from the males, very thin skinned like little girls, cry babies who feel justified to become extremely violent when a standup comedian makes jokes about their petty long dead prophet. These chaps need to get out or be prevented to get in.

Perodite, your mind is typical Western mind, it shown in all your posts .. western mind must now get "off the horse" and walk with the average world citizen. World has changed .. centre of gravity of culture and civilization has moved

Fact is, West losing rapidly population that must be rapidly replenished. There not enough #s "qualified" immigrants for West.

Does West wants to become Indian, or African, or Indonesian or Chinese ?

If West wants immigrants that in the 2nd generation they not "visible", the only choice is from Middle East , Syrian (ex crusaders who stayed) Afghan (the real Arians), Some Arabs, some North Africans.

And there no many of them, there no 10s of millions of them every other year.

It means these immigrants are "Premium", must be taken care "so that they happy and feel home and integrate"

Idea of "Seasonal workers", Gast Arbeiter idiotic .. Swiss thought they special people, after the war, had many Italian "Gast Arbeiter" that Swiss did not allow them to come with family so that they don't stay, and their work visa was only for once .. Swiss now would dream of those Italian workers would have stayed and had become Swiss .. now Switzerland full or Philipino, Vietnamese ..

Temporary worker + not become citizen + at the same time population collapsing = what happened in Rome and that is why Rome collapsed ..

Romans were citizens, did not work (slave did the work), Romans fell into deep moral and all kinds of decay, when at the same time the slave prospered and became present Itanians ..

That is what is happening in Europe.

Immigrants enrich the stagnant European culture, refresh, bring new ideas .. etc

Look at US .. Silicon Valley is all immigrants .. and mid America is White America ..
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Re: The West vs the rest . . .

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 10:01 pm

We have to start think out of the box. Obviously, societies and their economies need to breath; be able to shrink, increase, shrink...increase. Natural rythms.

"Straight line economics" is delusional. There is no straight line going up, down or flat...forever. Old wisdom is to save for times of need.

There are probably more ways to make the economy breathing, adapting, proactively anticipating. It should have shock absorbers, have elasticity.

Immigrants on work visa can be helpful, of course. But it doesn't mean these workers suddenly should become citizens with voting rights.

As for the hot potato of Muslim immigration: we could just only allow for female Muslims to immigrate and make polygamy the preferred legal form of marriage here. Dutch native men can then marry some extra females of Muslim background, boosting the average off spring to two digit figures. It is good for the general gene pool to mix diversity.

The other dirty secret is that not only do native Dutch people want less Muslims (because there always is a solid 10% of medieval Islamo fascists among them), also a majority of Muslim females have had it with their obnoxious, violent male husbands and prefer a decent European male less obsessive about Islaaaam or any other religion. Females prefer moderation and reject war.

Theo van Gogh was murdered by a bearded orthodox Islamofascist, but was friends with many female Muslims, like his neighbor who he helped protecting herself from violent abuses and threats from her Muslim husband.

Young Muslim females here out-perform the males by a big margin in education and jobs. Like I said: the problem with Muslims comes from the males, very thin skinned like little girls, cry babies who feel justified to become extremely violent when a standup comedian makes jokes about their petty long dead prophet. These chaps need to get out or be prevented to get in.


Violence against women has nothing to do with Islam or any religion.

Are men in Afghanistan more violent against women or the Hindu in India ? or even Han Chinese ?

Are Christian White Americans more violent against the women or Muslim Arabs ?

Is Judaism nicer to women than Islam is to women ?

How men behave towards the women is a "cultural", mostly tribal, nothing to do with religion

Those Moroccans being nasty to women they nasty since 1000s of yrs before Islam
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Re: The West vs the rest . . .

Post by Parodite »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 6:20 pm
Violence against women has nothing to do with Islam or any religion.

Are men in Afghanistan more violent against women or the Hindu in India ? or even Han Chinese ?

Are Christian White Americans more violent against the women or Muslim Arabs ?

Is Judaism nicer to women than Islam is to women ?

How men behave towards the women is a "cultural", mostly tribal, nothing to do with religion

Those Moroccans being nasty to women they nasty since 1000s of yrs before Islam
Again, off tangent and wrong. Religion is part of culture and, as you correctly say, culture is a very strong factor in the level of violence women have to endure. As there are individual differences within a given culture: some men are nicer than others to women, which has its own (complex) reasons, with economic status and level of education a big factor. Some problems run and repeat generational.

