Conspiracy Theories, Crackpots, and other Looney Tunes

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Re: U.S. Foreign Policy

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Lord, have merci when Joe had it

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Re: Cutting the Persian BullSh*t about WW2 & More...

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

monster_gardener wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

What about Russia and eastern Europe that were wiped out, losing 25 million Russians and millions East Europeans ? ?
Hello! :roll: Remember that Hitler and that DumbA$$ Stalin were ALLIES until Hitler betrayed Stalin...... :idea:


:lol: :lol: .. Monster, seems you craving for Azari to post all NAZI admirers in Britain AND America of THAT TIME

Duke_Duchess_Windsor_Edward_VIII_Meet_Nazi_Adolf_Hitler_1937.jpg (32.5 KiB) Viewed 3910 times

Pls, if you have, post Herr Hitler in a charming greeting with Stalin .. ne exist pas

Fascism and Communism do not rime

Maybe, some memory refreshment :

Charles Lindbergh attending Nazi party in Berlin - 1935

German American Bund


A number of prominent and wealthy American businessmen helped to support fascist regimes in Europe from the 1920s through the 1940s.

These people helped to support Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War of 1936, as well as Benito Mussolini, and Adolph Hitler.

Some of the primary and more famous Americans and companies that were involved with the fascist regimes of Europe are: William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Kennedy (JFK's father), Charles Lindbergh, John Rockefeller, Andrew Mellon (head of Alcoa, banker, and Secretary of Treasury), DuPont, General Motors, Standard Oil (now Exxon), Ford, ITT, Allen Dulles (later head of the CIA), Prescott Bush, National City Bank, and General Electric.

It should be noted that businessmen from many countries, including England and Australia, also worked with the fascist regimes of Europe prior to WWII. The fascist governments were involved in a high level of construction, production, and international business.

I.G. Farben, a German company, was the largest chemical manufacturing enterprise in the world during the early part of the 20th century. As such the company had many holdings in a variety of countries, including America. The American holdings of I.G. Farben included Bayer Co., General Aniline Works, Agfa Ansco, and Winthrop Chemical Company.

I.G. Farben was critical in the development of the German economy and war machine leading up to WWII. During this time I.G. Farben's international holdings along with its international business contracts with companies like Standard Oil, DuPont, Alcoa, and Dow Chemical were crucial in supplying the Nazi regime with the materials needed for war as well as financial support.


much much more at link .. declassified


Am really puzzled how you guys even DARE to open this Pandora Box, you guys to the eyeball in this NAZI stuff .. and .. Monster .. tragedy is, you guys same guy as 1935, probably worst as those people knew they evil (but did not care) but you guys thinkin YOU invented "Human Right" :lol: :lol:


what I meant re nobody helped Russia and Eastern Europe AFTER the war ended, when Russia had to deal with 25 million dead and devastation from Moscow to Berlin

Did Russia and East Europe get any Marshal Plan money ? ? NO .. did Russia get any "reparation" money from Germany ? ? NO

Instead, Russia had to rebuilt Prag and Warsaw and Kieve and Dresden with little money Russia could spare

Western antagonism with Russia is many 100 yrs old .. started with Peter the Great

Notion, America was facing Russia because of "communism", killing millions in Latin America and Vietnam and Africa, that Notion is for illiterates .. if so, how come Russia now more capitalist than America but still America fighting Russia ? ? ? Russia has flat 13% income tax, America dreams of that (instead the crooks have rigged the system, you paying tax but not those swimming in $$$$) .. Russia now the real capitalist and you (sort of) half communist :lol: :lol:

come on, Monster, be real

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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


:lol: :lol: come on, CS, come on .. these facts from history books


in this day and age, seems, day is night, water runing uphill, Ukrainians and Latvian and Estonians and Khazari and Poles become son & Daughters of Sara BY MIRACLE .. :lol: :lol:

Who cares, CS, who cares

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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Typhoon »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

:lol: :lol: come on, CS, come on .. these facts from history books


in this day and age, seems, day is night, water runing uphill, Ukrainians and Latvian and Estonians and Khazari and Poles become son & Daughters of Sara BY MIRACLE .. :lol: :lol:

Who cares, CS, who cares

There are limits to tolerating apologists for Stalin, one of the greatest mass murderers in human history.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Doc »

Typhoon wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

:lol: :lol: come on, CS, come on .. these facts from history books


in this day and age, seems, day is night, water runing uphill, Ukrainians and Latvian and Estonians and Khazari and Poles become son & Daughters of Sara BY MIRACLE .. :lol: :lol:

Who cares, CS, who cares

There are limits to tolerating apologists for Stalin, one of the greatest mass murderers in human history.
Oh that reminds me !!

Hitler and the Muslim Middle East got along splendidly !!! So instead of a few elitists there were whole coutries full of Muslims that adored Hitler !!! Doesn't that make you proud of "the Profit" Abu Ali/Muhammad Haidar??


Hitler and the grand mufti of Jerusalem ... Arab_world
In 1932, Hitler was given the name Abu Ali in Syria, and he was named Muhammad Haidar in Egypt.[20] Adolf Hitler was celebrated in large parts of the Arab world, and some newspapers even likened him to the Prophet. Erwin Rommel was almost as popular as Hitler. Arabs Shouted "Heil Rommel" as a common greeting in Arab countries. Many Arabs thought the Germans would free them from the rule of the old colonial powers France and Britain. After France's defeat by Nazi Germany in 1940, some Arabs were chanting against the French and British around the streets of Damascus: "No more Monsieur, no more Mister, Allah's in Heaven and Hitler's on earth."[21] Posters with Arabic sayings: "In heaven God is your ruler, on earth Hitler" were frequently displayed in shops in the towns of Syria.[22]

There were many wealthy Arabs who traveled to Germany in the 1930s and brought back fascist ideals and incorporated them into Arab Nationalism.[23] One of the principal founders of Ba'athist thought and the Ba'ath Party, Zaki al-Arsuzi, stated that Fascism and Nazism had greatly influenced Ba'athist ideology. An associate of al-Arsuzi, Sami al-Jundi, wrote:

"We were racists. We admired the Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature and books that were the source of the Nazi spirit. We were the first who thought of a translation of Mein Kampf. Anyone who lived in Damascus at that time was witness to the Arab inclination toward Nazism. Michel Aflaq a founder of the Ba'athist philosophy admired Hitler and the Nazis for standing up to Britain and America. This admiration would combine aspects of Nazism into Ba'athism."[24][25]

Haj Amin al-Husseini and Adolf Hitler on 28 November 1941.

