WW 111

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WW 111

Post by manolo »


I'm a friendly and approachable bloke and lots of people chat and open up to me. In the last few weeks, several people have told me “There is a war coming.” This is not just friends and acquaintances, it is even strangers in the street or in a pub!

I can't remember a time when the street vibe has been like this. Older people seem most worried as they have memories of WW 11 from their parents and growing up in post war times, but younger folks are worried too.

Of course it could be coincidence that so many people are talking like this around me, but it is strange. Another thought is that this vibe is not going on in our news media, but people just seem to know it. When they talk about war, they don't talk in terms of a distant foreign war, but a world war, affecting everyone. That's what I'm hearing.

What gives?

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Re: WW 111

Post by YMix »

Change makes people nervous.
“There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country’s so innocent? Take a look at what we’ve done, too.” - Donald J. Trump, President of the USA
The Kushner sh*t is greasy - Stevie B.
Simple Minded

Re: WW 111

Post by Simple Minded »

manolo wrote:Hi,

I'm a friendly and approachable bloke and lots of people chat and open up to me. In the last few weeks, several people have told me “There is a war coming.” This is not just friends and acquaintances, it is even strangers in the street or in a pub!

I can't remember a time when the street vibe has been like this. Older people seem most worried as they have memories of WW 11 from their parents and growing up in post war times, but younger folks are worried too.

Of course it could be coincidence that so many people are talking like this around me, but it is strange. Another thought is that this vibe is not going on in our news media, but people just seem to know it. When they talk about war, they don't talk in terms of a distant foreign war, but a world war, affecting everyone. That's what I'm hearing.

What gives?


I think you are experiencing what the Elliott Wavers call social mood. It is a bit of a reversal in terms of cause and effect than what most people assume, and IMSMO, the Elliott Wavers are more correct than the masses. In short, and no doubt poorly worded, collective, unconscious waves of either optimism or pessimism are the drivers, stock market valuations, and willingness to go to war (the human aspect of choosing to fight or forgive) are the effects. There seems to be a half-life of hope, and also a half-life of fear. When optimism is the dominant mood, the times are good, and people act accordingly. when pessimism is the dominant mood, the reverse is true.

According to some, social mood peaked "around" the year 2000, and they offer the creation of the EU, and the DJIA measured in gold as a data points. Oddly enough, even as some were screaming about Y2K!

The ten years or so, many have been looking for "change," the more vaguely specified, the better. The belief in climate change is also a measure of how the social mood of pessimism has influenced the feelings (the amygdala) taken control of so many. No thinking is involved, it's all about feeling.

Note how in recent times, white guilt, first world guilt, and the concept of humanity as some sort of plague have been become popular memes.
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Re: WW 111

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Yes, a war coming .. reason for that is America's books do not balance .. for 50 yrs, America bought BMW and Mercedes, paid by IOU .. now, America putting DICK on the table.

Add to that .. white man considers world resources as white man's birth right .. now, suddenly, Chinese and Indians asking for their fair share .. again, things don't balance.

Same thing happened when Adolf was asking for German share (Brits should have settled with Adolf, if so, they could have kept some of the bounty .. they lost all, Churchill realized it too late) and you saw what happened, Brits lost their shirt.

So, "manolo", hold to your shirt.

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Re: WW 111

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Michael Heseltine :lol: :lol:

The Tory peer said it was “quite unacceptable” that Germany would be in a dominant position in Europe having lost the second world war.


“We’ve now abandoned the opportunity to influence Europe, the council of ministers will meet and we won’t be there. Our ability to speak for the Commonwealth within Europe has come to an end. The Americans will shift their focus of interest to Germany.


“And if I can put it to you, for someone like myself, it was in 1933, the year of my birth, that Hitler was democratically elected in Germany. He unleashed the most horrendous war. This country played a unique role in securing his defeat.

“So Germany lost the war. We’ve just handed them the opportunity to win the peace. I find that quite unacceptable.”


:lol: :lol: :lol: .. Michael Heseltine saying what I am saying since many many yrs .. it is obvious .. Germany is the locomotive of Europe, pulling everybody .. Brits were the DRAG .. once DRAG no more, the Locomotive will accelerate

That is exactly what happened in WW2 .. Brits knew Germans would conquered the world, and once there, take care of Brits too (Churchill said Germans can not be trusted).