Religion, as part of a traditional culture and often a force in shaping the poltical system, practiced in family life and as such also important to each and every individual that embodies that culture: Islam checks all the boxes, so you better take it seriously as a force that works against the well being of women. Your claim that religion has no causal correlation with the abuse of women is idiotic. You can't make the quran as inconsequential as an instruction manual that describes how to grow potatoes.

Islam as an ideology is nearly immune to reformation and enlightened moderation; it will always be on a short leash ankered to its dark medieval nature, spreading its toxic vapors and seeking dominance. Making it hard for Muslims to free themselves from its violent claws, especially for women: add Islam to general male a-holeness and you have the perfect prison to control females.

My somewhat winky suggestion to allow for polygamy and only allow female Muslim immigration would be perfect, is a win-win for everbody. Less toxic male pig medieval Islamism, Muslim females safe and free to choose their life style, included become part of a polygamous family where the wives can support each other and the male pig just creates enough babies to boost birth rates. Pills and condomes are less needed too: not all women need to be pregnant and work at the same time.

I know this would make Berlusconi smile. :)

Another public dirty secret: male human monkie knows his instinct is to impregnate more women. One is not enough! Polygamy, or other forms of "legalised adultery" better for everybody. Would make whores less popular.

Women forced into sex industry very sad, a disastah. Would probably also have prevented Trump from being sentenced in whore Stormy Daniels case. Being a whore corrupts the female soul and the male having sex with her.
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Re: The West vs the rest . . .

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 9:25 am
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 6:20 pm
Violence against women has nothing to do with Islam or any religion.

Are men in Afghanistan more violent against women or the Hindu in India ? or even Han Chinese ?

Are Christian White Americans more violent against the women or Muslim Arabs ?

Is Judaism nicer to women than Islam is to women ?

How men behave towards the women is a "cultural", mostly tribal, nothing to do with religion

Those Moroccans being nasty to women they nasty since 1000s of yrs before Islam
Again, off tangent and wrong. Religion is part of culture and, as you correctly say, culture is a very strong factor in the level of violence women have to endure. As there are individual differences within a given culture: some men are nicer than others to women, which has its own (complex) reasons, with economic status and level of education a big factor. Some problems run and repeat generational.

Religion, as part of a traditional culture and often a force in shaping the poltical system, practiced in family life and as such also important to each and every individual that embodies that culture: Islam checks all the boxes, so you better take it seriously as a force that works against the well being of women. Your claim that religion has no causal correlation with the abuse of women is idiotic. You can't make the quran as inconsequential as an instruction manual that describes how to grow potatoes.

Islam as an ideology is nearly immune to reformation and enlightened moderation; it will always be on a short leash ankered to its dark medieval nature, spreading its toxic vapors and seeking dominance. Making it hard for Muslims to free themselves from its violent claws, especially for women: add Islam to general male a-holeness and you have the perfect prison to control females.

My somewhat winky suggestion to allow for polygamy and only allow female Muslim immigration would be perfect, is a win-win for everbody. Less toxic male pig medieval Islamism, Muslim females safe and free to choose their life style, included become part of a polygamous family where the wives can support each other and the male pig just creates enough babies to boost birth rates. Pills and condomes are less needed too: not all women need to be pregnant and work at the same time.

I know this would make Berlusconi smile. :)

Another public dirty secret: male human monkie knows his instinct is to impregnate more women. One is not enough! Polygamy, or other forms of "legalised adultery" better for everybody. Would make whores less popular.

Women forced into sex industry very sad, a disastah. Would probably also have prevented Trump from being sentenced in whore Stormy Daniels case. Being a whore corrupts the female soul and the male having sex with her.

Yesterday met an Australian couple friend who are in movie making industry, and this : A nation of 25 million

In the 2022-23 financial year, 34 women were killed by their current or former intimate partners in Australia.

An 28% increase from the previous year 2021-22, when 26 women were killed by an intimate partner.

In the last 2 years (2021-22 and 2022-23), a total of 60 women were killed by their current or former intimate partners in Australia ... inst-women ... inst-women

One women every 4 days killed in Australia by their husband

Similar problem exists in Canada and US

ZERO to do with Islam and Muslims .. a clear "White Man's deceases"

Violence against women in Europe too, Spain even Sweden.