The two most noted Arab politicians who actively collaborated with the Nazis were Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (al Quds) Haj Amin al-Husseini,[26] [27] and the Iraqi prime minister Rashid Ali al-Gaylani.[28][29]
1943 Hanzar Nazi Division Flag
In 1943, Amin Al Husseini heads the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslims. It was Hitler's largest SS Division and was responsible for the genocide of Serbians, Gypsies and Jews. It lies at the root of today's unrest in Serbia/Bosnia-Hercegovina/Croatia.

Muslim Nazi troops in traditional Muslim prayer -1943
Cairo, Egypt. 1946. Laying the foundations of Post-WWII world.
Amin Al Husseini as President of World Islamic Congress. With him are the founder of Pakistan, the King of Lybia, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan and Saudi Advisers amonst others.

Muslim Soldiers reading German Propaganda.
The name of the book is Islam Und Judentum
(Islam and Judaism in German) ... Hitler.jpg
Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab World refers to political and military links between Germany and Arab nationalists during the era of Nazi Germany (1933–1945). The relationship between the Nazi movement and leadership and the Arab world encompassed contempt, propaganda, collaboration and in some instances emulation. Cooperative relationships were founded on shared hostilities toward common enemies, such as British and French imperialism, colonialism, and Zionism.
Nazi perceptions of the Arab World

A famous anecdote about Adolf Hitler's perspectives towards Islam and the Arabs is recounted by Albert Speer in his best-selling memoir, Inside the Third Reich. Speer reports that "Hitler had been much impressed by a scrap of history he had learned from a delegation of distinguished Arabs."[1] The delegation had speculated that the world would have become "Mohammedan" if the Berbers and Arabs had won the Battle of Tours in the 8th Century AD, and that the Germans would have become heirs to "a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and in subjugating all nations to that faith. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the German temperament."[2] Speer then presents Hitler's own speculations on this subject:

Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate of the country. They could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire.[3]

This exchange occurred when Hitler received Saudi Arabian ruler Ibn Saud’s special envoy, Khalid al-Hud al-Gargani.[4] Earlier in this meeting Hitler noted that one of the three reasons why Germany had warm sympathies for the Arabs was:

… because we were jointly fighting the Jews. This led him to discuss Palestine and conditions there, and he then stated that he himself would not rest until the last Jew had left Germany. Kalid al Hud observed that the Prophet Mohammed … had acted the same way. He had driven the Jews out of Arabia ….[5]

Gilbert Achcar wryly observes that the Fuhrer did not point out to his Arab visitors at that meeting that until then he had incited German Jews to emigrate to Palestine, and the Reich actively helped Zionist organizations get around British-imposed restrictions on Jewish immigration.[6]

Achcar also points out that the German version of "Mein Kampf" designates the Arab people as one of the lowest races of humanity, though this section was not included in the Arabic translations of the book.[6] Hitler had told his military commanders in 1939, shortly before the start of the war:

We shall continue to make disturbances in the Far East and in Arabia. Let us think as men and let us see in these peoples at best lacquered half-apes who are anxious to experience the lash.[7][8]

Prior to the Second World War, all of North Africa and the Middle-East were under the control of European powers. Despite the Nazi racial theories which denigrated Arabs as members of an inferior Semitic race, many Germans made exceptions for the Arabs who assisted the Reich in fighting the British for possession of the Middle East. Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, for example, was granted "honorary Aryan" status by the Nazis for his close collaboration with Hitler and Nazi Germany.[9][10]

The German government developed a cordial association and cooperated with certain Arab nationalist leaders based on their common anti-colonial and anti-Zionist interests. The most notable examples of these common-cause fights were the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine and other actions led by Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, and the Anglo-Iraqi War, when the Golden Square (four generals led by Rashid Ali al-Gaylani) overthrew the pro-British 'Abd al-Ilah regency in Iraq and installed a pro-Axis regime.[11][12][13]

In response to the Rashid Ali coup, Hitler issued Führer Directive No. 30 on 23 May 1941 to support their cause. This order began: "The Arab Freedom Movement in the Middle East is our natural ally against England."[13]

General der Flieger Hellmuth Felmy was appointed central authority for all Arab affairs concerning the Wehrmacht under the terms of this "Directive No. 30".[14] General Felmy summarized the military perspective on strategic common interests of German and Arab nationalists in the following passage:

The already tense situation in the Middle East was further complicated by the emergence of Jewish nationalistic aspirations. Arab hatred of the Jews and disappointment at the failed Arab hopes for independence led to bloody riots. At first purely anti-Jewish in nature and directed against the rapidly increasing Jewish immigration into Palestine, the uprisings were later aimed at Great Britain as the mandatory power. The situation continued to be unsatisfactory until the outbreak of World War II, when it was overshadowed by the crisis in Europe. When England declared war on Germany the Zionist organizations, which had actively supported the influx of Jewish immigrants in Palestine, at once proclaimed solidarity with Britain against Germany.[15]

On 11 June 1941 Hitler and the and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces issued Directive No. 32, titled "Preparations for the period after 'Barbarossa'" which read (in part):

