Social disintegration in the Middle East is the issue

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Heracleum Persicum
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Social disintegration in the Middle East is the issue

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


David Goldman : It’s painful to hear the truth from Putin

Putin’s Sept. 28 address to the UN General Assembly was the most lucid account of the state of the world I have heard from any national leader in decades.


Not only Russia, but China as well, regards the metastasizing Islamist movement as an existential threat. A seventh of the Russian population are Muslims; there probably are fewer than 25 million in China, but they dominate China’s enormous and sparsely-settled Western province of Xinjiang. We are not playing on the old chessboard of the Cold War, but on the suppurating ground of civilizational collapse.


It’s a radically changed world, and Putin’s intervention in Syria appears to be a game-changer.

Folks, not often Azari agrees with David .. this the rare occasion.

The Sheikhs and Amirs and Kings "gotto go" .. the whole "landscape" in ME changing in front of our eyes.

As said (many times) B4, Go Vladimiro, goooooooooo, the force be with you

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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: Social disintegration in the Middle East is the issue

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Senior Saudi royal urges leadership change for fear of monarchy collapse

Why The Collapse Of Saudi Arabia Is Inevitable

Folks .. things happenin faster than was imaginin :lol: :lol:

Told you, West executing Phase-II .. conspiring to get rid of Kings and Amirs and Sheikhs

Yemen war will drain Saudi, Al Saud will collapse .. no milage left in that MULE

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