Compare this with a Muslim nations, population 100 million Iran , 275 Million Indonesia, 36 MillionS Saudi .. and Hindu 1.5 Billion Indians

Argument could be made that violence against women now much worst in "White Man" nations of West than Muslim countries.

Typhoon expert in providing statistics, would be good to see valid up to date statistics

My (white) Australian couple friends said the reason for violence against women by husband/partner is the collapse of family in Western Civilization .. in Muslim AND Eastern civilization, including China , India and even Japan , the "Family Bonds" are very strong and financial and other hardships are absorbed much softer on the family.

My argument is Violence against women in West, Christian civilization is worst than in Muslim nations and civilizations .. I challenge to prove with facts this not the case .
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Re: The West vs the rest . . .

Post by Parodite »

If muslim woman happy with Islam and her Muslim husband, in my win-win recipe they cannot immigrate. If however Muslim woman, or even better ex-Muslim woman is single, she can immigrate and marry whoever she wants, if she wants.

If you want to start a racist contest between white western males and brown/black males who are more abusive of women, you can start a new thread elsewhere.

Clearly you see no down side to medieval Islamism. You also refuse to condemn Hamas for what they did 7-10, Putin for starting a war against Ukraine, the Mental Mulla*s and the CCP mafia. Which makes you an interesting specimen to study; you single handedly elevated the word nuts and moral corruption to new heights.
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Re: The Netherlands

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 6:51 pm If muslim woman happy with Islam and her Muslim husband, in my win-win recipe they cannot immigrate. If however Muslim woman, or even better ex-Muslim woman is single, she can immigrate and marry whoever she wants, if she wants.

If you want to start a racist contest between white western males and brown/black males who are more abusive of women, you can start a new thread elsewhere.

Clearly you see no down side to medieval Islamism. You also refuse to condemn Hamas for what they did 7-10, Putin for starting a war against Ukraine, the Mental Mulla*s and the CCP mafia. Which makes you an interesting specimen to study; you single handedly elevated the word nuts and moral corruption to new heights.

What I say has nothing to do with "Racist" .. I post facts and should be contested with facts

I say violence against women are worst in Western, dominated by "White Males", than in Muslim countries.

Many Reason for this

One of the main reasons, although there are a few other important reasons, is the "collapse of Family institution" in Western liberalism society.

"Warm family" institution is DILUTED in western liberalism .. in "rosy times", all is fine, once in bad time, there no strong forces (warm family bonding) to cushion the life's pressures, that leads to violence against wife (and children).

This not what HP sayin, this western reality many articles written about.

Why in liberalism the "family" institution diluted and collapsed, is another debate we could have.


In Muslim countries, as they all still far away from Western style "Liberalism, the "Family Institution", with century old traditions, very strong bonding.

Re some Muslim girls wanting to live like west, missing going to nude beach or even missing Western university life style is all OK if they want to move to West, nothing wrong with that. ... n-machall/

In addition to the usual workshops offered during Sex Week, the University of Calgary Students’ Union will host a communal orgy for all students and faculty. Officially called the “MacHall Bacchanal Sex Ball,” the event will be hosted in the MacHall courtyard next Tuesday at 4 p.m.

“Students will be finishing up classes for the day and they’ll be ready to unwind,” head organizer Jenny Altman said. “We thought for a long time, crunched some numbers and figured out the best time for the event in order to achieve peak arousal.”

:lol: .. Mull*hs laughing

Last edited by Heracleum Persicum on Fri May 31, 2024 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The West vs the rest . . .

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Parodite wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 6:51 pm
Clearly you see no down side to medieval Islamism.

You also refuse to condemn Hamas for what they did 7-10,

Putin for starting a war against Ukraine,

the Mental Mulla*s

and the CCP mafia.

Which makes you an interesting specimen to study; you single handedly elevated the word nuts and moral corruption to new heights.

"medieval Islamism is not worst than medieval Christianity" .. "medieval Christianity" probably much worst.

Why should 7-10 be worst to what Zionist killing and doing much worst to Palestinians .. not you, but any Western country contemned Zionist for what they did to Palestinians last 75 years .. you watched what Sharon said in that clip I posted, did you condemn that .. in 7-10 , Zionist say, maybe 3000 Israeli killed, but since 75 probably a million Palestinians killed by Zionist ..