Exploitation of the Arab Freedom Movement. The situation of the English in the Middle East will be rendered more precarious, in the event of major German operations, if more British forces are tied down at the right moment by civil commotion or revolt. All military, political, and propaganda measures to this end must be closely coordinated during the preparatory period. As central agency abroad I nominate Special Staff F, which is to take part in all plans and actions in the Arab area, whose headquarters are to be in the area of the Commander Armed Forces South-east. The most competent available experts and agents will be made available to it. The Chief of the High Command of the Armed Forces will specify the duties of Special Staff F, in agreement with the Foreign Minister where political questions are involved.[16]

General der Artillerie Walter Warlimont, who was involved in military alliances with Arab allies, reports that many German officers believed:

...the only real political rallying point among the Arabs was their common hatred of the Jews, while "Arab nationalist movements" as such, because of the diversity of interests in the various Arab countries, existed only on paper.[17]
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Arabs & Zionist are both fascist .. this nothing to do with Christianity (Hitler) or Islam (Arabs)


Arabs being in bed with Hitler does not "whitewash" American and British Nazi sympathy

Am sure, Doc, you have recognized, although Hitler was Christian and all parties in that war were Christians, including concentration camp leaders and Waffen SS officers, Azari never associated Christians, or Christian Europe with all those genocide on humanity you guys inflicted

Islam, Judaism and Christianity religions .. guns don't kill people, people kill people :lol:



Arabs should be ashamed climbing in bed with Hitler and so you guys

At the same time, Iran was saving our beloved Jews from Gestapo ... lomat.html ... Paris.html


Mr Sardari wrote numerous letters to Nazi officials telling elaborate stories about how Iranian Jews- who had been spared from Babylonian slavery by ancient Persian ruler Cyrus the Great- should be given the same status under Nazi rule as all other Iranians.

Another rationale that he used at one point was that Iranian Jews were not the same as the Jews that the Nazis so overtly despised since they were not blood-related to European Jewry.

Though some were initially hesitant to buy this version of events, the Nazis eventually relented and gave them the same status as the rest of their fellow Iranians. Before doing so, Nazi officials commissioned racial purity experts investigated the claim but it is thought that a lack of physical and financial resources forced them to cut it short and simply agree.

Another move that Mr Sardari used was to issue Paris-based Iranian Jews new passports: many of the Iranians in Paris at the time of the war had not renewed their passports after their home country went through a regime change, and so by falsifying those documents, Mr Sardari found a bureaucratic way to able to help Jews evade capture.

Exact numbers are not known, but the estimated headcount of people that Mr Sardari helped saved is in the thousands, many of whom ended up fleeing home to Iran or eventually ending up in America.

He was thought to have had 1,000 passports in his consulate safe at the beginning of the war- each of which could be used for more than one person- so experts put the number of lives saved between 2,000 and 3,000.


Honored several times by Jewish-American groups, his only known public remark before his 1981 death came as a humble comment to the Israeli National Holocaust Memorial.

'As you may know, I had the pleasure of being the Iranian Consul in Paris during the German occupation of France, and as such it was my duty to save all Iranians, including Iranian Jews,' Mr Sardari said.

I personally know a few of those Iranians of Jewish faith that were in Paris and now live in L.A.

That was at the same time, you guys, Doc, Monster, in Evian conference refusing to take-in any Jew and sending those ships back :lol:

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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Doc »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:.

Arabs & Zionist

I think I pretty clearly established that

Zionist = Jews

Zionist = Jew

are both fascist .. this nothing to do with Christianity (Hitler) or Islam (Arabs)


Arabs being in bed with Hitler does not "whitewash" American and British Nazi sympathy[/quote]

Whole societies of Arabs being in bed with the Nazis and calling Hitler a "Prophet" is an apt term vs European elitists meeting with Hitler and the Nazis. The former is pretty damn hard to white wash AZ

Am sure, Doc, you have recognized, although Hitler was Christian and all parties in that war were Christians, including concentration camp leaders and Waffen SS officers, Azari never associated Christians, or Christian Europe with all those genocide on humanity you guys inflicted

Islam, Judaism and Christianity religions .. guns don't kill people, people kill people :lol:



Arabs should be ashamed climbing in bed with Hitler and so you guys [/quote]

Who is teh "you guys" You mention? Certainly not me Not the vast majority that live in the You should be ashamed of your support of Putin Your xcontinually posting stuff from Putin Mouth pieces like Russia Today. But you aren't ashamed Why is it you are always claiming others should be ashamed when you are not??? :D

At the same time, Iran was saving our beloved Jews from Gestapo ... lomat.html ... Paris.html


Mr Sardari wrote numerous letters to Nazi officials telling elaborate stories about how Iranian Jews- who had been spared from Babylonian slavery by ancient Persian ruler Cyrus the Great- should be given the same status under Nazi rule as all other Iranians.

Another rationale that he used at one point was that Iranian Jews were not the same as the Jews that the Nazis so overtly despised since they were not blood-related to European Jewry.

Though some were initially hesitant to buy this version of events, the Nazis eventually relented and gave them the same status as the rest of their fellow Iranians. Before doing so, Nazi officials commissioned racial purity experts investigated the claim but it is thought that a lack of physical and financial resources forced them to cut it short and simply agree.

Another move that Mr Sardari used was to issue Paris-based Iranian Jews new passports: many of the Iranians in Paris at the time of the war had not renewed their passports after their home country went through a regime change, and so by falsifying those documents, Mr Sardari found a bureaucratic way to able to help Jews evade capture.

Exact numbers are not known, but the estimated headcount of people that Mr Sardari helped saved is in the thousands, many of whom ended up fleeing home to Iran or eventually ending up in America.

He was thought to have had 1,000 passports in his consulate safe at the beginning of the war- each of which could be used for more than one person- so experts put the number of lives saved between 2,000 and 3,000.