That is now repeating itself .. Brits will now "intrigue" .. try with French, later with Eat Europe, with US .. try all tricks of the trade

And, push things towards war

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Re: WW 111

Post by noddy »

you didnt even read the article did you :) :)

saw a line that somehow fit into your anti anglo mania, frothed up at the bunghole and comprehension took a backwards slide.

an isolated loon that both the pro and anti european aspects of modern britain refuse to align with said something silly, golly gosh.


ww3 is unlikely until we agree to not use nukes, it will stay at proxy wars and economic wars until then, unless things go total madness, in which case sucks to be living in the northern hemisphere.

ill atleast get a few years of post apocolyptic partying in before the radiation poison slows me down.
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Re: WW 111

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

I don't know if the no war with nukes things should be really comforting or not.

Nukes stop the full scale industrial conflagrations- especially the potential of it breaking out in my neighborhood.

But proxy wars are unfair to the proxies/patsies and gets them angry enough to get their own nukes...and no one is satisfied with economic warfare- much more fun to punch the other guy in the face- and economic warfare has almost always encourages the face-punching kind....

And the face punching kind is like the saying, "It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt" and so it isn't really that fun either-

so to sum up, there isn't a whole lot of fun in being irradiated or being carpet bombed and its good to have limits on each but

the pessimist in me says all those 'punchy' feelings people get are being bottled up and are going to blow in ways we least expect it.....

could humans get use to more symbolic/ceremonial war games? Say 100 warriors a side to kill each other for Manchuria, Utah and the Rhine?

There has been records of that sort of warfare before; people on a battlefield with more elaborate ceremony than actual stabbing....but then the rachet for always having bigger and badder weapons and arms racing is already hanging over us and as long as one guy pursues that, everyone will....

...which sort of brings it back to the beginning: what fun is it to have all the cool toys and never get to use them? #SpaceWar2140.
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Re: WW 111

Post by noddy »

NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:

could humans get use to more symbolic/ceremonial war games? Say 100 warriors a side to kill each other for Manchuria, Utah and the Rhine?

There has been records of that sort of warfare before; people on a battlefield with more elaborate ceremony than actual stabbing....
its called rugby.

problem is that the private school kids refused to get their hands dirty or get hurt so split off into soccer.

the american kids wanted more padding and bigger hits and split off into NFL

the aussie kids wanted less rules and more speed and split off into AFL

and thusly our ability to wargame over a pigs bladder was turned into half the world caring about the soccer world cup, the other caring about the rugby world cup and america and australia going "meh" at both.
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Re: WW 111

Post by noddy »

i do suspect the symbolical variations (like football) only work for blowing off young angry male energy and dont cut it for full blown cultural anger.

for now, nukes is all thats stopping it i think.
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Re: WW 111

Post by NapLajoieonSteroids »

noddy wrote:
NapLajoieonSteroids wrote:

could humans get use to more symbolic/ceremonial war games? Say 100 warriors a side to kill each other for Manchuria, Utah and the Rhine?

There has been records of that sort of warfare before; people on a battlefield with more elaborate ceremony than actual stabbing....
its called rugby.

problem is that the private school kids refused to get their hands dirty or get hurt so split off into soccer.

the american kids wanted more padding and bigger hits and split off into NFL

the aussie kids wanted less rules and more speed and split off into AFL

and thusly our ability to wargame over a pigs bladder was turned into half the world caring about the soccer world cup, the other caring about the rugby world cup and america and australia going "meh" at both.
That's right. The problem with wargames is no one is on the level; everyone wishes you to play by their rules and when you don't they just split off and do their own thing.

Which is why the hard and fast "stab the other guy 'till he's dead" ruleset is the ultimate monkey-brain leveler everyone can agree upon.

...but you read about past battles like The Battle of Long Island and it's the "biggest battle in North America (up until that point) with tens of thousands of fightin' men and.... 5 Hessians killed, 59 British and 300 Americans....compare that to the battle of the Somme or Iwo Jima- what was the Somme, half a million killed in the opening hours?

Not to make light of any of these deaths but it would do a world of good to figure out a way back to something more like the silly uniform era* where you basically had to stave off famine and disease while you peacock'd in formation and you had a pretty good chance of coming home in one piece.

*and of course the caveat being that the silly uniform era would look a heckuva lot different if they had access to chemical weapons and machines guns too
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Re: WW 111

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

noddy wrote:.

you didnt even read the article did you :) :)

saw a line that somehow fit into your anti anglo mania, frothed up at the bunghole and comprehension took a backwards slide.

an isolated loon that both the pro and anti european aspects of modern britain refuse to align with said something silly, golly gosh.


ww3 is unlikely until we agree to not use nukes, it will stay at proxy wars and economic wars until then, unless things go total madness, in which case sucks to be living in the northern hemisphere.

ill atleast get a few years of post apocolyptic partying in before the radiation poison slows me down.