Putin asked for a "comprehensive security agreement" with Europe .. Biden said NO .. so, why should Putin be blamed ? would US like Iranian revolutionary guard station some missiles in Mexico next to San Diego ? NATO wanting Nuke missiles in Ukraine and Baltic, Putin would be an idi*t to let this happen.

Iranian people, last 400 yrs, were dreaming of "Sovereignty" backed by strong military .. Mull*hs made that dream reality .. Iranian value this no matter Mull*hs good or bad .. and .. that too business of Iranian people and not western business. Iran already a nuclear state, that train already left the station.

CCP good or bad, that Chinese people's business, what is your business with that .. West should concentrate and worry about situation in West and let Chinese worry about their own CCP.

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Re: The West vs the rest . . .

Post by Typhoon »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 9:12 pm
Parodite wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 6:51 pm If muslim woman happy with Islam and her Muslim husband, in my win-win recipe they cannot immigrate. If however Muslim woman, or even better ex-Muslim woman is single, she can immigrate and marry whoever she wants, if she wants.

If you want to start a racist contest between white western males and brown/black males who are more abusive of women, you can start a new thread elsewhere.

Clearly you see no down side to medieval Islamism. You also refuse to condemn Hamas for what they did 7-10, Putin for starting a war against Ukraine, the Mental Mulla*s and the CCP mafia. Which makes you an interesting specimen to study; you single handedly elevated the word nuts and moral corruption to new heights.

What I say has nothing to do with "Racist" .. I post facts and should be contested with facts

I say violence against women are worst in Western, dominated by "White Males", than in Muslim countries.

Many Reason for this

One of the main reasons, although there are a few other important reasons, is the "collapse of Family institution" in Western liberalism society.

"Warm family" institution is DILUTED in western liberalism .. in "rosy times", all is fine, once in bad time, there no strong forces (warm family bonding) to cushion the life's pressures, that leads to violence against wife (and children).

This not what HP sayin, this western reality many articles written about.

Why in liberalism the "family" institution diluted and collapsed, is another debate we could have.


In Muslim countries, as they all still far away from Western style "Liberalism, the "Family Institution", with century old traditions, very strong bonding.

Re some Muslim girls wanting to live like west, missing going to nude beach or even missing Western university life style is all OK if they want to move to West, nothing wrong with that. ... n-machall/

In addition to the usual workshops offered during Sex Week, the University of Calgary Students’ Union will host a communal orgy for all students and faculty. Officially called the “MacHall Bacchanal Sex Ball,” the event will be hosted in the MacHall courtyard next Tuesday at 4 p.m.

“Students will be finishing up classes for the day and they’ll be ready to unwind,” head organizer Jenny Altman said. “We thought for a long time, crunched some numbers and figured out the best time for the event in order to achieve peak arousal.”

:lol: .. Mull*hs laughing

Not even wrong.

share-of-women-who-experienced-violence-by-an-intimate-partner.png (814.74 KiB) Viewed 118 times
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Re: The West vs the rest . . .

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:21 am
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 9:12 pm
Parodite wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 6:51 pm If muslim woman happy with Islam and her Muslim husband, in my win-win recipe they cannot immigrate. If however Muslim woman, or even better ex-Muslim woman is single, she can immigrate and marry whoever she wants, if she wants.

If you want to start a racist contest between white western males and brown/black males who are more abusive of women, you can start a new thread elsewhere.

Clearly you see no down side to medieval Islamism. You also refuse to condemn Hamas for what they did 7-10, Putin for starting a war against Ukraine, the Mental Mulla*s and the CCP mafia. Which makes you an interesting specimen to study; you single handedly elevated the word nuts and moral corruption to new heights.

What I say has nothing to do with "Racist" .. I post facts and should be contested with facts

I say violence against women are worst in Western, dominated by "White Males", than in Muslim countries.

Many Reason for this

One of the main reasons, although there are a few other important reasons, is the "collapse of Family institution" in Western liberalism society.

"Warm family" institution is DILUTED in western liberalism .. in "rosy times", all is fine, once in bad time, there no strong forces (warm family bonding) to cushion the life's pressures, that leads to violence against wife (and children).