Honored several times by Jewish-American groups, his only known public remark before his 1981 death came as a humble comment to the Israeli National Holocaust Memorial.

'As you may know, I had the pleasure of being the Iranian Consul in Paris during the German occupation of France, and as such it was my duty to save all Iranians, including Iranian Jews,' Mr Sardari said.

I personally know a few of those Iranians of Jewish faith that were in Paris and now live in L.A.

That was at the same time, you guys, Doc, Monster, in Evian conference refusing to take-in any Jew and sending those ships back :lol:


Arthur Schindler was a German. Does that mean all Germany helped the Jews during the Nazi reign? Are there any monuments to Mr Sardari in Iran honoring him for saving Jews??

No it does not. While I as most know there is a long history between Iran and Jews. You again made the assertion that European Jews are somehow not related to Middle Eastern Jews. And Again I must post that this is at best a misconception at worse a bigoted lie, intended as a racist lie.

"I fancied myself as some kind of god....It is a sort of disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.” -- George Soros
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Typhoon »

The National Socialist movement in Germany, in general, and Hitler, in particular, had a lot of admirers around the the world before the start of WWII.

It was the time of the Great Depression and many people subscribed to the belief that the combination of democracy + capitalism had failed.

Some believed that Fascism was the solution, others that the solution was Communism.

As it turned out, both groups were wrong.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Doc wrote:.

Arthur Schindler was a German. Does that mean all Germany helped the Jews during the Nazi reign? Are there any monuments to Mr Sardari in Iran honoring him for saving Jews??

No it does not. While I as most know there is a long history between Iran and Jews. You again made the assertion that European Jews are somehow not related to Middle Eastern Jews. And Again I must post that this is at best a misconception at worse a bigoted lie, intended as a racist lie.


:lol: :lol: :lol: .. Doc, you really something

Seems you saying Ukrainian and Latvian and Estonian and Russian and Khazari who have converted to Judaism a few 100 yrs ago have become suddenly one of "Hebrew tribe" :lol: .. Hebrew tribe is an "Ethnic" from North Africa, similar to other ethnics of that time, Phoenicians and Canaan and many others, ZERO to do with Ukraine nor Latvia :lol:

Come on, Doc, come on

I debated this with David Goldman .. his answer was interesting .. he said this happened by a "Miracle" :lol: :lol:

And saying Ashkenazim have ZERO to do with Hebrew tribe .. they utterly separate "ethnics", has ZERO to do with "Racism"

FYI, RACISM is not saying folks from Arabian Jeddha are not same ethnics as Bavarian German .. "racism" is saying Bavarian Germans are BETTER race than Saudi in Jeddha, what you guys were saying not even 50 yrs ago, otherwise why have water fountains for blacks and whites or not let black girls attend white universities

Any monuments for Mr Sardari in Iran ? ? ? :lol: :lol: .. seems you did not read what Sardari said, he said "There is no distinction 'I am Muslim, he is Jew' or whatever." .. "Here you have a Muslim Iranian who goes out of his way, risks his life, certainly risks his career and property and everything else, to save fellow Iranians," .. the story illustrates the "general cultural propensity of Iranians to be tolerant".

No need of any monument in Iran for Sardari, he same as any ordinary Iranian .. Iranians do not differentiate between Iranians of Christian, Jewish or Muslim faith or of Tajik, Azari, Kurd, Fars, Balutch, Lor and 18 other Ethinics (that do not speak or understand Farsi) .. they all Iranians as Sardari said

well, Doc, Please read Roger Cohen, NYT reporter, Ashkenazim, visit to Iran


Perhaps I have a bias toward facts over words, but I say the reality of Iranian civility toward Jews tells us more about Iran — its sophistication and culture — than all the inflammatory rhetoric.

That may be because I’m a Jew and have seldom been treated with such consistent warmth as in Iran. Or perhaps I was impressed that the fury over Gaza, trumpeted on posters and Iranian TV, never spilled over into insults or violence toward Jews. Or perhaps it’s because I’m convinced the “Mad Mullah” caricature of Iran and likening of any compromise with it to Munich 1938 — a position popular in some American Jewish circles — is misleading and dangerous.


Look, Doc, Monster, CS, would strongly suggest to do some serious reading about Persian civilization, running to google search or Wiki with some sound bites no good, should have deep knowledge about issue at hand

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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Typhoon wrote:The National Socialist movement in Germany, in general, and Hitler, in particular, had a lot of admirers around the the world before the start of WWII.

It was the time of the Great Depression and many people subscribed to the belief that the combination of democracy + capitalism had failed.

Some believed that Fascism was the solution, others that the solution was Communism.

As it turned out, both groups were wrong.

NO, Colonel, NO

Reason for "The National Socialist movement in Germany, in general, and Hitler, in particular, had a lot of admirers around the the world before the start of WWII." was not because there was "Great Depression and many people subscribed to the belief that the combination of democracy + capitalism had failed."

Being fascist, not having tolerant, looking down to others and things of that sort was not because of depression or communism or capitalism

Hitler's generation basically same as now the NeoCon, Bolton and Perle generation .. exact mindset, perhaps much worst

and ? ?

No communism more, do depression, everywhere Capitalism

Notion, prevalent with some posters here, to hell with Palestinians and looove Zionist, neglecting Zionist does not recognize even existence of Palestinians .. that Notion, is Hitler' generation Notion .. just replace names with others and you in business of Hitler, calling Ahmadienjat Hitler at the same time killing Pali kids

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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Typhoon »

I've spent all the time that I care to spend in the conspiracy theory thread.
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Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by Heracleum Persicum »


Iranian woman becomes 1st female winner of ‘math Nobel’ :lol: :lol: :D :)

Iranian scientist Maryam Mirzakhani has become the first-ever woman to receive the prestigious Fields Medal, often described as the "Nobel Prize in Mathematics."