:lol: :lol: .. come on, noddy, come on

If I did not read the "whole" article, how could I paste the essence :

The Tory peer said it was “quite unacceptable” that Germany would be in a dominant position in Europe having lost the second world war.


“We’ve now abandoned the opportunity to influence Europe, the council of ministers will meet and we won’t be there. Our ability to speak for the Commonwealth within Europe has come to an end. The Americans will shift their focus of interest to Germany.


“And if I can put it to you, for someone like myself, it was in 1933, the year of my birth, that Hitler was democratically elected in Germany. He unleashed the most horrendous war. This country played a unique role in securing his defeat.

“So Germany lost the war. We’ve just handed them the opportunity to win the peace. I find that quite unacceptable.”


Heseltine saying clearly "opportunity to influence Europe" .. he not even chocolate coating British intention in European union .. what he means by "influence" is, to act as "counter balance" against Germany .. in diplomatic language, a DRAG, sabotage, intrigue against Germany, to fool French and East Europe and and

Ukip : “I never realized the purpose of Britain’s membership of the EU was to stop German domination of Europe"

Michael Heseltine among few top UK politician, insider, he knows what he talking, and, he is right

That is why, French President General Charles de Gaulle said "as long as I live, Britain can not join Europe (union)".

Once Charles de Gaulle was dead, Tatcher fooled French to back British entry.

Now, the French are the hardest on UK in Brexit, they realize the mistake.

Germany now has "integrated" all European Industries in German industrial complex, Russia partially included too .. Brits were left out as Germany knew role Brits had in mind, and , they were right.

British exit not for immigrants issue .. German Turks one of pillar of German industry, not so those Pakistani and Arabs in Britain.

As Michael Heseltine "correctly" says, now that UK is out, Europe will accelerate, integrate Russia and become one of the superpowers, Brits left out.

Question only is, will UK accept this as Portugal accepted, or start swinging

My guess is, as Heseltine correctly says, America will shift now to Germany, push Britain to exit "nuclear state" .. British nuclear is paid for, financed, by America (Brits neither have the technology (anymore) nor the money for) .. those British Tridents in reality American.

Notion, HP "anti anglo mania" unfair .. HP did school, high-school, university in German space, Munich, Zurich, Vienna .. some teachers were German officers just released from Russian prison camps, night fighter pilot (their uniform still in the closet) .. one must know both side of the story to make a sound judgement .. the history since 1900, WW1&2, still evolving, you will not know the truth if you not search for it.

Simple Minded

Re: WW 111

Post by Simple Minded »

You two, noddy & napster, are way behind the times.

WWIII is already being fought in cyberspace with a few billion intellectual superpowers participating. As soon as everyone has a smartphone and internet access, the fourth Reich of utopia will rein for at least a thousand years. Staring into little screens for 20+ hours day will leave little energy for actual face punching and groin kicking.

Napster's micro aggressive use of big words is currently being retaliated against by the virtual trebuchets of SimpleMindedStan hurling multiple diseased cow carcasses into his water supply.

Noddy is currently consider a friend, but based on menstrual cycles that could change without warning.
Last edited by Simple Minded on Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Heracleum Persicum
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Re: WW 111

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


‘ Common Future ’
( Minus Britain )

For Britain, this means WAR

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Re: WW 111

Post by noddy »

Simple Minded wrote:You two, noddy & napster, are way behind the times.

WWIII is already being fought in cyberspace with a few billion intellectual superpowers participating. As soon as everyone has a smartphone and internet access, the fourth Reich of utopia will rein for at least a thousand years. Staring into little screens for 20+ hours day will leave little energy for actual face punching and groin kicking.

Napster's micro aggressive use of big words is currently being retaliated against by the virtual trebuchets of SimpleMindedStan hurling multiple diseased cow carcasses into his water supply.

Noddy is currently consider a friend, but based on menstrual cycles that could change without warning.
you are quite right actually, many have said that social media trolling and meme wars are the new battle front


this will all diminish into irrelevance when stink over ip gets deployed and i place the sensor next to a dogs arse.
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Re: WW 111

Post by noddy »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

‘ Common Future ’
( Minus Britain )

For Britain, this means WAR

probably not.

they barely managed a battle for a sheep paddock against the might of the argentians, only you think they are some mega power evilly manipulating world politics, the rest of us think they are already much like portugal and irrelevant.
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