This not what HP sayin, this western reality many articles written about.

Why in liberalism the "family" institution diluted and collapsed, is another debate we could have.


In Muslim countries, as they all still far away from Western style "Liberalism, the "Family Institution", with century old traditions, very strong bonding.

Re some Muslim girls wanting to live like west, missing going to nude beach or even missing Western university life style is all OK if they want to move to West, nothing wrong with that. ... n-machall/

In addition to the usual workshops offered during Sex Week, the University of Calgary Students’ Union will host a communal orgy for all students and faculty. Officially called the “MacHall Bacchanal Sex Ball,” the event will be hosted in the MacHall courtyard next Tuesday at 4 p.m.

“Students will be finishing up classes for the day and they’ll be ready to unwind,” head organizer Jenny Altman said. “We thought for a long time, crunched some numbers and figured out the best time for the event in order to achieve peak arousal.”

:lol: .. Mull*hs laughing

Not even wrong.


The above picture is "distorted"

Violence against women in Iran is 10-20%, in Australia is 0-10%

In Australia last few yrs, every 4 days one women is killed by the husband/partner .. meaning in Iran every 2 days a women must be killed by husband/partner

In 2018, FBI data revealed that of all female homicides where the relationship could be identified, 63% were killed by current or former husbands, ex-husbands, or current boyfriends. This equates to almost three women being killed every day in the US due to intimate partner violence.

In 2022, nearly 89,000 women and girls were killed intentionally across the globe, with 55% (48,800) of these femicides committed by family members or intimate partners. This means over 133 women or girls were killed every day by someone in their own home.

In 2019, 2,997 women were murdered in the US, compared to 1,691 in 2014, indicating a rising trend of femicides.

Almost three women are killed by an intimate partner every day in the US

Iran with 1/3 population of US :

According to an investigative report by Sharq daily citing official sources, at least 165 women were killed by male family members in Iran within the last two years (from May 2021 to May 2023). Out of these, 108 women were killed by their husbands. This amounts to roughly one woman killed by a male relative every 4 days on average.

In Australia with 26 million population every 4 days one women killed by husband .. in Iran with 100 m population same number, every 4 days one women killed by husband

Compare this to Saudi Arabia or Iran or even Afghanistan , per capita

Easy done by (I use now a lot) ..

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Re: On blow back

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Endovelico wrote: Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:59 pm
Parodite wrote:But, which is my point, you can choose the sides of people who just end up in the cross fire, notably children. If thousands are raped, killed...not all can be saved. But maybe 50, 200, 2500? When is it worthwhile in your opinion to move in with an international military force and go save them? If a tsunami certain will kill 40.000+ people.. going into the disater area and help out people in serious need who would otherwise perish too is never worth it I suppose.
Did we move into Cambodja at the time of Pol Pot? No. The Vietnamese did. Are we moving into Northern Nigeria, Chad, Niger or Cameroon, to stop Boko Haram? Did we move into Sudan when the Sudanese were slaughtering southern Sudanese? Are we stopping Israel killing Palestinians in Gaza?... It is amazing that concern for women and children only applies to certain countries, usually where oil exists in large quantities...

Seconded :lol:
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Re: On blow back

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

HAL 10000 wrote: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:21 pm
Endovelico wrote:
Parodite wrote:But, which is my point, you can choose the sides of people who just end up in the cross fire, notably children. If thousands are raped, killed...not all can be saved. But maybe 50, 200, 2500? When is it worthwhile in your opinion to move in with an international military force and go save them? If a tsunami certain will kill 40.000+ people.. going into the disater area and help out people in serious need who would otherwise perish too is never worth it I suppose.
Did we move into Cambodja at the time of Pol Pot? No. The Vietnamese did. Are we moving into Northern Nigeria, Chad, Niger or Cameroon, to stop Boko Haram? Did we move into Sudan when the Sudanese were slaughtering southern Sudanese? Are we stopping Israel killing Palestinians in Gaza?... It is amazing that concern for women and children only applies to certain countries, usually where oil exists in large quantities...
Are you trying to establish a certain moral equivalence between Israel and Boko Haram and/or Pol Pot?