' The more I spent time on maths, the more excited I got '

From Sharif University, Tehran
Mirzakhani got her bachelor's degree from Sharif University of Technology in 1999. After that she began her doctorate work at Harvard University under the guidance of another Fields medalist, Curt McMullen.

In 2008, she became a professor of mathematics at Stanford, where she lives with her husband and three-year-old daughter.
Her thesis showed how to compute the Weil-Petersson volumes of moduli spaces of bordered Riemann surfaces. Her research interests include Teichmüller theory, hyperbolic geometry, ergodic theory, and symplectic geometry. She is currently professor of mathematics at Stanford University, and predominantly works on geometric structures on surfaces and their deformations.

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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by Torchwood »

She is not only the first woman ever to win the Fields medal, also the first person from the Middle East. Congratulations to her.

But, as a good Iranian woman, Azari, shouldn't she be at home wrapped in a bedsheet having babies, rather than doing all this stuff which is for men? She is even married to an infidel :mrgreen:
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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Torchwood wrote:.

She is not only the first woman ever to win the Fields medal, also the first person from the Middle East. Congratulations to her.


Have known many mathematicians, very few pleasant people, rather weird .. she, very pleasant, down to earth, "Normal" AND smart girl, from middle class Muslim background

Torchwood wrote:.

But, as a good Iranian woman, Azari, shouldn't she be at home wrapped in a bedsheet having babies, rather than doing all this stuff which is for men? She is even married to an infidel :mrgreen:


Iranian woman, since 5000 yrs, were never wrapped in a bedsheets caring babies, they backbone of Iranian society, culture and civilization

In fact, since mad mullahs took over, woman ARE the fearless combatants fighting the Ayatollahs, most jailed Human Right lawyers etc are woman .. Iranian woman, now, are much more advanced, emancipated than Shah's time .. right now, nobody can confront Iranian woman, least the Ayatollahs .. Efforts by the mad mullahs to suppress the woman has lead to explosive reaction for emaciation and advances in all domain for woman in Iran .. most medical doctors and specialist are now woman, majority in most faculty in university are woman, so that government had to introduce "affirmation action" for men in universities, many scientist (and technocrats) now woman

As now countries like Iran becoming 100% literate and building top notch universities, there will be many more "Prof Maryam Mirzakhani" to come .. I remember, in ATOL fora, Pasta & Ellen were boasting about all those Jewish Nobel winners, I mentioned to them things now gonno change as Middle East and China and others kickin in ... -Minds.htm

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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by Torchwood »

Good post Azari, only trying to wind you up.

The fight against Muslim fundamentalism in the UK is being led by a feisty Iranian woman

The only downside is that she is an idealistic Communist, but these days that is rather quaint and naive and far less threatening than fundamentalist religion , thirty years ago it was the reverse. Sadly it seems that when people leave a totalitarian faith they often drift into another; the (ex-Catholic) French love affair with Marxism is another example, Fascism was strongest in Catholic Europe. Liberal secularism is not unique to Protestant cultures, but it does seem to thrive best there.
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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

Torchwood wrote:Good post Azari, only trying to wind you up.

The fight against Muslim fundamentalism in the UK is being led by a feisty Iranian woman

The only downside is that she is an idealistic Communist, but these days that is rather quaint and naive and far less threatening than fundamentalist religion , thirty years ago it was the reverse. Sadly it seems that when people leave a totalitarian faith they often drift into another; the (ex-Catholic) French love affair with Marxism is another example, Fascism was strongest in Catholic Europe. Liberal secularism is not unique to Protestant cultures, but it does seem to thrive best there.

Any IRANIAN woman (and man) so called opposition figure or human right advocate OUTSIDE Iran just waste of time .. either they selling books, or working for "authorities" undermining Iranian ex-patriots etc, all rubish

The real "tigers" are within Iran, the real war between "male chauvinism" and woman right is fought fiercely within Iran ... 66&bih=649

Only force who could brake the mad mullahs would be the Iranian woman

But, this has it's own pitfall too .. many Iranian bachelors do not dare to marry Iranian girls, very difficult to control :lol: .. worst are "fresh off the boat", ones just arrived from Iran :lol:

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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by HAL 10000 »

Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Torchwood wrote:.

Iranian woman, since 5000 yrs, were never wrapped in a bedsheets caring babies, they backbone of Iranian society, culture and civilization

In fact, since mad mullahs took over, woman ARE the fearless combatants fighting the Ayatollahs, most jailed Human Right lawyers etc are woman .. Iranian woman, now, are much more advanced, emancipated than Shah's time .. right now, nobody can confront Iranian woman, least the Ayatollahs .. Efforts by the mad mullahs to suppress the woman has lead to explosive reaction for emaciation and advances in all domain for woman in Iran .. most medical doctors and specialist are now woman, majority in most faculty in university are woman, so that government had to introduce "affirmation action" for men in universities, many scientist (and technocrats) now woman

As now countries like Iran becoming 100% literate and building top notch universities, there will be many more "Prof Maryam Mirzakhani" to come .. I remember, in ATOL fora, Pasta & Ellen were boasting about all those Jewish Nobel winners, I mentioned to them things now gonno change as Middle East and China and others kickin in ... -Minds.htm



On this occasion, it is worth noting that

1) Only secular countries (mostly western secular countries to be exact) have the policy of allowing and even encouraging the immigration of large number of people who are not members of the mainstream religion, i.e. they allow non-Christian immigration without any restriction. This is why the Iranian mathematician was invited to the top American universities both as a student on full scholarship, and later as a full professor as an equal to the rest of Americans. As long as the religious government is in power in Iran, very few Christians would not be allowed to ascend to important positions in Iranian universities. Ahmedinejad said that he wanted to eradicate Christianity in Iran and he cracked down on those who convert to Christianity.

2) On the other hand, no country with a Muslim majority (with the exception of Azerbaijan that has a secular government) accepts a significant number of non-Muslim immigrants.