Given your intellectual and academic background, so much lack of precision does not suit you. Israel kills just enough to survive, or in the case of the right wing elements in Israel maybe also to keep the illegal settlements in West Bank, but your accusation that Israel intentionally targets civilians in Gaza is rather incorrect.


Yes .. certain moral equivalence between Israel and Boko Haram and/or Pol Pot .. neither Boko Haram nor Pol Pot called those they killed terrorists and claimed high moral position and Western backing of the genocide .. this much worst.

This post is 12 years old .. and shows that Israel killing in Gaza same as today
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Re: Muslim vs the rest of the world.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Torchwood wrote: Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:53 pm Well, the West created Jihadism, when it trained the Mujaheddin to defeat the USSR and set off the collapse of Communism. Oh the irony.
The conservative version of Islam is of course at war with the West, because it holds values and mores which are at complete variance to the West's, which dominate the rest of the world. Because of this Islam ends up fighting everybody, including Russians and Chinese, and of course Indians. That is why it will eventually lose, despite victories to date, and given that the faith is so committed to the political, will either implode and disappear, or modify itself into a more harmless Westernised form. Let us not be under the delusion that the West is tolerant, the human rights that we preach are universal, whether the target culture wants them or not.

I have a renewed respect for Hobbes. Leviathan aka Ghadaffi or even Saddam was far superior to the anarchy and civil war that reign now. Bush was naive as well as cynical in Iraq, and condemned and laughed at in Europe. So what did Europeans do? lead the charge into Libya...

I think we should read old posts .. it shows how right and how wrong posters were

Funny is, many who were right left .. unfortunately
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Re: The West vs the rest . . .

Post by Typhoon »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:44 am
Typhoon wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:21 am
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 9:12 pm
Parodite wrote: Fri May 31, 2024 6:51 pm If muslim woman happy with Islam and her Muslim husband, in my win-win recipe they cannot immigrate. If however Muslim woman, or even better ex-Muslim woman is single, she can immigrate and marry whoever she wants, if she wants.

If you want to start a racist contest between white western males and brown/black males who are more abusive of women, you can start a new thread elsewhere.

Clearly you see no down side to medieval Islamism. You also refuse to condemn Hamas for what they did 7-10, Putin for starting a war against Ukraine, the Mental Mulla*s and the CCP mafia. Which makes you an interesting specimen to study; you single handedly elevated the word nuts and moral corruption to new heights.

What I say has nothing to do with "Racist" .. I post facts and should be contested with facts

I say violence against women are worst in Western, dominated by "White Males", than in Muslim countries.

Many Reason for this

One of the main reasons, although there are a few other important reasons, is the "collapse of Family institution" in Western liberalism society.

"Warm family" institution is DILUTED in western liberalism .. in "rosy times", all is fine, once in bad time, there no strong forces (warm family bonding) to cushion the life's pressures, that leads to violence against wife (and children).

This not what HP sayin, this western reality many articles written about.

Why in liberalism the "family" institution diluted and collapsed, is another debate we could have.


In Muslim countries, as they all still far away from Western style "Liberalism, the "Family Institution", with century old traditions, very strong bonding.

Re some Muslim girls wanting to live like west, missing going to nude beach or even missing Western university life style is all OK if they want to move to West, nothing wrong with that. ... n-machall/

In addition to the usual workshops offered during Sex Week, the University of Calgary Students’ Union will host a communal orgy for all students and faculty. Officially called the “MacHall Bacchanal Sex Ball,” the event will be hosted in the MacHall courtyard next Tuesday at 4 p.m.

“Students will be finishing up classes for the day and they’ll be ready to unwind,” head organizer Jenny Altman said. “We thought for a long time, crunched some numbers and figured out the best time for the event in order to achieve peak arousal.”

:lol: .. Mull*hs laughing

Not even wrong.


The above picture is "distorted"

Violence against women in Iran is 10-20%, in Australia is 0-10%

In Australia last few yrs, every 4 days one women is killed by the husband/partner .. meaning in Iran every 2 days a women must be killed by husband/partner

In 2018, FBI data revealed that of all female homicides where the relationship could be identified, 63% were killed by current or former husbands, ex-husbands, or current boyfriends. This equates to almost three women being killed every day in the US due to intimate partner violence.

In 2022, nearly 89,000 women and girls were killed intentionally across the globe, with 55% (48,800) of these femicides committed by family members or intimate partners. This means over 133 women or girls were killed every day by someone in their own home.