3) If I remember correctly, the Iranian mathematician at Stanford, married a Christian gentleman of European ancestry, and although I don't know them personally, I assume the she probably did not ask him to convert to Islam in order to marry her. On the other hand, in Iran such a mixed marriage would have been much more difficult because Islam does not allow it if it is applied to regular life.

4) I don't think this Iranian mathematician at Stanford would be against the existence of Israel. In fact, if Iranian women were allowed to ascend to important positions at the political level in Iran, then Iran would actually change its anti-Israel posture and actually recognize Israel's right to exist.
The name HAL is derived from "Heuristically Programmed ALgorithmic Computer." HAL 10000 is the new generation computer destined to become the successor to HAL 9000, as suggested in Arthur C. Clarke's book.
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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

HAL 10000 wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote:
Torchwood wrote:.

Iranian woman, since 5000 yrs, were never wrapped in a bedsheets caring babies, they backbone of Iranian society, culture and civilization

In fact, since mad mullahs took over, woman ARE the fearless combatants fighting the Ayatollahs, most jailed Human Right lawyers etc are woman .. Iranian woman, now, are much more advanced, emancipated than Shah's time .. right now, nobody can confront Iranian woman, least the Ayatollahs .. Efforts by the mad mullahs to suppress the woman has lead to explosive reaction for emaciation and advances in all domain for woman in Iran .. most medical doctors and specialist are now woman, majority in most faculty in university are woman, so that government had to introduce "affirmation action" for men in universities, many scientist (and technocrats) now woman

As now countries like Iran becoming 100% literate and building top notch universities, there will be many more "Prof Maryam Mirzakhani" to come .. I remember, in ATOL fora, Pasta & Ellen were boasting about all those Jewish Nobel winners, I mentioned to them things now gonno change as Middle East and China and others kickin in ... -Minds.htm



On this occasion, it is worth noting that

1) Only secular countries (mostly western secular countries to be exact) have the policy of allowing and even encouraging the immigration of large number of people who are not members of the mainstream religion, i.e. they allow non-Christian immigration without any restriction. This is why the Iranian mathematician was invited to the top American universities both as a student on full scholarship, and later as a full professor as an equal to the rest of Americans. As long as the religious government is in power in Iran, very few Christians would not be allowed to ascend to important positions in Iranian universities. Ahmedinejad said that he wanted to eradicate Christianity in Iran and he cracked down on those who convert to Christianity.

2) On the other hand, no country with a Muslim majority (with the exception of Azerbaijan that has a secular government) accepts a significant number of non-Muslim immigrants.

3) If I remember correctly, the Iranian mathematician at Stanford, married a Christian gentleman of European ancestry, and although I don't know them personally, I assume the she probably did not ask him to convert to Islam in order to marry her. On the other hand, in Iran such a mixed marriage would have been much more difficult because Islam does not allow it if it is applied to regular life.

4) I don't think this Iranian mathematician at Stanford would be against the existence of Israel. In fact, if Iranian women were allowed to ascend to important positions at the political level in Iran, then Iran would actually change its anti-Israel posture and actually recognize Israel's right to exist.


HAL 10000, do you want I post here the "separation Vail" separating Woman and man next to "The Wailing Wall", or you want I post Jewish man "spitting" on Jewish woman calling them whores and unclean when approaching the The Wailing Wall or you want I post Jews attacking and beating and spitting on Christians in Jerusalem, forget those criminal Zionist attacking Muslims.

Iran prides itself for tolerance last 5000 yrs, feeding and housing and taking care of millions of "Hebrew tribe", and what was the "Thank You" from Hebrew tribe to Persian nation ? ? PURIM , killing nearly half a million within Persian empire .. and now attacking Iran in all front only because Iran says Palestinians should have a referendum to decide Palestine's future

Re Israel, Iran has no effect regarding Israel's future .. Israel's future lies in their own hand, deciding which way to go .. Iran only gives good advice .. and .. Iranians advice is, Zionist way leads to disaster .. Israel's "mortal" enemy is not Iran, not even Arabs or Palestinians but "Natanyahoo/Shamir/Begin/Shamir and war criminals of that sort

Re Professor Maryam Mirzakhani and non-christian immigration and full scholarship and other rubbish, this has nothing to do with immigration or scholarship or Christianity .. this has to do with quality of Iranian universities, high quality of Iranian education and literacy, level of woman emancipation in Iran and coming Nobel prices that Middle Eastern and Chinese will win and high level science in Middle east and and (where did Einstein and Teller and Pauli study ? ? in German universities (zero tuition) with German Professors, they did not get where they got being in "Jewish school excelling in wisdom of "Talmud Tanakh" :lol:) .. re marrying a non Iranian man, Iranian man and woman marry many westerners, many Germans and French and Swiss and and, no problemo whether Christian or Atheist or whatever (that is the Iranian way, no prejudice and tolerance), we marry all ethnics and love it

HAL 10000, you were present in ATOL when Pasta & Ellen were boasting with numbers of Jewish Nobel Price winners, even posting a uTube clip saying "Goys" idiots, and when I said in the future Nobel price winners will be Iranian and Chinese and India, they ridiculed AzariLoveIran .. well, now happening .. Iranian scientist are head of many faculties in Stanford and MIT and Caltec .. NASA is run by Iranian scientist .. and .. they not spies like Israeli that steal American secrets and sell to Chinese, G_d help us when that redneck had it

In two to three generations, Iran will be China-II, and than go figure, highly unlikely present Israel would still be around

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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by HAL 10000 »

Heracleum Persicum wrote: Re Professor Maryam Mirzakhani and non-christian immigration and full scholarship and other rubbish, this has nothing to do with immigration or scholarship or Christianity .. this has to do with quality of Iranian universities, high quality of Iranian education and literacy, level of woman emancipation in Iran and coming Nobel prices that Middle Eastern and Chinese will win and high level science in Middle east and and (where did Einstein and Teller and Pauli study ? ? in German universities (zero tuition) with German Professors, they did not get where they got being in "Jewish school excelling in wisdom of "Talmud Tanakh" :lol:) .. re marrying a non Iranian man, Iranian man and woman marry many westerners, many Germans and French and Swiss and and, no problemo whether Christian or Atheist or whatever (that is the Iranian way, no prejudice and tolerance), we marry all ethnics and love it

In two to three generations, Iran will be China-II, and than go figure, highly unlikely present Israel would still be around

Again, with your characteristic dishonesty and bigotry, you are diverting attention from what I said about Iran and all countries that have religious Muslim governments: they do NOT give equality to non-Muslims, and they do NOT allow significant non-Muslim immigration. You are diverging attention from what I said about scholarship: I ONLY said that the US institutions GAVE the scholarship to a Muslim Iranian and accepted her as an immigrant as an equal to all Americans, even though she is from a country that is in a state of low intensity war with the US. I did NOT say the Iranians themselves discriminate against foreigners inside the US or Europe, but once inside Iran, the government would never accept Christian immigrants.

And then, on one hand you say that Iran is not agains Israel, and on the other hand, you keep talking about Israel's end in a few generations in your posts. And you even mixed the Jews with the Iranian mathematician who got the Fields Medal at the beginning of the thread. And you said that "although Jews got Nobel prizes in the past this will change in the future when Middle East and China upgrade their universities further. " As if it makes any difference to the Jews. You characteristically see everything through the lens of your jealousy as if the world is a zero-sum game. I pity you. You are wasting all your life thinking about what others have always in comparison with yourself.

As usual, because of your racism, you also insinuate that the Israeli mathematician Lindenstrauss who got the Fields Medal in 2010 does not count as a Middle Eastern even though he was born in Israel, because he is of Ashkenazic ancestry. In any case, as a Middle Eastern, he also received the same prize in 2010. The Fields Medal is given every 4 years, although it is given to several people every 4 years.

And I was not the one bragging about Jewish Fields medalists or Nobel laureates.
The name HAL is derived from "Heuristically Programmed ALgorithmic Computer." HAL 10000 is the new generation computer destined to become the successor to HAL 9000, as suggested in Arthur C. Clarke's book.
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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by Typhoon »

There is no national science, just as there is no national multiplication table; what is national is no longer science.

― Anton Chekhov
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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

HAL 10000 wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Re Professor Maryam Mirzakhani and non-christian immigration and full scholarship and other rubbish, this has nothing to do with immigration or scholarship or Christianity .. this has to do with quality of Iranian universities, high quality of Iranian education and literacy, level of woman emancipation in Iran and coming Nobel prices that Middle Eastern and Chinese will win and high level science in Middle east and and (where did Einstein and Teller and Pauli study ? ? in German universities (zero tuition) with German Professors, they did not get where they got being in "Jewish school excelling in wisdom of "Talmud Tanakh" :lol:) .. re marrying a non Iranian man, Iranian man and woman marry many westerners, many Germans and French and Swiss and and, no problemo whether Christian or Atheist or whatever (that is the Iranian way, no prejudice and tolerance), we marry all ethnics and love it

In two to three generations, Iran will be China-II, and than go figure, highly unlikely present Israel would still be around

Again, with your characteristic dishonesty and bigotry, you are diverting attention from what I said about Iran and all countries that have religious Muslim governments: they do NOT give equality to non-Muslims, and they do NOT allow significant non-Muslim immigration. You are diverging attention from what I said about scholarship: I ONLY said that the US institutions GAVE the scholarship to a Muslim Iranian and accepted her as an immigrant as an equal to all Americans, even though she is from a country that is in a state of low intensity war with the US. I did NOT say the Iranians themselves discriminate against foreigners inside the US or Europe, but once inside Iran, the government would never accept Christian immigrants.

And then, on one hand you say that Iran is not agains Israel, and on the other hand, you keep talking about Israel's end in a few generations in your posts. And you even mixed the Jews with the Iranian mathematician who got the Fields Medal at the beginning of the thread. And you said that "although Jews got Nobel prizes in the past this will change in the future when Middle East and China upgrade their universities further. " As if it makes any difference to the Jews. You characteristically see everything through the lens of your jealousy as if the world is a zero-sum game. I pity you. You are wasting all your life thinking about what others have always in comparison with yourself.

As usual, because of your racism, you also insinuate that the Israeli mathematician Lindenstrauss who got the Fields Medal in 2010 does not count as a Middle Eastern even though he was born in Israel, because he is of Ashkenazic ancestry. In any case, as a Middle Eastern, he also received the same prize in 2010. The Fields Medal is given every 4 years, although it is given to several people every 4 years.

And I was not the one bragging about Jewish Fields medalists or Nobel laureates.

Administration :

HAL 10000 started using combative Personal attack against Azari to derail factual debate .. I am petitioning to BAN him for 30 day B4 things degenerate and pull this fora to a lower level of discussion .. a warning not good enough, a 30 day ban more appropriate

See highlighted with Red

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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by Heracleum Persicum »

HAL 10000 wrote:
Heracleum Persicum wrote: Re Professor Maryam Mirzakhani and non-christian immigration and full scholarship and other rubbish, this has nothing to do with immigration or scholarship or Christianity .. this has to do with quality of Iranian universities, high quality of Iranian education and literacy, level of woman emancipation in Iran and coming Nobel prices that Middle Eastern and Chinese will win and high level science in Middle east and and (where did Einstein and Teller and Pauli study ? ? in German universities (zero tuition) with German Professors, they did not get where they got being in "Jewish school excelling in wisdom of "Talmud Tanakh" :lol:) .. re marrying a non Iranian man, Iranian man and woman marry many westerners, many Germans and French and Swiss and and, no problemo whether Christian or Atheist or whatever (that is the Iranian way, no prejudice and tolerance), we marry all ethnics and love it

In two to three generations, Iran will be China-II, and than go figure, highly unlikely present Israel would still be around

Again, with your characteristic dishonesty and bigotry, you are diverting attention from what I said about Iran and all countries that have religious Muslim governments: they do NOT give equality to non-Muslims, and they do NOT allow significant non-Muslim immigration.