In 2019, 2,997 women were murdered in the US, compared to 1,691 in 2014, indicating a rising trend of femicides.

Almost three women are killed by an intimate partner every day in the US

Iran with 1/3 population of US :

According to an investigative report by Sharq daily citing official sources, at least 165 women were killed by male family members in Iran within the last two years (from May 2021 to May 2023). Out of these, 108 women were killed by their husbands. This amounts to roughly one woman killed by a male relative every 4 days on average.

In Australia with 26 million population every 4 days one women killed by husband .. in Iran with 100 m population same number, every 4 days one women killed by husband

Compare this to Saudi Arabia or Iran or even Afghanistan , per capita

Easy done by (I use now a lot) ..

Numeracy counts in all amounts.

"Share of . . ." means "Percentage of . . ." which is independent of the size of the population.

share-of-women-who-experienced-violence-by-an-intimate-partner.png (814.74 KiB) Viewed 76 times

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Re: Muslim vs the rest of the world.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


In Australia, 26 million people , one women killed every 4 days

If : "Share of . . ." means "Percentage of . . ." which is independent of the size of the population.

art above says Iran has least 2 times Australian violence against women, and, 100 million population (4 times Australian population)

You tell me, according the above picture, what the number should be women "every 4 days" in Iran be killed by husband ?

My calculation says : as rate is double and the population is 4 fold , 2 x 4 , the number for Iran should be 8 women killed every 4 days in Iran

The key statistics on the rate of femicide in Iran are :

A woman is killed by a male family member every four days in Iran, according to the Tehran-based Shargh Daily Online newspaper.

In the first three months of the Iranian year (March 21-June 20), at least 27 women died across Iran at the hands of a male member of their families in "honor killings."

Over a two-year period, at least 165 women were killed by their husbands or a male member of their families in Iran.

The right number for Muslim Iran is seems to be "A woman is killed by a male family member every four days in Iran", same as Australia but Iran 4 times population.

Australia Christian and Iran Muslim

Last edited by Heracleum Persicum on Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Muslim vs the rest of the world.

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Posts from over a decade ago about the same conflict shows that the problem just festers and becomes more bitter and worse in general the longer both hold the sides back.
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Re: Muslim vs the rest of the world.

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:29 am .

In Australia, 26 million people , one women killed every 4 days

If : "Share of . . ." means "Percentage of . . ." which is independent of the size of the population.

art above says Iran has least 2 times Australian violence against women, and, 100 million population (4 times Australian population)

You tell me, according the above picture, what the number should be women "every 4 days" in Iran be killed by husband ?

My calculation says : as rate is double and the population is 4 fold , 2 x 4 , the number for Iran should be 8 women killed every 4 days in Iran

The key statistics on the rate of femicide in Iran are :

A woman is killed by a male family member every four days in Iran, according to the Tehran-based Shargh Daily Online newspaper.

In the first three months of the Iranian year (March 21-June 20), at least 27 women died across Iran at the hands of a male member of their families in "honor killings."

Over a two-year period, at least 165 women were killed by their husbands or a male member of their families in Iran.

The right number for Muslim Iran is seems to be "A woman is killed by a male family member every four days in Iran", same as Australia but Iran 4 times population.

Australia Christian and Iran Muslim

Add to femicide/honor killing, run of the mill domestic violence before correcting the math formula
Last edited by NapLajoieonSteroids on Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Muslim vs the rest of the world.

Post by Typhoon »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:29 am .

In Australia, 26 million people , one women killed every 4 days

If : "Share of . . ." means "Percentage of . . ." which is independent of the size of the population.

With Iran at least 2 times Australian numbers , and 100 million population (4 times Australian population)

You tell me how many women "every 4 days" in Iran be killed by husband ?

My calculation says : as rate is double and the population is 4 fold , 2 x 4 , the number for Iran should be 8 women killed every 4 days in Iran

The key statistics on the rate of femicide in Iran are :

A woman is killed by a male family member every four days in Iran, according to the Tehran-based Shargh Daily Online newspaper.

In the first three months of the Iranian year (March 21-June 20), at least 27 women died across Iran at the hands of a male member of their families in "honor killings."

Over a two-year period, at least 165 women were killed by their husbands or a male member of their families in Iran.