What you call "Muslim countries", non are immigration countries .. nobody "immigrates" to Iran or India or Saudi Arabia or to Turkey or Bangladesh or Indonesia or Egypt (pretty much sure non of naturalization laws) .. matter of fact, nobody can immigrate to Iran, you become Iranian either by being born in Iran or father must be Iranian, otherwise ZERO possibility to become Iranian by any means let alone immigration, Iranian woman married to non Iranian, if child no born in Iran, children are non Iranian .. probably same in all other countries you call "Muslim countries".


you absolutely wrong re no opportunity in Muslim countries for non Muslims in eduction .. matter of fact, many famous Iranian architects and doctors and and were Armenian or Assyrian Christians, many university professors were and are christian, ZERO discrimination, in fact contrary .. and, it will astonish you, many Iranian university professors in Iran BAHAI, everybody knows them and no problem as long as everybody follows same Iranian laws since 100+ yrs.

HAL 10000 wrote:.

You are diverging attention from what I said about scholarship: I ONLY said that the US institutions GAVE the scholarship to a Muslim Iranian and accepted her as an immigrant as an equal to all Americans, even though she is from a country that is in a state of low intensity war with the US. I did NOT say the Iranians themselves discriminate against foreigners inside the US or Europe, but once inside Iran, the government would never accept Christian immigrants.


Iran is not in any kind of war with US or Israel or with anybody else .. did Iran kill anybodies scientists ? ? did Iran send computer viruses to anybodies scientific institutions and other grids ? ? did Iran send special forces to put bombs in places ? ? did Iran say any country can not export it's product (oil) and not use the financial system ?

As said, in Iran, no such thing as IMMIGRANT .. you can be a Israeli citizen and Atheist but if you born in Iran or married to an Iranian man you Iranian .. you can be Mufti of Jeddah but not born in Iran and you have no chance of becoming Iranian .. and .. were Hebrew tribe Jews not flourishing and "controlling" business in Baghdad for centuries ? ? same in Damascus or Cairo ? ?

HAL 10000 wrote:.

And then, on one hand you say that Iran is not against Israel, and on the other hand, you keep talking about Israel's end in a few generations in your posts.


Have said many times, on the record, "Present form" of Israel will not last .. Apartheid Zionism

Have also said, Iranians are sympathetic to the fact that Ashkenazim had all those ordeals by the hands of European Christians and deserve a safe and peaceful home, said this many times .. issue only is how to get there .. have said also, Iran can be helpful

And, HAL 10000, In ATOL, I gave a "blue print" for road Israel should take to get to that secure and peaceful home for the Jews (as you say)

Heart of what I said was, I think that is what makes or brakes this issue, is, ISRAEL must become "One of us", versus "one of them" .. meaning Israel must become one of "Middle Easter community" .. Notion, Israel be base of western colonialism, a forward base, weapon depot, for the western colonials in mid of Middle East, it would make Israel an enemy no matter what .. if this is accepted by Ashkenazim Israel, if so, Israel should put aside antagonism with Iran, approach Iran in good faith and ask for Iranian mediation .. if so, Iran will make sure I Israel still there in 1000 yrs, don't 4get Israel's golden age was as Iranian Satrapy :)
HAL 10000 wrote:.

And you even mixed the Jews with the Iranian mathematician who got the Fields Medal at the beginning of the thread. And you said that "although Jews got Nobel prizes in the past this will change in the future when Middle East and China upgrade their universities further. " As if it makes any difference to the Jews. You characteristically see everything through the lens of your jealousy as if the world is a zero-sum game. I pity you. You are wasting all your life thinking about what others have always in comparison with yourself.

HAL 1000, you being unfair .. as said, AzariLoveIran minded his own business until those vicious Zionist, Spengler & Ellen & Pasta were attacking our beloved Iran .. did I call Israeli woman Whores ? ? I just countered re "Nobel Price" when Pasta was boasting with Jewish Nobel price winners and implying Goys idi*ots .. Iran was AND IS systematically put down by ZIONIST is America and worldwide .. not Iran Jealous of Israel (Israel a non issue for Iran) but seems Israel jalousie of Iran, any achievement of Iran is blocked, belittled by Zionist
HAL 10000 wrote:.
As usual, because of your racism, you also insinuate that the Israeli mathematician Lindenstrauss who got the Fields Medal in 2010 does not count as a Middle Eastern even though he was born in Israel, because he is of Ashkenazic ancestry. In any case, as a Middle Eastern, he also received the same prize in 2010. The Fields Medal is given every 4 years, although it is given to several people every 4 years.

And I was not the one bragging about Jewish Fields medalists or Nobel laureates.
Ashkenazim, BY DEFINITION, are not Middle Eastern people, they themselves say so .. in that sense, Herr Lindenstrauss no Middle Eastern, his name indicate he must be "ethnic" German .. Stanley Fischer, Israel central bank chief & Federal Reserve Board of Governors, born in Mazabuka, Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia), he an African ?

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Re: Fields Medal | "Nobel Prize in Mathematics"

Post by Typhoon »

Maryam Mirzakhani is a mathematician of Iranian descent who lives and works in the US.

I don't think that anyone here is privy to her views on the Muddled East and, whatever her views, they are irrelevant to her work and achievements in mathematics.
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Re: Conspiracy Theories and other Looney Tunes

Post by Parodite »


Deep down I'm very superficial
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