The right number for Muslim Iran is seems to be "A woman is killed by a male family member every four days in Iran", same as Australia but Iran 4 times population.

Australia Christian and Iran Muslim

Suggest you reread and think about what the title of the chart

"Share of women who experienced violence by an intimate partner"

means and review your basic arithmetic starting with percentages.

share-of-women-who-experienced-violence-by-an-intimate-partner.png (814.74 KiB) Viewed 66 times
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Re: Muslim vs the rest of the world.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:31 am
Posts from over a decade ago about the same conflict shows that the problem just festers and becomes more bitter and worse in general the longer both hold the sides back.


Yes and true

Question is WHY ?

Why things festers and become more bitter ? ?

Who WERE the "Arbiter(s)" of world problems last 75+ Years

Not the Mull*hs , neither Putin alike, nor CCP or Xi

Western (white) Men (and women), Churchill, LBJ, Tatcher, RR, Bush, Obama, Trump .. these were those who had the power to straighten things in Palestine or Vietnam or Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan

But they didn't

Trump said Iraqi Oil must compensate US for "Abi Gharib" :lol:

Yes, NapLajoieonSteroids , it is "sobering" to read 10+ yrs old post in this fora to see the arguments to see how things evolved.

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Re: Muslim vs the rest of the world.

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:35 am
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:29 am .

In Australia, 26 million people , one women killed every 4 days

If : "Share of . . ." means "Percentage of . . ." which is independent of the size of the population.

With Iran at least 2 times Australian numbers , and 100 million population (4 times Australian population)

You tell me how many women "every 4 days" in Iran be killed by husband ?

My calculation says : as rate is double and the population is 4 fold , 2 x 4 , the number for Iran should be 8 women killed every 4 days in Iran

The key statistics on the rate of femicide in Iran are :

A woman is killed by a male family member every four days in Iran, according to the Tehran-based Shargh Daily Online newspaper.

In the first three months of the Iranian year (March 21-June 20), at least 27 women died across Iran at the hands of a male member of their families in "honor killings."

Over a two-year period, at least 165 women were killed by their husbands or a male member of their families in Iran.

The right number for Muslim Iran is seems to be "A woman is killed by a male family member every four days in Iran", same as Australia but Iran 4 times population.

Australia Christian and Iran Muslim

Suggest you reread and think about what the title of the chart

"Share of women who experienced violence by an intimate partner"

means and review your basic arithmetic starting with percentages.


Have to admit my math rusted

Pls say, if Australia's number for violence against women by husband is 1 women every 4 days killed , what should be Iranian number every 4 days according the above chart ?

How many ?

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Re: Muslim vs the rest of the world.

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

I think this line of thinking unproductive.

With my own two eyes, and with out of date info now, what I saw in bits of Europe was not what I grew up in my part of America.

Lots of people who looked like they fell right off the turnip truck- to put it crudely. These guys were even tinier than our little Mayan farmer-turned-migrants. They made the Mayans look like hearty giants.

Then in the schools or integrated into social circles were a lot of antagonists with big chips on their shoulders OR people who were like super staters who towed party lines perfectly.


The point is its not just dealing with "Muslims vs the rest of the world"; it's dealing with an influx of rural people and urban people who are not some subordinate population.
Last edited by NapLajoieonSteroids on Sat Jun 01, 2024 9:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Muslim vs the rest of the world.

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:42 am
NapLajoieonSteroids wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:31 am
Posts from over a decade ago about the same conflict shows that the problem just festers and becomes more bitter and worse in general the longer both hold the sides back.


Yes and true

Question is WHY ?

Why things festers and become more bitter ? ?

Who WERE the "Arbiter(s)" of world problems last 75+ Years

Not the Mull*hs , neither Putin alike, nor CCP or Xi

Western (white) Men (and women), Churchill, LBJ, Tatcher, RR, Bush, Obama, Trump .. these were those who had the power to straighten things in Palestine or Vietnam or Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan

But they didn't

Trump said Iraqi Oil must compensate US for "Abi Gharib" :lol:

Yes, NapLajoieonSteroids , it is "sobering" to read 10+ yrs old post in this fora to see the arguments to see how things evolved.

Yes, we know you see all of this as one problem that one big trick is going to solve.

Good luck with that.
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